By dani_sd

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My Prince Charming (Diana X Draco)
In Need of tutor (Prakriti X Draco)
Love is Eternity (Diana X Draco)
Troble makes the love sweeter (Prakriti X Draco)
1 hour in heaven (Diana X Draco) *LEMON*
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Draco Malfoy X Diana Zandars: Not Alone This Christmas
New House in Hogwarts
All Is Magic
Draco Malfoy X Diana Potter LEMON
Draco Malfoy X Diana Potter (2)
♥ LAB RATS & HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER: The Gryffindor and The Slytherin ♥
♥ LAB RATS & HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER: Forever & Always Angel ♥
♥ LAB RATS & HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER: Love sees no boundaries ♥
♥ LAB RATS & HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER: The day that my whole life gained meaning ♥
♥ LAB RATS & HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER: Me And You Against The World ♥
♥ Chase Davenport X Diana Zandars: The Wolf and the Moon ♥
♥ LAB RATS: ELITE FORCE - Simply the Best ♥
♥ LAB RATS & HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER: My Princess is the best girlfriend ever♥
A/N 2
♥ ♥ ♥ Diana Zandars X Draco Malfoy (1) ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ Diana Zandars X Draco Malfoy (2) ♥ ♥ ♥

♥ LAB RATS & HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER: The Secret Wild Party Night ♥

331 2 0
By dani_sd

Ron: *whispers to Harry, Hermione and Chase* Did you guys hear about the Secret Wild Party?

Harry: (whispers back) no we haven't heard of it yet but now that you told us we now about it.
Hermione: (nods her head and whispers back) i din't hear of it until now
Chase: (whispers back) i knew it before you three did.
Harry: (stil whispering) why do you ask Ron ? your not planning to go are you ?!

Ron: No! Are crazy? The party will be in the forbidden forest and you know I'm afraid to go there. I wanted to ask if some of you are going to go there?

Harry: not me i feel the same way about that place like you do.
Hermione: no i'm not going ether the forbidden forest gives me the creeps, even thinking about it gives me the chills.
Chase: i'm going to the Secret Wild Party. the three of you can stay here wile i have fun at the party
Hermione: (looks at chase choked) Dont chase, do you now what can happen in the forbidden forest ?!
Harry: ya, me,Ron and Hermione know what can happen there. don't do it chase.

Diana: *walks over to them with Draco* Hey Chase. *gives him a hug from behind and a kiss on the cheek* We came to see ya and to remind you that the party is tonight at 7 in the forbidden forest

Chase: hey angel (blushes) that's very sweet of you (looks at Draco) hey draco
Draco: hey chase
Chase: (looks at Diana) i know that but thanks for reminding me (smiles and winks at her)
Hermione: (looks at diana and draco) you two are going two ?! are you two nuts.
Draco: no were not aren't you going ?
Hermione: no forget it !

Diana: You are very shitty. Live a little, nothing will kill you from having some fun. *says as she sits in Chases lap and wraps her arms around his neck*

Chase: (raps his arms around her waist)
Hermione: you are crazy !!! did you put Draco and chase up to this ?!

Diana: Up to what? Being themselves? Get real girl. This is reality. Not a fairytale after all

Hermione: i din't even say that. are you that stupid ?! you don't know what can happen there while we do (points to herself,harry, Ron) i'm surprised that you got Draco to go with you to that party. how dare you to force chase to go with you.

