Shrewd wife of Lin brothers

By silentMelody0101

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story is not mine for OFFLINE reading only. ALL CREDIT TO THE AUTHOR: fairytail72 I got cheated on cheh ~ don... More



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By silentMelody0101

Chapter 621 Dying horse.

" Of course not, Aunt Zi," Though Su Wan knew that Lin Zi was just joking around with her, she still replied with a sweet smile. " I am here to take a walk, I finally got a chance to stretch my feet and take a relaxing walk without my protective husbands dancing on top of my head."

Lin Zi knew that Su Wan fully trusted her and Zhang Xiaohui with the fields and was just trying to pull her leg, thus she chuckled and placed the buckets that were full of water on the ground and said, " You are right, even I get nervous with those three brats fussing over you all the time, I can't even begin to understand how you manage to handle them."

Su Wan laughed as she turned to look at Lin Yu and said with a smile. " Do you hear that, I am not the only one who thinks that you all are being too overprotective."

Lin Yu, of course, heard her complaint but he simply shrugged it wasn't that he didn't want to do anything about it but the thing was that this was their first time becoming fathers, so of course, they will have a hard time getting used to the little existence in Su Wan's belly.

And given how weak a new life can be, they had no choice but to be a little more caring than others.

Su Wan noticed that he was simply unrepentant and then turned to look at Lin Zi who was arching her back after putting down the buckets of water and frowned. This morning, she has seen Fang Zimo follow after Lin Zi, so how come he was letting Lin Zi carry such heavy buckets of water by herself? She looked left and then right, and her frown deepened even further, though Lin Zi was strong, she wasn't as young and capable as she might have been when she was in her twenties, after all, going through most of her childhood hungry and malnourished her foundation was a lot weaker than those who got all the nutritious stuff while growing up.

" Aunt Zi, where is Zimo?" Su Wan couldn't help but get curious because of Fang Zimo's sudden absence and asked, don't tell her that he pretended to chase after aunt Zi and then rushed to woo some other woman. From the looks of it, Fang Zimo didn't look like such scum of a man like that but from her experience, she learned that a man can never be trusted blindly, not unless they show that they are worthy of a woman's trust.

" Ah, you are asking about little Zimo?" Lin Zi's eyes widened a little and a surprised expression came on her face as she titled her head and looked over her shoulder. " Where did he go, he was just behind me... ah! There he is!" She suddenly exclaimed causing Su Wan and Lin Yu to look in the direction where she was looking and what they saw almost made them wish they could look anywhere but at the poor scene in front of them.

Neither was Fang Zimo slacking off nor was he trying to woo another female but as Su Wan stared at his pathetic condition, she wished he was doing something like that instead because then she wouldn't have felt so sorry for the guy.

With a pole on his back and two buckets hanging on each end, Fang Zimo dragged his feet as he walked towards the melon fields with his tongue lolling out and panting like a dying dog. From the looks of it, his buckets were a lot smaller than the ones Lin Zi was carrying and yet he was in such a terrible situation that even Su Wan felt like she was looking at a sorry sight of a little kid getting bullied.

Lin Yu stared at Fang Zimo's dying horse-like state and then turned to look at his aunt before he asked, " Fang Zimo was the one who said that he can carry those four buckets right?"

He more or less understood that flamboyant, overly aggressive and arrogant Fang Zimo better than anyone and knew that the guy must have boasted quite a lot to get his aunt's attention, or else there was no way his aunt would have allowed that weak chicken like Fang Zimo to carry such a load.

" How do you know that?" said Lin Zi with a questioning glint in her eyes as she turned to look back at her nephew. " Well, never mind that, little Zimo said that he has been training for quite a while and that was how he has gotten stronger than before that is why I gave him the responsibility to bring the buckets with him, I have to say he is doing much better than before."

Su Wan: "....."

Lin Yu: "....."

This was much better than how was his performance before this?

Su Wan looked at Lin Zi and then at Fang Zimo before asking carefully, " Did,... Did Zimo use to faint while carrying the water buckets?"

Lin Zi turned to look at her and then shook her head with a smile causing both Lin Yu and Su Wan to heave a sigh of relief but before they could let their hearts settle, she added, " He used to faint after walking to the river, with him unconscious how can he carry the buckets?"

'Damn they relaxed way too soon!'

The two of them knew that though living a life full of tragedy, Fang Zimo was really pampered by his old mistress but they didn't think that he was this pampered.

As the two stared at Fang Zimo who was being cheered on by Zhang Xiaohui who was carrying two buckets in each of her hands that were twice the size of the four small buckets combined, they felt that it was too embarrassing. Lin Yu couldn't even watch anymore as he said, " I will go and help him out a little."

That was what he said but in the end, Lin Yu not only took two buckets off the pole, he also emptied the water in the buckets that Fang Zimo was carrying in his before bringing them over to where Su Wan and Lin Zi were standing.

Su Wan turned her head to look away from Fang Zimo and shook her head in regret, if this was how he was going to pursue Lin Zi then he will surely catch her ——- in his next life, that is.

Please show me some support!! My exams are here and I need motivation to continue or I am going to slack off again.


Chapter 622 Fight!

" I am telling you that it is not my fault!"

Lin Yu has just placed the buckets down when the sound of someone quarrelling echoed in the clearing as they all turned to look at the spot from where the sound of quarrelling was coming. Standing up straight, Lin Yu frowned and turned to Su Wan as he said, " We shouldn't get involved it in, no matter what is going on it has nothing to do with it."

