The Dragon Harem {Miss Kobaya...


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A office worker and programmer named Kobayashi and (Y/N), a human in disguise that can transform to a monster... Еще

UPDATED Bio, Harem
Episode 1: The Strongest Maid in History, Tohru!
Episode 2: Second Dragon, Kanna!
Episode 3: Start of a New Life!
Episode 4: Kanna Goes to School
Episode 5: Summer Staples!
Episode 6: New Dragon, Elma!
Episode 7: Sports Festival
Episode 8: Troupe Dragon, On Stage!
Mothra's BIO
Episode 9: Year End, New Year!
(18+) Lucoa Route - A Lustful Dragon
Elma Route - Do You Trust Me...
Kobayashi Route - The Intoxicated Woman
(18+) Tohru Route - Luscious Drakon
Episode 10: Kobayashi and (Y/N)'s Meeting!
Episode 11 (Finale): Emperor of Demise Arrives
Season 2 BIO, Villians!
Season 2 Episode 2: (Y/N) Minus One
Season 2 Episode 3: The Frigid Doom, Shimo!

Season 2 Episode 1: New Dragon, IIulu!

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(A/N: Here we are! The Fearsome MC has evolved, and now we are in Season 2 of the Dragon Harem! Looking at the title, llulu will be making her debut! Also with this new season, we'll have new characters, different actions and fights, and... you know, 18+ scenes. Enough talking, let's get into Season 2!)

(A/N: Don't mind the GIF above the Title...)

(But this is Episode 10 and 11 in a nutshell!)

Episode 10: Kobayashi and (Y/N)'s Meeting in a Nutshell!)

(Y/N) vs Scylla: How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, old hag?! *steps on Scylla*

*As you were absorbing radiation from the power plant, you stopped and started coughing due to absorbing*

(Y/N): *cough cough* What is in this stuff?! *continues absorbing radiation while coughing in between*


Tiamat: I love my home, nothing can ruin i—


(Y/N): You've been evicted.

Tiamat: What?!

{Tiamat sadly swims out her home before you entered inside as Tiamat watched you taking a nap inside}

Tiamat: My home...


—Hours later—


(Y/N): I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie World!!!

Episode 11: Emperor of Demise Arrives in a Nutshell

{You look at your phone to see a message from Damocles saying...}

Damocles: Get your dragon maid back, stinky lizard...

(Y/N): Stinky...

{You roared in the air before diving into the water, but you stepped on an invisible lego}

(Y/N): Aargh! Stupid invisible lego!


{A portal opens and out comes (Y/N) flying through to the ground. You crash landed to the ground creating a crater while the Emperor of Demise comes out of the portal and hovers it}

Damocles: What makes you think you can beat me?!

{(Y/N) instantly jumps out in his Evolved Godzilla form as you ran to Damocles}

Damocles: Hold up! Hold up!

Damocles: Stop! Stop!

{Before you fired your Atomic Breath, Kobayashi slapped you, defeating you in one hit}

Kobayashi: Play fair!



Monster Zero: Oh crap! We're next! Let's go!

(A/N: Okay! Onto the main story!)

{After the events with Damocles and the Hot Springs, it was a quiet day in Kobayashi's apartment. She was reading the newspaper at the dining table until Tohru calls her name}

Tohru: Kobayashi! Kobayashi!

{Kobayashi looks up and sees Tohru, who, yes, we already know, who happened to be a dragon}

Tohru: I'm the ultimate maid, aren't I?

Kobayashi: Of course you're not, but what's up?

Tohru: No, I think I am the ultimate maid.

Kobayashi: I told you, you're not.

Tohru: I found this book.

{Tohru goes over to Kobayashi and shows her the book that she found. Before Kobayashi could look at it, (Y/N) took the book and looked at it, seeing it was a page about a new maid cafe}

(Y/N): Maid cafe? And it's opening? That's close by.

Tohru: They say they'll welcome you with the best maids! The best maids?! How can they make such false claims without me!

Kobayashi: Yeah, no one should make false claims. The dragon in front of me is doing that right now, though.

Tohru: For now, I'll turn them into ash from which nothing will grow with my cursed flames.