Diana: I'm not forcing him. It was Draco's idea and when I said I'll go Chase said that he will come because he wanted to be my hero. Although he always is my hero and his brothers Adam and Leo and his sister Bree will also be there and believe us me, Chase, Adam and Bree have seen way scarier creatures then the Dark Lord himself *lips Chase's neck, sucks his sweet spot and leaves a red lipstick mark on it*

Chase: (lets out a Little moan that turns back to normal)
Draco: (puts his thump up) nice one Diana.
Chase: you don't have to worry about us Hermione we can take care and protect or self's just fine.
Hermione: (looks with dreamy eyes to chase) i know that you can chase but i'm not so sure about those two (points to Diana and Draco)
Draco: so according to you mud-blood i can't take care of my self well time to prove you wrong. (looks to Diana) i'm getting out of here see you later Diana and chase (leaves)
Hermione: (choked and the tears start to form in her eyes)
harry: (looks at Hermione) are you okay ?
Hermione: (doesn't answer)

Ron: Don't mind him Hermione you know very well that that's not true. And Idiot went too far *starts to get up*
Diana: Not soo fast super rusk! Draco no fault that Miss Perfection over there provoked him. And It would be better if she knew when she should keep her BIG mouth SHUT

Hermione: (glares at Diana) Oh yeah, I have heard enough (gets up) why don't you look at your self. you still have a larger mouth than me ! you think your better then the rest well your not . the only thing that I now see and hear is the devil herself

Diana: Listen to me Princess. As I said before this is no fairytail, this is reality and in reality nothing is always what it seems. For starters we speak bad about you because you speak behind our backs without even knowing us and unlike you, Chase was smart enough to realize that but having in mind he is the smartest man on the planet, that is ni surprise for me and Draco. And unlike you I know Chase and Draco better then anyone and they may look a little odd or bad but that doesn't mean that they truly are. For example I know things that Chase would never tell you: like his dreams, secrets, biggest fears and you know why may talk a lot but at least I know what I'm talking about and what the person's nature is like

Hermione: (choked at her words) You know what i'm sick and tired of listening and arguing with you. whatever i say won't get thru your big fat head ! Diana you are the most annoying biggest mouth and you have no heart at all. (walks away very angry)
Chase: (looks amazed at Diana) wow i din't see that coming. good job putting her on her place. iv never seen you argue with her like that (smiles at diana)

Diana: *looks a little sad from the last part of Hermione's words towards her: Diana you are the most annoying biggest mouth and you have no heart at all.*

chase: (looks at Diana) Diana (goes to her and pulse her to him and comforts her) don't look so sad angel a smile looks better on you. how dare Hermione make my dear angel sad by saying those words. she will regret her choice of words (looks angry)
Harry : (looks at diana and chase) she never acted like that before you came here. i wonder whats gotten in to her ? what do you think Ron ?

Ron: Jealousy. Hermuone has a crush on Chase and she is jealous right now

Diana: You don't believe her do you? When she said I don't have a heart?

Harry: (looks at ron and nods his head) i think you right Ron
Chase: (still holding her) we don't believe what she said. she's lying driven by her Jealousy. don't worry angel i will make sure that she never makes you sad or hurts you in any way possible. i will make sure that she stays away from you ok and you don't have to worry about her getting me. my heart and soul belong to you and you alone my angel and sweetheart (kisses her lips and puls her closer)

Diana: *shicket but recovers quickly and kisses him back with a lot of love and passion at the same time* You have to go change My love. The party will start soon and you need to get ready. I'll mean you before the Forest in 1 hour okay?

Chase: see you in 1 hour angel (smiles and leaves)
(while he walks to get changed he sees Hermione walking his way)
Chase: (keeps walking ahead and ignores Hermione)
Hermione: (walks to chase and sees that he is ignoring her and grabs his arm)
Chase: (feels someone taking his arm and turns his head to Hermione and glares at her) what do you want ?
Hermione: can't i talk to my friend anymore ?
Chase: friends ?! i don't now about that and especially after what you said to Diana (crosses his arm over his chest)
Hermione: why didn't you help me when i was arguing with her ?
Chase: you now why Hermione and i don't feel like telling you again. (pulse his arm out of her grasp and starts to leave) i have to get changed. (he changed in this: billy-unger-new-year-dec-31-20)
Chase: (walking back to the common room and sees Hermione aprocing him again and gets annoyed) leave me alone Hermione.
Hermione: i was not done talking to you.
chase: well i was done talking to you.

