Love in the Oddest Places (bo...

By GenVision_2009

71.8K 2.7K 1.5K

Luigi and Mario were simply going to do a simple job: set up a factory's plumbing system, get paid, and go ho... More

Chapter 1: Taken Prisoner
Chapter 2: Throne Room Face-Off
Chapter 3: A Breath of Fresh Air
Chapter 4: Cast Adrift
Chapter 5: Decisions, decisions
Chapter 6: Giving Back
Chapter 7: Punishment Fit for a King
Chapter 8: Unfortunate Spotlight
Chapter 9: Do the Crime, Do the Time
Chapter 10: Beginning Journey
Chapter 11: Acquainted at Last
Author's Notice
Chapter 12: Family Reunion
Chapter 13: Breaking the Ice
Chapter 14: First Steps
Chapter 15: Actions Speak Louder than Words
Chapter 16: Brotherly Bonding
Chapter 17: Wrench in the Works
Chapter 18: Impending Threat
Chapter 19: Barking Menace
Chapter 20: Enemy of My Enemy
Chapter 21: Anguish
Chapter 22: Comfort in the Dark
Chapter 23: Darklands' Hope
Chapter 24: Penny for your thoughts
Chapter 25:Exposure Therapy
Chapter 26: Femme Fatale
Chapter 27: Victory Mark Ceremony
Chapter 28: Onward
Chapter 29: Skeletons in Royal Closets
Chapter 30: Aerial Madness
Chapter 31: Imperial Cold Shoulder
Chapter 32: Swayed Heart
Chapter 33: That's Amore!
Chapter 34: Blast from the Past
Chapter 36: Choosing a Side
Chapter 37: Regrouping
Chapter 38: Shattered Deceit
Chapter 39: Opening Statements
Chapter 40: Weight of the Crown
Chapter 41: Verdict
Chapter 42: Family Reunion Take Two
Chapter 43: Home at Last
Chapter 44: Surprise, surprise~
Chapter 45: Ghostly Guide
Chapter 46: Talking with Ghosts

Chapter 35: Civil Conversation

519 33 39
By GenVision_2009

Peach sat in her dimly lit office; the air heavy with anticipation. Her gloved fingers trembled slightly as they tapped an anxious rhythm upon the polished surface of the desk. Before she lay the ominous letter, its contents penned in her cousin's jagged script, each word a harbinger of impending doom.


Ever since Bowser arrived, I've had him under surveillance. My spies tell me his general has been absent; I don't know why and frankly don't care. The reason won't ever be good. To make things worse, he and Luigi have been awfully friendly; I know you gave this guy the benefit of the doubt once but... the evidence is clearly there, and you can't deny this. Luigi is siding with the Darklands. And you're going to deal with it; meanwhile, I'll deal with the Koopa bastard... since you never cared to do so."

The clock in her office ticked loudly.

Peach found herself in a state of profound confusion, unsure of how to process the unexpected turn of events. The notion that such a thing could occur had never crossed her mind. Memories of their past battles flooded her mind – the triumphant victory over Bowser, and the joyous celebrations that followed. She vividly remembered how Mario, Luigi, and herself had stood together in unity against their foe. They had shared laughter and camaraderie, comforting each other when they discovered the warp pipe back to Earth was irreparably damaged.

Until this moment, Peach had believed her relationship with Luigi to be amicable. He had always shown her kindness and respect, demonstrating unwavering dedication in their training sessions and his reports. His actions consistently reflected the qualities of a true hero – compassionate, diligent, and selfless.

But that image was cracking.

Luigi's decision to shelter the Koopa Prince in his quarters struck Peach with disbelief. She had never entertained the idea of causing harm to the young prince; her instinct was always to ensure his safety, perhaps by securing him under the vigilant watch of her guards. However, it seemed Luigi had misinterpreted her intentions. His recent behavior towards her had shifted drastically, veering into a realm of unmistakable distrust.

With a frustrated sigh, Peach reached for a nearby drawer, her movements hurried and agitated. The faint sound of paper rustling filled the room as she extracted a bundle of documents tied together with twine. As she flipped through the pages, her hands trembled slightly, her focus homing in on certain entries that bore significance to their current predicament.

'King Bowser was less than happy about his sentencing... He was very moody and aggressive. I tried my best to get an update on the Glacial Gates and he was less than helpful. It's clear he's looking at this as a chore. Reconstruction has been somewhat slow.'