(Y/N): Okay, so you're literally burning love? You better not do that!

Tohru: Okay my love! Regardless, I'm going to scout out the enemy!

{Tohru dashes out of the apartment to scout the maid cafe while you and Kobayashi waits for her return}


{An hour goes by and Tohru still hasn't returned to the apartment. Kobayashi's head was resting on your lap while she was quietly reading the newspaper, but started to wonder if everything would be all right}

Kobayashi: Is she okay?

(Y/N): I don't know.

{Then, the hallway door burst open that caused Kobayashi to jump. She looks over to the door and sees it was Tohru who had return}

Tohru: I'm back home!

Kobayashi: Welcome home. How was it? You didn't do anything, did you?

Tohru: *thumbs up* Somehow, I wound up working there!

Kobayashi: How?!


{Several days later, and right now with Kobayashi who was accompanied by (Y/N), Kanna and Mothra were all heading to the new maid cafe to see how Tohru was doing}

Kobayashi: Well, it's been some time since then, so I wonder if Tohru is doing a good job at work.

Kanna: Kobayashi, you're a worrywart.

Mothra: She better be doing good serving food, or I'll web the place down.

(Y/N): It's not that serious.

Mothra: Yes it is!

(Y/N): Is all you think is food? Your Elma 2.0.

Mothra: *sadly* True...

{The four arrived at the cafe that was called "Made by Maid". They entered the cafe and was immediately greeted by one of the maids}

Maid #1: Welcome home, Master.

Kobayashi: Oh!

Maid #1: And my love...

(Y/N): Woah... what?!

Maid #1: And young lady.

Kanna: Oh!

Mothra: Okay...

{The maid showed the four to their table and as they took a their seat, Kanna looks around the cafe and sees that there were a ton of maids}

Kanna: They're so many people like Lady Tohru!

Kobayashi: Looks like this maid cafe went with plain style maids. People don't use the word moe very much anymore, but they;ve kept the spirit of those times. Now the menu...

{Kobayashi looks at the cafe menu and starts to inspect the items that they served}

(Y/N): When did Tohru get hired...

Kobayashi: A few days ago, why?

(Y/N): They have an order that resembles me! Look at it!

Kobayashi: This is also true to those roots. There's a special service with every menu item. I'm betting the magic chants like "Turn delicious, moemoe kyun" are different for each one.

(Y/N): I would cringe if I heard that.

Mothra: You know a lot.

Kobayashi: Just between us, long ago I tried to work in a cafe like this.

{Kobayashi remembers the time she used to work at that restaurant, but soon holds her head and face down as she remembered something she didn't want to}

Kobayashi: It didn't work. It didn't work out.

Kanna: I don't get it, but poor you.

Mothra: Same. Looks like she remembered something she didn't want to recall.

(Y/N): Same. But are you okay, Kobayashi?

Kobayashi: I'm fine. More importantly, where's Tohru?

Kanna: Back there.

{Kobayashi, (Y/N) and Mothra look over to where Kanna was pointing and sees a bright orange light shining out of the kitchen. The four walked over to the orange light as they peeked into the kitchen to see Tohru, who was cooking up customers order}

Tohru: Table 10, order's up!

Maid #2: On it!

Tohru: I'm running low on plates, so lay them out, lay them out!

Maid #2: Right away!

{The maid then sets down several plates on the counter while Tohru takes both frying pans that had omelet rices and launches them in the air. All eight of the omelet rice perfectly lands onto the plates as the maids were amazed by Tohru's skills}

(Y/N): That was dangerous... and risky...

Maid #3: That's incredible skill! Way to go Head Chef!

Maid #2: You're really a huge help, Head Chef!

Maid #4: Head Chef Tohru!

Tohru: No, no, it's thanks to you all working efficiently...

{Tohru looks behind the maids to see Kobayashi, (Y/N), Kanna and Mothra who were all watching her being praised by the other maids}

Tohru: *happily* Kobayashi! You came to see me?!

Kobayashi: You're doing a splendid job. I'm surprised.

Tohru: You see that? It's easy for me to handle! I've taken another step forward as a maid... As a maid...

{Tohru suddenly realizes being the head chef had nothing to do with being a maid}

Tohru: I'm not working as a maid at all!

