Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystali...

By BlizzardPlays

5K 22 7

What if the overlord put a spell on Lloyd on his heart? In this story it's like the original but with musical... More

Farewell the sea
The call of home
The shape of wind and water
A mayor problem
Public enemies 1,2,3,4 and 5
A painful promise
Ninjago city vs Ninja
Kryptarium prison blues
Hounddog Mcbrag
The benefit of Grief
The fifth Villian
The Council of the Crystal King
A sinister shadow
The spider's design
The fall of the monastery
Darkness within
The Coming of the King
Return to Primeval's Eye
A Lesson in Anger and Love
Forbidden Crystal love
Quittin Time
Return of the ice emperor
Safe Haven
Distress Calls
Dragon Form
Love within the Roots

An issue of trust

165 1 0
By BlizzardPlays

Narrator: Garmadon

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 28

Word count: 2,7k

Warning: different/bonus scenes and singing

Song name: Ready for this (Resistance version.)

(In the newspaper warehouse, Nelson searches for Master Wu.)

Nelson: Master Wu! Master Wu!

Wu: Yes? What is it?

Nelson: It's the ninja! They're back! And they have, um... you-know-who with them!

(They head outside.)

Wu: Nya. Lloyd. Morro.

Lloyd: Master Wu!

Jay: Christina! (He hugs her immediately and she hugs him back.) I thought I lost you again.

Christina: Take it easy, bro. I'm fine.

Wu: It's good to see all of you.

Morro: You too, Master.

Nya: I just wish we had better news.

Jay: Yeah. Doesn't look like we can count on any help.

Wu: We are not without allies. (He shows Ronin, Ultra Violet, Killiow and Fugi-Dove.)

Lloyd: Ronin?

Wu: It's a long story. Come inside. I have something to show you. (He shows them Quanish's scroll.) This is the final prophecy of Quanish the Elder.

Garmadon: Quanish? Quanish was a fool.

Wu: Hopefully not entirely, for he prophesied that one day, the defenders of Ninjago would achieve a higher form of Elemental Energy, something he called "Dragon Form," which they would use in the final conflict against evil.

Jay: Dragon Form sounds cool.

Garmadon: Did he say how this "Dragon Form" is achieved?

Wu: Unfortunately, no.

Garmadon: Hmph. Typical Quanish. Leave out the most important part.

Wu: But these images offer clues. The first shows someone leaping upwards. The second, kicking backwards. Then turning, and rotating quickly.

Kai: Lemme get this straight. To assume Dragon Form, we have to jump up, kick back, whip around, and spin? (Wu and Misako looked at each other and then the paper kids moved a table to watch the ninja use dragon form except for Nya, Christina and Morro.)

Lloyd: You guys aren't doing it?

Nya: My powers are still weak, I don't know if I can do it.

Christina: And I don't know if I want to do it.

Kai: Come on girls, we know you both can do it. It's okay, just try it out. (Nya and Christina looked at each other and shrugged and decided to try dragon form.)

Christina: Morro, I wish you can try it out, but your powers are still gone.

Morro: I know, but go on I'll just watch.

(Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Christina, Nya and Lloyd all jumped up, kicked back, whipped around and spin with Spinjiztu but they all fell to the ground and failed, they attempt to do so again, but failed again, and they started to breathe in and out rapidly.)

Jay: Anyone feel... "dragon-y"?

(Atop the Crystal Island, the Overlord gathers his council.)

Overlord: Come, Pythor, and join us. Take your place on my council.

Pythor: As you command, my Lord.

Overlord: As I command? Hmm. I commanded you to bring back the ninja, yet you have all returned empty-handed!

Pythor: Actually, I was saying "as you command" in response to you saying "join us." So in that respect, technically —

Overlord: Silence! I gave you everything! New powers, weapons, an army of Crystal Warriors. But you fail me at every turn!

Harumi: My Lord. Mister F intercepted a radio transmission from the ninja. Play it back.

Past Cole: Kai and I are with Skylor and Master Wu. We're holed up with a bunch of people at the —

Past Wu: Careful, Cole. Our radio signal could be intercepted.

Past Cole: In a place where the news never sleeps.

Harumi: They're trying to conceal their location, but I know where they are. A newspaper delivery warehouse near the harbor. It would appear the ninja are all there.

Overlord: Hmm. You have done well, Harumi. Dispatch my army. Launch the Dragonides. Find this warehouse and destroy it. But not the ninja. Leave them for me.

(At Borg Tower, Cyrus Borg sees that the Overlord's forces are approaching.)

Cyrus Borg: (He gasps.) Oh, no!

(At the warehouse, the ninja once again fail to achieve Dragon Form.)

Kai: Master Wu, I hate to say it, but... I don't feel anything.

Jay: (Nearly threw up) I feel nauseous.

