nerd to badass

By live_ure_life

174K 4.7K 1.4K

Sirena was beginning her journey at crossword high school, it was her first year also Sirena was alway a str... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
About me...

chapter 6

11.6K 361 184
By live_ure_life

Aiden's P.O.V.

i kind of feel bad for sirena i sort of had a small crush on her, at first it shocked me that she liked me

i was going to tell her i liked her back but then i noticed the crowed that had formed around us so being the rude person i am i said a lot of mean things i regret now

"-what is it" the teacher asked i zoned out  did not realize the teacher was talking to me

"what did you say boldly" i asked with a smirk and him with a glare

"detention NOW" his yell shock the whole classroom *note the sarcasm

"ok" and with that i left to detention while thinking to myself i wonder where sirena was so i texted my friend Caleb

To Caleb: have u seen sirena

after a couple of seconds later their was a reply from him

Why do you care? ~caleb

To caleb:I don't care it's just i have not seen her, and it's weird

Ok chill and i have not seen her maybe she went hime because she was not feeling good ~caleb

with that i put my phone in my pocket while making my way to my car fori can go to sirenas house

BTW i know where she lives because i saw her walk in her house one day and she looked sad i wonder why

~~At Sirena's house~~

i saw nothing different so i knocked in her house i waited a few seconds before i heard shuffling from the other side

"Coming" a female voice said, later the door opened and standing in front of me was a woman with red puffy eyes so i guess she was crying but why, wow today i have a lot of questions

"who are you" she asked while looking me up and down

"hello mrs.hill i am aiden from crosswood high school"when i finished instead of the confused face now she had pure hatred

"so you are the famous piece of shit my daughter ran away from"

"what" i asked

"so you don't not know she left just a couple of hours ago because you broke her heart" now i feel like a complete asshole

"i did not know anything" which i truly didn't i thought she was used to it by now

"sure you didn't" she said while rolling her eyes

"where did she go" i asked her

"a place where their are not going to be people like you" she sed it with pure venom in her voice, with that she closed the door in my face

wow i did not know i was still outside until now, so i just went to my house with thought in mind

I hope sirena is ok

~~Sirena's P.O.V.~~

finally i am here after that long time, now it's around 3 in the morning and i walking alone in a unknown place how creepy, i just hope nothing bad happens to me

as in on cue when i turned a corner 4 buff guys were standing there and 2 of them looked drunk oh oh now i am doomed so i did what any girl would do in my case

i turned to a different street, and when i turned around they were following me

"what is a pretty young girl doing at this time outside" one of the drunk guys asked while cocking his head to the side now all of them were surrounding me

"nothing" i stammered

"guys i think we will have some fun tonight" a sobered guy sed while getting really close to me then he started kissing my neck

"stop please i am begging you" i said with tears starting to fall down my eyes

"why should we"then he stopped i thought he stopped but instead the drunk guy that has not spoken came close to my ear and said

"don't cry it will be fun" i could smell the alcohol in his breath, then he started to kiss my neek then my jaw and little by little he was getting close to kiss my mouth

then he was ripped off of me WHAT????

when i opened my eyes i saw blurry so i wiped my eyes

when i finished whipping the tears away what i saw surprised me it was a guy and he was fighting all 4 of them i was impressed

i can tell the drunk ones were out cold so the only ones left were the sober one, he started throwing jab after jab and kick after kick

finally they were all out cold wow that was fast

"are you ok" he asked

"yea" i paused "who are you"

"ok then getting to the point are we and my name is cole" cole what a nice name i thought

"well hello Cole nice to meet you"

"nice to meet you too" he trailed off

"oh my name is sirena" i said

"what a beautiful name for a beautiful lady" he winked at me and i blushed wow no one has ever told me i am beautiful

"so how did u beat the shit out of the buff guys" i asked

"they were not buff and it was easy"

"no really how did you did it" i asked yet again

"when i tell you dont freak out ok"he said with a really serious tone

"ok i won't" i replied

"ok here goes nothing" pause " i am......"

OMFG an other cliff hanger

do you know what he is?

A/N i am so very sorry i have not updated but i will try to update any who vote and comment, please don't be the quite readers i would want to here what you guys think so far of my story

BTW its not edited


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