Mothra: What you're doing is a chef.

Tohru: *irritated* No one asked you, stupid Divine Moth!

{Days went by after the Hot Springs Trip, Tohru found out that you and Mothra had their private time for over 2 hours and was pretty upset about it. So, in order to be able to see and hear her, Tohru would often go to Lucoa and ask her about Mothra. Kanna was also able to see her, but her reasoning was because of how Mothra looked}

Tohru: Hold on, I'll go ask someone on the floor to swap with me!

(Y/N): No, I think they put you in the right position.

Tohru: No, it's not the right position for a volcanic dragon! Please go out and come back again!

Mothra: What?

{In an instant, Kobayashi, Mothra and Kanna went back to their table while (Y/N) had to go outside the cafe and then re-enters. As soon as you enter the cafe again, Tohru spins around and greets you}

Tohru: Welcome, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): I thought it was supposed to be "my love".

Maid #3: When Head Chef first started on the floor she said "I refuse to call anyone but '(Y/N) my love'!"

(Y/N): Wait, she never calls me my love, though.

{Tohru leads you to your table where Mothra, Kobayashi and Kanna were waiting at}

Tohru: Please have a seat over here!

(Y/N): *sits down* Can we finally order something...

Kanna: Omelet rice! Omelet rice!

Mothra: Same.

Kobayashi: Okay, four omelet rices.

Tohru: Yes, coming right up!

{Tohru goes back into the kitchen and cooks up four omelet rices. She goes back over to the table and puts the omelet rices in front of the four}

Tohru: Now I'll cast a spell to make it delicious.

Kobayashi: Be cute about it.

{While the four wait for Tohru's cute spell, the dragon maid's expression soon changes as she creates a purple ball of energy while actually casting a spell}

Tohru: I call upon the Shadow King that rules over this world, make this the greatest it can be with these dark arts! I beseech thee for abundance and quality worth praise! Change its value and bring forth another monument to your glory! Let my magic spread like mud and bring corruption, let my principles erode the world and bring a deluge of madness! Replace the genuine with falsehood!

{Tohru hovered her hand that was holding the purple energy over the omelet rice as she chants the final words of the spell}

Tohru: Turn delicious, moemoe kyun!

{Kobayashi and (Y/N) look down at their omelet rice not knowing if it was safe to eat}

Tohru: Okay, now it's delicious. Please eat up!

Kobayashi: This was actual magic! A curse, in fact.

(Y/N): I don't even know if it is even safe to eat!

{While (Y/N), Kobayashi and Mothra looked at their omelet rice, Kanna who was sitting next to Mothra eats her omelet rice with no problem}

Kanna: It's good.

Kobayashi: Bring me the Head Chef!

Tohru: Hell! I'm the Head Chef, Maid, and Dragon, Tohru!

{As time goes by, Tohru continued doing some work while Kobayashi and (Y/N) watched her and admits that she at least had the skills to work at the cafe. When Tohru's shift was over she came to the conclusion that she only wanted to be Kobayashi's maid}

Tohru: I really don't want to be anyone but Miss Kobayashi's maid, so I'm quitting.

Maid #2, 3, 4: You can't!

Tohru: Huh?

Maid #3: You can't do that!

Maid #2: Our cafe's already famous for the taste of your food, Head Chef.

Maid #4: There are so many posts spreading about it through word of month on the net!

Tohru: Uhh... then... I'll teach you the magic chant to make food delicious. Listen closely. For a human to do it, you'll have to draw this magic circle first...


{A couple days go by and currently at Kobayashi's apartment, Kobayashi, Kanna, (Y/N) and Tohru were all sitting at the dining table eating breakfast while they were watching the news. They then see on the TV that a part of a mountain in the forest was sliced}

Kobayashi: That's where I met you, Tohru.

Tohru: *furious* How could they do that to our precious spot! I'll find the culprit and send them to Gehnna, then Jahannam, and finally feed them to Aman!

Kobayashi: But the only ones who could do something like that are...

(Y/N): Don't look at me...

{After they all finished eating breakfast, Kobayashi, (Y/N) and Tohru went over to all the dragons to see if they knew anything about the sliced mountain. They found out that Fafnir and Lucoa were not the culprits so they had one more dragon to ask}

{Walking through the streets was Elma who had a bag of taiyakis, and eating one happily}

Elma: Taiyaki! It's so good!

Mothra: That's cool! Can I have one?

Elma: No! I bought them! So it's fo—

{Suddenly, she was punched by Tohru in the face as she was sent flying back a couple of feet}

Elma: *angry* What are you doing here out of the blue, Tohru?!

Mothra: Woah! Are you okay, Elma?

Tohru: You're the culprit!

Elma: What are you talking about?!

(Y/N): Well... the news said there was a mountain that...

Elma: Oh yeah, I was curious about that, too!

Kobayashi: It wasn't you either? Then what about you, Mothra?

Mothra: Oh please! Why would I randomly destroy a mountain...?

Kobayashi: Then, that means it was some other dragon than the ones we know?

Tohru: There aren't that many who could break my barrier.

Kobayashi: Then... who...?

???: Me.

{The five then heard a voice that was familiar to Tohru and Elma, but not to Kobayashi, Mothra and (Y/N). They looked up to where the voice came from and sees a dragon they never seen before landing in front of them}

Ilulu: *evilly* Good afternoon.

Tohru: *cautious* Ilulu.

(Y/N): And you complain about me when new Titans arrive.

Tohru: This is different...

{Elma quickly puts up a barrier that would keep humans away from them while Ilulu finally lands on the ground}

Ilulu: What a pretty city. People are laughing. With so many here, you could enjoy all the destruction you wanted. Yet here you are, a chaos dragon laughing with humans. I was watching because I was a little curious, but now I'm sick of it. So forget it. Long story short, you're an enemy!

{Ilulu dashes over to Tohru while the dragon maid did the same and stops Ilulu. Ilulu then quickly jumps into the air with a backflip and slams her fist down onto Tohru who was able to block it}

{Tohru now wanting to cause destruction to the city quickly kicks Ilulu in the chin and sends her flying into the air as she flies up and continues the fight up in the skies}

Kobayashi: *looking up* Who is that?!

Elma: Ilulu. She's with the most radical wing of the chaos faction. She just plain loves destruction. I'm sure she followed Tohru here.

(Y/N): Well, didn't you do the same with Tohru?

Elma: Different story! She's planning to destroy this world.

Kobayashi: Well, still... Tohru will do something about her.

Elma: Miss Kobayashi, Ilulu's power is only slightly below Tohru's. If the two of them fight, they'll destroy this whole region.

Kobayashi: She'll do something about that, too.

Mothra: You believe in Tohru that much?

Kobayashi: Well, that's really all I can do. So, I'll just do that.

Mothra: You got (Y/N) you know?

Kobayashi: I know.

{As the four watched the fight with Tohru and Ilulu, they break up trading blows to each other and created some distance between them}

Tohru: Destruction isn't allowed in this world.

Ilulu: What are you saying? I'm with the chaos faction.

Tohru: If you can't abide by that, I'll blast you back to whence you came.

Ilulu: I'm more than happy to fight.

{Ilulu then charges up a blast from her mouth while Tohru puts one hand in front of her to block the attack}

Tohru: Attacks like that won't affect me.

{Ilulu continued to charge up her attack and quickly flew higher in the air. With her attack all charged up, she looks down and shoots out multiple fire blast down at her}

Tohru: Oh no! The city!

{Tohru quickly sprouts her wings and dashes straight down under the attack that Ilulu fired. Tohru expanded her wings and shields the city from all of the flaming acid blasts}

Tohru: Argh! Hot!

{Suddenly, Ilulu with incredible speed was right in front of Tohru. The chaos dragon swipes both of her claws at Tohru's chest, landing a direct hit}

Tohru: Ow!

{Back with the four, they were still watching the fight. Kobayashi sees that Tohru was struggling with Ilulu and starts to worry}

Kobayashi: Uh, is she struggling?

Elma: Tohru is trying to protect the city while fighting.

Kobayashi: You're not going to help?

Elma: Me? I'm with the harmony faction. Normally, Tohru and I would be enemies.