Ron and Harry walk in at that moment

Ron: Wow Chase. You look GOOD! Rock N' Roll huh?

Chase: (looks at Ron) thanks
Harry: ya, you look bad as chase i'm sure that Diana will like it even more (smiles)
chase: thanks harry, trust me she will like and love it (smiles and smirks)
Hermione: (growls) why is everyone always taking about Diana !! Diana this Diana that i'm sick and tired of hearing her name !!! what does she has that i don't ?!
chase: are you sure you wanna know ?
Hermione: you know what don't even answer that i don't want hear anything about her.
Chase: (gets angry) you will not talk bad about my girl when i'm around. i will not let you (points to her) come in between me and diana got that.
Hermione: i will make you see that i'm better then her and that you are better of with me and NOT with her !!

Ron: *chuckles* Nothing personal Hermione but I don't think anything will change Chase's mind. After all he knows her for over 15 years so far, ah I right Chase?

Chase: (looks at Ron) yep and i'm very happy that i met her (smiles then looks back angry at Hermione)
Harry (looks at Hermione) accept it Hermione. if you really love chase then you will let him go and be happy if he's happy even if it means that he loves someone other then you.
Hermione: no i won't accept it he will be with me.
chase: get it in that big head of yours. the only person that i have feelings for and love with my hole heart is Diana so give up and stay away from me and Diana!! i don't love you OK.

Ron: that was pretty clear when you kissed her in front of us earlier dude

Harry (smiles and agrees with him)
Chase: (smiles) i gotta go Diana will be waiting for me to go to the party i'll see you guys later (starts walking to the room where Diana will be waiting for him)
Hermione: (thinks: i will follow them) i have to go as well ill see you later Ron and Harry (waives then walks away)
Harry (looks confused) ok see you Hermione.

Ron: You don't think she went after him do you?

Harry: (looks at Ron) i think she is but i'm not sure, i hope not. we can't do anything if she does (looks at the direction that Chase and Hermione left)

Ron: I guess not

~ Meanwhile outside in front of the Forbidden Forest ~

chase: (sees Diana waiting for him and goes to her) hello my angel sorry i'm a little late. i had some trouble on my way here. (looks around for Draco) where's Draco ? he's stil coming i hope or has he chickend out (smiles)

Diana's outfit:

Diana: *giggles* Why don't you turn around and ask him that yourself

Draco and Astoria's outfits:

chase: (turns around and sees draco standing behind him) hey Draco, it looks like you did not chickend out (smirks then smiles at him)
Draco: hey to you two chase. i would never chicken out and besides what kind of friend would i be if i din't show up.
Chase: a pretty bad one (starts laughing then looks at Diana) you look lovely as always my angel (goes and kisses her cheek)

chase: hey Astoria. you look nice as well (smiles kindly)
Hermione: (hides from the group) (thinks: i will make you mine chase)

Astroria: aww thanks you but if it wasn't for Draco I would even be here.
Diana: Did he beg you or something?
Astoria: He did, he feel to his knees just like a man does when he ask his loved one to marry him

Diana: Wow! How long did he do it for?
Astoria: Almost 2 hours

Diana: *fall into a laughing fit*

Chase: (looks at Draco surprised) did you really fell to your knees ? i never would imagine you doing that (starts laugh his but of)
Draco: (is emberest and blushes then looks at Astoria) did you really had to tell them that. look at them (points to chase and Diana laughing there buts of) they will tease me about it for the rest of my life.

Astoria: They won't relax. You know what I heard my the way? That mudblood Granger had a crush on our dear Chase and I saw her walking out a few moment before Chase kisses Diana full on the lips

Diana: Uh oh!

draco: That mudblood Granger had a crush on our dear Chase i knew but the second thing i din't now (smirks and thinks: time for a little payback then looks at chase) hey chase.
Chase: (looks at Draco) ya what is it Draco ?
draco: you have a stalker.
chase: what ?! who ?!
draco: i think you know who's your stalker is (smirks)
Chase: (looks with wide eyes to him) you got to be kidding me !! i hope its not who i think it is!!!
draco: (nods his head) oww yes it is (smirks)
Chase: oh no.

Diana: What's wrong Chase?

chase: (looks at her then whisperers in her ear) it seems that the girl that has a crush on me won't give up and is now stalking me.

Snape: *walks to them* Oh come on you four. You are losing time and remember I still need to go back to the school soon so hurry up

Astoria: Sir I think a rat followed us out of the house.
Snape: *smiles darkly* Oh really ? Well let us see how long it will last outside from it's hole if you get what I mean *winks at them*

Astoria and Diana smile and follow after Snape to the party spot deep into the Forbidden Forest

Chase and Draco follow after the girls and smiles as well

Hermione: (follows after the group)

The party is something like this: :

Leo: dudes glad you could make it

Adam: You up for a drink Chase?

Leo: And you Draco?

Chase: ya i can use one right now.
draco: me two.
bree: what about you Astoria and Diana up for a drink ?

Astoria and Diana: We are in

Adam: Here you go ladies

Astoria and Diana: Thank Adam~
Astoria: Soo what are we going to do aeoubd that rat that is runing around here?
Diana: We will trap it of course

Chase: the only thing is how will we trap it ? (smiles at Diana)

Adam: Here you go boys! *gives them to Draco and Chase*

Diana: Easy! All we have to do is act HOT *walks over to Chase and kisses his neck sweetly but passionate at the same time*

Astoria: I get it. The rab likes something of ours and it will get mad when it see it's taken away from it. So it will trap itself

Leo: WOW! And you got that just by looking at the drunk couple

Adam: they aren't drunk yet

chase:(smirks and nods his head at Astoria then does the same that Diana did to him)
Draco: this is going to be fun (smiles)
Hermione: (sees what diana did to chase and gets jealous but keeps hiding) (thinking: no this can not be happening chase is mine)

Diana: *grins and slips her hands under his shirt, then removes it after a few minutes with his jacket and kisses his chest, abs and neck leaving lipsstick marks all over him*

Snape: *whispers to Astoria and Draco* Make sure Diana just knocks the rat out. Not hurt it

Astoria: Oh relax, she is a hero. She doesn't hurt people, she only shows them where they belong. Nothing more, nothing less

Chase: (enjoy's diana's kisses on his his chest, abs and neck then takes her shoulder and makes her look at him) you will have to be punished for that. (grabs her by her waist and kisses all her exposed skin then goes to her neck and finds her soft spot and sucks on it leaving a mark on it)
Hermione: (in her head: NOOO I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE !! comes out of her hiding place then walks to chase and Diana and pulse her away from him) how dare you touch him and do things like that in front of my on eyes !!!

chase: (looks at her) it looks like we trapt our rat (smirks) looks like you plan worked my love (kisses her on the lips)
Hermione: (gets angry) stop doing that in front of me i'm trying to talk and be serious here !!!

Diana: We are being serious little Miss Perfect, you are standing between me and my boyfriend here and I don't like that. *crasses her arms over her chest and leans againts Chase's HOT, strong body*

chase: (smiles to Diana and snakes his arm around her waist and pules her close to him)
Hermione:(growls and glares at Diana) remind me why i was friend with the likes of you (points to diana) i regret ever being your friend and you (looks at chase) I thought you were my friend but your not !
Chase: (gets angry) what would you do if someone did things that you did to someone you love hu ?!
Hermione: i would protect them but because of her i will never find a person that will love me for who i am (walks to diana and pushes her backward)
Chase: diana !! (glares at Hermione) how dare you hurt her !!

