
By TaehoonS

669K 29.8K 4.7K

Kang y/n was always been the black sheep of the family. Overshadow by her extremely talented, gorgeous siste... More

1. Regret
2. Second chance
3. Good changes
4. Rude comments
5. Orphan boy
6. Giving a chance
7. Proudness
8. Sister
9. A friend
10. A ball
11. Eyes on her
12. Vacation
13. Enjoying Jeju
14. Partnership
15. The project
16. Chocolates
17. Lunch
18. Mother and sister
19. Charity (1)
20. Charity(2)
21. My dad
22. Jeon boy
23. I'm a man now
24. Confused Hoseok
25. Gifts from Tae Sumi
26. Twining
27. Suspicious
28. Overbearing affection
29. Racing heart
30. Being followed
31. Jungkook's past 1
32. Jungkook's past 2
33. Difference
34. Chocolate
35. Him
36. Green eyes
37.Food Festival (1)
38. Food festival (2)
39. Eyes on me please
40. Snowfall
41. Stepbrother
42. Celebrations
43. Falling more for her
44. Warth
46. Up to something
47. Call
48. Birthday Surprise
50. Trip
51. Her feelings
52. Trip
53. Cute
54. Sleeping
55. Truce
56. Underwater
57. Middle of the street
58. Dating
59. Slap
60. Do you like him?
61. Favour
62. Begging for mercy
63. Scandal
64. Unexpected
65. Karma
66. Sexy
67. Buried secrets
68. Sean's past
69. Choice to make
70. Choice has been Made
71. Do you have proof?
72. You jealous?
74. Suffer
75. Noise
76. Attacked
78. Teasing
79. Answers
80. Wedding
New story

73. Fear

5.8K 397 87
By TaehoonS

"Jeon." y/n groan. Y/n is sleeping peacefully after the little show she enjoyed. 


"Stop. I wanna sleep." she groan loudly as she straggle to get away from his strong hold. 

"Then have the dinner first, It's not good to skip meal." he whispers seductively. He tried to wake her up and had her meal but she refused going back to sleep again. But he never let her sleep empty stomach. 

Jungkook keep trying but failed so he thought of another way to wake her up. He started to kiss her neck slowly and sensually. His hand travelled under her white shirt. He bite her collarbone then lick and suck at the same spot. Y/n almost moan but she bite her lips preventing to do so. She breathed heavily. His hand caress her side softly. 

"Stop okay or else." y/n threaten him 

"Or else what?" he asked teasingly. 

"Someone is feeling brave lately, do I need to show you your place Jeon?" y/n rise her brow threating. Jungkook's green eyes travel though her eyes to her lips then her collarbone where he left a hickey. He lick his lips in anticipation he has an idea how she is gonna show him dominance. 

"How do you plan to show me darling?" he challenges

"Trust me when I'll be done with you.... You will be desperate." finishing her sentence she grab his collar and bring him closer to her slamming her lips on her. 

She wrap her legs around his waist. Jungkook pulled her more closer to him. His one hand on her back, another on the back of her neck.  Their lips moved in sync. Y/n pushed her tongue in his mouth. Their body heat up every second. Y/n hold his face in her hand. Her one hand move to grip his hair, Jungkook let out a moan in the taste of her. At the same time she tighten her grip making him groan. 

He likes it. 

No, he loves it when she does this.

Jungkook's hand travel under her shirt rubbing small circle on her back.  Y/n swiped her tongue over his lips before biting his lips. Jungkook lets out a groan in her mouth. Y/n felt his bludge pressed under her. Her mouth moves from his lips to his jaw then his neck. She placed wet kisses on his neck then moved to his adam apple to do the same. Y/n began grinding against his clothed groin, Jungkook let a hiss out. His mind body and soul is in cloud nine cause of pleasure. 

Y/n stopped all of a sudden. 

Jungkook almost let out a whine. He looked at her with pleading eyes but that didn’t melt her cold one instead she enjoyed it. 

