●be mine, valentine●

بواسطة sunflowerwalls24p2

3.9K 337 49

Most people Valentine's age would be a freshmen in college, just beginning to discover who they are. But Vale... المزيد

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen

chapter ten

273 28 2
بواسطة sunflowerwalls24p2

It had only been a day since Valentine's last interaction with Greyson and he was still caught up on everything that had happened.

He wasn't sure why he acted like that but something about Greyson insinuating that he was bad at his job or that he was lacking at what he was paid to do made him mad.

It made him more than mad, it made him livid.

Valentine had everything under control. He could work the two jobs. He could provide for his family. He could keep his babies happy.

He could do anything as long as it meant his children were okay. Anything at all.

He's done it his whole life, he just had to do it a while longer.

That was a lie, of course. Lies were how Valentine made it through the day. Telling himself that he'd be okay if he just kept moving for a few more hours, a few more days, a few more months.

It's gotten him this far so who was he to question it?

"You gonna take a break for lunch?" Valentine hears Maverick ask, breaking him from his work-filled haze.

"Not right now," He replies shyly, never really knowing how to return Maverick's small talk and chit-chat throughout the work day.

He wasn't used to big, strong men being nice to him.

Big, strong, attractive men, Valentine thinks.

A big, strong, attractive man that he isn't sure even likes him anymore.

After last night he wouldn't be very surprised.

Valentine was sure Greyson would go to Maverick as soon as they left the diner and tell him about his second job. He was certain he'd come into work today and get the same reaction from the man that he'd gotten from Greyson the night before.

But no, everything was normal. Well, as normal as they got for Valentine.

He couldn't help but wonder when the shoe would drop though.

When something would happen that would make Maverick finally truly hate him just like Greyson did.

"You never stop moving, do you?" He hears Maverick ask. When he looks up from his computer he sees the man chuckling softly as he shakes his head.

"W-What do you mean?" Valentine asks.

"You're just always doing something for someone else. I'm waiting for the day you do something for you." He says, his joyful expression quickly morphing into worry... maybe even pity. Valentine isn't sure. But he does wonder how Maverick was able to read him so quickly.

The man seemed to unlock his mind in less than a few weeks.

It was terrifying.

"I-I do things for me." He says quietly, trying to convince himself as well as Maverick.

"Like what?" The man has a grin on his face as he asks but his eyes don't look very happy.

Valentine ponders for a while, trying to find any time recently that he's done something for himself.

Other than allowing himself the scraps of Luca's meals or a lukewarm shower he doesn't come up with much.

"I think that says everything," Maverick says as he grabs his things and advances towards the door, stopping when he gets next to Valentine's desk.

The room is awkwardly silent for a few moments before Maverick speaks again. "Breaks are paid for, hon, use them." He finishes, moving with confident strides out of the office.

Valentine is still buzzing from the slight term of endearment he received.

This big, strong, attractive man had spoken to him like he was delicate. Like he was a freshly grown flower sprouting in early spring, untainted by the world and deserving of care.

Valentine didn't deserve that, no matter how much he craved it.

He was damaged and scarred. No man would ever want him. Not in the way he truly needed.

He knew that he just had to remind himself every now and then. Every time he got a little ahead of himself.

It didn't take the hurt away though. Nothing did because he knew that with every kind word, there would be a word of abuse to replace it.

He knew that. He knew that. He knew that.

Maybe Maverick was right, maybe he did need a break.

That was unrealistic though. He didn't have the luxury of that.

Today he would work and he would work hard that way Greyson wouldn't have the right to say that he was failing at his job.

It didn't matter that he only had two hours of sleep and was running on a few bites of oatmeal. He would do this because he had to because he had to prove to his boss that he could do it and he would, no matter what was thrown at him.


"Where are my reports from yesterday?" Valentine flinches when he hears Greyson's harsh voice for the hundredth time that day.

After Greyson got back from lunch with Maverick he hadn't left him alone for a second. It had been five hours of this and it didn't seem like there was an end in sight.

"They're right here, sir," Valentine said as he got up from his desk and pointed to a stack of papers lying on Greyson's. He tried to keep the exhaustion from his voice but it was getting harder and harder.

"Hmmm." He hums as he grabs the papers, not sparing a glance at Valentine. "Get me a coffee, would you? It's gonna be a long night." Greyson grumbles, not entirely asking but demanding.

"Of course, sir. Do you want me to do that before or after I clean up my stuff for the day?" Valentine asks after glancing at the clock. It was almost 5:30, he'd have to leave to pick up Luca soon if he was gonna get there by 6.

Greyson peers at Valentine over his paperwork, giving him a pointed glare.

"A long night for the both of us." He says coldly. "Unless of course that interferes with a second job of yours?"

Valentine looks at him incredulously at the question wishing that Maverick was here and not in a meeting so he could back him up.

Well, he thinks, that wouldn't go very well either.

Maverick couldn't know.

"Of course not, sir. I... I ummmm... I just can't stay any longer. I have somewhere to be." Valentine risks the words. The thought of leaving Luca at daycare longer than promised was like a knife to the chest.

"Is that so? Well then if you have commitments in other places then I guess-" Greyson goes to say but is cut off by an urgent Valentine.

"No! No, I mean. It's fine, I can make it work. I'll make it work." He says in a poor attempt to convince himself that he can figure out Luca while also staying here longer. "I-I'm just gonna go get your coffee." He says as he awkwardly shuffles out of the room.

Valentine makes it to the break room as quickly as possible. The first thing he does when he gets there is pull his old iPhone five out to call the only person he can think of.

"Avery?" He asks as soon as his best friend picks up.

"What's wrong?" He asks immediately, worry etched in his tone.

"N-Nothing. I just... I need a favor." Valentine feels terrible for bothering his friend after he already does so much for them but he doesn't know what else to do.

If he was gonna keep his job he needed to figure this out.

"Of course, sweet cheeks. What do you need?" The sound of Avery's voice helps to calm Valentine down but not enough.

"I-I, Greyson's making me stay late and I can't pick up Luca and I feel really bad but I don't know what to do. I can't leave him there, they'll probably kick us out of the daycare and then I'll have nowhere else to take him. I'll have to go to one of the bad daycares with the bad ratings and the mean caretakers and Luca will hate me forever." He says in one breath, heaving a big sigh when he finishes.

"Woah calm down, babes. It's gonna be okay. Take some deep breaths, Vee." Avery says calmly. "Luca could never hate you, you know that. The two of you are attached at the hip, nothing's going to change that."

Valentine only nods, forgetting that Avery isn't physically in the room with him. He takes a few deep breaths as he lowers himself into one of the seats in the break room.

"Now, lucky for you I just got off. So I'll be there to pick him up as soon as the bus can get me there." He says after a few moments of letting Valentine calm himself down.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Valentine practically yells with excitement.

"No need to thank me, babycakes. I'll see you when you get home." He says, making Valentine's insides feel all warm and squishy inside. He loves Avery and his stupid nicknames.

"Okay, I'll text you the address and I'll let them know you're coming," Valentine says the words as he's already dialing up the number for the daycare.

"I love youuuuuuuuuuuu." Avery sings into the phone making Valentine giggle.

It would be okay, he tells himself.

Luca would be okay.

"I love you too. Oh and tell Luca I love him so much and that I'll see him soon." He says urgently, before hanging up the phone.

He feels terrible for leaving his baby all day.

If Valentine could have it his way he'd be a stay-at-home mom so he could spend all day with his little love. In his dreams, he had a nice house with a beautiful yard for kids to play, a garden where he could plant endless amounts of flowers, and a big kitchen where he could actually cook and make meals for his kids. He wanted all of those things but he knew they weren't in the cards for him. They never would be.