Kobayashi: Huh?

Elma: I have put up barriers to keep humans away, but that's just to avoid trouble.

Kobayashi: What about the other dragons?

Elma: Sir Fafnir would tell her to clean up her own mess. Lady Lucoa is with the spectator faction, so she won't intervene. Kanna wouldn't be strong enough. If she defeats Tohru then I'll fight, as well. I'll try to protect you three and this city.

Kobayashi: But then, Tohru would be...

{Elma didn't answer her, but Kobayashi understood what Elma would have said*

Kobayashi: Mothra, can you do something about it?

Mothra: As a Titan I could, but the fire can easily burn my wings to nothing. So I can be near fire and other things that are hot.

{Kobayashi looks back up at the fight between Ilulu and Tohru as she starts to worry even more knowing there was no way to help Tohru}

{Kobayashi then suddenly realizes there was one way that could help Tohru in this fight. She honestly didn't want to use this last resort, but she didn't want to stand there and watch Tohru lose. She turns around and walks up to her last resort and puts her hands on his shoulder}

Kobayashi: (Y/N)! Please help Tohru!

(Y/N): Okay...

Kobayashi: You don't have to fight if you want, just protect Tohru!

(Y/N): That's all I need to hear. But I can't fly.

{You thought for a second to how to reach Tohru until you look at Mothra}

(Y/N): Hey Mothra! Do you still do the Zero-G thing?

Mothra: Yeah...

(Y/N): Use it on me!

Mothra: Okay...!

{Mothra held her hand at (Y/N) and after a few seconds, you started to float in the air}

(Y/N): Let's get this over with.

{(Y/N) moved his tail near his face and crossed his legs before firing a flame out of his mouth, causing him to fly up to the air}

Elma: No way...

{Back to Tohru, she was underneath Ilulu who shot a larger fire blast down at the city, but Tohur managed to stop the blast and disperse the attack. As soon as the fire blast disappears, Ilulu quickly flies down towards Tohru and slashes her back with her claws and kicks her away}

Tohru: Ow...

Ilulu: I hit you with thirty shots of flaming acid. I landed several good blows with my claws, too. And all that earns is an ow? Well, I'm stumped. I can't think of a way to kill you.

Tohru: *hostile* Me, neither. If I attack you all out, the city will be destroyed. But I can't defeat you otherwise. Your attacks are starting to get irritating, too! But I have to protect the city! I'm ready to explode and take everything with me.

Ilulu: You're bluffing.

{Ilulu charges up another flaming acid and prepares to fire it at Tohru, but was met with a fist to the face as Ilulu was flying back}

{Confused, she shook her head and looked at the person in front of Tohru, the real culprit who attacked Ilulu}

Ilulu: What the? Who are you? And most importantly, how did you get up here?

(Y/N): *to Tohru* Are you okay, Tohru?

Tohru: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): It's okay. I came to help.

Ilulu: Argh! Don't ignore me!

{Angered, Ilulu charges up another attack and shoots it at you out of anger. But once the blast hits your body, it did nothing as you was unaffected by the blast}

Ilulu: How... How did it not hurt you...

(Y/N): It's because you've met a higher power...

Ilulu: I don't care! Fighting you will be fun!

{Ilulu fired off multiple flaming acid blasts at you, but due to you having no gravity, you floated and swiped the acid blasts away as you collided with Ilulu before grabbing her head and throwing her away}

{Quickly regaining herself, Ilulu flew towards you with her claws out, but you spun around causing Ilulu's head to collide with the side of your tail as she spun around before using your tail to coil around Ilulu's neck before landing a kick to her face}

{Ilulu punched you in the face two times before you grabbed her face, but Ilulu bit your face as you felt no effect at all. You responded with a bite of your own on Ilulu's shoulder as she yelped in pain before kicking you off}

Ilulu: Argh! That hurt!

(Y/N): I bet it did.

