chapter 2

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~~~~at school~~~~~~

as soon as i got out of the car i saw my friend in the front school doors

"Hey" my BF Amy said more like yelled walking towards me

"Hey, lets go to the office to get our schedule" i told her

And with that her face lit up, Amy does not get bullied as i do because she is very beautiful, i can't even understand why she even hangs out with me

I am 5'5 with brownish hair and black eyes i am do not have a very slim body also i have a well toned skin

As for Amy she is 5'4 with dirty blond hair and black eyes she has a very slim body and a little lighter skin tone than me

after a lot of looking, we found the office the door it had some big bold letters that read OFFICE

"finally we found it" i heard Amy say as he headed inside while i was getting in too

when we enter the door made a 'ring' 'ring' sound first i thought it was my imagination but it was a bell that in the door knob

"Hello, how may i help you" asked an elderly lady with a big smile that kind of creeped me out

"We came here to pick up our schedules" i responded

"What are your names" she asked with a normal face

"Sirena hill and Amy dallas" after i told her our name she handed us our schedules i looked at my schedule and saw

1 period= english


2 period= spanish

3 period= Avid


4 period= world geog

5 period= Gym

"I have English first what about you Amy" i asked her with a curious tone

"I have math" just as she finished her sentence the warning bell rang and me not wanted to be late i said goodbye to my BF Amy

"Well i guess i will see you at brunch" i sed

"bye see you have fun in class" she sed with a bit of sarcasm at the end

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nerd to badassDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora