♥ LAB RATS & HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER: Love sees no boundaries ♥

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Chase, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Adam, Bree and Leo are sitting under a tree enjoying the free day while Diana, the bionic hero's blood sister is dancing around to the sweet song that is fulling the air
Leo: She is acting like such a child sometimes
Adam: Big deal, that's what makes her so adorable anyway
Ron: You know what I think? I think that the guy who will end up being her boyfriend will be the luckiest guy on Earth

bree: your right about that Ron (smiles) what do you think chase ?
chase: (looking at Diana and daydreaming)
bree: (giggles) looks like someone is daydreaming (looks at him) HEY CHASE.
chase; (snaps out of it) what ?

Harry: Were you even listening to us?

Ron: Yeah, where did your mind go to?

bree: he wasn't listening at all.
chase: yes i was.
Bree: then what did we just say ?
Chase: umm
Bree: you don't know.

Diana: *runs to them and hugs Chase tight, sitting in his lap, looking adorable as ever*

Harry, Ron, Adam and Leo: Awww

Ron: You know sometimes I forget she is your sister
Harry: Yeah you two look so cute like this

chase: (hugs back and smiles)
hermione : (giggles at her behavior) i think so two just look at you two so cute.
Bree: my sister always looks cute (smiles)

Diana: *blushes and hides her face in Chase's neck then kisses his cheeks and secretly his neck*

Adam: We are soo lucky with a sister like her that's for sure

chase: (blushes but gives her a kiss back)
Bree: yep (smiles)

Leo: Yes that's true I pity the poor boys who can't go near her
Harry: Why do you say that?
Adam: Because Chase usually goes all Spike on them just for looking at her in the wrong way, even for flirting with her

chase: i do it to protect her and to make sure that now one hurts my sister.
hermione: how sweet of you chase, i wish i had a brother like you (smiles then looks at Diana) sins when did you become shy ?

Diana: Who me? Shy? Never! I just know how to act cute enough to know when his knees are going weak. I enjoy seeing my loving brother blush too *kisses his cheek while hugging Chase tight around the waist and lies her head on his shoulder*

chase: (bluches and hugs her back) i will do anything for you my cute sister (kisses her cheek and pulse her closer)
Bree: owww and what about us diana did you forget your other family members ?
hermione: (looks a jealous but shakes it of) are you jealous Bree?
Bree: no, i'm not.
hermione: yes u do, because she brings more time with chase then you.
chase: (starts laughing at that)

Adam: It's not our fault. Everyone in our family has a favorite person in the family. I spend more time with Bree. Leo does with Mr. Davenport and Tasha and Chase has Diana

Leo: Yeah and to be honest everyone loves Diana. Even that crazy computer Eddy

Harry: I wound't blame him. Diana is really cure actually so I think that proves my point

Ron: Yeah I don't think there is someone alive that could actually hate her

Bree: that's true, i wonder if someone would hate her and what would there reason be ?
chase: who would hates Diana, Bree ? everyone loves her (smiles and thinks: those who dare to hate her will have to deal with me) the best thing is we both have a commando app and guess what ?
Bree: what ?
chase: spike my commando app and Penelope Diana's commando app love each other so i don't have to worry that she gets hurt because of spike (smiles)
hermione: wow really cool (smiles)

LAB RATS & HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora