Of Fame And Fortune

By Audity

490 20 4

"Nathaniel Crawford is currently the richest hottest man alive," Kayla chirped, her manicured nails pointed a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

45 3 2
By Audity

FIY. A lot of buildings and places in this story will be fictional. Don't try finding them on Google, chances are they don't exist!


"What the hell are you doing in my bed?" 

Nathaniel groaned and rolled over. If he ignored her enough, she'll probably stop pestering him and eventually leave. That's what they usually do anyways. He didn't bother to reply and settled back into the sheets. Although he couldn't remember the sex- which most-likely meant that it was less than satisfying- she probably had a sexy body to make up for it. 

"Wait..." So last-night's-conquest finally realized that she wasn't in her own room.

 "Fuck, fuck, shit, crap... Nathaniel Crawford?" She screeched, "What the hell am I doing in your bed?" 

Nathaniel finally decided to roll over and open his eyes. Sitting in front of him in only a black lace bra was the one and only: Anna Verames. Understanding suddenly dawned on him and the memories of last night finally flooded over him. The only reason why he couldn't remember having sex was because he didn't have sex. 

"Did uh, you and I, do...?" Anna stared at him in a confused stupor arms hanging loosely over his gray comforter. 

"Sex?" He squinted at Anna. The open window casted a glow around her bed-head hair and gave her an ethereal-angelic look. He couldn't possibly see her as the type of girl who screwed the guy on the first date. But then again, he didn't know her that well either. 

"Of course we had sex," Nathaniel gave himself a high-five and watched the girl in front of him gape in shock. 

"Wh-what?" Anna couldn't believe it. It wasn't like she was a virgin but she had no memories of sleeping with Nathaniel. All she remembered was getting into her car and telling him directions and....Oh. My. God. "DID YOU RAPE ME?" 

"No, I didn't," Nathaniel said smoothly, watching in thinly veiled humor as Anna tried to think the events of last night over, "I wouldn't go down to that level." 

"But all I remember is falling asleep," She accused and folded her arms over her chest, "What the hell did you do?" 

His eyes wandered unwillingly to Anna's chest before realizing that things were quickly getting out of hand, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. We didn't have sex okay? I would never do anything like that." He stood up and walked to the bathroom in only a pair of Calvin Klein boxers. Anna gulped as her eyes traced over his Adonis belt and along his abs. 

Regaining composure, she hollered, "You're a caveman!" 

"I'm not a caveman at all," He replied, cranking on the AC, "What part of this says 'caveman'?" Suddenly the draft blew against Anna's bare back and she yelped in surprise. 

"Why am I naked? Who undressed me?" Anna fired, wrapping the sheets around her chest until she felt like her dignity was well protected. 

Nathaniel didn't skip a beat, "You're not entirely naked and I did." He pulled on a shirt and some slacks before tossing the girl on his bed one of his t-shirts. 

"That's not helping you in my books," Anna huffed, slightly put off at the man's casual tone. She reluctantly dressed herself in the soft shirt and breathed the subtle scent of his cologne.

Her cheeks burned at the thought that Nathaniel had looked at her so... intimately. The idea that he had seen more of her than what she had seen of him set her on edge. 

The shirt landed a few inches down her thigh and the sleeves softly draped over her shoulders. Her feet padded over the cold floor into the main living area. There was  a kitchen to her right and to her left, a full wall of floor to ceiling windows that gave her a glowing view of the New York skyline. 

"You didn't tell me that she was hot," That was definitely not Nathaniel's voice. He had blue eyes and brown hair with a slight stubble on his chin. He leaned casually over the white couch in a dress shirt with a glass of milk. The scene would look like something taken from a magazine if it wasn't for the milk mustache he currently sported. 

"Who are you?" Anna asked, all too aware of her outfit, or lack thereof. 

"Jonathan Preston at your service!" He did a mock salute and winked. The Jonathan Preston? CEO and head of Preston Corporation? 

"Got milk?" Nathaniel joked, bringing in two plates of omelets, "Stop hitting on my guest." With an embarrassed look on his face, Jonathan wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand. 

"Sit down," Nathaniel said, "I made some breakfast." 

Awkwardly, Anna sat down next to Nathaniel and stared at the breakfast in front of her. It seemed so domestic, it was weird. Nathaniel Crawford made her breakfast. 

"Thank you," She murmured and dug into the confection. Hot, rich and knows how to make a good breakfast. Who could've guessed? 

"Wheres my breakfast?" Jonathan whined, trying to give Nathaniel his best set of puppy eyes, "You're my best friend. I need to be fed too." 

"You already had breakfast," Nathaniel replied, unfazed by Jonathan's begging. He cleaned up his finished plate and set it back into the sink. 

"No I haven't," Jonathan mock pouted. Anna stifled a laugh. It was obvious Jonathan was the more playful of the two. He liked to poke fun at his more serious counterpart and was a bigger flirt. 

Nathaniel rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you didn't have morning sex." 

Anna choked. 

"Who wouldn't? They were Argentinian models! They had boobs the size of Texas and asses-"

"Shut up," Nathaniel said, effectively cutting off his best friend, "I don't need to know about who you did last night. I'm pretty sure that Anna doesn't want to be enlightened either." 