Y/n stare into his green eyes. His cheeks were red. She leaned down placing a hand on his jaw, her lips hovered his. "Say you are mine Jeon." she said against his lips

"Yours. I'm yours y/n body and soul."

She smiled, she lean in to meet his lips with hers.

The kiss is filled with so much passion and emotions. His words kept replaying in her mind.    

'I'm yours, body and soul.'

They pulled out, y/n rested her forehead on his. His heartbeating was heavy, y/n could feel his heartbeat against her plam on his chest. Y/n got up from his lap and pointed at his bludge, "you need to fix that. Since you decided to annoy my sleep I'm sure you can handle that too. " 

With that she felt leaving a sulking green eyed male with a clear problem in his pant. 


"Police has investigate the truth of school bullying and violence of former CEO of Kang Corporation."

"The result of school bullying case of Kang Y/N is here."~ click for more 

❝The team leader of this investigation team has said that they investigate every classmate s teachers and other employees of the school. At first they said the same thing they said on TV accusing Ms. Kang. But none of them could proof that they have been bullied. Infact some of their statement with the teachers don’t match. We have checked their bank account but we found nothing suspicious. But when we checked their family members bank account we found something fishy. Ms. Kang's classmates who has accused of her being bully, their family members received huge amount of money few day before they made this allegations. After showing all proofs they admitted it was false allegations."

"Thay said someone approach them via social media and asked them to do this and they will be payed greatly. When they refused that unknown person deposit money to their account then they couldn’t say no to money. So Ms. Kang y/n has been falsely accused. All of this was to defame her. Her being a bully or chasing over mans or any information they spoke is false allegations. So, we will investigate farther more for that unknown person. And those who has tried to defame her will be punished according to law." 

Roseanne smiled softly at this. She sincerely hope that they'll find that Mastermind. Even though y/n has told her that y/n has an idea who has done that. Rose is happy that y/n's name has been clear now. She scroll down the comment, she saw how people’s perspective has changed towards her sister. Of course there are still people how spread hate. But ninety percent of people is sympathize y/n for being a victim of conspiracy. 

People shows concern how y/n faced a twisted man's assault, her parents bad treatment towards her then false allegations that made her loose her company. Even though Kim Taehyung has officially announced that Rose is accusing him falsely but netizens don’t care much. When a celebrity like Rose who is loved and adored by everyone,  gave her statement they already believed so much that even Kim manufacturers CEO's statement is nothing infront of that. 

On the other hand two particular person was going through rampage. They just could not believe how is this possible. 

"I fucking pour those police and fuckers with money how dare they betray me!!!" Hoseok shouted furiously as he began to throw everything breaking them into pieces in his office. 


The employees of Kim manufacturers feels like they are in horror movie cause of whatever happened tomorrow. Their boss has been seething since then. And now after y/n's name has been clear he is oddly calm. Kim Taehyung is fuming inside but his main focus is now his company. He will sort those problems with money and with the help with his powerful connections. 

He don’t have the time to think of that certain bastard girl. Instead he will focus on recovering his companies damage. But his mind cannot help but to wonder how y/n turn the tables. 

He know Hoseok feed police money then did y/n offer them more money? Of course she did that's the only way. Or maybe she has some connection in police, It's not impossible. Taehyung gonna find about this after he sort this out. 

"How sad I cannot saw those pups sad little face. They must be throwing tantrums like a little bitch." Rowan Hayes mocked sipping his black coffee. 

"I know right. But as far as I know Taehyung after the little stunt he put with Rose, he is going to focus on repairing the damages. Hoseok and Taehyung must be thinking I used money on those corrupted police officers. But little did they know how much I love my money to spent it on those lechers." y/n scoffed sitting opposite her bestfriend.