Diana: *does a backflip and then turn back to Hermione kicking her in the stomac, making her fall to the ground*

Adam: Relax Chase and remember you were the one who trained Diana. She fight even better then you but that's because the students one day always become better the the teacher

Chase: i know Adam but stil i can't help it i don't want anyone to hurt her.
Hermione: (falls on the ground but first then gets back up) auww grrr OK THAT'S IT you want to fight FINE (gets out her wand) now you will regret kicking me in the stomac (uses a spell to make chase fall in love with her) loveiriam (points her wand to chase)
Chase: (uses his bionics to block her spell) your spells will not work on me.
Hermione: then i will use this (points her wand to diana) bombada
chase: no you don't (jumps in front of Diana and protects them with his force field)

Diana: *uses her powers to create a fire boll and hit the tree branch above Hermione, making it fall on her*

Hermione: (gasps) no (lays on the ground out cold)

Astoria: Diana, Chase *runs to them with Draco an Snape* Are you gouys okay?
Diana: *hugs Chase tight, kissing hin all over the chest, neck and face* Yeah we will live

Snape: Mr.Davenport you can spend the night with Miss Zandars in her dorm and in the morning we will talk to the headmaster about resorting you

Leo: So he can be in one house with us?
Snape: *nods*
Leo: Sweet

Chase: (does the same bit kisses her exposed skin) were fine guys (smiles at them)
draco: wow chase that was awesome i'm clad you two are not hurt.

Snape: Okay here is what we will do now *tells them the plan*

~ few days later ~

Ron: Are you sure you don't remember anything after you went out of Hogwarts a few nights ago?

Hermione: no i don't remember anything Ron, why do you keep asking me that ? (crosses her arms over her chest)

Ron: No reason. Just making sure you are okay that's all

In that moment Chase and Diana walk in the room

Ron: Here he is the New Slytherin Royalty

Chase: hey Ron and thanks i think (smiles) hey Hermione
Hermione: hey chase, hey Diana. (smiles friendly then looks at Ron) Ron, what did you mean with the New Slytherin Royalty ?

Diana Hi Hermione *smiles swetly*
Ron: I was talking about Chase he's a Slytherin Now. The New Slytherin Prince
Diana: *giggles* Yeah! Turned out the sorting hat made a mistake and now Chase is in our house and Draco gave him his title since Chase is now head boy of the house

Hermione: your a Slytherin now i'm happy for you (has a sad look in her eyes) the sorting hat made a mistake, that has never happened before hes always right and Draco gave you his title ? wow i didn't now that Draco would do things like that maybe hes not so bad after all (smiles then looks at Diana) what about you Diana are you stil you ?

Diana: Well couples walk side by side you know. Since the crown was passed to the new Prince, as his girlfriend my pleasure and honor is to became his Princess

Ron: You guys are dating now?
Diana: Now? Ron we've been dating for 2 years so far

Hermione: wow i'm so happy for you two (smiles then looks sad)
chase: (sees the sad look in her eyes) whats wrong Hermione ?
Hermione: its nothing its just i'm not going to see the both of you much and that makes me sad. your Slytherin now.
chase: listen Hermione, its not because we are Slytherin that we won't spend time with you, we will stil be friends ok so don't be sad (smiles at her) right my Slytherin prinsess ?

Diana: Yes My Slytherin Prince Hermione you are an amazing person and just because we are in another house doesn't mean we will be away from each other. We still have classes together and stuff so we will stilll have time to spend with one another

Blaise: So Mr. Malfoy what made you give your title away? Please tell us

Astoria: *giggles sweetly and looks at Draco waiting to hear his answer*

draco: i will tell you why. he's more suited of the title then me, hes cool, strong, and bad ass and he will be able to keep control in the house. i was not a very good leader while chase is, so i know for sure that chase will be the best prince that Slytherin has ever seen and with Diana next to him i just know that he will do the the best that he can for Slytherin. i will put all my trust in him (smiles)

Blaise and the rest of the Slytherins smile widely and nod in understanding

~ The End ~

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