He just counted himself lucky that he got to spend any time with Luca. He was grateful for the fact that he had weekends during the day to be with his boy and nights after work.

He knew one thing for sure though; he couldn't wait for tomorrow. It would be one of his first Saturdays since starting work that he had the whole day to hang out with Luca. He could cuddle his boy, sleep in, and maybe even take him to a park or something. 

That thought itself lifts Valentine's mood as he moves to dial the daycare before saying, "Hi, this is Valentine. My son, Luca, is there right now. I just wanted to call to let you know that my friend, Avery, will be picking him up."

"Oh, Valentine, of course! It's Oliver!" Valentine cringes at the words. He still wasn't sure why but something in him didn't like Oliver.

Valentine repeats an awkward 'hello' followed by, "Is that okay?", in a small voice.

"Well, usually we require a vet on the people picking up but I'll make an exception for you." All Valentine does is hum in response, not sure how else to reply. He didn't know this man, and he wasn't sure why he was helping him out but he didn't have the time to care.

He hung up after saying a quick 'goodbye', shoving his phone into his dress pants pocket and picking himself out of the chair he had been resting in.

With everything finally worked out he got to work making Greyson's coffee, being sure that it was just right so he didn't give the man another reason to be upset with him.

"Took you long enough," Greyson mumbles when Valentine enters back into the office.

This was gonna be a long night.


There was a tense silence that filled the room for the next few hours. The only sound heard was the shuffling of papers and Greyson's aggravated grumbles.

Valentine worked quietly, terrified of making even the slightest. He didn't want to disturb Greyson, didn't want to make him mad.

He just wanted to go home and lay in bed with Luca where he could cuddle the boy close. He missed the boy's adorable little giggle and his fluffy curls. The way his cheeks got all pink when they played games or he tickled him. He missed the cute little sounds he made when he slept and the way he kicked his little feet anytime Valentine shifted on the bed a bit. He missed it all.

Valentine also thought about all of the little things Luca did that he didn't get to do with him.

They didn't have time to play anymore or go to the park. They couldn't go to the library or go grocery shopping together.

They couldn't do anything except go to bed because Valentine was always gone.

He took a moment to stop working, shutting his eyes and thanking his lucky stars that he got a day of rest and relaxation tomorrow.

That thought didn't do much to stop the tears from welling up in his eyes.

Stupid pregnancy hormones.

"Valentine, what are you still doing here?" Valentine hears as the doors to the office open. He sees the bottom of Maverick's feet as he quickly wipes his eyes in a poor attempt to rid his face of the emotions.

"O-Oh ummm..." He stutters out, glancing at Greyson's stone-cold face as he says, "I'm j-just finishing up some stuff."

"Uh-huh," Maverick says, eyes darting from Greyson to Valentine. "It's late. I think your work can maybe wait until Monday."

"I'll stay as long as I'm needed, sir. It really isn't an issue." He whispers, keeping his head low. He didn't want to see the looks Greyson must be giving him.

"That's really sweet of you, Valentine, but I think Greyson and I will be heading home now anyway." Greyson lets out a low grumble at that statement. "Come on, Grey, you have to sleep at some point. Let's go home, get some actual rest."

"Whatever," Greyson says, letting out a heavy sigh. "You can go, Valentine." He finally addresses. Valentine shutters at the harshness of the tone.

He wonders if the man will ever stop hating him. If anything he does will ever truly be good enough.

Valentine begins packing up his things and is about to leave the room, not wanting to interrupt the men from whatever they would be doing when he hears his name being called.

"Valentine, wait." He turns around to see Maverick with a work bag on his shoulder and Greyson with a briefcase in tow. "We'll walk down together," Maverick says, leading the way as he walks through the hallway and into the elevator.

Valentine kept his head low and made his steps as quiet as possible.

Maverick was just being nice. He didn't actually want Valentine to walk with them.

"Did you drive here?" Maverick asks.

"Umm, no, I take the bus." He says in a small voice, staring intently at his feet.