But as soon as he said Feng Dai's voice came following the voice of the unknown man. " If it's not your fault, then whose fault is it? Tell me Feng Zihang you want my family to die is it not it?"

This accusation was serious and couldn't be ignored anymore and since the person who was shouting was their neighbour and friend, neither Lin Yu nor Su Wan could ignore what was going on.

However, Lin Yu still turned to Su Wan and said, " You should here with Aunt, I will go and see what's going on with Zimo."

Fang Zimo was lying on the floor panting and huffing but when he realised that he was suddenly being pulled into a mess, he immediately stood up and stared at Lin Yu as he said, " Why me? Look at me, what can I even do? I mean, do I look like I will come in handy in a fight, are you serious?"

Lin Yu who was persuading Su Wan to stay where she was, heard Fang Zimo's words and suddenly looked at the latter as if he wanted to wield Fang Zimo as a weapon in the fight. " Am I serious? Are you a man or not? How can you pull away from a fight like this?"

Immediately, taking a couple of steps back and raising his hands up, Fang Zimo said, " Like this, and whether I am a man, how can you question my masculinity on the basis of whether I am going to join in a fight or not? I just don't want to get involved in unnecessary drama, that's it. I have not forgiven you for the last time yet, how dare you ask me to join in another one of your fights!"

The last time Fang Zimo got involved in the plan of the Lin brothers he was chased by thugs in the middle of the night and what was even more upsetting was that the brothers all forgot about him! If not for the guards in black, he would have been chased by those thugs to the end of the world.

Ever since he swore that he will never get involved in any fights that have the Lin brothers involved.

Lin Yu wanted to punch Fang Zimo, if not for Su Wan who stopped him. " What are you two acting up for? The fight seems to be serious, are you sure that this is the right time for you to start acting like this? We already have a fight going on, don't you two start acting up now."

" But look at this guy!" Lin Yu looked at her as he complained with his hand outstretched towards Fang Zimo who stood there with his arms crossed he looked back at Lin Yu, his stance was pretty clear, and he wasn't going to move an inch.

" Leave him then, why are you hung up on taking him with you?"

Lin Yu glared at Fang Zimo who looked away and then turned to look at Su Wan as he said, " Make sure that you don't follow me okay?"

" Okay." She agreed at once before she started to walk in front of him.

Lin Yu: Just because I said you can't follow me doesn't mean that you can walk in front of me!

" Wan Wan!" seeing that she has already crossed a lot of distance, Lin Yu chased after her in a hurry.

" I have already said, that whatever happened has nothing to do with me! Why are you trying to get me involved, it's your fault you should have taken care of your fields!" The man, whom Song Yan recognised as Feng Dai's cousin Feng Zihang shouted, his face was red and he seemed to be moving his hands a lot as he tried to put his case in front of Feng Dai.

Feng Zihang and Feng Dai might be cousins but their relationship was just as good as the relationship between the Lin brothers and the old Lin family. The feud seemed to have started years ago when Feng Dai and Feng Zhai's parents were kicked out of the old Feng house by the parents of Feng Zihang's parents, after the death of their grandfather.

Ever since then Feng Dai and Feng Zhai have been living as if the Old Feng family didn't exist but things these days have gotten a bit stiff between the two families —— Feng Zihang's father passed away a few months ago and the responsibility of taking care of their family had fallen on Feng Zihang's shoulders, everything would have been better if Feng Dai and Feng Zhai were living in the same conditions as they were before but Su Wan because of her relationship with Fang Xiaolin, has given Feng Dai and Feng Zhai a permanent job of delivering a definite amount of ducks and chicken eggs.

Because of this, the condition of Feng Dai and Feng Zhai's living has improved a lot and that was something that Feng Zihang couldn't stomach. So, every now and then he would try to create trouble for the Feng brothers.

Su Wan didn't have much idea about him, in fact, she didn't even have any idea that Feng Zihang, this guy existed because Fang Xiaolin and her husbands had never mentioned him before but then one day when Lin Yan was at home, Feng Zihang came to their house with a basket of eggs in both his hands. Generally, these kinds of things were left to Lin Yan but that day she was awake and sitting under the shed that was built outside their house so when Feng Zihang came to their house and started badmouthing the eggs that the Feng brothers sold them, she couldn't help but get intrigued a little.


Chapter 623 I don't have feud other than you.

Su Wan has never really paid any attention to Feng Zihang and his wife before but that day she really got to see another side of the rather peaceful and cordial Feng Zihang and his wife, before that day she thought that the man was honest and he knew how to work hard but after she was done listening to Feng Zihang talking bad behind the Feng brothers, she realised that the originally honest-looking man was simply too much of a crook, was petty and jealous over the success of his brothers.

So, she motioned Qi Shuyan to go and call the Feng brothers so they could witness how 'good' their cousin was and then what happened could be imagined without her trying to explain it. The Feng brother followed Qi Shuyan, right when Feng Zihang and his wife were saying that the two brothers used unexplainable means to get such big eggs and sometimes they even sold eggs that has gone bad after weeks of lying in their house.

After listening to this the Feng brothers get involved in a brawl with Feng Zihang and that only ended when Lin Jing returned and broke the fight at once before it got even worse, on the other hand, Lin Zi and Madam Zhu tried to separate Fang Xiaolin and Feng Zihang's wife Xin Shi.

The fight was stopped before it got worse but ever since then, the real between the two families has gotten so worse that they treated each other as enemies.

Thus, Su Wan wasn't surprised that the fight between the two brothers got this worse.

