By BeYouTaeFool

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"In the silence of her solitude, the whispers of seven angels echoed, each a melody of hope. They danced into... More

Part 2
Part 5
Part 6
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28

Part 24

1 1 0
By BeYouTaeFool

Y/n smiled a little. Just then they all heard bell ringing.

Y/n : Let's go to classroom.

Then they all went to classroom. Y/n was sitting with Jungkook. Suga and J-Hope were sitting behind them, Jin and Namjoon were on the bench to their right, and Taehyung and Jimin were on the bench in front of them. Lisa and Rose were sitting on the bench to their left, and Jennie and Jisoo were sitting behind those two girls.

Y/n : We are surrounded on all sides.

She looked around and said to Jungkook.

Jungkook : Hm it's because of your fan following.

Y/n looked at him and he smiled.

Y/n : You just keep saying anything.?

Jungkook : At least I am not like you who remains mute despite having a tongue.

Y/n : But I talk.

Jungkook : Very rarely and less.

Y/n rolled her eyes and started taking out her books. Somebody tapped on her shoulder, she looked up at the person.

Y/n : Felix.?

Taehyung : Now this sample was still pending.?

He said to Jimin and Jungkook.

Felix : I thought you would have forgotten me.

Y/n : Not everyone is as forgetful as you.

Jimin : Maybe she forgot her situation from two days ago when she lost her total memory.

Taehyung : She is weird.

Jimin : Like you're normal.

Taehyung : What do you mean.?

Jimin : What you understood.

Taehyung : Your height is low but your tongue is very long.

Jimin : Yaa Kim Taehyung mind your language.

Taehyung : You were the one who first started it.

Jimin : But--

Jungkook : Shhhh... look.

They looked at Y/n and Felix.

Felix : So would you like to have a lunch with me.?

Y/n : Um... I'll see.

Felix : Okay then bye.

Y/n : Bye.!

He left and y/n looked infront only facing Jimin, then she turned left seeing Jungkook and Taehyung with the same expression. Then she looked behind at J-hope and suga, She also checked her left and right side and everyone had the same expression.

Y/n : What's wrong with you all.?

Jimin : Are you really going to have a lunch with him.?

Y/n : I said I'll see.

Jimin : He can eat by himself. It is not that You both were born eating together!

Y/n : No human starts eating as soon as he is born.

Jimin : ( Speechless).

Taehyung : I don't know why but I just saw Yoongi in you.!

Suga : Finally there's someone who can match my level.

He showed his hand to y/n for high five. And y/n quickly accepted.

" Good morning students "

Teacher entered in the class. And here their first period begin.

First period is over.

Y/n : What's the next period.?

J-hope : History

Y/n : Boring!

Jimin : How could you say that when you always get full grades in every History test.?

Y/n : Hm do but that doesn't mean I like History.

Taehyung : I agree.

Suga : You are always agree with her.

He smiled.

Jungkook : Are you free after school.?

Y/n : Why.?

Jungkook : We all are going to watch a movie tonight so I thought to invite you.

"I'll see"

Y/n and Taehyung said together.

All of them looked at him but meanwhile he was chuckling.

Taehyung : I knew it you would say that.

Jimin : How?

Taehyung : I don't know but I knew it.

Namjoon : Don't you think that these two are very similar to each other.?

Suga : I thought I am the only one who thinks like that.

We are not.!

They again said together. And looked at each other in shock.

Jin : Seriously.?

Why are you imitating me.?"

I wasn't.!

Ya Shut up.!

Shut up why are you imitating me yaaa just stop it.!

Again together.

Jimin : Shut up.!

Jimin said and they both went silent.

Suga : Are you guys even real.?

Jungkook : What was that.?

J-hope : You guys really meant to be each other.

Y/n and taehyung: NO.!

They again looked at each other.

Jimin : Wait.

Taehyung : She is imitating me.

Y/n : I'm not. You are the one who started it first.

Namjoon : Why don't you accept that you are same.

Y/n : Never.

Taehyung : Not at all.

Jin : Okay.. choose one Tea or coffee.!


They both said and again looked at each other.

Y/n : You.!

Suga : Any fruit.?

" Strawberry "

Jungkook : Any hobby.?

"Photography "

J-hope : Burger or pizza.?

" Both"

Jimin : Favourite country.?

" New Zealand"

Namjoon : Subject.?

" English"

Jimin : I'm done with them.

Y/n and Taehyung was looking at each other, smiling in disbelief.

Taehyung showed her hand to y/n and she held it and they both shaked their hands.