{Ilulu once again flew as you and Ilulu clashed hands, making a small shockwave. You headbutted her as her head recoiled back, but she released an point-blank flaming acid blast at your face causing you to float back}

{Responding back, your Dorsal Fins and mouth glowed as you released an Atomic Ball at Ilulu, causing her to lose balance. Seeing it, you flew using your Atomic Breath and drop kicked Ilulu in the back as she flew back}

{You then fired off your Atomic Breath at Ilulu's gut as she felt the impact, creating a burn mark as she gasped in pain before looking at you. Flying at you, you just tail whipped her again before moving in zero-g as you collided with Ilulu before grabbing both of her hands, immobilizing her}

Ilulu: Let me go!

(Y/N): As expected. There's no reason to keep on fighting.

Ilulu: That's disgusting, acting all friendly with humans.

(Y/N): *to Ilulu* Let's stop this. Fighting won't get us anywhere.

Ilulu: What are you talking about? We're just getting started! Now I will destroy this world with my true form!

{Ilulu was enveloped with dark pink flames and transforming to her dragon form until Tohru got in front of you and fires a powerful blast from her mouth at Ilulu}

{Still conscious, you decided to fire your Atomic Breath at Ilulu as she was overwhelmed by the attack once again. Ilulu was not floating in the air unconscious as Tohru opens a portal underneath Ilulu and throws her down into it, sending her somewhere far from the city and closing the portal}

{You looked at Tohru, but kept quiet as you didn't know what to say. Tohru and (Y/N) floated down, but about 6 feet to the floor, your zero-g effect Mothra had ran out as you landed on the floor a little rough}

Kobayashi: (Y/N), are you all right?

(Y/N): I'm fine.

Tohru: (That was a close call. I didn't take that much damage, but I nearly forgot I had to protect the city, too. For a moment I almost thought I could just let everyone, but Kobayashi and (Y/N) die.)

{Tohru slightly looks up and then stares at (Y/N)}

Tohru: (When (Y/N) came to help, I was a bit relieved but frustrated... He was able to take Ilulu's attack with ease and protect the city without getting seriously hurt...)

{Tohru then realizes what she was thinking and quickly shakes her head}

Tohru: (What am I thinking? (Y/N)'s is Kobayashi's family, and I love him. He's the reason who I'm able to stay in this world)

(Y/N): Tohru?

{Her widen from hearing (Y/N)'s voice as she feels an unpleasant feeling she had never felt before}

(Y/N): Are you okay?

{The dragon maid quickly shakes the unpleasant feeling away and gives off an small reassuring smile}

Tohru: Yes. I'm fine. Thank you.

{Kobayashi walks up to Tohru, but the dragon maid was unable to make eye contact with her}

Tohru: Kobayashi, um...

{Kobayashi doesn't say anything and starts to pat Tohru's hair, trying to make her feel better. Tohru stands up and lets her continue until she stops}

Kobayashi: Shall we go home?

Tohru: *smiles* Yes.

Mothra: Guess I'll go.

{Mothra flew off to the air as (Y/N), Tohru and Kobayashi walked back their apartment}


{In an unknown forest, a portal opens and out from it comes out a falling Ilulu, who was badly damaged from Tohru and (Y/N)'s attack falls to the ground, and starts to think about the guy that saved Tohru}

Ilulu: That guy... he blocked my attacks and saved Tohru. They were our enemies. That's what we were taught, but...

{Ilulu tries to understand why you protected a dragon, but as she thinks about it more and more, she starts to become curious about him}

Ilulu: I want to know... about that guy...



{A couple days go by and currently, it is late at night. On top of a building a portal appears and out comes an exhausted Ilulu. Ilulu lands on top of the building exhausted from opening a portal}

Ilulu: It was hard enough getting the gate open. I'm surprised Tohru so easily pulls off something that draining.

{Ilulu stands up and looks down at the ground and starts to search for a certain someone. She finally sees the person she was looking for which was (Y/N), who was walking back home after going for a walk}

{As (Y/N) continued to walk, Ilulu jumps off the building and lands right in front of him, but you had the same expression look even from seeing the dragon}

(Y/N): You're the dragon from before.

Ilulu: The guy named (Y/N). Why are you living with a dragon?

(Y/N): I'm not sure. Randomly showed up before I was gone.

Ilulu: Aren't you afraid?

(Y/N): No. I'm a Titan, why would I be afraid of a dragon?

Ilulu: What... A Titan?