Feng Dai didn't seem at all moved by what Feng Zihang had said and shouted as he pointed to his fields that seemed to have been crushed by a mob of animals. " You mean to say that you have no idea what happened huh? Who are you trying to fool, Feng Zihang! I have heard it all from your neighbours, last night it was you who took your cows out of the house to feed them, do you think that I can out one and one together? You took your cows to graze last night and today my fields are like this, do you think you are the only one who is smart and everyone else is stupid?"

Feng Zihang cursed his nosy neighbours a hundred times in his head before he said, " So what huh? Just because I took my cows to graze last night, you are blaming me? There are like a ton of villagers who take their cows out at night so they could get fresh milk in the morning, the more they eat the more milk will they produce. I have been herding my cows three times a day to the mountains, everyone knows about it. What's the big deal?"

" The big deal is that you are the only one who herds your cows from this path! Meaning that you are the one who caused this damage to my fields! If it was someone else herd then your fields would have been harmed too but they are completely fine! So what does that mean?" said Feng Dai not at all relenting as he pointed to his fields and then at the fields that were owned by Feng Zihang. " Your fields are completely fine but mine is not, how is that possible?"

" Brother Dai, what's going on?" Lin Yu limped forward with Su Wan and looked at Feng Dai who was breathing so harshly that they were certain that if not for facing the consequences of starting a fight, Feng Dai wouldn't have been holding back till now like this. Lin Yu's gaze fell on the fields that were stomped on so badly that they looked like they have been stampeded by a huge herd of cows.

" Brother Yu, it's a good thing that you are here!" Feng Dai pointed to his fields and started speaking, " Brother Yu, it is like this... this morning when I came to see how my crops were doing I found it like this... I was stunned at first but then as I was looking around for a clue as to see who did it, Feng Zihang's neighbours who were going to their fields told me that last night Feng Zihang went to the mountains with the herd of his cows and returned pretty late. Now he says that it was not his cows but then if it wasn't his then who was the one who just stampeded on my fields but left his fields untouched? I don't have a feud with anyone in the village just him! And he has every reason to do this as well."

Feng Dai turned to glare at Feng Zihang. " Everyone in the village knows just how envious this guy is with our family's life getting worse!"

This was a fact that couldn't be denied and Feng Zihang also seemed to have lost his momentum after seeing Lin Yu and Su Wan knowing that they have witnessed his petty actions, so he licked his lips and simply started to play hooligan as he said, " What proof do you have that I was the one who did this? Just because I and you have a feud, then I am the one who did it just yesterday someone came and fed poisoned one of my goats, so what... did I come to your house and made a fuss that you are the one who did it? I didnt right because I am smart enough to know that I shouldn't be listening to the heresy of the people and believe whatever nonsense they feed me. You should learn to ignore the noise, Feng Dai and learn how to think straight.. either give me a piece of evidence that I was the one who did it or just end this nonsense."

Feng Dai was so mad that he almost raised his head to hit Feng Zihang. " You ... are you mental? Haven't I given you enough evidence that you are the only one who herded your cows last night? What else do you need?"

Shrugging casually, Feng Zihang said, " That doesn't prove anything, give me physical evidence that will prove that I was the one who did it."

A/n: can you guys please check my work When Mafia princess fell for a Nerd? It has a dominant fl and dark twists!!


Chapter 624 I will take care of it.

" You.." Feng Dai was furious enough to hit Feng Zihang but Su Wan stopped him.

" Brother Dai, isn't it just a matter of your crops getting stampeded? Don't worry I will be able to treat them." She didn't want Feng Dai to be in trouble because of a hooligan like Feng Zihang it was very clear that Feng Zihang was the one who was behind this sudden stampede on the Feng brothers' fields but he was acting as if he didn't have any idea about what was going on and kept asking for physical evidence knowing that Feng Dai wouldn't be able to present one.

If he could then they wouldn't be having this conversation here and now, so it was better to take care of these crops that can still be somewhat saved, instead of fighting with this jerk who simply has no bottom line.

Feng Dai who heard Su Wan's words felt like someone has played a piece of calming music to his ears, he immediately stopped growling and snarling at Feng Zihang and turned all his attention to Su Wan as he asked, " Sister in law, can you really save my crops? Is... Is it possible?"

Su Wan nodded, though it looked like the crops were ruined with half of their leaves missing and the stems bending at odd angles as long as they treated them in the right manner then they still had the chance to revive these crops since there were still a few months left for the harvest to begin. " I can do that but I need a few things before I can begin saving them."

She wasn't new to this problem when she used to live with her grandmother, there were many times cows from the shed of other farmers would escape and then create a mess in their fields. Her grandmother was the best farmer in the village and her crops were naturally the best since she took care of them with her own hands despite living a comfortable life —- if she wanted her grandmother would have hired a few men to help but she didn't instead she took care of the small field by herself thus growing the best crops of the village.

Having lived with her grandmother, Su Wan was used to dealing with crops like these though she couldn't revive all of them but she was sure she would be able to manage to save a little.

And in Feng Dai's grave situation something was still better than nothing.

" Mrs Lin, why are you messing around?" Before Feng Dai could say anything Feng Zihang spoke up, looking at Su Wan with a glint that was very similar to that of a snake bidding his time to bite its prey. He might not be a good businessman but he was smart, he could put two and two together—- he understood after many trials and errors that in the Lin family it was Su Wan who had the reins of her husbands in her hands.

The reason that Lin Yan kept refusing him and never bought a single egg from him must have been because Su Wan never allowed him. Because this woman was friends with that Fang Xiaolin, she must have deliberately made things difficult for him from behind the scenes... though he was someone who would never engage himself in a fight with a woman but honestly, Su Wan deserved it for being so nosy.

It was the job of men to deal with the business proposals, he was sure that the proposal that he gave to Lin Yan was a good one if not for Su Wan who purposely made things difficult for him by having pillow talk with Lin Yan then he would have long replaced the Feng brothers and even if he hadn't replaced them, he would have gotten a few shares of good money from Lin Yan's restaurant.

It was Su Wan and her unnecessary poking around that he missed on such a great opportunity.

He smiled politely when Lin Yu stepped in front of Su Wan and said, " Don't take me wrong, Mrs Lin...but you are with a child do you really want to get in the fields and do something like taking care of ruined crops. I have to say that it is a pity that my cousin's crops were ruined but if you go into the fields and god forbids something happened to you and your child then your husbands will have my and Feng Dai's heads. I say don't mess around and stay where you are Mrs Lin, the harvest season is still far away, my cousin will be able to do something about this."

Though Feng Dai didn't agree with Feng Zihang on many things, he has to admit that the latter was right about this one thing. So, he too put on a smile even though he felt like he was dying inside and said, " That's right, sister-in-law, there is no need for you to trouble yourself, I and my brother will think something about this situation."

He too didn't want to cause trouble for Lin family especially Lin Rui, the two of them have been friends for so long if something happened then he wouldn't be able to answer Lin Rui. His crops, if not this year, he will be able to harvest it next year even if this batch was ruined but if something happened to Su Wan then he wouldn't be able to do anything even if he were to give his head to the Lin brothers.

Su Wan smiled as she looked at Feng Dai and said, " Who was the one who said that I will be the one who will be getting into the fields?"

Her words caused the smile on Feng Zihang's face to stiffen.

" You seem to have forgotten who I have with me, I don't need to get into the fields, you see—- someone else will do it for me." She said as she pointed at Lin Yu and Fang Zimo.


Chapter 625 Wishing her dead

These chapters are not fillers, I swear.

Lin Yu wouldn't have got Su Wan involved in the drama but he knew that she wouldn't have left Feng Dai alone in this mess either, thus he did as she asked.. first he sent Fang Zimo to get a few sticks and ropes while Lin Zhi was sent to get the fertiliser from their house. He knew that she was trying to revive the fields but he still walked to Feng Dai and whispered, " Listen, brother Dai .. we will do our best but if things don't work out then don't blame my wife, she is just trying to help you."

Feng Dai of course wouldn't blame Su Wan, she was the only one who came to his aid after his fields were destroyed like this, he wasn't that ungrateful of a man, so he smiled and nodded, " Don't worry, brother Yu... I have already given up on these crops if they can be saved then it's great but if they cannot be saved then I would not blame you or anyone else. It's my bad luck that I have a family like this, what else can I say when my own coin is laden with gunk?"

Feng Zihang was eavesdropping on what Feng Dai and Lin Yu were talking about thus when he heard Feng Dai call him a coin that was laden with gunk, he felt like he has been slapped in the face. Really? He was calling him a useless coin, wasn't he? The one that was nothing but a burden on him?

He was smart enough to understand the sarcasm here, thank you very much!

Su Wan on the other hand was carefully assessing the damage as she turned to Lin Yu. " Yu, go and straighten those crops that have been bent at an unnatural angle and try to be as careful as possible because there is a chance that they will snap in two halves if you are too hard."

" Got it," said Lin Yu as he picked up the sticks and ropes before he got inside the field. It was a good thing that Su Wan didn't come down because the second Lin Yu stepped inside, he stumbled and fell because of the crops that were tangled together and caught his foot.

" Yu, are you okay—-" Su Wan shouted when she saw that Lin Yu really fell and hurried to get him up but Lin Yu stopped her. "It's fine, I am all right —- my good leg was the one that was caught up, not the bad one so I am all right. You stay back if you come down, you will get hurt." Then he slowly got to his feet before limping a few paces away from Su Wan and only then released a sigh of pain that he was holding in because he didn't want to worry Su Wan. But the truth was that his bad leg was caught in the entangled crops and was throbbing painfully but he couldn't let his wife know that he was hurting or else she will feel guilty.

Seeing that her husband was limping a little slow, she knew that Lin Yu was lying to her. Su Wan glared at Feng Zihang who raised his brows and asked, " What? Why are you looking at me like that for? What have I done now?"

" You are such a crow beak, you were the one who said that anyone stepping inside the fields will fall.. now look at what you have done!" Su Wan snapped angrily at Feng Zihang before turning to Fang Zimo.

" You..." first coin laded with gunk and now crow beak, was he here to be disrespected?

However, before he could say anything, Su Wan called Fang Zimo. " Zimo, go and help Yu.. the damaged crops are a lot worse than I expected, I think he will need help."

She knew that Lin Yu was trying so hard to hide his pain not only because he was worried that she will worry about him but also because he didn't want to show his pain to her.. it was like a matter of pride to him. Seriously, she needed to take him to a good doctor soon in the capital, because Doctor Gu raised his hands long ago —-saying that it has been too long and now it was no way for him to treat Lin Yu since the wound has been left untreated for so long and only a well-advanced doctor can treat Lin Yu since it needed the bones to be broken and then snapped together again.

Fang Zimo hurried after Lin Yu and the two of them managed to restore the crops back to their original shape somehow. After they were done, Su Wan asked them to pour a little fertiliser for them to regain some of their strength—- the two did as ordered.

