One Last Chance

By oceanway4life

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Rory Lynn, a strong single mom, who has made a new life for herself and her 2 year old daughter, Wyatt. But... More

Chapter 1 ~ 2 Years Ago
Chapter 2 ~ You Only Get One Second Chance
Chapter 3 ~ Freckles
Chapter 4 - Go Ahead Smart One
Chapter 5 ~ I'm staying if you like it or not
Chapter 6 - Your hockey players but need to act like men
Chapter 7 ~ If you want to continue, tell me what's wrong
Chapter 8 - Keep Your Reputation Clean
Chapter 9 - People Need To Know You're My Girl
Chapter 10 - I'll get you two at midnight
Chapter 11 - I love you more than fucking hockey
Chapter 12 - Nothing will keep me from them
Chapter 13 - Hope Is All We Got
Chapter 14 - Relax Freckles
Chapter 15 - Agreed Little Lynn, fist bump
Chapter 17 - You deserve this and more
Chapter 18 - I can't erase my past nor can you
Chapter 19 - 4 weeks later...
Chapter 20 ~ Anytime Smart One
Chapter 21 - I'm only gonna hurt if you don't come here
Chapter 22 ~ GOD I love this women
Chapter 23 - You look like an angel
Chapter 24 - Is it just me of is that food tiny
Chapter 25 - Let's go home
Chapter 26 - 6 days later
Chapter 27 - Relax babe, I'm not gonna leave
Chapter 28 - Maybe try this instead of gnawing on your lip
Chapter 29 - I love you Ry
Chapter 30 - If you gotta get up, I'll get up
Chapter 31 - Mh, what's that for ?
Chapter 32 - I erased every line from my past except you
Chapter 33 - I'm not liking Canada right now
Chapter 34 - Can't have you missing me too much
Chapter 35 - We're both tired, I miss you
Chapter 36 - You're still the same girl I fell in love with
Chapter 37 - 2 weeks later ...
Chapter 38 - I am now Freckles
Chapter 39 - I really wanted to see you without a shirt on
Chapter 40 - That's not happening again
Chapter 41 - I'd take that offer any day babe
Chapter 42 - You should go & I should get up
Chapter 43 - Don't forget that
Chapter 44 - Don't let it raise your ego too much, smart one
Chapter 45 - Freckles
Chapter 46 - Wow, I hate this game
Chapter 47 - We'll see smart one
Chapter 48 - North Carolina Bound
Chapter 49 - Wherever you are good I'm good
Chapter 50 - You're next babe,
Chapter 51 - Let's go before we don't
Chapter 52 - Babe, you're not walking
Chapter 53 - Whatever you need to tell yourself
Chapter 54 - I'll see you tomorrow babe, love you
Chapter 55 - The Ceremony
Writing Update/ Where The Book Is
Chapter 56 - The Reception

Chapter 16 - You're Mine Forever Freckles

40 0 0
By oceanway4life


After living in a small apartment for over a year this house feels like home. Ryder painted the inside amazing and the backyard was perfect. Wy seems to like it here. I told her tomorrow we'll say bye bye to the apartment. Addie's uncle let me move out before the end of my lease. Due to the circumstances he told me not to worry about rent last month. He's been the best landlord but we have a home now. I just pray Hunter doesn't find my address. I'd drop if he walked into this house. "Hey Ro, my mom told me the police haven't found him yet" Addie said. It was like she read my mind sometimes. I told her ok and Wy wanted to get her jersey. I got Wy ready and threw an outfit on. "Does Ryder have a car seat for Wy ?" Addie asked. I told her yes and she told me she would drive. I got Wy hooked in and we went to the arena. We used the valet and went to our seats. They introduced both teams and played the national anthem. "Tonight is the season opener for the Winston Warriors. They play against the Killingway Knights tonight. Better get settled for this folks" The announcer said. First period, the Warriors got 2 goals. Ryder assisted one of them with Cole. First period ended and the Knights got one goal. Addie's phone started ringing and she went out of the arena. "Ro oh my god !" Addie yelled. "The police found him, he's under custody" Addie told me. The terror I've had and the worry of him coming back left me. "I'll be right back I'm gonna tell Ryder and your dad" I told Addie. She hugged me and I gave her Wyatt. I ran down to Coach's office. "Lynn it's intermission what's up" Coach said. I told him the police found Hunter. "Lynn, that's the best news I've heard in a while. Come here" he said. He hugged me and went to get Ryder. I waited outside of their locker room. "Freckles, what's wrong ?" he asked. I ran to him and he wrapped me in his arms. I kissed him how I've wanted to since the day that day I got into the hospital. He pulled away and looked at me. He raised his eyebrow and his eyes trailed over me. I told him the police found Hunter. "Freckles that's fucking amazing. No one will hurt you ever again, not with me here" Ryder said. We kissed again and he watched me go back upstairs. I went to my seat and Wy laid on my chest. "I missed you mama," Wy said. I hugged her and she fell asleep in my lap during the second period. The Warriors got another two goals and were ahead three. Second period ended and Addie went to get food. I texted my parents in our group chat.

Rory - The police found him. Hunter's in jail !!!

Mom - That's amazing honey

Dad - Thank god kid it's about time

Rory - Ryder also surprised me with a house !