As Princess Peach flipped the page, a nervous twitch betrayed her usual poise. A line of darkness crawled up her collarbone.

'It has been about a month since King Bowser has started his sentence... I think it's starting to sink in. I can't say for sure since he's still confrontational. Reconstruction has increased to a better pace.'

A wave of tension washed over Peach, causing her features to tense and her jaw to clench. The shadow of concern crept up her neck, a stark contrast to her usual composure. Flipping to the next report, she focused on the last communication she had received regarding the Glacial Gates in the Snow Kingdom. Alongside the report lay a short letter from King Boreas, lending credence to Luigi's assertions.

'After a week since my last report, and I can say now with confidence that the community service is definitely humbling Bowser! After some prying, he expressed remorse over his actions. His participation in the reconstruction has increased. He's... weary of me but he seems to be mellowing out.'

Luigi stopped using his title, Peach noted. That behavior change certainly marked a shift in their relationship. Such a thing shouldn't be possible considering how deadly afraid Luigi was of Bowser. Peach narrowed her eyes and moved on to the next section of the document. This set of reports pertained to Bowser's behavior in the next kingdom.

Peach's attention was drawn to King Boreas' letter, detailing the incident involving Princess Tuxie's inadvertent journey beyond the protective gates of the Frigid Metropolis. Shock rippled through her as she read how Bowser, of all beings, had stumbled upon the lost princess and safely returned her to her kingdom. Even more surprising was Boreas' mention of Bowser's unexpected gesture of apology. Gritting her teeth, she moved on to the next kingdom.

'Kong Country was under attack by the Kremling Crew. They released a wild Chain Chomp onto the city; however, thanks to Bowser, he managed to stop its rampage before any casualties could happen. He's even taking care of the poor Chain Chomp, keeping her safe until her pups are born. During his time in this kingdom, Bowser was not aggressive in the slightest! He's become rather amicable actually. He's started some sort of friendship with Chief Cranky and Donkey Kong.'

A strange, choked sound escaped Peach, almost resembling a suppressed sob. She instinctively covered her face, feeling the weight of the gloom pressing down on her. Luigi's unexpected praise of Bowser struck her deeply. How could he commend someone who had caused them so much turmoil? Yet, the evidence before her painted a different picture – Bowser was indeed proving Luigi right.

As she continued to sift through the reports and testimonies from other rulers, each echoing Luigi's sentiments, a sense of disbelief washed over her. Everything seemed to indicate that Bowser was on a path of redemption. However, amidst this revelation, another piece of the puzzle fell into place, shedding light on the complexities of their situation.

Through his reports, how Luigi spoke about him changed. His demeanor regarding Bowser changed, as he seemed protective of him. The last time he was here, Peach could sense he was pining for someone, and with the evidence right here it was obvious: Luigi was in love with Bowser. Why? Why... HIM?!

It can't be... How could Luigi fall for someone like that?! Peach grabbed the booklet and threw it against the wall with a loud shout; the twine unraveled, sending the papers flying all across her office. She grabbed at her hair and started to pace.

No... Nonono. He can't. Luigi can't love him. Who in their right mind would fall for someone like Bowser? He had no regard for others! He was a cruel tyrant, deception and language were his only ways of living. How could Luigi fall for someone who sent his wife, the queen of his kingdom and mother to his child, to assassinate-



Princess Peach grappled with a truth she dared not acknowledge. Bowser's facade of redemption was nothing, but a veil draped over his malevolent intentions. Every smile, every act of supposed goodwill was a ruse, a deceitful dance orchestrated to manipulate and deceive. And to make everything worse, he was using Luigi's feelings for him for some nefarious plan. That was it... It was the only logical explanation for this...

And yet, to deny this truth was to confront an even greater horror: the realization of her own complicity in the charade. If Bowser's redemption was true, then what of her kingdom's staunch rejection of the Darklands? What of the lies she perpetuated about her parents' fate, shielding her people from the grim reality? She would show her allies that she was just like him.

