All that glitters, ain't gold.

By Aumbellina

595 19 3

Megan has a normal life, with normal friends, and a daily normal routine. That is, until one of the worlds bi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (pt I)
Chapter 8 (pt II)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (pt I)
Chapter 19 (pt II)
Chapter 20 (pt. III)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 9

22 1 0
By Aumbellina

Since Cameron and I signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement, we couldn't tell a soul that the whole dating was a lie. So that means I couldn't tell Jake, I had to lie to him even more.

"Jake, I'm sorry, alright? I did like him, I just didn't know how to tell you. I was nervous, you were pissed, I didn't want to piss you off more. I don't like it when you're mad at me." I see Jake tense up a little bit then relax, running his fingers through his hair. I don't like lying to Jake, so now I feel terrible that I'm guilt tripping him. "Look, I'm sorry, too. You can't help who you like and I guess I was just upset because I was jealous."

I feel little butterflies in my stomach, "jealous? Of what?"

"Does this mean he's going to get all of your time now? I won't be able to see you anymore? I mean you're already busy with your career, now him? There will be no time for us." He slumps in my bed and I stand in front of him, placing my hands on both of his arms. "Jake, what? Of course not. This changes nothing. I love you and I would never forget about you just because I have a boyfriend." I smile and hug him.

He stand up and hugs me back, "I love you too, Megs."

When he puts me down, a dizzy spell hits me and if hits me hard. I fall and hit my head, hardly, in the same spot I got hit before, on my night stand. "F.uck!" I hear Jake say and I mutter that 'I'm okay.' I open my eyes and there are three Jake's staring at me.

"What was that?" I hear Conner say, opening the room door. "What the hell happened?" He shouts. "Con, I'm fine. I'm okay. I just banged my head again." I chuckle to lighten the mood, even though I truly feel like crying. My whole head is throbbing and there is this sharp pain right where I hit it. "I'll go get some ice." Jake says as he runs out the door.

"Did he hit you? Shove you? Lay a hand-"

"No, no he would never. He's my best friend, remember?"

"Yes, of course. Just relax, baby. You need to relax but stay up. Let's turn on the tv?" I shake my head 'yes', and he turns on One Tree Hill on my Netflix account. Jake comes back with the ice pack and places it gently on my head. "Thank you, Jakey." I smile. "I have football practice in 15 minutes so I should get going." He says. "Conner can walk you to the door." Jake envelopes me in a hug and kisses my forehead before leaving.

When Conner comes back he smiles, "Are you sure we should be on the contract to be dating? I think it should be you two." He winks and I roll my eyes. "Oh shush." He climbs in the bed with me and I lie on his chest. We watch One Tree Hill until I doze off.

"She's not feeling well" I hear a deep voice say. "Again? I think we should get her to a hospital to get checked out."

"No, no I'm fine." I mumble. I look around to see Sarah standing at the foot of the bed and Conner was still lying beside me. "I don't need the hospital. I'm hypoglycemic. I probably just need a little sugar." I say, rubbing my eyes. The headache has subsided and I couldn't feel anymore throbbing. "I'm just hungry now."

"I have a garden salad for you with caesar dressing and a bottle of Fiji. Eat nothing else." I shook my head and rolled my eyes, I really don't have time for her attitude. "I'm here to tell you two about the extras on the contract."

"Wait a minute, what extras?"

"In regards your relationship."

"I got that. What are the extras?" I ask her. She's glares at me before she begins to talk again. "The living conditions."

"I'm living, she's living- well barely. But we're making it." Conner shrugs, nonchalantly. "We've bought a house, located in calabasas. You guys will move in together next month."

"Calabasas?" Conner shouts. "Next month?!" I say equally loud to Conner. "We've only just gotten together! It's way too soon to have us living together."

"Correction. You've known each other for a couple of years now, you've been seeing each other secretly for about a year, and you've just made it official last week and you're ready to start your life together." Sarah smile sweetly, knowing I'm about to flip out.

"Wait a second! You sound like we're married! Not two teenagers who just made their relationship official." I say, indeed flipping out.

"Plus, if we were secretly seeing each other, than I'm sure the fans would know. They know everything. I'm not sure how.. but they do. They always do." I must admit, Conner looked a little frightened while he was talking.

I shake my head in agreement. "My friend is a directioner. Don't ask me how, but she knows each hotel they've been to and where they are at all times. I can call her to prove it!" I say going for my phone. "That won't be needed, Megan. And frankly, I don't care. You've signed a contract and I'm just here to relay the messages. We pay you to look like a happy little couple and to gain more fans." With that being said, she begins to walk towards the door.

"Oh, you have a 6am appointment at the gym, and a 9am-1pm rehearsal for you UK one month tour tomorrow. So be ready." she looks at me and winks. "And you," she says pointing to Conner. "Have a gym workout at 7am and lunch with friends at 12pm, and a studio time at 3pm to 9pm. Henry asked me to relay the message." Conner shook his head and she left.

"Is she serious? This is getting ridiculous and the contract is only a week old." I complained, rolling my eyes and lying back on my pillow. Conner sighed loudly and rolled back underneath the covers.


"Celia, I don't know what to tell you." I say as she cries in my arms. Her and her boyfriend, Jason, had another one of their bi-weekly fights. "We just got back together to break up again. I love him but he treats me so wrong." she wails. I personally like Jason, like him as a person and a boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, Celia is nice too. They just aren't right for each other. "It's just right now Jason is going through a phase. I can't tell you what kind of phase, but he is going through one. And I'm not saying you need to be okay with that and suffer because he wants to behave that way towards you. I think you guys just need a break. Maybe try dating other people and see how that goes."

"But it will be hard for me to see him with someone else!" she says, not lifting her head from her hands. "I never said it will be easy." I say, rubbing her back. "I think it'll give you time to clear your head and him time to grow up and see what he's missing."

"I guess you're right." she said finally looking up. Her eyes are puffy red and her face is pale. "I do have plans with Jake tonight. I asked him to go see a movie." She said, slightly smiling. "Oh.. how nice. That should be fun; Jake loves movies." I laugh a little. "Well, I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight. I have a busy day tomorrow. Feel free to stay and lounge around if you'd like to." I say walking into my bedroom.

"I think I'll head out. Seriously, thank you for talking to me tonight. I love you so much. Maybe Jake is the change I need for a while." she said hugging me and walking towards the door. Never in my life have I ever wanted to yank someone's hair out as bad as I want to yank Celia's out at the moment.

Wow, calm down momma. I don't think it's that serious. You have a boyfriend and Jake is your best friend. Don't get the two confused. Besides, who said they would work out anyway?

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