"Yah, that would be something a normal person would do.  But psychopaths like you always have some cracked sadistic idea. That's why you blackmailed your classmates  to tell the truth to police and media otherwise you gonna be after their family. You are a cold bitch indeed." Rowan sassed

"Of course, why should I care about them or their family if they planned to harm me? Do I look like a naive innocent kdrama female lead to you?" y/n sassed back 

"Nope, you do not even fall in villeins category. You go straight to evil psychopathic category." Rowan stated and y/n nodded 

"Correct and I definitely do not wish to be a naive pathetic fool oblivious to the world's cruelty."

"Anyway you ready for tomorrow?” y/n asked 

"Yep. Wish me luck." 

"Okay.. Fuck 'em all up."

"This can't be, no way they found out everything. How the hell?” Kairon yelled out in frustration. 

Kairon and Fiona, They are the main suspect behind Sumi's case. They got official notice to be at court tomorrow. Not just this but they also suspect award manipulation case also got solid evidence. What they fear most that Rowan Hayes is defending Sumi's case. He is the no. 1 lawyer in the country. Kairon and Fiona has seen him win most difficult cases. He is fearless and you cannot bribe him. 

They saw him win against many higher up. So this case is almost nothing to him. 

Now that they have disowned y/n, there’s no way to turn Rowan Hayes on their side. They could have bribe the judge but then again It's Rowan Hayes is the lawyer, he has this experience and he knows very well how to handle stuff like this. But then Kairon cannot let this go. Cause once the truth comes out everything will be over. Kairon cannot ask Taehyung or Hoseok for help thanks to Rose. 

He cannot get away from this one, can he? 

In Kang Corporation everything is in chaos. A sudden meeting is held by the board directors. This company is facing crisis without a proper leadership. After y/n they were supposed to select new CEO. Of course it depend on shares but for emergency or temporary they can vote and choose. 

But the problem rose one by one. 

Everything start to go south and shares prize hit the bottom so did share market after some days. 

So most of the shareholders sold their shares facing the huge loss. Currently everyone is gathered in this sudden meeting cause someone is about to appointed as the new CEO. Cause that person has brought 53% shares recently when share market had downfall. 

They're anxious to see the new owner of the company. Also that include Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, Kang Kairon, Kang Fiona, Min Yoongi. Even though they had faces huge loss and sold most % shares. They still own few percents. To their surprise Jeon Jungkook was also present there. That means he did buy shares recently. 

❝Thank you everyone for making your time in this very short notice. As we all know our company is suffering crisis cause of leadership. And due to some unpleasant event took place we could not have new CEO. But, one person has brought 53% shares of Kang Corporation. So,according to the rule that person will be in charge of the company and the new CEO.❞ the host spoke. 

"Who is it?"

"Tell us, who has brought the shares?" 

"Is he even capable of running a company?"


" I brought the shares." a familiar cold dominating voice echoed the huge room. 

The whole room felt silent, pin drop silent. Every single soul present there was shocked to their core. They looked like they have seen a ghost. They have never imagined Kang y/n would be the person. 

Kang y/n who has brought 53% shares and technically she is the CEO now. 

Her cold demeanor seems more cold and she is more dominant then before. Her dark dominant aura is making sure every single soul present here know how much dangerous she is. 

Y/n walk like the queen she is, towards her throne. 

Y/n after long time finally got back what is hers. 

This company belongs to her and she had no intention to gave up on it from the start over some petty reasons.

Y/n walked over and took the seat of CEO that originally belongs to her. 

Y/n's lips curve into a smirk when look at everyone's reaction. 

Kim Taehyung is seething, he is in verge of loosing it. Again this was beyond his expectations. 

Jung Hoseok seems to be the most shocked one. How could this be?  How can she? He had a grand plan to destroy her and he almost did. Then how is this possible. 

Y/n's parents was frozen on their spot ever since then. They felt as if someone put them infront of a truck. 

All the board directors that planned to blacklist her was shivering inside in fear. They knows what is coming for them. 

Y/n almost chuckled when she saw Jungkook looking at her with literally heart in his eyes. 

"Well, now let's get back to business. Shall we?" y/n smirked evilly making her enemies  shudder in fear cause they know what is waiting for them.

Thank you

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