Peach recoiled from such thoughts, her mind recoiling from the abyss yawning before her. Better to seal it all away, to bury the truth beneath layers of denial and deceit. Daisy's misguided optimism was a cruel jest, a mockery of the suffering that threatened to consume her. Just seal everything away, she thought, the words echoing like a dirge in the recesses of her mind. Just like you've always done. Daisy is wrong. She can and she will seal away her grief, locking it tight within the fortress of her soul, condemning herself to a fate far darker than any prison could impose.

The gem adorning her brooch emitted an ominous black glow, casting a shadow of foreboding. Across her visage, the mark of darkness stretched like an angry scar, a testament to her entanglement with fate. As a tear traced its solitary path down her cheek, it symbolized her resignation, for she had ventured too deep to turn back now.


Idaten sliced through the sky with unprecedented velocity, each sonic boom reverberating through the air like thunder. Despite the pounding ache in their head and the blood trickling from their ears, the urgency of the mission spurred them onward. They had to reach King Bowser, and they had to do it now.

The Paratroopas remained behind, tasked with guarding Queen Clawdia and delivering a report detailing both Bowser's peril and the mysterious circumstances surrounding her unexpected appearance on the remote island in the heart of the Great Poison Pond. Idaten, renowned as the swiftest flyer among them, raced ahead, determined to breach the distance in record time.


Another thunderous shockwave shattered the sound barrier, causing Idaten to grit their teeth against the force of their velocity. As the towering pyramids of Sarasaland loomed into view, a fleeting thought of discretion crossed their mind—a request from Bowser and Kamek that now seemed impossible to honor at such breakneck speeds. But the gravity of the situation eclipsed any concern for stealth.

For within this urgent message lay the revelation that the previous queen, presumed lost in battle, still drew breath. Bowser needed to know that his mother lived, just as Kamek needed assurance that his beloved wife yet walked among the living. With each passing moment, the need to deliver this news grew more pressing, propelling Idaten onward through the skies with unwavering determination.


Bowser followed his guide through the labyrinthine halls of Daisy's castle; this was one place he did not want to get lost in. The guards that followed him, almost breathing on his shell, were just waiting for an excuse to stab him with their spears, the empty eye holes of their masks stared at him. Just because Princess Daisy agreed to a meeting didn't mean it didn't come with stipulations. The Shy Guys guided him deeper into the castle without a word. As Bowser trudged along behind the silent Shy Guys, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that permeated the air. The dimly lit corridors seemed to stretch on endlessly, twisting and turning in a maze-like fashion that left him disoriented. Every shadow seemed to harbor unseen threats, and the oppressive silence weighed heavily on him.

His mind raced with thoughts of the potential dangers lurking within Daisy's castle. He knew all too well that the Mushroom Kingdom was not a friendly place for a Koopa like himself. The inhabitants harbored deep-seated animosity towards him, fueled by years of conflict and rivalry. But despite the risks, he couldn't afford to pass up this opportunity for diplomacy. His kingdom depended on it.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of walking, the Shy Guys came to a halt before a pair of ornate double doors. Without a word, they gestured for Bowser to enter. With a deep breath to steel himself, he pushed open the doors and stepped into the chamber beyond. The room was grand and opulent, adorned with tapestries and gold-trimmed furniture. At the far end of the room, seated upon a throne, was Princess Daisy herself. Her expression was unreadable as she regarded the Koopa King with cool detachment. "Bowser," she greeted, her voice echoing in the vast chamber. "Interesting for you to have asked for a meeting with me."

Clearing his throat, Bowser began, "Princess Daisy, thank you for granting me this audience. I come to you today not as a conqueror, but as a seeker of peace."

Daisy raised an eyebrow, her gaze sharp. "Peace, Bowser? That's a curious word coming from the ruler of the Koopa Kingdom, known for conquering and pillaging."

Bowser's eyebrow twitched. Her words held some kernel of truth, but that didn't define the Darklands as a whole; the politics were a lot more complex than she was making it out to be. Bowser nodded solemnly, acknowledging the truth in her words. "Yes, our history is marred by conflict. But I believe it's time for a change. The world is changing, and I see an opportunity for our kingdoms to coexist peacefully, for the benefit of our subjects."

Daisy regarded him for a moment, her expression unmoving. "And what, pray tell, has brought about this sudden change of heart?"

"It's not sudden, Princess," Bowser replied earnestly. "It's been a long time coming. You may not know but my grandfather began to realize our ways were self-destructive. Then, when my parents took the throne and furthered his plan for peace with the other kingdoms."

