rematch | ishman

By darklustolaf08

82.1K 5.5K 7.9K

a sports romance featuring two angsty boys with issues, their petty rivalry, and friends who love them too mu... More

character inventory (check out after completing the story)
CH: 1
CH: 2
CH: 3
CH: 4
CH: 5
CH: 6
CH: 7
CH: 8
CH: 9
CH: 10
CH: 11
CH: 12
CH: 13
CH: 14
CH: 15
CH: 16
CH: 17
CH: 18
CH: 19
CH: 20
CH: 21
CH: 22
CH: 23
CH: 25
CH: 26
CH: 27
CH: 28 [nsfw]
CH: 29 (epilogue)
thank yous & goodbyes
bonus comic

CH: 24

2.9K 181 593
By darklustolaf08

Ishan's eyes shone with such intensity that Shubman could have mistaken it for tears, if not for the fondest smile on his face.

Shubman cleared his throat. “Stop looking at me like that,” he muttered.

“Like what?”

“Like you are… um, constipated.”

Ishan blinked. “What?”

Shubman cursed himself mentally before adding, “Feelings. You seem constipated with feelings.”

Ishan wasn't sure whether to laugh at Shubman or knock him out. Leaning in, he grabbed a fistful of Shubman's shirt and pulled him closer. “Are we just going to ignore the elephant in the room then?”

Shubman’s breath hitched at the proximity, and he tried to avert his eyes. “I don't know what you're talking about,” he mumbled.

Ishan gave him a little jerk, forcing Shubman to look back at him. His gaze dropped to the other's lips before tracing back up to his eyes. “Should I show you?” he said, barely above a whisper.

Shubman felt parts of himself melting away. He took a sharp breath before managing to whisper, “Yes, please.”

As much as Ishan wanted to dive in roughly, to make their teeth and tongues clash, to have it wet and dirty– because that's how they did it all these times– he didn't. Instead, he slowly placed his lips over Shubman’s, and they met in a gentle, tender kiss. It was like a whisper, soft and sweet, filled with unspoken confessions. His hand reached up to cradle Shubman's jaw, while his other hand made comforting circles on Shubman's nape.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," Ishan's mind repeated like a broken record.

"I love you," Shubman echoed as he pulled away, his breath coming out in a gasp.

Ishan smiled, his eyes tracing Shubman's face, his touches lingering over its soft corners. “Yeah, I know,” he replied softly.

Shubman's heart felt like it was about to leap out of his chest. He had never felt like this, not even when he lifted the first trophy for Meridian. He wasn't sure what expression to make.

“You knew?”

“Didn't you?”

Shubman stared at Ishan, who looked like the sun. He was fiery. Shubman was burning, hot wax trailed down his ankles and scorched his skin. He had never felt more alive. He was burning in Ishan's gaze, and he couldn't look away. He wouldn't look away.

"Yeah," Shubman said, releasing a breath he didn't realize he was holding. A bubbling laugh escaped him as he threw his head back. "Yeah, I did.”

How could he have not known when whole of his life had been about Ishan than himself? He had always known. His soul had always known.

Ishan grinned, mirth shining in his eyes. “I love you too,” he said with a giggle.

Shubman had to bury his face in a pillow to hide the giddiness he felt. Ishan was just too cute for his heart to handle. He peeked out from behind his hands when he felt the other's weight on his body.

"Bad Shubi! You're supposed to hug me and never let me go," Ishan scolded playfully.

Shubman groaned to himself. Lord, have mercy on him. “Don't blame me if you die of suffocation,” he muttered before pulling Ishan down with him, rolling onto the bed. He blew raspberries on the crook of Ishan’s neck, causing him to burst into more giggles.

Shubman was disgusted and impressed alike at how his heart immediately turned into a mushy, gooey poodle for Ishan. “I’m going to eat you up,” he said, pressing kisses along the other's neck.

“In a sexual way or in a cannibal way?” Ishan wiggled his eyebrows. Shubman stared at him flatly before biting into Ishan’s arm, causing the other to squeal.

"You act like a puppy!" Ishan huffed, swatting him away.

Shubman giggled, nuzzling his head against Ishan's stomach. “Puppy demands attention and kisses,” he muttered.

Ishan scrunched his nose, trying to hold back a smile. “You're so cringe,” he said, his eyes overflowing with fondness.

“It’s too late to get rid of me now.”

