Beside You

By brxxxs

143K 4.1K 162

Twenty-three year old, Amber Liu living with her own rules. While her parents live in LA, United States. Ever... More

Thirty-one (Last)


4.8K 133 2
By brxxxs

They are like my sisters. If Jessica unnie isn't with me. They all take care of me. They stayed in a big house together. They shared money and bought a house.

Krystal POV

"Annyeong," I waved at them. They all stand up and hug me. I turn my head and saw Amber still standing at the door awkwardly. I pull her hand and introduce her to them.

"This is my friend Amber, she is staying over tonight. " she just bowed and smile at them as they wave at her.

"Friend?" Hyeyeon unnie winked at me.

"Yes unnie my friend," her question caused me to roll my eyes at her. She love to disturb me.

"Come sit here, both of you." Taeyeon unnie called us to sit with her. I pull Amber's hand and led her to the couch.

"How have you been kiddo?" Tiffany said as she face me.

"Great unnie. I missed all of you," I pouted. Taeyeon unnie than pat my head.

"We are here now Soojung ah. By the way, Is Amber your new friend? She's unfamiliar." She look at both of us as she said that.

"Amber saved me and... We became friends," I glance at Amber she was just smiling like a kid. I rub her thighs to calm her down, she must be nervous.

"What happened Soojung?" They all raise thier eyebrows as Sooyoung unnie asked me that question.

"Long story unnie," I tried to avoid their question. I don't want to remember that night. Yes, it's quite special because I met Amber but that night suck a lot. They all were having their own conversation among themselves. Sunny moved, she was sitting beside Sooyoung unnie on the floor but now she is beside Amber. I was too focused on the TV till I didn't even realise she moved.

I glanced at them. I frowned as I saw Sunny unnie giggling with Amber. Amber was sitting straight, she is uncomfortable I think. I didn't know why but I suddenly felt angry when Sunny unnie pat her thighs.

What is she even doing? Can't she see Amber is uncomfortable?

Taeyeon POV

Krystal was starring at Sunny and Amber who were talking beside her. She paid full attention to the TV before Sunny sat beside Amber. Now she is paying attention on them.

Is she jealous? She likes Amber?

It's obvious now I think. I glanced on the other side, Yoona was starring at them too. She had a disgusted look on her face. I can't help but chuckled. I have to do something. I pulled Krystal hand and led her to the kitchen. I can see by the side of my eye sight, the girls are now looking at me dragging Krys to the kitchen. I pulled her till the balcony.

"Yes unnie? Anything to say?" She looked annoyed. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"You're jealous aren't you?" She just look down and avoid my eye.

"You like Amber?" She was surprised at my question.

"Unnie, can I go to my room? I'm tired." She weakly said.

"If you like someone, make effort Soojung ah. Before someone else do anything." I hold her hand. She have to do something. I can't stand looking at her gloomy.

"Unnie, I planned something. Let's go." She grin as she pulled me to the living room. She let go of my hand and approach Amber and Sunny.

"Ambeerr~~," she called Amber cutely meanwhile she wrapped her arms around Amber's neck from behind and sway it side to side. Sunny face changed, from a smile to a confused frown. I was amazed by her action.

Fast learner.

I can't help but smirk as I heard Yoona trying to hold her laughter and hide her face behind Seohyun. Everybody were smiling and cheering at Krys sudden action.

"You guys are friends, I totally get it now." Hyeyeon teased Krys and Amber again. Krystal climb over the couch from behind and sat real close to Amber, which cause Sunny to distance herself from Amber. She lean back and took out her phone, pretending to be busy.

I sat back beside Tiffany, and glance at her. She saw me look at her, she flashes her eye-smile. I can't help but smile at her 'innocent' look.
Everybody paid back their attention on the TV. Yuri and Jessica are in each others arm. Yoona, Seohyun and Sooyoung were talking among themselves. Tiffany and Sunny are playing their phones. Krystal and Amber are leaning on each other's shoulders. Amber look more comfortable now than before.

Krystal and Amber look kinda cute together.

Amber POV

I was startled by Krystal's action. She was probably jealous of me and Sunny. We are now leaning on each other's shoulder. I put my hands around her shoulder and kept playing with Krystal's hair so Sunny knows 'something' is going on between Krys and me.

I was really uncomfortable when I had conversation with Sunny, she kept touching my thighs. It's not that I don't like her, but she was obviously flirting. And what made me more uncomfortable was, I saw Krystal starring at us. She literally gave Sunny a death glare. Knock knock. Sooyoung unnie went to check the door because she was the nearest to the door.

"The chickens are here," she informed us before opening the door. Krystal sat up straight scared if the delivery man see us sitting so close. She distance herself from me. It kinda hurt. I wrap my left arm over her waist and pull her back, pull her closer to me. Her body was so stiff that she didn't even do anything. I didn't want to look at her reaction, I just looked at the delivery man and Sooyoung who was taking the chickens. He glances at all of us in the living room and left quickly. He must be awkward. I wanted to take my hand away from her waist but then she held my hand and lean on my chest.

I saw a few of the others watch us in action. I can't help but smile at them. Taeyeon unnie even gave me a thumbs up from the side. They all started digging into the food.

"Are you hungry?" Krystal suddenly ask.

"No, why?"

"Let's go up to my room then," she pull my hand.

"We're going to get some rest, have fun unnies!" Krsytal said as I just smile at them. Their reaction was priceless, especially Taeyeon she gave me winks as we walk up the stairs. I just chuckle at their cuteness. We walk into the room, Krystal some how slam the door behind her.

"What did you both talk about?" She ask with her hands on her hips. Still standing near the door.

"Who? Me and Sunny?"

"Yeah." She snapped. She have her cold side, I see.

"Well Sunny told me all their names, and tell me about their attitudes. That's all," she sat on the edge of her bed with her arms folded as she hear me storytelling.

"What's with the touching?" She showed me a disgusted look. I can't help but chuckle at her.

Is she jealous????

"She was just being friendly." I sighed. She is really cold.

"Okay, then what about Taeyeon? What were you both talking about?" I asked. She was quite startled by my question. I let out a small chuckle and sat beside her.

"We were just talking about ourselves." She cover herself.

"Yea, maybe I should do that to Sunny next time I meet her or maybe now to talk about ourselves," I teased. She turn to me and hit my thigh.

"Ouch.... I'm just kidding," I giggle. I look at my watch, 7.30 PM. We spent quite some time with them. Krystal was looking at her phone, not wanting to talk to me.

I move closer to Krystal and face her. I kept poking her arm with my finger. Wanting her attention.

What should I do?

She was still into her phone. I sat on the floor and grin at her. She can't help but look at me because I was in front of her.

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