Once they were done, the two stepped out of the fields and then looked at Su Wan who smiled at them before praising them, " You two have done a good job, tonight I will cook something good to reward you guys." After she was done, she turned to look at Feng Dai who was standing beside her and said, " We have done whatever we could to revive them, now we all need to wait and see, if the crops will be able to get back to their original shape or not. It will only take a few weeks at most for them to recover, if they do then it's great, if they can't then at least we did our best, right?"

Feng Dai nodded as he silently swore in his head to take care of his crops until the end of the week. It didn't matter whether or not they restored back to their original shape but there was no way he was going to give Feng Zihang another chance to create trouble for him again!

Feng Zihang too looked at the crops that seemed to have been fixed somehow and his expression turned even worse. While Feng Dai and the others were praising Su Wan for her smart wits, he was staring at her like he was wishing her dead.


Chapter 626 She is a witch!

A/n: These chapters are not fillers, Feng Zihang's character is imp—- please give me a few days to weave the whole arc.

Feng Zihang burst inside his house leaving behind a storm of fury, Xin Shi who was working in the kitchen saw him muttering furiously walked out of the kitchen and then looked at her husband who came to sit next to his mother who asked her to bring a cup of water.

" What is it?" asked Madam Feng as she looked at her son who was cursing a round of vulgarities under his breath, it was a good thing that her grandsons were out playing with their friends or who knows what they might have learned from their father.

" What else? Everything was going all right, Feng Dai's fields were completely ruined by me and I was sure that nothing will be able to save those ruined crops but then," he took the cup of water from Xin Shi and drowned it all in one gulp as he heaved a deep breath. " Then that nosy wife of the Lin brothers came in between and ruined my entire hard work." He smacked his hands together as if showing how quick Su Wan was in ruining his plans.

" She caught you?" gasped Xin Shi as she took the cup from her husband's hands. " How much money do we have to fork out to pay the Feng brothers now?"

"Can you shut up?" said Madam Feng as she unhappily glared at her daughter-in-law. " Like if you can't say anything nice, then don't open your crow beak and make things difficult for us. I mean it, Xin Shi... you say another wrong thing and then you can pack your bags and go back to your father's house."

Xin Shi immediately shut up as she pursed her lips and looked at her mother-in-law and husband silently.

Once she silenced her daughter-in-law, Madam Feng turned to look at her son and asked, " what happened can you tell me properly? Did she find out something and then made you take responsibility for it?"

" How is that possible? I did it all very cleanly even if they were to bring a guard dog, even then they wouldn't be able to track me down." Feng Zihang answered as he nursed his throbbing temple, never before did he hate a woman like Su Wan and wished that she would die in her sleep or something. God, if he was really a crow beak then please let Su Wan have a difficult birth and end this farce.

" I was fighting with Feng Dai, as we all expected he will once he finds out what happened to his fields...everything was going all right but then——" he banged his fist on the bed of his mother and growled. " But then that woman came blundering and said that she can save his crops. Then she and her husband, that limping bastard together with the girly one took care of Feng Dai's fields and said that there was a chance that the crops will be saved."

The Feng brothers haven't shown their family even an ounce of support after the head of their family, Feng Zihang's father died—— Feng Zihang begged them several times to help him with the management of his household affair, given that he has three sons and the Feng brothers didn't even have one. But the two heartless bastards never melted in front of his begging and left him to deal with his own thing, that was why he decided that if they were going to rot in poverty then everyone might as well die in the same situation.

Why should those two heartless cousins of his life have a better life? But what he forget was when the Feng brother's father was sick and their mother begged for help from his father, the latter was even more heartless than them.

If he and his family were going to live in poverty then he will drag those two along with him!

That was what he thought but Su Wan has to ruin everything!

" The Old madam Lin is right she is really a jinx," muttered Feng Zihang hatefully as he remembered how Su Wan ruined his plans. " She first ruined the Old Lin family, left one crippled and the other completely broken and useless and sucked them dry to the point that the Old Lin family is looking for a man who can buy their daughter! She left the Lin family in such a dire situation and now she is after us, I swear that woman is like a witch. No matter wherever she goes she ruins that family."

Madam Feng's eyes narrowed as she sighed. " That's right, it's such a disgrace. That girl is married to five men and still roams around as bold as brass, back in my days' women like her were too ashamed to lift their heads much less go out of the house. It's those Lin brothers who cannot control her, look at her she even got Madam Zhang to divorce her husband. Filling heads of women with stupid ideals someone needs to learn from that girl."

What Madam Feng ignored was it was because of Su Wan that madam Zhang was able to earn enough money to take a stand against the Old Lin family as they tried to sell her daughter. It was because of her independence that Lin Yunxi managed to escape from jumping into the pit of fire after her mother came to save her and took the responsibility of arranging the dowry as well as the marriage reception that Lin Yunxi finally got a decent man to marry.

If not the latter would have been ruined...because of this Lin Yunxi was now a lot closer to her mother after suffering under her father and grandmother.

But that was a story for another time.

" Anyway, did that girl guarantee that the crops will be fine?" asked Madam Feng since she was worried about it the most.

" No, she said that they need to take care of the crops for the next one week."

" Then we will see what happens after this week and will plan accordingly."


Chapter 627 Move to town

But turns out that they didn't have to wait for a week to find out what happened with Feng Dai's fields, instead within three days they were able to see the changes in Feng Dai's fields. After the Lin brothers found out that something like that has happened to Feng Dai, they all rose to their feet and came in aid of the Feng brothers. While Lin Yu and Lin Chen made extra stock of fertilisers for the Feng brothers' fields, Lin Jing and Lin Yan got them a bunch of good earthworms that ate the little pests destroying the fields, including praying mantis and ladybugs.

