Striders (Dirk x Reader x Dav...

By TheBlindPotato

115K 2.5K 5.4K

This is what happens when you go yell at the neighbors, You fall in love with them. Oh why does life have to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Final Chapter Choosing
Summer with the Striders
New story update!

Chapter 4

10.5K 274 711
By TheBlindPotato

For anyone who actually reads this garbage Good job :D so this is chapter four and I'm gonna tell you right now. none of this is planned. I actually woke up like three days ago and was like you know what let's make a reader x Bro x Dave x dirk and it kinda went off from there so I have no clue to what I am doing but if you enjoy it. Good for you. :3

You woke up in a warm embrace. Curious to see who it was you looked up.

Dirk Strider

You groaned and struggled to get Out of his grasp. Yet it was A failure.You sighed. And soon started yelling .

This startled the Strider he shot up and looked down at you "Geez dude! What's wrong with you?!" He yelled "why are you in my house hugging me?!" You yelled back "I was doing you a favor and helping you calm down cuz if you don't remember you were screaming and crying last night!" He answered "............" You sighed

-about 5 minutes later-

"I'm sorry." You mumbled "what was that?" Dirk asked feeling pride like he won something. "I said I'm sorry" you mumbled a little louder. "What?" He asked smirking the famous strider smirk. "I SAID IM SORRY!" You yelled ".....your forgiven" he said "also can you let go of me now I sorta kinda can't breathe." You said and he let go. "So why are you scared of the rain?" He asked "I'm not scared of the rain. I'm scared of the thunder." You said quietly. "Why?" He asked "I-I don't w-wanna talk about it...." You stuttered "oh." He said and got up. "So who's this?" He asked picking up a picture of you and your mom. "Don't touch that!" You yelled getting up but falling "you ok?" He asked trying not to laugh "yes." You said "now put it down."

"Make me."

And once he said that you pounced on him. "I SAID PUT IT DOWN!" You yelled and started to laugh as you were enjoying this. "Okay okay! I'll put it down" dirk said and set it on the table. You smiled and sat down. You had closed your eyes and dirk took this as an opportunity to tickle attack you. This made you scream and laugh.

-About 15 minutes of tickle fighting-

There was a knock on the door. You went to it dirk following you like a lost puppy. You opened it

Dave Strider

"May I help you?"

"Can I have my brother back?"

"Yes you may"

And just like that dirk was dragged out of your apartment. You smiled because you actually enjoyed the time with dirk even if it was just tickling each other. You sighed maybe the striders aren't so bad.

-Hours later-

Current time is 4pm.
You sighed, because your very bored and to lazy to write your story today even though you now have 37 days left. You went to your living room and sat on the couch. You picked up your phone and decided to call all your friends.

Terezi? She not gonna answer shes in college studying law.

Feferi? She's probably with her boyfriend.

Eridan? Hell no.


Karkat? Ya let's get fussed at!

Jake? He's probably *does a really bad impression of him* ADVENTURING!


Roxy? Liek *lok *like nawwwww

John? Why the heck not!

He's been your crush since kindergarten, but ever since you turned 15 your feelings for him died.

Come on pick up.
Pick up
Pick up

"Hey y/n what's up?" He said

You have forgotten how cute his goofy voice was. You giggled then spoke "I'm bored"

"Really? Me and my friend can come over if you'd like? He's really fun!"

"Sounds fantastic!" You cheered

And just like that you ended the call and sent to him where you live. You jumped off the couch and got dressed. You put on some f/c shorts and a Make Pasta Not War (hetalia)shirt. What seemed like only a few minutes you heard a knock on the door.
"That was fast." You mumbled and went over to the door you opened it and froze seeing John and

Dave Strider

"Hey y/n! This is Dave! He's my best friend, besides you!" He smiled "hi.." You said. Dave he simply smirked. You let them in and offered drinks "Apple juice" Dave replied "Ummmm.....waters fine." John smiled you went to your kitchen to get the drinks and soon came back to give them there drinks "thanks" they said.

"So you guys wanna play some video games?" You asked "hells ya!" John Cheered "sure." Dave said and in a minute you put in smash brothers.

-about 3 hours later-

The three of you were laughing talking and joking around, until John got up "hey y/n where's the bathroom?" You pointed down the hall "thanks" he said a ran "to many Doritos I guess." Dave joked you giggled "I thought you hated me" he stated "well enemy's can befriend each other right? After all I befriended your brother." You smiled "he told me you two made out." He said you froze

'Im going to kill him' you vowed

"I'll have you know I would never ever make out with him! He's a liar!" You claimed "so he lied. Remind me when I leave to kill him."

"I might beat you to it." You said
And you both laughed. Then John came back, "hey hey lovebirds," he sat down. You blushed a dark red and noticed that Dave blushed ever so lightly.
Him blush?
Omg this is a rare sight to see indeed.

The time is now 9 pm

"Hey guys I have to go. If I get home to late dads gonna kill me." John said and stood up "I had a lot of fun today. We should hang out again soon." He said and left. "I should get goin' too. Bros probably gonna freak about how late it is but I don't care. Uh, see you tomorrow probably, he said and started walking to the door. You stood up and as he opened it he ran back Into your apartment and kissed you gently on the cheek and practically ran home.

Like you said before:

Maybe the striders aren't that bad.

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