"I'm hungry," Jonathan groaned, "Sex drains so much out of you. You should know." He winked at his best friend. 

"Sorry Jonathan, I'm straight." 

"You're no fun. What about you? Tell me about yourself." Jonathan leaned over the table towards Anna, curiosity reflected in his eyes, "What's your name? Where are you from?" 

"Anna," She couldn't help but smile at Jonathan's childish attitude and energetic tone, "I'm from America." 

"But you look so exotic. I bet there's some mixed blood in you," He said eagerly. 

"I'm hardly exotic," Anna scoffed, "I'm half Chinese. There's more of us than there are of you. If anything, you should be the one that's exotic." 

"She's right," Nathaniel rolled his eyes, slightly proud of Anna's rebuke, "Leave my apartment. I'm pretty sure your P.A. has gotten everything cleaned up." It was no secret that Jonathan Preston's personal assistant was as efficient as they come. She kept Jonathan in check, managed his appointments and made sure that her boss was alive and attending meetings on time. 

"Alright. Alright," Jonathan relented, "It was nice meeting you Anna." With a wink, Jonathan walked out of the apartment and shut the door behind him. 

"Does he usually flirt so much?" Jonathan seemed like the type to have consistent one-night stands and forget girls' names the day after. 

Nathaniel sighed, "It's usually much worse. I would be surprised if he hasn't screwed everyone in New York yet." 

"He's very playful," Anna observed, "and likes to tease you a lot. You need someone like that in your life." 

Nathaniel chose to ignore the second part of her statement, "He's definitely the man-whore out of the three of us." 

That's surprising. Considering your impressive track record. Anna's mind flashed back to the heaps of magazines. "Three of us?" 

"Nikolas Adler. Alder Enterprises? He completes the Adler-Crawford-Preston trio. You've probably heard about it," Nathaniel replied and sat down on the couch. 

The three top companies dominating the economy. It was hard to say which one was wealthier than the others, but one thing was sure - the CEOs earned more than trillions. Drooled and sought after, Nathaniel Crawford, Nikolas Adler and Jonathan Preston were the hottest thing to grace this world since door-to-door pizza delivery. Now cooperating together, they controlled almost 80% of the world. 

"Is this the penthouse?" Anna asked, walking towards the large windows. She pressed her face against the cool glass and drank in every detail of New York. I need to draw this later. Her warm breath fogged up and the glass and she hastily wiped it off with the hem of her t-shirt. 

"Yeah," Nathaniel said, amused at her reaction to the view, "This is the Costa Building." 

"This is such a beautiful view," She gushed, "Imagine how it would look at night? Just turn off all the lights and stare outside. It would be amazing." 

"Haven't you been on top of the Empire State Building? The view is pretty much identical," Nathaniel replied. He didn't think much about the view when he bought the apartment. The Costa Building had the highest security offered in the city and the penthouse apartment was available.

Anna shook her head, "Are you kidding? In here you can see the Empire State Building. And you get to be dry and warm with food and AC. This is better than the Empire State!" She was astounded by how much Nathaniel disregarded what he had. His sheets were soft as silk and the couches looked like custom made from some high-end brand. 

If she had money like this, she could pursue art without fear. She would no longer have to worry about financial aid or where to get the cheapest meal possible. She wouldn't even need to google which were the 'best paints for a bargain price' or coupon clip the hell out of newspapers. It would be like living in a dream.

"You know, you should appreciate things more," Anna quipped, "If you had been an artist. This is literally the live view that people would pay hundreds for." 

"Too bad I'm not an artist," Nathaniel said, a boyish grin lazily spread across his face, "and tell them that my view is priceless." All too sudden, Anna was aware of the simple shirt she had on which still bore hints of Nathaniel's cologne. 

"Well you can't have it," She snapped back, rolling her eyes and harrumphed. For the first time she got to take a good look at the apartment. The entire color scheme was gray, white and black and had a prominent tone of manliness. Everything was impeccably clean and even the white kitchen counter tops gleamed as if they were never used. The ultimate bachelor's pad, she mused. 

Reality slapped her in the face. She would never fit in. She'd have to sell so many art prints to get to where Nathaniel was, much less the desire to buy thousand dollar Armani dresses. What was she thinking? Believing that she would actually belong in a place like this? Everyone was probably laughing at her behind their cute little Prada bags at how she stumbled around, acting like she was one of them. 

"I'd like to go home," Anna winced at how an underlying tone of bitterness showed in her words. All previous emotion had drained from her face. 

What had he done wrong now? Nathaniel groaned. He thought everything was going fine. The fact that the Asian beauty in front of him was enraptured by his apartment view gave him bonus points but everything seemed to go down the drain within seconds. 

He nodded,"Alright. All I need are directions. Your dress is in my room." 

Anna stiffly nodded and walked back into his room to change. 

"Thank you," Anna smiled softly and jogged up the stairs to the apartment building door, "Have a nice day!" She didn't know if she wanted to see him again. 


I tried to write faster this time! I hope you like this :) 

I'm thinking of making another story for Nikolas and one for Jonathan. What do you guys think about that? I won't be starting a new story until I finish with this one. 

Remember to comment and vote! 


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