Greyson had been uninterested for the past few minutes of their journey but he perked up now, letting out a grumble at the word 'bus'.

"This late?" The men ask Valentine at the same time.

"Yeah, yes. Usually, it's a bit earlier and at a different stop but I'll be okay." He says, hands fidgeting anxiously at his sides.

He watches as the two men share a concerned look.

"We can't let you do that, Valentine," Maverick says carefully. "It's our fault you had to stay late and missed your usual bus. We'll take you home."

"No, that's okay!" Valentine quickly says, shocked by the offer but even more surprised that Greyson didn't seem to object.

"Nonsense. You're coming with us." Greyson says gruffly. All Valentine can do is shake his head.

They can't take him home.

That would mean they'd see his house. And then the area he lived in. And then how poor it was.

These men were used to luxury; big houses and nice cars. He didn't want to know what they'd say if they saw what he was used to. He just knew it wouldn't be good.

"I'm fine, I promise. I've been taking the bus for a long time. I can handle myself." He says determinedly but the men won't have it.

"The bus isn't safe during the day, not a chance in hell I'm letting you get on it this late at night. Not to mention letting you walk home from the bus stop in the dark. Anything could happen." Greyson says harshly.

"Greyson's a dick but he's right, Valentine. It's safer if you just let us drive you. It's not an inconvenience, I promise." Maverick adds in a much more sensitive tone.

"I can take care of myself." He whispers in response, closing himself off further from the men.

When the elevator finally dings, indicating the trip downstairs from hell is finally over, Valentine rushes out of the building and into the chilled night air. He walks hurriedly to the closest bus stop, hoping that the men won't follow him.

He wrings his hands together anxiously as he sits in the dark. There's an uncomfortable silence as he waits. He just hopes it comes soon so he can get out of the cold.

He zones out for a while, staring numbly at his hands as he contemplates the events of the day. It was then that he realized how utterly exhausted he was.

"Valentine, just get in the car, please. We just want to make sure you get home safe." Valentine jumps at Maverick's voice, suddenly seeing the headlights that had come into view.

Maverick and Greyson were sitting in the back seat of some sort of fancy car, Valentine couldn't tell which one.

Figures they'd have a driver, he thinks.

"I told you, I'm fine." He says with a small chatter in his voice. He keeps his butt planted in the seat.

"You're not, hon. You're freezing, we can tell from here." Valentine shakes his head stubbornly at Maverick's words. He refuses to acknowledge the fact that he warms up just a little bit at the term of endearment.

"Goddamnit, Valentine! Get in the fucking car!" Greyson yells out harshly, a complete contrast to Maverick's tactics.

"No." He says in reply just as the bus comes into view. He lets out a sigh of relief when it pulls up to the curb right behind their car.

"I swear to god, if you get on that bus-" Greyson's voice fades away as Valentine forces himself onto the bus. It was hard to disobey Greyson's harsh orders but he had to.

As he sat on one of the seats in the back of the bus he tried not to think about how mad Greyson will be at him on Monday. He'll be livid. That Valentine knows for sure.

He couldn't let them take him home though. He wouldn't make them go out of their way. He wouldn't make them sit in a car with him longer than they desired. And he definitely wouldn't let them see where he lived.

They'd be even more mad.

Or worse, maybe they wouldn't care at all.

That thought made Valentine sadder than it should have.

Stupid pregnancy hormones...


hey loves!!! soooo chapter 10... what do we think? the longest chapter i think i've ever ever written and it literally took me weeks. i haven't even done a full read thru cuz im scared its terrible. i just kept trying to end it and then more kept coming out soooooooooooo i hope it turned out ok??

idk anyways let me know what you thought!! i've finally uploaded all of the chapter i had pre written so i should really get on writing chapter 11

don't forget to comment, vote, and follow! i'll see you all next friday and i hope you have a lovely day/night <333

ps.. who's your favorite, maverick or greyson??

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