“I don't want to,” Ishan said before he realized, and judging by the menacing grin on Shubman's face, he knew he was going to be teased about it all week.

“Did you find your phone?” Dhruv asked, eyeing Yashasvi worriedly. “Why do you look like you saw a ghost?”

“I should really learn to knock before entering,” Yashasvi muttered with a sigh.

“Did you walk in on someone wanking again?”

“No,” Yashasvi winced. “Gill finally grew the balls to… you know.”

Dhruv’s eyes shot wide. “He confessed?”

Yashasvi snorted. “Oh, he did way more than that.”

Dhruv was grinning from ear to ear like a schoolgirl waiting for gossip. “What were they doing?”

“Practically eating each other's faces.” Yashasvi’s cheeks flushed a little as he rolled his eyes. “They didn't even notice when the door clicked open.”

“Damn,” Dhruv whistled. “I’m proud of Shub bhaiya.”

“What's there to be proud of?” Yashasvi scoffed, even though he was a little proud too. “He’s going to be more annoying now. I’ll kick him out of the room if I wake up to babu-shona talks in the middle of nights.”

Dhruv chuckled, humming. “He doesn't seem like the type to keep his mouth shut, unlike Virat bhai when he started dating.”

Yashasvi grunted. Just two more months until he could have the room all to himself. “People get weird in relationships.”

Dhruv glanced at Yashasvi before idly playing with the hem of his shirt. “What kind of person are you in a relationship?”

“Huh?” Yashasvi blinked. “I don't know, I’ve never been in one.”

“Oh,” Dhruv beamed. “Do you want to?”

Yashasvi’s cheeks flared up, and his ears grew warm. “No,” he said with a scowl before walking away. “I don't have time for that when I should be practicing. You should too. So, you shouldn't get into a relationship either.”

Dhruv chuckled as he followed the other. “You're cute when you're embarrassed.”

“Shut up!”

The next morning, Ishan was a little confused by the knowing smirks Rishabh (Dhruv’s courtesy) kept shooting at him.

"Is there something on my face?" Ishan asked during lunch.

"Beauty," Shubman whispered next to him with a dreamy look on his face. Ishan shot him a disgusted look, even though their hands were joined under the table.

“Does anyone have a knife?” Yashasvi asked. When Shubman looked at him with a terrified expression, he added, “Butter knife.”

“I feel like he might really kill me one day,” Shubman muttered, turning back to Ishan.

“I’ll save you,” Ishan whispered with a cheesy smile.

“You’re too small,” Shubman said with a feign sigh.

“Don't say it till you see it,” Ishan whispered with a wink.

“Oh, really.” Shubman said. “Then, can I? Tonight?”

Yashasvi slammed his hands on the table. "This butter knife is too blunt!” he exclaimed.

Dhruv chuckled as Tilak pointed out, “That's why it’s called a butter knife,” looking confused.

Ishan shot one last smile at Shubman before turning to the rest of the group. “Do you guys want to go out tonight?”

“Yes!” Yashasvi responded first, almost desperately. “Yes, please.”

“Wow, Yashu wants to miss his extra practice?” Shreyash spoke. “Well, I have no excuse to deny then.”

Shubman couldn't believe Ishan would go as far as to send everyone away just to be with him. Was he finally getting some tonight?

Apparently not.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Shubman asked, eyeing Ishan's black Amiri shirt which he of course stole from Shubman’s closet. He couldn't possibly be putting this much effort to get… well, fucked.

“Huh?” Ishan was busy styling his hair before he turned to look at Shubman. “Why are you not dressed up?”

“I thought it was supposed to be me and you tonight, just us.”

Ishan blinked, his cheeks flushing when he realized. “I wasn't planning anything like that,” he muttered. “I just thought it would be nice for everyone to hang out together.”

Shubman shot him an unimpressed look before locking the door behind him. “I definitely planned something,” he said.

Ishan’s heart skipped a beat before he returned to brushing his hair. “Yeah?” he asked inattentively. “What's that?”

Shubman walked up behind him, wrapping his arms around Ishan's waist. “You're not going anywhere,” Shubman whispered in his ear, inhaling the scent of Ishan’s cologne.

“But they're waiting–”

"I’ve waited longer," Shubman interjected. "Please touch me, or I might really go insane.”

Ishan bit his lip, fighting against his own excitement. He turned around to face Shubman, whose eyes were already in a trance. “Have you…. with anyone else?” he asked softly.