(Y/N): And why should I be afraid of her? She's more cute than scary.

Ilulu: So... *stands up* She makes you horny?

(Y/N): ...

Ilulu: You're in love with Tohru's human form. That's why you're fine?

(Y/N): First... Tohru started it when we first met each other... But can we stop talking about this...

Ilulu: A strong denial... Then...

{Ilulu drags you to a nearby alleyway before quickly going on top of you, landing on your crotch. Ilulu then shows (Y/N) her chest and tries to lure him into a male's desire as you were blushing}

(Y/N): You'll catch a cold if you do that.

{Ilulu didn't listen as she pressed her chest on (Y/N) and leans on you more and more as you blushed even more}

Ilulu: Well~? You're like a human in the end. You can't resist your desires. Now, let your male instincts run free~! Tonight you can unleash your lusts on me~! Go on~!

{Ilulu pressed up against (Y/N) even more as she smiled at you before leaning in and kisses you right in the lips as Ilulu quickly slips in her tongue inside yours, desperately trying to get you on your other side like the many times with Tohru}

{You felt Ilulu's tongue going all around inside your mouth as she grabbed your left and places it on one of her large chest as Ilulu ends it, leaving a long string of saliva from her and your mouth}

Ilulu: Come on, (Y/N)~.

{After saying it, Ilulu started grinding up seductively on your crotch as she stared right at your face, mostly at your eyes as she wrapped her arms around your neck}

Ilulu: I know you want it~. You want me~.

{To make this thing even more seductive, Ilulu leaned in and licked your cheek, her tongue going from your cheek to your forehead before she licked your lips, creating another trail of saliva from her and your lips}

Ilulu: I know you want it~. I know you want to fuck me~.

{Hearing it, you grabbed Ilulu by the tail, dangling her upside down as she was stunned by this turn of events as she heard one word from your mouth}

(Y/N): No.


{After the near horny event, Ilulu got off (Y/N) and you were walking home. However, Ilulu was walking beside you still following him, wondering why you denied her}

(Y/N): Why are you following me...?

Ilulu: I can't accept you. Titans, humans and dragons can't coexist. When they're together their differences cause suffering, and as that suffering continues it breeds hatred from others. Respect turns to envy and eventually creates pain. What Tohru feels for you is nothing more than curiosity. When that finally runs out...

(Y/N): Hey.

{Ilulu looks back up to (Y/N) as she was wondering what he was going to say to her}

(Y/N): I just realized that you're walking barefoot. How are you alright walking on bare feet?

Ilulu: *angry* Were you even listening to me?!

(Y/N): Yes I was.

Ilulu: Liar!

(Y/N): You said you can't accept me, right?

Ilulu: Correct your understanding!

(Y/N): Knowing your difference is just the start. You grow closer and closer or more distant, again and again, while realizing those differences. And when you start finding the aspects you like, you can build respect. Then we can forge both trust and bonds. That's what Kobayashi told me.

Ilulu: Is that how humans think?

(Y/N): I don't know. I think people have their own way of thinking. Kobayashi told me this. What about you? When you said that dragons and humans can't coexist is that how you think?

Ilulu: *looks away* Of course it is. How I think is exactly the same way other dragons think.

{Ilulu who was a bit convinced by (Y/N)'s words continued to look away before she slightly looks back at you as she was remembering her past memories}

Ilulu: (You can spout your pretty words, but even if your a "Titan" you're still human)

{Ilulu summons a small purple orb of energy as it lets out a bright pink light blinding you. As the light dims down, you looked besides him and sees that Ilulu was gone}

(Y/N): I guess Ilulu left?

{As you continued to walk back to the apartment, you stopped as you suddenly started blushing and your body was feeling weird, too weird}

(Y/N): Don't tell me... She put a spell on me...

{Now realizing it, you are now unable to think straight and only think about one thing...}

(Y/N): Just great...!

(A/N: And that's it for the first episode of Season 2 of the Dragon Harem! It took me a while to put it together, and I feel like this was perfect to mark Season 2! Episode 2 will be soon, and I'll be introducing more Titan's very soon! Also at the beginning of Epsiode 2, 18+ scene will be the first thing, so be warned)

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