You are my Sunshine

By imposslblegirl

1.8K 84 23

Josh and Elizabeth were together for eight years. They were the perfect couple, everyone knew one day they wo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Seven

84 5 0
By imposslblegirl

*Elizabeth's point of view*

What have I gotten myself into?

 I had never had animals growing up, and I liked dogs when my friends owned them and sent me cute pictures of them wearing goofy hats and stuff, but I had never taken care of one.

After the band left for their last 3 shows, I sat in Josh's apartment, alone. Not exactly alone, with his insane dog to keep me company, but it felt so lonely after hanging out with actual people for a few days.

For the past couple of days, I had been sleeping at Josh's house, taking care of Bennie and the cats I never saw, but somehow their food kept disappearing. Bennie, on the other hand, was always in my face.

I went to work each day, and the moment I got home I was running around with her. I took her on 3 walks a day, at least. It was like Josh never took her out for exercise. She also ate her weight in kibble. What do you know, like owner like dog.

The day before the guys got back from tour, I started getting another migraine while out walking Bennie. Quickly I walked back to Josh's apartment, desperate for a Tylenol. I took the stairs up, not wanting to waste any time waiting for the elevator.  When I reached the apartment, I walked down the hallway to the en suite bathroom in Josh's bedroom I had been using. When I reached the bathroom, I reached for my makeup bag where I had put a bottle of Tylenol back at my hotel. I unscrewed the lid and.... nothing. The bottle was empty. Shit. I considered running down to the drug store a couple blocks away when the pain hit me, bad.

All I could do was lie down in bed, and hope the pain would go away. Eventually, I'm pretty sure I just blacked out.

*Josh's point of view*

"I think that was the best tour yet", Matt said as we pulled on to our street. We had parted with Mike and Ian at the airport and were going to meet up at our place for dinner later.

"Ya, it was pretty awesome", I muttered back, not really focusing on the conversation. I sent Ellie a text, and called her when we landed, but I never got a reply. I was kind of concerned.

"Hey, Josh! Do you listen to anything anyone says"?

I glanced over to see Matt staring at me, waiting for me to reply.

"Sorry. What were you talking about"?

"I said, I wanted to tell you I'm most likely going to be moving out in the next couple of weeks".

I looked over at him, eyebrows arched. "Are you moving in with Jamie"?

He smirked a bit, trying to hide it.

"So you're finally admitting you guys are in love"?

He turned to look out his window, trying to hide his blush.

"C'mon, admit it"! I shouted as I shook his arm.

"Jesus, Josh; I'm trying to drive. Yes, I'll admit, I love her", he said blushing. "And I'm thinking of proposing soon. But don't say anything! Not to Mike, not to Jamie, and especially not to Ellie cause she'll tell Jamie".

I laughed, "what about Ian"? I asked.

"He's the one that's gonna come shopping for a ring with me".

I gasped; "I am hurt, Matthew Webb. Why is he invited and not me"?

"Because he doesn't tell Elizabeth I'm a cross dresser"!

"Oh, you heard about that"? I was trying my hardest not to laugh.

"You're not the only one she skypes".

"Maybe if you locked your bedroom door.."


When we reached the apartment building, I grabbed my duffel bag out of the backseat and took the elavator upstairs, Matt talking on the phone the whole way up. I practically ran towards the front door, frantically searching for my key. I burst into the apartment, throwing my duffel bag on the ground. There was no one in the living room or kitchen, so I started to worry.

I opened my bedroom door and automatically noticed Bennie, or more the person under the covers Bennie was laying on. Tux was also laying beside her head on the pillow. Ellie seemed to be sleeping, but she didn't look very good.

"Ellie? Are you awake"?

She opened her eyes slightly as i shook her shoulder.

"Do you need a Tylenol or something"? I asked.

She nodded, closing her eyes again.

Attempting to shoo Bennie away, I dug through my bag finding the Tylenol I had packed just in case.


After Elizabeth took the Tylenol, she feel back asleep. I laid down in bed beside her, not wanting to leave just in case she woke up and needed me.

About an hour later she finally woke up, grunting as she tried to sit up.

"Bennie, get out of here"! I said, waving my hand at Bennie, who was still laying across Ellie's legs. But of course, she did nothing but stretch up to Ellie's face, giving her a lick on her neck.

"I'm surprised she's not dead". Ellie mumbled, scratching Bennie's head.


She turned to me, yawning. "I've been in bed since yesterday, I haven't fed Bennie in 24 hours. Then again I've probably been over feeding her".

I laughed, turning more to face her. "Are you feeling ok"?

She nodded; "Much. It was just a headache. I'm fine now".

I frowned; "Aren't headaches a side effect of brain tumors"?

She sighed, pushing Bennie off her legs and standing up. "I'm fine, Josh. Honestly".

I got up and walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her. We stood there for a moment, in scilence, before breaking apart.

"I should probably get back to the hotel, I have to pack and get out of the hotel".

She started grabbing her things, slowly packing up the clothes she had brought for the nights she sayed over.

"Where are you headed to tomorrow"?

She cleared her throat, zipping up her bag. "I honestly don't know. I'm going to Devon and Michelle's for dinner and then.. I don't have the slightest idea".

"Stay with me" I said.

She looked at me, eyes wide. Why would I say something like that? That is not something you just blurt out. Good going, good job.

"You want me to stay with you"? she whispered.

"Of course I want you to stay, Ellie. I love you. There's no place I'd rather you be than here".

She smiled, before walking slowly over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I looked at her, smiling at me. And then she kissed me.

It was the literally the most perfect kiss I will ever experience. I realized how much I missed her, everything about her, in that moment. I realized it was meant to be for us, and that I was never letting her go.

du du du du dudududududududu I am so very tired and I have school in like an hour and I don't even know half the stuff I wrote so it probably makes no sense and if anyone read my not an update I didn't end up going to bed. Because I just don't know why. So I had a Scream marathon and laughed like some creepy killer and woke my step dad up. And now here I am and I cant stop typing and I'm so tired you should probably just stop reading.



other stuff


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