“No,” Shubman replied without any hesitation. He hadn't been intimate with anyone before, not beyond kissing and messy makeouts. He couldn't do it with a girl even though he had been on dates with some; that would be lying to the girls, and to himself. He couldn't do it with a boy either, that was too risky.

Ishan probably had some experience with the girlfriends he apparently had over the years. While that made Shubman a little jealous, he was more worried about disappointing Ishan in bed.

"Um, I haven't been with a man before. So, technically, I’m a virgin too?” Ishan blubbered. “Are you sure about this, Shubi?”

Shubman chuckled, planting a chaste kiss on the other's nose. “I’m always sure about you.”

Ishan smiled, his eyes crinkling with warmth as Shubman kissed him. They moved back until they hit the edge of the bed, slowly leaning back until Shubman was over him.

Ishan closed his eyes, losing himself in the kisses Shubman pressed along his neck, trailing down to his chest. His hands found their way to Shubman’s hair, running through it slowly.

“You're beautiful,” Shubman mumbled against his skin. “Ethereal.”

A loud moan filled Shubman's ears, causing him to look up at Ishan with amused eyes. “I haven't even done anything yet for you to moan like that.”

Ishan blinked. “That wasn't me.”


Again. It seemed to be coming from the next room where Abhishek was staying. Well, it used to be his room until he left Meridian anyway. Shubman and Ishan’s eyes widened at the second moan.

Both of them scrambled out of bed and dashed to the next room. God, why was the door left open? What kind of kink was that?

Abhishek and Mayank looked up at the intruders who gawked at the sight before them.

“Oh, you broke your arm,” Shubman muttered, watching Mayank return to fix Abhishek’s bandages. The latter let out another moan of pain, causing Shubman to mentally slap himself.

“You broke your arm?!” Ishan exclaimed, rushing to Abhishek’s side immediately. “How the hell did that happen?”

Mayank sighed. “It's not broken. He just fell down a couple stairs.”

“Once again, how the hell did that happen?”

Abhishek scowled. “I was just a little surprised because Mayank…”

Ishan turned to the guy, narrowing his eyes. “What did you do?”

"I just told him I liked him," Mayank said with a shrug, leaving everyone else in the room gaping.

Abhishek blushed in embarrassment. “How can you say that out loud?!”

“What? They're our friends,” Mayank grumbled. “Besides, didn't you want me to stop being a pussy?”

“Hold up, I need some time to process this,” Shubman muttered. He couldn't even be mad anymore about being cockblocked.

Ishan couldn't help the laugh that escaped him. Everything was so ridiculous. “So, the one we were talking about that day was Abhi?”

Mayank shot him a sheepish smile before nodding. Ishan grinned at Abhishek, “Well, isn't that convenient? Don't you dare reject my best friend.”

“You– Ugh!” Abhishek’s cheeks flushed a darker shade of red. “Get out, all of you.”

“He's a little shy,” Mayank whispered to Ishan.

“That's so cute!” Ishan whispered back.

Shubman snorted. He slapped Mayank’s back playfully before saying, “Oi, monkey. If you dare hurt my Abhi, count your fucking days.”

Mayank shot him a sarcastic smile. “You too, if you hurt my Ish.”

“He's not yours–”

“Abhi is not yours too–”

Ishan frowned at something he realized. “Wait. Mayu, how do you know about us? It’s not even been a day.”

Shubman muttered an “oh”. He should really be more observant, like his boyfriend (boyfriend, hehe).

“Do you see yourselves?” Abhishek spoke with a scoff. “You look like you were in the middle of fucking.”

Only then did Ishan's gaze fall on Shubman's hair, now tousled from their earlier activity. His lips looked plump from all the kissing and biting. Ishan didn't even want to imagine his own condition but Mayank's disgusted look gave it away. Ishan sighed exasperatedly as silence filled the room.

“We should draw dicks on Abhi's bandages,” was the ice breaker.

♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧

a/n: only some things are left to write about to wrap up the story. aur 5-6 chapter max mein ho jayega, just because i want to end it on an even number like 30 lol. ab tumlog batao kya kya dekhna hai story mein aur. whose stories do you want a closer look in? any incidents so far that should be explored more in detail? any prompts apart from smut and coming out to teammates because wo toh mai wese bhi likhungi.

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