Sєαrchíng Fσr Dαddч ❣️

By Solitary_0813

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(Taekook Au) English isn't my first language so ignore mistake or do correct me politely... ❣️ It's my work... More

Introduction 🤓


1K 93 18
By Solitary_0813


Ignore the mistake

Author's Pov ✨🙋🏻‍♀️

'OMG! The almighty Jeon Jungkook.' Both squealed holding each others hand Jk gave them weird look and come towards his baby smiling.

'Taehyung baby!' Jk mumbled softly while held his arm softly with smile.

Tae turned around with blush cheeks while jisoo, bogum furrow looking at their intereaction.

'Jeon Taehyung!' Jisoo whispered and widen his eyes in realisation giggling Bogum closed his open mouth lookin away.

'Sorry I came late, did you wait for so long?' Jk asked cupping his cheeks he shook his head smile with red cheeks

'You become so red maybe cause of sun light. I will try to come early from next time. Hyungie is sorry to make his bun wait in the sun.' Jk said and pecked on his forehead Tae just hide his face in his palm.

'What happened? Are you feeling dizzy or sic...

'He is feeling shy Mr Jeon' Jk looked up at the voice owner and see a lady with her teasing smile.

He smile nervously...

He look back to his baby and giggles cooing at him taking him in embrace tae whine in his crook.

'My baby makes some new friends.' Jk asked he nod his head and pull away avoiding jk's soft yet teasing gaze.

'She is Jisoo noona my classmate and friend too and he is Bogum one of our classmates.' Tae introduced smiling jisoo smile widely while bowing lot's of time.

Bogum fake smile avoiding gaze...

'He is my husband.' Tae mumbled with shy smile fiddled with his hem jisoo & jk giggles cooing at him.

'Hey, Jeon jungkook nice to meet you both.' Jk said jisoo smile and greeted with enthusiasm Bogum shook hand with small smile.

'Who will not recognise you Mr Jeon. We know you are the famous model.' She said with curious and excited too jk nod his head scrunching his nose.

'I'm blessed today!' She squealed and fanning herself with her both hands taekook giggles.

'Can I get your autograph sir.' Jisoo said with hope tae nod head before his husband.

Jk chuckled and give autograph on a notebook. She squealed and mumble 'Thank you Taehyung sweetheart.'

'Hey!!! I gave you autograph.' Jk speak playfully Tae nod his head confusedly.

'But, I got honor to meet you cause of my sweet bro.' Jisoo mumbled sweetly jk nod his head with soft smile.

'Let's go baby we've to pick up our kids too.' Jk said tae widen his eyes with a quick nod.

They got again surprised hearing the kids word...

'Bye noona! We will meet tomorrow.' Tae mumbled bowing she giggle and forbad him to bow and give him hug he nod and hug her too.

'Bye sweety and call me whenever you need something.' Jisoo said forward a card Tae takes it smiling and taekook left waving hands to her.

'Why he left his modeling career?' He asked looking at them blankly furrow jisoo looked at him confusedly while shrugged her shoulder.

'He hide about his marriage and kids too.' Bogum mumbled she nod head furrowing then smile widely.

'You are so stupid Bogum of course he will hide his personal life cause of the media.' She said and walked towards parking lot whistling and singing.

'Why he dated with Jaewoon and Yuri if he have his wife and kids already.' He asked to himself confusedly nd sighed

'Maybe they spread rumour about his dating.' Bogum mumbled and left in thought.

..... Balcony .....

'What's my baby thinking?' Jk asked in whispered while hugging him behind and peck on his cheeks.

Tae smile and lean back on his chest while admiring the night view from the balcony.

'Kids sleep.' Tae mumbled jk hummed in reply and kept his chin on shoulder playing with tae's hand he smile softly

'There's everyone working and have a dream to accomplished with studying.'
Tae mumbled smile crept on jk's lip.

'What bout you? Do you have dream?' Jk mumbled pulling him more closer he looks into sky sadly and closed his eyes.

'I had a dream. I was all set and ready to start my journey towards my goal.

But everything is scattered infront of my eyes. I thought to try again but my family kept me in deceived.

I don't know why they do that. What's makes them hate me so much. I didn't run away with someone I married to the person whome they choose and I decided to not stay with him.

Maybe I get punished for never raise voice against them and thought they will understand me one day but no I was so wrong hyung.

They become so cruel with the time.' Tae cried and hide his face in palm.

'What's your dream?' Jk mumbled in low voice before cleared his throat.

'To open my own boutique.' Tae said in low voice between cries he hummed.

'You can start from now no one will  stop you.'  Jk whispered and peck on his earlobe he turned his face crying.

'But hyung I hav....

'Shush! Didn't I said already just do as you want, what your heart want. Don't think about us, anyone and any reason to stop yourself.' Jk said before shush him with peck who look away shyly crying too.

'Fine I will but, without your support.' Tae mumbled and looked at him who nod his head smiling widely he smile too.

'I will support you morally.' Jk said in dreamy eyes he chuckled and with a nod.

'Of course I need this support more than anything.' Tae giggles and wipe his tears.

'I will support you with everything if its needed and dare to refuse my offer I will punish you.' Jk said warn tone tae giggles and shook his head.

'You can't punish me for this.' Tae said and pushed him away playfully giggle heartily.

Jk giggles too and lift him in bridal style 'oh baby I can punish you just don't try to provoke the beast inside me.' Jk said laughing like beasts he gasped and give lot's of hits on his chest.

Jk chuckled and enjoyed his feather like touch on his hard chest and he make him lay on the bed.

'You can't I know.' Tae said with stuck tongue and hide himself with blanket jk laughed and go inside the blanket.

'Are you trying to provoke me, jagiya?' Jk said while tangled up with him & rolled whole over the bed giggling.

'Hahahaha hyu...ng no stop heheheh.' Tae laugh when jk start tickling him.

Both didn't notice the 'Jagiya.' Word.

'Hahahaha say one more time I can't punish you, huh.' Jk said laughing he nods his head laughing show puppy eyes.

'Are you fine?' Jk asked and wipe his face softly with his hem. He nod his head catching his breath jk peck on his jawline to calm him.

'Loo...k w....who is wo...rried now.' Tae teased him breathing heavily giggles too jk smile fondly and hugged him in embrace securely.

'You were right I can't punish you.' Jk mumbled inhaling his sweet scent he giggles in his chest and snuggle more.

'Told yaa.' Tae said and closed eyes jk nod his head pulling him more closer.

'Good night, baby.' Jk mumbled softly.

'Good night, hyungie.' Tae mumbled in sleep jk chuckled and shook his head.

'My sleepy head baby.' Jk said pecking on his head and squeezes him in arm cooing at the sleep baby.

'I wants to know about your past but I am so afraid to make you sad again.' Jk thought caressing his back softly and pecking him time to time.

Soon he also went into slumber after babying him for sometimes...


... Sunday ...

Elder Jeon couple suggested jk to take tae on a date and they will take babies in amusement park.

Cause they never got chance to spent sometimes alone romantically while handling the whole situation.

The family enjoyed breakfast together and they get ready respectively for the date.

Mr and Mrs Jeon left with children a while ago. So, right now jk is waiting for his wify in the living room while scrolling phone to kill the time.

He wearing white tee shirt, black long court and tight blue rip jeans his fav1

'Hyungie?!' Tae called him softly with nervousness he looked up at him frm his phone and it's feel like...

The world, time and his breath stop for a moment and he wants to stare at him only, for the rest of his life.

Tae fiddling with his finger nervously and removed his locks from his eyes.

He wearing white shirt and tee shirt under the shirt and blue loose jeans for his date.



'I'm ready hyungi.' Tae mumbled again when he didn't get any words from jk.

'Am I looking good or should I change hyungie.' Tae asked one more time in nervous, felt anxious and tears gush in his doe eyes.

Tae looked up at him and diverted his teary doe eyes after seeing jk cold yet blank face.

Jk staring at him without blinking and thinking about the monsters who hurt this innocent angel.

'How can they hurt this innocent soul. I can't even imagine to think about to hurt him. They must be so cruel.

I want to make them pay for their deed
I will make sure they will feel the worst pain of their life.' Jk thought angrily in mind.

He is too lost in his thoughts that he didn't heared his wify's scared voice, nor he listened his any question and thought that he made him scared.



'Where is Eomma, Appa and babies?' He asked blinking his tears away and thought to change topic cause he isn't  looking good that's way jk didn't utter a word and glaring at him.

'Mhm probably they must be leave for the amusement park, right hyungiiee.' Tae asked with smile jk hummed in reply and gets up slowly.

He stood infront of the nervous baby who avoided his teary eyes in panick.

'You are looking so gorgeous.' Jk said in his deep angelic voice cupping his face softly and peck on his forehead.

'What's with the tears.' Jk whispered and peck his doe eyes before wiped his tears carefully.

'You were not saying anything when I asked 'how am i looking?' So I thought you're upset with me.' Tae mumbled a pout adoring on hid lip jk cupped his cheeks softly again.

'Why will I upset with you?' Jk asked caressing his cheeks he glare at him frustratedly.

'How should I know you were the one glaring at me the moment I came down and I asked how am I looking. But, You did not even look at me.' Tae mumbled with pout jk laughed at his adorable baby and peck his forehead.

'I wasn't glaring at you baby. I was erm thinking about some useless work i'm sorry for scaring you.' Jk said hugging him he nod sniffing in his crook and wrapped his arm around his neck.

'Don't think then you were looking so scary.' Tae mumbled in his crook jk nod his head humming in reply and inhale his sweet scent to calm nerve.

'I will not think infront of you like this.' Jk mumbled he nod his head instantly

'Let's go we don't want to late on our first date, right baby.' Jk asked pulled away from hug he nod his head with shy smile.

'It's your first date too?' Tae mumbled with blush cheeks innocently jk taken back at this question with furrow.

'I was talking about us. I mean we are going first time on date alone romantic one.' Jk said he nod his head mumbled with smile 'I know.'

'I thought you dated many girls and boys.  Tae said giggling Jk chuckled nervously and take him in embrace.

'Taehyung this isn't my first date.' Jk said calmly tae furrow 'but you said our first date.' He mumbled Jk sigh.

'Yes I said cause we are going first time together I mean i'm going out with you first time, understood.' Jk said he made O shope his lip and asked apology.

'Sorry I misunderstood.' Tae giggles in embarrassment jk shook his head and mumbled it's totally fine. Tae nod with soft smile.

'And I didn't date with so many girls and boys. Just 2 or 3 to know about this stuff nothing else.' Jk mumbled calmly caressing his back he smile with nod.

'It's your first date.' Jk asked feeling ache in his heart and gulped saliva.

Tae nod his head vigorously smiling with blush cheeks and avoid jk gaze.

Jk bite his lip and held his hand softly 'Erm let's go.' Jk mumbled he nod and both left to enjoy date.

'I'll make this day most beautiful day of your life baby.' Jk thought while open door for him tae sat comfortably while jk take his driver seat and drove away.


To Be Continue...

Thank You

Take care be safe 💚💜

Taekook's date


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