100 Pet-Hates on Wattpad

By AccountDeactivated

1.8K 127 139

I am fully aware of the fact that alot of people may not agree with any statements that I have made, but do... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Part 1

803 47 49
By AccountDeactivated

 1. Fearless characters. 

Example: Your character can walk through a group of zombies whose mouths are foaming with a rabid case of rabies and not even think twice about cutting all their heads of with one clean swipe of your machete that you fearlessly stole from slave trading pirates.

Your character is NOT believable at all. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger would be slightly worried about the fact that everyone is a rabies-infested zombie. Everyone is afraid of something, even if it is completely minor to the plot of the story. 

2. Bad-ass female characters. 

Example: Your character walks into some place and everyone around her bows down to the fact that she can kick ass even though she is 5"5 tall and only a size 8.

This is so overused for no apparent reason. If your character is incredibly bad-ass because of radioactive spiders, or kryptonite, then sure. But a thing I'm sick of seeing on Wattpad is the overuse of the 'Bad Girl' stereotype. Especially in the case of such novels where the said girl gets herself kicked out of five different schools for being so hardcore and moves to a new school to mess shit up.

No. Just stop. Please.

Do yourself a favour and think of an original character who has trained hard to get to where she is at, and stop putting sassy sluts into combat boots. 

3. Perfect characters.

Example: Your character has curves in all the right places, perfect golden curls, is a size 8, is extremely popular and good at everything.

 What really grinds my gears is when an author spends a lengthy paragraph detailing how perfect their leading female is as she stands in front of the mirror and also comments on how perfect she is. Secondly, when a character is good at everything really runs me up the wall. Everyone has a weakness, and for your story to be even the tiniest bit credible, YOU NEED TO HAVE THIS SHOWN. I do not want to spend the first chapter of a book learning about how a 'perfect' life should be. No, just no.

4. People that ask for an X amount of votes before they will post again

Example: OMG guise mah storeh totez shld get mor votezzz! wont b updating til i get 1000 votez on dis chaptah!!!!

No. Your story isn't getting votes because you are an illiterate waste of oxygen. If your story isn't worth the votes you aren't receiving, then leave it at that. If you really enjoyed writing, you'd post anyway. WHEN DID WATTPAD BECOME ALL ABOUT VOTES?;ahgkdsgj

5. People who insert their own opinions into the middle of the paragraph

Example: Jack leaned closer to Kate. (OMG IS HE GOING TO KISS HER?) He brushed her hair out of her face. (AWW SAH CUTE).

If you were actually a decent writer, you would be able to portray what was happening without being an annoying pain in the ass. 

6. Justin Bieber making you his one less lonely girl.

Example: I was just standing in my kitchen cooking some breakfast and then a wild Justin Beiber appeared! OMG! (Insert annoying fangirl here). He came up to me and told me he had always loved me even though he'd never met me and i should probably be really freakin' creeped out by the fact that he even knows where I live but now I'm his one less lonely girl. YAY OMG

Not only is this corny, but it is actually the scariest thing. PLease really think this through. Justin beiber appearing on your doorstep and claiming he loves you? I dunno about you, but I would be calling the cops and getting him put in a home. Not only that, but this has been overdone so many times. All you fangirls who think this is cute should probably be put in a home too.

THIS IS NOT CUTE. The first story was bad enough, let alone the other million + that are taking up valuable what's hot space.

7. The childhood best friend cliche

Example: Dan and Steph had been best friends ever since birth and they grew up together and now Dan likes Steph and Steph likes Dan but neither can tell each other blah blah blah.

This may have been cute the first few times it had been done, but after the next few hundred, i think it is time to put this cliche to rest in a dormant volcano until the end of the world when a new era of cliches will erupt. 

8. The terribly written, cliched stories that are getting 9 million + reads.

I don't want to sound like a sour grape because my stories don't get near as many reads as that, but I really hate the fact that cliched garbage has made its way to the most read stories on this site. Even the undiscovered gems section of Wattpad is becoming full of rewritten versions of the same cliches. I refuse to read most of these. I'd rather waste my time and energy on stories that are completely original, well written with barely any reads. For me, it is incredibly exciting to find a story that isn't a 1D fanfic, or something to do with a overused cliche.

9. Stories about falling in love with your kidnapper/ your kidnapper being one direction

Example: I was walking along the street then all of a sudden a white van pulled up beside me and i was pulled in. I wasn't scared at all though because my kidnapper is really hot and i fell in love with him/ my kidnappers were one direction. OMG!

Not only is this incredibly unlikely, but it is also weird. Why exactly would One Direction be wasting their time on an insignificant girl? And aren't kidnappers meant to be scary, with moustaches, who stalk you daily and make a creepy ass cubby house in an empty cornfield?

10. People who can't spell.

Example: 1 day i waz walkin dwn da street nd omg 1 direcshun was der nd dey kidnaped meh! omg but i ddnt care bcuz dey r so hawttttt!!!!!!11!!!!

I think this one is pretty self explanatory. 

Author Note: I am fully aware of the fact that alot of people may not agree with any statements that I have made, but do feel free to write any quibbles you have in the comments section or send me a message. If you agree you're welcome to vote, comment, fan, or dance naked to your hearts content. I would love for anyone to comment what really grinds their gears for me to add to this contradictory piece of useless literature. Stay Classy, xo

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