Bowser fought the urge to clench his fist. Saying the words out loud served as a harsh reminder of his transgressions; if things had gone to plan, if he hadn't gone on a rampage against the world, maybe his grandfather and his parents' dream would have already come to fruition. Maybe, if he'd done more and not stolen the Power Star, he could have discovered what Stheno had done to make Princess Peach shun the Darklands and resolved it peacefully.

"It's been a long time coming," Daisy repeated. "How... convenient."

Bowser looked up. "Excuse me?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing," Daisy said while standing from her throne. "Just convenient. You bring up your family's supposed plans of diplomacy now."

She walked as she spoke. Her every step was followed by the sound of metal, almost like... Like armor. Bowser's eyes widened and he took a step back. Princess Daisy tilted her head, "What? Do you think that would erase what you've done?"

"It doesn't matter. You can't trust anything that comes out of his mouth," a new voice said.

Bowser glanced behind him. Standing by the door with a hand against the wall was a man wearing a Shy Guy mask. He wore imperial clothes, and a crown of silver sat on his graying hair. The man pressed a tile on the wall, causing the floor beneath Bowser to give out. The Koopa King roared in surprise and reached for the edge but plummeted into the darkness below.




After a short yet terrifying fall, Bowser landed on stone forcefully. The king groaned, his head spinning; the side he landed on ached, but nothing felt broken. Bowser stood to his feet and touched his head, quickly scanning his surroundings. He was in some sort of arena; torches lined the circular space, their orange-yellow hue cast a dramatic glow. The four rulers of Sarasaland stood in the cardinal points, watching him with disdain and ready to attack.

Bowser growled and moved into a defensive position. No wonder Daisy had so readily accepted his petition to an audience; it was all a setup. Suddenly the sound of metal scraping on stone caught his attention. Bowser looked back at the entrance where he fell from just in time to see Daisy fall. She tucked and rolled, landing on her feet. Daisy's gown was replaced by armor, her expression hidden by a mask. With ease, she lifted a large greatsword and pointed it at him, "King Bowser, for your crimes against the Empire of Sarasaland, you are sentenced to death."

With remarkable speed, she raised her blade and lunged at Bowser. As Daisy lunged at him, the king jumped back, narrowly avoiding the blow. The force of the impact sent shockwaves through the chamber, rattling the walls, and stirring up dust from the ancient stone floor. Bowser snarled, flames flickering out of his maw. Everything in him told him to fight back against Daisy, but he could not bring himself to attack.

The Crowned Princess swung his sword upward, narrowly taking one of his horns. Bowser once again leaped back, then dodged another attack. Fire bubbled within him. Rather than shooting it directly at Daisy, he shot a line of fire at her feet, creating a barrier between them.

"I'm not fighting you, Daisy!" he roared.

Daisy adjusted her grip, "So, you're going to make this easier for me? That works fine by me."

The warrior princess leaped over the flames, doing a somersault mid-air. Her movements caught him off guard; he wouldn't have time to avoid it. Bowser gritted his teeth and raised his arms.


Daisy yelped as her sword bounced off Bowser's arms; his scales had turned to steel. She moved the sword onto one hand and flicked her other hand, trying to shake off numbness. The piercing in Bowser's eyebrow had turned from black to silver, matching his now metallic form. The Koopa King turned his head toward her, his movements stiff. "I told you. I am not fighting you," he said.

Daisy let out an irritated snarl, "What, spending a few months cleaning up your mess suddenly made you see the error of your ways? Are you fucking serious?"

"Unfortunately... yes," Bowser admitted. "It shouldn't have resorted to me and my troops not being able to return home. I should've never attacked the Allied Kingdoms and taken their Power Stars-"

With terrifyingly swift movements, Daisy ran toward him. She flipped her greatsword and slammed the pommel between his eyes. Despite his skin being made of metal, he could certainly feel it. Bowser's concentration faltered, causing part of the power-up to dissipate. Daisy wound her fist back and punched him in the snout.

The king fought back against the pain. He grabbed her arm and threw her away from him, lifting his power-up defenses once again. Daisy skidded and rolled, losing her grip on her sword. From the observation decks, the other kings called her names and seemed to be ready to join her side in battle. But the princess was not having it. She quickly recovered and picked up her sword, "STAY OUT OF THIS!" she roared, then sprinted toward Bowser once again.