Under such good care, the crops were once again restored to their full glory and Su Wan's fame as someone who could save damaging and ruined crops also rose to glory. After her fame was known to the villagers, every day someone or another would come asking for help, saying that their crops weren't doing good and they wanted Su Wan to take a look at them and see whether or not she can revive them.

Things became so worse that the Lin brothers had to drop all of their work and stay at home again to stop the villagers from entering their house since just one of them couldn't manage to handle all the villagers. The Shen uncles did offer that they will give them their shadow guards but the Lin brothers weren't at ease, even if they left for work with the shadow guards looking after Su Wan, they couldn't focus on their work, so they just dropped all their work and started to stay back at home.

And they couldn't let the shadow guards be rude to the villagers when all they were doing was asking for help.

Thus, they stayed back at home and started to turn down the villagers saying that Su Wan was pregnant and couldn't run around so much in just a day. Even Su Wan understood that she has made things troublesome, so she obediently hid inside the house.

"Yuuuu!" Lin Yan turned another villager who came to look for Su Wan before turning to look at his fifth brother who already has his fingers stuffed in his ears, knowing full well what was coming in his direction. Seeing him act like this, Lin Yan's temper rose even more as he walked up to his brother and said, " What's the point of doing all this? If only you stayed put and didn't take Su Wan anywhere, where she shouldn't have gone then nothing like this would have happened. Now look at this, the trouble both of you have caused."

" Don't blame Yu, he did nothing wrong." Su Wan immediately walked out of the room where she was hiding and came to stand in front of Lin Yu as she stopped Lin Yan from scolding Lin Yu any further. " I am the one who asked him to take me out since you all didn't listen to me."

"And see where it got you?" snapped Lin Yan going red in the face, all he wanted was his wife to stay at home and keep herself and their child safe was he asking for too much? It was just staying at home and nothing else! It wasn't like he left her alone either, there were her uncles, one of them and even little meow to keep her company.

The said cat hissed at him when he heard, Lin Yan scold Su Wan—- ever since Su Wan has gotten pregnant, the little cat has gotten more and more protective of her.

Now even if they were to raise their voice, this terror wouldn't think twice before unleashing its fury and sure enough, as soon as Lin Yan opened his mouth, little meow let out a hiss and jumped at him claws out. But after fighting with that ball of menace, he was able to catch him on time and managed to escape getting scratched, holding little meow in his hands, he looked at Su Wan and continued, " If only you stayed at home then this wouldn't have happened, you know?"

" I don't see why are you all so angry?" said Su Wan as she carelessly shrugged. " I mean—-" she walked past Lin Yan and took a seat on the rocking chair as she continued, "It's a good thing, I am thinking that I should start charging for consultation and then I will be able to make an income like this as well, what do you think?"

" Consultation?"

" Earning money?"

" Are you serious?"

" Wan Wan!"

This time it was Su Wan's turn to stuff her fingers in her ears as she rolled her eyes and said, " What? it's a good plan—-"

But then all four of husbands turned to look at her with the same glare causing Su Wan to purse her lips and turned silent before looking away from the four of them and crossed her arms as she puffed her cheeks and huffed, " What? I am bored and you all don't let me do anything!"

" If you want to do something then how about raising silkworms on a mulberry farm?" said Lin Jing all of a sudden after a short pause.

" Raising silkworms?"Su Wan's attention was diverted and all the brothers secretly heaved a sigh of relief as they thanked their elder brother for bringing this topic.

Lin Jing nodded and said, " That's right, I have been looking for something to do and Lin Rui told me that there is a huge demand for good silk in the capital and just one single bolt of silk can be sold for hundred of golden taels that why I am thinking of raising silk worms and I have looked up a property for us to shift in."

It has been a week after Su Wan's grandmother put the bet in front of them, so how can he stay put and do nothing? But the thing was that he didn't know anything other than wooden carvings and hunting, though he was looking to further his business in the wooden industry but there were a lot of competitors already that was the reason why he came looking for another business and that was raising silkworms.

" Property? What property?"

" I think it's time for us to move to the town."


Chapter 628 Its about time.

" Move to the town, where did this come from?" Su Wan was really surprised, they haven't discussed anything like moving to the town, with her though they did say that moving to the town would be beneficial but they haven't said anything like —- ' yo, we gotta get moving to the town.'

Lin Jing sighed and then took a seat on the stone stools that he and his brother brought from the town and said, " I think that it's time, we should move to the town. Yan, Chen and Yu have jobs there and I am going to start working there as well and Rui stays in the academy as well, there is no point in doing up and down from the village to the town and back—-"

"But the melon fields—-" Su Wan too wanted to move to the town but she also did not want to leave her fields alone, if she left then who will take care of the fields? What will happen to it?

" I know, we aren't going to move without leaving someone to take care of the fields either," said Lin Jing knowing that Su Wan would refuse if he did not give her a better suggestion that would allow the melon fields to flourish including them moving to the town. " We are not going to leave the melon fields alone either, all right?"

" That's right," said Lin Yan as he looked at Lin Zi and Madam Zhang who smiled and said, " We are going to move to and fro, from now on —- the four of them have decided that they will hire a bunch of workers who will work on contract basis, the workers will take care of the fields and we just need to come and inspect them every now and then, if nothing we would just stay here and keep an eye on the workers."