Suga : Congratulations Taehyung, You found your soul mate.

Namjoon : Can't believe on my eyes.!

Jungkook : I can't believe there's really someone here who's as weird as you.

Taehyung : Me too.

They all chuckled.

"Attention guys."

All students looked at the boy.

"Our history teacher has an important work so he can't attend class today."

Students : Yay.!!!!

They all started cheering.

Suga : Finally I can sleep.

He said and placed his head on the bench.

J-hope : What do you do at night.?

Taehyung : Whatever... I'm glad that I won't be bore anymore.

Jin : You are always bored.

Taehyung : I'm really bored of being bored.

Y/n & Taehyung : Being bored is really very boring.

Jimin : I'm seriously gonna die if I stay with them for some more time.

Y/n laughed and hit Taehyung's arm.

Then she noticed whole class went silent and only the sound of her laughing could hear in the class.

She stopped and looked around. Everyone was looking at her dropping their jaws.

She realised that she never even smiled properly in the class but no she laughed crazily. She stood up from her seat.

" Can't believe on my eyes"

" Is this really y/n.?"

" My eyes are blessed "

Jennie : Omo y/niee.

She stood up and came to her bench.

Jennie : Why did you stop.?

Lisa, Jisoo and Rose also joined them.

Jisoo : You were looking pretty while laughing.

Rose : Can you laugh again please please please.?

Y/n : Guy's I---

Jimin : Y/n.?

He stood up and hugged her tightly.

Y/n : I can't breath Jimin leave me.

He pulled back while giving her his best smile.

Jimin : I never knew you would look this much pretty while laughing.

Y/n : C'mon this is too much now.

She looked at the other students who were still looking at her.

Y/n : What..? Is there any kind of drama going on.? Go back to your work.

" It's like my dream is over."

" Welcome to the horrible reality again."

"She tricked us"

They all went back to their seats while gossiping.

She Finally sat down and let out a sigh.

She placed her hand on her chest.

Y/n : What the hell just happened.! My heart is beating so loudly.

Suga : Are you okay y/n.?

He placed his hand on her back. Y/n nodded her head.

Jungkook held her shoulders and rubbed her back.

Jungkook : You alright.?

Y/n : I need to use restroom.

Jimin : Y/n.? What happened.. why are you suddenly sweating.?

Y/n : Jimin... I.

She couldn't say anything. She started breathing heavily.

Jennie : Y/n.?

Lisa : Let's take her to rest room.

Rose and Lisa held her shoulders. But Jimin stopped them.

Jimin : Wait.

Them looked at him.

Jimin : I don't trust you.

Rose : C'mon Jimin atleast look at her condition.

Taehyung : Let's her go Jimin.

He left y/n's hand and then they all our took her to restroom.

Y/n locked the door and quickly turned on the tap. She started splashing water on her face continuously.

After sometime she relaxed and looked at her in the mirror.

Y/n : What the hell is wrong with me.!

She sighed and then rubbed her chest.

She flipped her hairs back.

She heard a knock on the door.

Rose : Y/n are you alright.?

Y/n : I'm okay.!

She said and opened the door.

Lisa : Are you okay.?

Y/n nodded her head.

Jisoo wiped her face with her scaff.

Y/n held her wrist.

Y/n : It's okay there's no need to do this.

Jisoo removed her hand and again started wiping her face.

Jennie : What happened to you.? You were just laughing earlier.

Y/n : I think it's because of my social anxiety.

Jennie started fixing her hairs.

Jennie : It's okay I can understand since you really don't talk with others.

Jisoo : You should get out from your social anxiety y/n.

Y/n sat on the chair and the other girls also sat beside her.

Y/n : I'm thirsty.

Jisoo : What do you wanna drink.?

Y/n : I'll drink by myself.

Jennie : It's alright you just sat here.

Y/n : No guy's please stop it. You are not my servants or something.

Lisa : We won't become servants by getting you drink.

Jennie : Plus I don't have any problem with being your servant.

Lisa : Me too.

Rose : Me too.

Jisoo : Me too.

Y/n : Thanks for your care but you really don't need to do that.

Jennie : Don't stop us y/n. It's nothing In front of what we did to you.

Lisa : We are really sorry y/n.

Y/n : I already forgave you all.

Jennie : That's why you are the best.

Y/n smiled at them.

Lisa: You really look so pretty while smiling.

Rose : I'm getting a crush on you.

Jennie : She's right. If you were a boy I would definitely marry you.

Y/n looked away.

They all laughed at her.

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