Bowser stepped back and raised his fists. The rage in Daisy's eyes was palpable... and familiar. The princess was consumed by one thought: revenge. And he was quite familiar with that path. Their clash was fierce and unrelenting. Daisy swung her greatsword with precision, each strike fueled by her anger and determination. Bowser, using his immense strength and size to his advantage, countered her blows with calculated blocks of his own. The sound of metal meeting metal echoed throughout the chamber as they battled, neither willing to back down.





Another fireball was launched.

"Fight me."

"I refuse."

Dust floated around them. The arena was deeply scarred. Her every moment was wild and random, nothing but desperate attempts to hurt.



"I will not."

With an animalistic cry, Princess Daisy grabbed hold of Bowser's collar, pivoting her hips. She threw the Koopa King with great force, sending him crashing against a pillar. The arena shook violently. The princess stumbled to one knee, her armor was covered in scratches; sometime during the struggle, part of her mask was broken, revealing her tears.

Bowser shook his head and stood up, unharmed. Although, without the power-up, the outcome would have been much more gruesome. He looked up just in time to avoid another mad slash from Daisy. He moved to the side quickly, and (with a resigned look) he smacked the side of her head, directly on her ear. Daisy yelped, then jumped back; her landing was unsure, causing her to fall.

"I am not going to fight you," he said. "I'm not fighting anyone, not even you."

He turned to the observing crowd. King Totomesu had his hackles raised. The other rulers watched with baited breaths; the emperor visibly gripped the railing. But none of them moved.

"Act like it..."

Bowser turned to Daisy's weak voice. The Crowned Princess shakily stood to her feet, using her sword for support. She stumbled and shook her head, trying to shake off the dizziness. Daisy tried to run once again at him but tripped once again. King Bowser sighed and walked toward her; he wished he'd knocked her sense of balance out earlier. This fight shouldn't have dragged as long as it has. She's angry, and she has every right to be.

Daisy got to her knees, gripping her blade. "Act like it... Be the monster that you're supposed," she whispered.

Bowser halted his steps, his expression softening slightly as he regarded Daisy. Her words pierced through the tension, echoing in the quiet arena. He understood her anger, her frustration, but he couldn't bring himself to fulfill her expectations. Despite her balance being off, Daisy shakily rose to her feet. "You had my aunt and uncle killed... Why are you making their vengeance so difficult?"

Bowser's eyes widened in shock. He had never done such a thing, not even dreamed about it. The rulers of the Mushroom Kingdom had accepted his parents' idea to open peace talks; furthermore, Bowser would never think of planning an assassination on other rulers. His shock melted into a mixture of confusion and empathy as he listened to Daisy's accusations; the power-up dissipated. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, stirring something within him that he hadn't expected. "I... I didn't..." the king began, his voice faltering with genuine emotion. "I swear to you, Daisy, I had no part in any plot against your family-"

The Crowned Princess ripped off her mask and chucked it in his direction. "DON'T- Don't you dare lie!" she growled. "You sent your wife to the Mushroom Kingdom under the guise of peace negotiations! You gave her orders to murder Queen Seraphina and King Agaricus!"

Bowser clenched his fists and shook his head. "I did no such thing!"

The Koopa King grabbed Daisy's fist before it connected with his face. Daisy stared at him, eyes wide with rage. As he held her there, the pieces started connecting in his mind.

"S-she knew the kingdom better than all of us! We'd give her a ride, and she'd give us directions to get safely out of your kingdom." Rool had said.

Stheno managed to get transportation.

"She barely talked to us and kept to herself," the Kremling had replied. "We parted ways in some forest, I- I don't know, south? Of Bowser's castle."

"Dimble Woods."

Cranky and DK looked at Bowser. The Koopa King crossed his arms, "The only forest anywhere near the Darklands is Dimble Woods; from there, it's a few days walk to the Mushroom Kingdom."

Stheno purposely sought out a location near the Mushroom Kingdom. After recovering, she somehow managed to get an audience with the king and queen. Where she then proceeded to murder them... And managed to plant the blame on Bowser. That's why Princess Peach ostracized the Darklands, why Princess Daisy was so hellbent on avenging her family.

The metallic power-up lifted once again, just in time to block the blade from behind. Bowser let go of Daisy's hand and looked over his shoulder. The emperor stood there, his blade still raised at his throat. "Have my daughter's words jogged your memory?" he asked.