Lin Zi smiled as she shook her head, " But I don't think that we need to do that, the boys have come up with quite a nice terms and conditions for the workers who will be working here and so the chances of our fields getting harmed are likely lower than zero."

" We have asked your uncles if they are going to look for a batch of good workers and then you can choose from the one that you like the most," said Lin Chen with a grin. " But I think we shouldn't let go of this chance, now that we have it."

Su Wan saw that everyone wanted to move to the town so even if she was worried she had to suppress the uneasiness and ask, " Have you looked for a house to move in already?"

Lin Jing nodded.

He has been looking for one ever since Su Wan got pregnant, though the house in the village was good —- it was too run down. Even if they renew it, nothing will change —- after all the very support beam of the house was left broken by the last owner of the house since they didn't want anyone to live here. They have tried to mend it again and again but what's broken, was already broken, either they pull down the entire house and make it from the scratch again or they move to another house.

So, Lin Jing decided to move rather than wasting their money by restoring the house by pulling it down and then building it from the scratch. All of them wanted to move to the town anyway so what was the point in wasting money by rebuilding the house?

And when Su Wan got pregnant, the urge to move out of the village got even more fiercer.

Though they didn't stay at home, they still knew about the rumours that were running around the village. Old madam Lin was still not willing to sit still and kept coming for more, it was as if she has made her life's aim to disrupt their lives and honestly that wasn't the life Lin Jing wanted for his kids.

Now that Su Wan and Lin Yan were going to have a child, in a year or two one of them will have a kid again and if they stayed here then what kind of life will their kids have? Being cursed by an old woman they don't even know?

He would never allow it, he and his brothers grew up under the cursing of Old madam Lin and that was enough, he would never let the same thing happen to his kids either. It didn't matter if he was the biological father or not, even if the children came from his brothers, he was still their eldest father and he would treat them like they were his own.

No difference at all.

Which was why he started looking for a house as soon as he came to find out that Lin Yan and Su Wan were going to be parents.

At first, he wasn't sure whether or not he will be able to find one but then he was fortunate enough to meet an old couple who were moving to the capital and were in a hurry to sell the house they were living in, the house was big enough for a big family to live in but their sons and their family moved to the capital and thus, it was left empty. And now they were living as well thus they needed to sell it as soon as they can—- that was how he was able to find out the perfect house he wanted.

" The house is nice and there is a big courtyard, as well the space behind the house isn't small either —— with that alone you can plant enough trees in the backyard and then take care of the space. There is also a small bamboo forest, and everyone will be able to have a courtyard of their own, not just one room for each person, don't you think that it's a good idea to have a courtyard for everyone? That way our kids don't have to grow up in a clustered room?"

It was indeed nice but —— " Then what about this house?"


Chapter 629 Fire in the melon fields

" About that, we are thinking of making this house a resort," said Lin Yan, a few days ago he heard Su Wan tell him about hot spring resorts and from then he has been thinking a lot before he and his brothers decided to find the vein of the hot spring in their house and fortunately they were able to find it after much look around the surrounding, it wasn't far from here and the land was also left alone because it was close to the mountain forest. They have already discussed it with the village head and decided to buy that land, and because it was an unwanted piece of land they will be able to buy it for a cheap price.

" A resort?" Su Wan incredulously asked and then gasped. " You guys found the vein?"

Lin Chen nodded with his hand behind his head. " Wasn't that difficult either, I was able to track it with ease, we just needed to look around a little and after that boom we got it!"

Though Lin Chen said it like they found it pretty easily, the brothers knew themselves how hard it was for them to find the vein, it was hard work of more than half a month before they could find the vein. And since they wanted to hide it from the villagers, they had to look for the vein in the hot spring at night which caused them a lot of headaches but since they were going to buy a house that was more than a thousand taels, they had to make sure that they will be able to recover the loss as well.

And when they discussed it with the Village head, who agreed at once upon hearing that this new project of the Lin brothers will be able to bring development to the town and that was how their plan passed through its initial stages.

Su Wan gaped at them, she was the one who slept next to these men and yet she had no idea what was going on in their heads—— she didn't even realise when they went out of the house and looked for the hot spring's vein.

" That's amazing," she said after a short pause, as she blinked her eyes and tried to soak in the amount of information that was just dumped on her head. " I .. I. .. I don't even know what to say, you guys are really ... I mean you are all impressive."

Seeing that she wasn't against their plan, the brother all released consecutive breaths of relief as they smiled.

" Then it's decided," said Lin Yan as he looked at his eldest brother. " You can finalize the deal with the old couple and get them to sign the document of transferring the property as soon as you can, eldest brother. Or else if they find someone who is willing to pay more money then it will be twice as troublesome for us."

Lin Jing nodded. " I will get them to sign the papers, they are in a hurry to move as well... they need to leave by the end of this month. I will get them to sign the documents, until then," he sternly looked at Su Wan. " You stay at home, once we are in town, you can go around the house as much as you want, all right?"

" All right."

What the Lin brothers didn't know was that even if Su Wan didn't leave the house, there was always a chance for trouble to come to find her.

" You guys have you heard?" said a village woman as she looked at Xin Shi who came to wash her clothes.

" What?" The other women who were poked in their ribs looked up but then they smiled knowingly when they saw who came to the river.

" I heard that the Feng brothers' fields made a full recovery," said the woman grinning as she looked at Xin Shi who started to wash her clothes as if she was beating someone. When the woman saw that Xin Shi didn't reply, she looked at the other two women and then tauntingly spoke, " You know what, I bet who was behind ruining their fields must be regretting it now, imagine working so hard, even going so far as disturbing their sleep at night and all of a sudden all of their hard work went down the drain. I bet snakes must be rolling on their chests now, what do you all say?"