Mom - We'll have to stop by sometime and see it !

Dad - I never liked you living in that apartment

Rory - I have to go you guys. I'm at Ryder's game and Wy fell asleep

Dad - Goodnight Roar

Mom - Love you sweetheart goodnight

I texted them until Addie got back. She had two medium cups with a large popcorn bucket. They had sour cream kettle corn. It's my favorite flavor. The perfect blend of sweet and savory. I thanked Addie and she told me anytime. We had our popcorn as they started the third period. The knights got one goal but the warriors got another. The game ended 5 - 2 and the warriors won. Wy was out cold in my arms. I got up and went to the lobby with Addie. She held Wy and I thanked her mom for everything. I saw Ryder and ran over to him. My finger locked behind his neck and he pulled me up to his lips. "You're mine forever, Freckles," Ryder said. I keep picturing the future with him. When I was with Hunter the thought of the future terrified me. But everything with Ryder is different. "Where's Wy she's not disgusted by us" Ryder said. I pointed to Wy asleep in Addie's arms. "I know it's late but it means a lot when you come," Ryder said. I told him I kind of knew and we went over to Addie. She handed me Wy and Garrett walked over. They kissed and we walked out to the parking lot together. The valet brought our cars and I told Addie bye. I got Wy hooked in the car seat and hooked myself in. I was exhausted from all the moving and packing. My body flung forward when Ryder parked his jeep. I must've fallen asleep. "Are you okay Freckles ?" Ryder asked. I told him yes and he told me thank god. I got out and unhooked Wy. Ryder unlocked the door and I put Wy in her room. She loved sleeping in her jersey. I only let her on game nights. It was a tradition we started and she loved it. I walked out to the living room and Ryder was in the papasan. I sat in his lap and he kissed behind my ear. "Is it good with you if we shop tomorrow for more things to make this homier ?" Ryder asked. I told him of course and he nodded. I relaxed in his arms and thanked him for buying the house. "After everything you've been through, you deserve this Freckles." Ryder told me. I kissed him and started to fall asleep. "You're wiped out Freckles and so am I. How about we go to bed and actually sleep" Ryder said. I told him ok and we both got up. He held my hand as we went to our room. I couldn't find any pajamas. "Here Freckles it may be big but it'll work for now" Ryder said. He handed me one of his shirts. I got in the bed and this mattress was way too comfortable. I sank right into it and Ryder noticed. "You like the mattress more than being against me ?" Ryder asked. I asked him if it could be both. He smiled and pulled me over to him. I fell asleep and slept the best I have in a while. Wy even slept through the night. I got worried but checked her room camera and she was fine. Ryder and I laid in bed till nine. We both finally got up and went to the kitchen. We had nothing at all. There were a few snacks but that was it. "How about we get Wy up and go out ?" Ryder asked. I told him ok and we got ready. I didn't have a lot of things but managed to find clothes. We went to Wy's room and she woke up. "Mama" Wy said. I told her good morning and she smiled. Ryder picked her up and threw her in the air. She laughed so hard every time he did. "We're going out for breakfast little Lynn '' Ryder told Wy. She smiled and I got her ready. She had all her clothes plus hair stuff because I finished her room. Her room is the only one completely done. Once I got her ready, I grabbed my shoes. Ryder got her into the car. He drove us to Starbucks and I told Rachel my order. She's worked here since I moved here. She watched Wy a few times. Ryder apparently came here often. After breakfast, Ryder drove to Smith's. They were the closest to a Walmart Winston had. Ryder put Wy in the cart and I pushed it around. "We need everything so get whatever you want, Freckles," Ryder told me. I made a list on my phone for essentials.





Pots, Pans, Plates, Bowls, Tupperware, Utensils

Cooking & Baking Things

Sponges & Soap ( Hand Soap, Dawn Dish Soap )

Can Opener


Oven Mitts

Paper Towels

Living Room;

Coffee Table




Shoe Organizers



Shower Shelves

Small Trash Can

Laundry Room & Cleaning;


Trash bags


Clorox Wipers

Laundry Bins

Ryder wasn't much help getting things. He told me to choose what I wanted. I got everything on the list. I grabbed a few things for Wy and extra things for me. Ryder scanned everything and I grabbed my card. "Nice try Freckles, but I'm buying" Ryder told me. I thanked him and the cashier gave us the bags. Before we went home, Ryder drove to the apartment. Addie's uncle Ben, was waiting for us. I gave him all the keys. "You two have been my favorite tenants, I'll miss you around here" Ben said. We hugged and Wy waved to him. I thanked him for everything and told him he was the best landlord ever. He always fixed anything if it stopped working. If a pipe busted or the oven stopped working, he fixed it that day. I told Wy it was time to say bye. "Bye bye apatmen" Wy said and she got on my hip. I looked at the apartment one last time before going. It was a little hard to leave the memories. But we'll have new memories with Ryder without Hunter. Ben walked us home and Ryder shook his hand. We left and drove home. Wy got on my hip and Ryder brought everything inside. I put Wyatt down and she ran to the couch. "I can have the goofs get their asses over here to help if you want" Ryder said. I tried not to laugh but I had to. I told him to have them come. He texted them and I texted Addie.

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