"This is all a grave misunderstanding," Bowser replied. "You have all been deceived. You, Princess Peach, the other Allied Kingdoms. All of you have been lied to!"

The emperor hummed. "If so, why did you not bring this up during your trial months ago?"

"Because I had no idea this happened. Stheno was exiled after she was discovered to be aligned with a group of anarchists, wreaking havoc in my kingdom."

Daisy's eyes widened. "Father, wait."

The emperor of Sarasaland turned to her. Daisy had a look of bewilderment on her face. She held her blade by her side, "Look at him... He isn't faking the shock," she said.

Bowser's heart was racing. "Emperor Roark, please heed her words. If you need proof, I have it. Just please... give me a chance to tell the truth."

Emperor Roark stared at him. His expression was unreadable due to the mask. Daisy ran a hand through her hair, fresh tears going down her face as she thought about the prospect that everything, she knew could be a lie. The masked ruler remained silent, his gaze fixed on Bowser, who stood before him with a mixture of anxiety and determination. The tension in the room was palpable, each moment stretching out like an eternity as Daisy's heart raced with uncertainty.

"I am a victim of Stheno's cruelty as well," Bowser said. "I know of her deceit, how she hurts you. She intended to sow discord between the kingdom, even if the price to pay was her life. Do not let her win..."

Roark glanced back to Princess Daisy who nodded her head amidst her daze. Bowser pushed back his blade, "You Majesty, I promise on all that I hold dear, I speak the truth."

The emperor shifted his stance and pointed his blade at the center of the Koopa's chest. Bowser dissipated the power-up, willingly leaving himself exposed. Roark removed his mask, "Would you submit to a trial?" he asked.

"In a heartbeat."

The emperor tightened his grip on his sword. "If I find out you had the audacity to lie about what happened to my sister-"

Bowser's eyes turned to slits. "I would rather get stabbed by you, right here, right now, than ever lie about being abused or playing a part in the assassination of Peach's parents."

Both the emperor and Daisy reacted with shock. Roark lowered his blade (much to Bowser's relief) and looked at the floor, lost in thought. Without a word, the emperor walked past the king and approached his daughter. He shouted an order to Totomesu in his native tongue, then embraced Daisy.

Totomesu jumped from the observation deck and quickly ushered Bowser out of the arena. The king followed, his face tensing as he heard Daisy's muffled sobs.




King Bowser and Totomesu stepped into the cold outside, the stars shining above them. Bowser crossed his arms, clearly shaken by his battle with Princess Daisy. The poor woman had her reality moved upside down... All for what, for Stheno to follow her anarchistic ideology? To punish Bowser and his family for wanting to abandon the path of war? He didn't understand...

And frankly, he didn't care.

No explanation would ever excuse harming a family in such a way. As King Bowser and Totomesu walked under the twinkling stars, the bitter cold of the night air seemed to seep into their bones, mirroring the chill in Bowser's heart. His mind was still reeling from the encounter with Princess Daisy and the revelation of Stheno's involvement. But amidst the confusion and anger, one thing remained clear to Bowser: he would undo all the harm she had caused.

"Continue on this path and you'll arrive at your camp shortly," the large Gao said. "His Majesty recommends you call back your General from wherever he is."

Bowser nodded. "They were on a mission to retrieve some resources in the Great Poison Pond-" he turned to see Totomesu's reaction. "Just telling you in case you were wondering where they were."

The Koopa wasn't even surprised that he was under surveillance; such a thing was trivial right now. Totomesu huffed, "I will return for you once the trial is organized. Take this time to gather your evidence," he replied.

"I will."

With those last words, King Totomesu walked back to the path they came from. Bowser let out a deep sigh; he had hoped for a civil conversation, not a brawl. But, once again, considering Daisy's opinion of him, he wasn't too surprised. He was relieved to have survived the ordeal without serious injury and finally had an answer to the question plaguing him ever since his fight with King K. Rool.

Bowser looked at the starry sky. The next few days would be an uncomfortable ordeal; he'd be talking about his abusive relationship with people he once considered enemies. But... Just like it felt with Luigi, the feeling would be relieving and worth it. He would be able to rebuild his reputation as well as his kingdom's image in one swell swoop.

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