" You!" Xin Shi wasn't stupid, she could understand that the women were trying to put her down so, she threw the clothes that she was washing aside and then glared at them. " What are you talking about? If you have something to say then say it on my face all right? What's with this roundabout way of throwing mud at me?"

The woman was also not one to mess with, she rolled her eyes and then looked at Xin Shi with a fake smile. " I didn't say any names did I? There is no need for you to jump out and confess your dirty deeds."

Xin Shi was mad enough to hit someone but she still calmed down after listening to the rest of the words, if she was to hit these women now then she will more or less agree to their claims, so she clasped the wrist of her son and walked towards her house.

Before throwing the basket of the dirty laundry in the corner of the room and when she noticed that her husband was lying in the bed hiding from the villagers, she picked up the wet clothes and dumped them all on Feng Zihang causing the latter to wake up with a start. " What? What was that for?"

" What was that for? If you were scheming to do something then do it properly! At least then listening to all of this nonsense will make sense! Look at this, the entire village is spitting on me, now what should I do?"

Feng Zihang threw the clothes that were lying on top of him and shouted back, "If you are so good then why don't you do something?"

" Fine!" snapped Xin Shi. " Maybe I will do something! Since you are so useless!"

And that very night, Su Wan's melon fields were set on fire.


Chapter 630 Its your daughter.

Su Wan tossed and turned as she looked at the ceiling, tonight her child was even more unsettled than usual, no matter how hard she tried to sleep, the child wouldn't settle down. Lin Yan, who was sleeping next to her was woken up due to all the tossing and turning she was doing, with his eyes narrowed due to sleep he looked at her in surprise, " What's wrong? You can't sleep?"

"It's your precious daughter," complained Su Wan as she once again turned to another side and then wriggled her body a little. " She is not sleeping and she isn't letting me sleep either."

Though the foetus was too small to make any movement, it was still big enough to make Su Wan feel really nauseous. The latter felt more and more unsettled with the anxiety that was flooding her system and the more she tried to settle her heart down, the more her anxiety would rise. It was as if the child was bent on making tonight the hardest night for her—— which was frustrating as hell given that she was so tired but there was simply nothing she could, not with her body feeling so heavy as if pressure was weighing down at her.

Lin Yan's brows furrowed as he tried to pull her closer but Su Wan slapped his hands away and said, " Don't try to get close to me at the moment, it's your fault that I feel like this, if not for you I would have been sleeping by now!"

" Yes, Yes, I get it." Lin Yan hurriedly coaxed her as he pushed himself off the bed and started rubbing Su Wan's belly to settle his daughter down. Every time Su Wan felt unsettled, this move of his would work but tonight it seemed like that it was the night of test for them as parents because no matter how much they tried to ease themselves, the child was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan and if it was anxious than Su Wan was also just as anxious.

Finally, she could not take anymore as she sat up straight and slid off the bed. " I can't do it!" she snapped as she raised her hands and walked towards the wardrobe and picked out a robe that she could wear outside and said, " I am done, she wants to get out of the house and I am going to take her out!"

Lin Yan has just opened his mouth to stop her but Su Wan whirled around with an incredible speed and raised a finger as she warned him, " And you are not going to stop me either, you get it? Because if I know how to skin chicken and I can skin a man too, you get it? And if you still feel daring enough then you need to remember just one thing and that's I am the one who sleeps beside you, so in case you want to sleep with an eye open, you can try."

With his hormonal wife's threat, there was no way Lin Yan would be able to say anything either, so he swallowed down what he wanted to say and said, " Sure, I will come with you, all right? Or you are going to bar me from doing that too?"

" No, I won't as long as you don't stop me," she waited for Lin Yan to dress up and then the two of them walked out of the room. The night sky was just as dark as it usually was but tonight something was different, the surroundings were a bit more lit up than they were usually. ..Su Wan frowned as she looked at Lin Yan and asked, " Where is the light coming from?"

Lin Yan also frowned as far as he knew there was no festival or anything taking place in the village, so what was going on? Why was the village lit as such? He was confused as well, in the end, he couldn't resist and looked at Su Wan and said, " You stay here and I will see what's going on."

" What do you mean, you are going to see it alone?" said Su Wan as she already picked a brick in her hand, it wasn't that heavy but it was enough to hurt someone if she was to throw it down. " I am coming to see it too, we will take care of whatever or whoever it is," with that, she sucked in a breath and then walked out of the house with the brick in her hand.

Lin Yan rolled his eyes as he too picked up a stick and walked after her. He should have known his wife was just built different and don't seem to have any 'fleeing' instinct in her body, if there was any danger she will be there too as well!

The two walked out of the house when they met with Feng Dai and Feng Zhai who were coming out of the house as well. The brothers were also carrying a stick in their hands, when they saw that Su Wan and Lin Yan were coming out of their house, they paused and said, " We saw the light and we thought that we should go and check it out as well."

Though their fields were all right but the brothers were just as worried as they were during the last week and that's why they will wake up in the middle of the night to check up on their fields. Tonight was the same as ever but just as they were going to head out they noticed the light that was coming from the surroundings and knew that something was wrong —- so they picked up the sticks and strode out of their house where they met with Lin Yan and Su Wan.

"Let's go then," said Lin Yan though he wasn't that worried, nothing dangerous has happened in their village for years but just as he reached the scene from where the light was coming, he realised how wrong he was because a field was on fire and that field was theirs!


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