Nya: And I think I feel dizzy from doing this.

Cole: (to an annoyed Garmadon) Maybe you were right about this Quanish guy.

Christina: You can say that again.

(Wu throws the scroll to the ground in frustration.)

Nelson: (He notices something on the back of the paper.) Huh? Hey, check it out! (Cole picks up the paper and folds it.)

Cole: You fold it...

Christina: Master Wu? (Wu comes over to her and Cole and Cole gives Wu the paper.)

Wu: It's the Old Tongue! "Only if the allies unite through a selfless act, will main and might prevail the light, and dragon take flight."

Jay: What does that mean?

Wu: Hmm. "Main... and might"?

Zane: Main, a noun, meaning force or strength.

Cyrus Borg: (Over the radio) Come in! Can anyone hear me?

P.I.X.A.L.: Professor Borg?

Cyrus Borg: P.I.X.A.L.! Oh, thank goodness! The Crystal Island is heading your way! The Overlord knows your location!

P.I.X.A.L.: How?

Cyrus Borg: I don't know, but he's moving his entire army into position!

Kai: We have to get these people out of here!

Morro: How? The streets are crawling with those crystal creatures!

Jay: Well, we gotta figure out a way!

Nya: But our powers are useless against the Overlord and his army.

Garmadon: Yours, perhaps. But not mine. While he's attacking you, I will attack the Overlord from behind.

Wu: Alone, even you, are no match for the Overlord.

Lloyd: He won't be alone. I'm going with him.

Garmadon: You have not yet mastered your Oni Form. You would be of little help.

Lloyd: I defeated the Overlord once before, without any Oni Form, remember?

Christina: I'll help you out!

Cole: Well, I'm coming too!

Kai: Yeah! Don't think we're staying behind.

Wu: I'm afraid you must. For this to succeed, the Overlord's attention must be focused on this warehouse. (Lloyd puts his hands on his heart again and falls to the floor, and everyone runs to Lloyd wondering if he's okay.)

Ninja: Lloyd!

Kai: Lloyd, are you okay?

Lloyd: I'm okay.

Jay: You don't sound like you are.

Cole: What happened?

Christina: The Overlord cursed him on the heart.

Ninja (but Christina and Morro), Wu and Misako: What!?

Morro: We know and it's worse than it is, Zane can you scan him?

Zane: I will, Lloyd come here for a minute. (Zane scans Lloyd's heart and realizes that it's gotten bad.) Oh no, this is really bad.

Jay: What? What is it?

Zane: I scanned his heart rate, and right now the curse on him is now about 40%-50% but that's only the good news, the bad news was gonna be if Christina and Morro haven't been with Lloyd his heart rate could have been 75%-85%.

Lloyd: What?! (He puts his hand on his heart and the other ninja helps him up.)

Wu: Hurry, Ninja bring him here to me, I know what kind of curse it is.

Cole: What is it?

Christina: The Crystalized heart, it's a dangerous curse by the Overlord.

Kai: That sounds bad.

Wu: It is, now bring him here to me. (Jay and Nya gently put Lloyd in front of Wu.) Oh Lloyd, Your life is in danger, The Overlord Crystallized you right on the heart, and if we can't find the cure you'll turn to solid Crystal forever. (Everyone gasps in fear.)

Lloyd: What? No!

Jay: But Dragon Form can get rid of it right? Or can defeating the overlord get rid of it?

Wu: Either way, none of them can stop the curse from getting worse.

Kai: So, there's no cure for it!?

Wu: There is only one cure, and that is an act of true love to someone that you know.

Lloyd: An Act of True Love? To who exactly?

Kai: It could be anyone.

Nya: But who? (Everyone was thinking about who it is, but suddenly Lloyd starts to get a quick vision on who it is, revealing it's someone in his family, the vision stops, and Lloyd falls to the floor.) Lloyd!

Lloyd: Guys. it's someone in my family.

Wu: The next part of the curse is if the heart percentage is about 45% it shows a hint on who can stop the curse.

Christina: Did it show who it is?

Lloyd: Not exactly, but it's someone here.

Morro: Are you sure that you can fight the Overlord with Garmadon?

Lloyd: I don't you think you know Morro, but I beaten the Overlord before. I can do it.

Kai: Buddy, I think you should sit out on this fight.

Lloyd: No, I can do it! I know I can, all of us can do it together. (He walks in front of the people in the newspaper warehouse.)

Here's the original song for this chapter idea.

Have you ever wanted something that was so clear in your mind that you could face it?

You mean like those weird warriors?

Eh, sort of..
It's a feeling like a rumbling in your gut that you could finally be faced with-
A billion needy faces
I guess what I mean to say is, for the first time in my life
I might have to be ready for this,
Ready to be the one who's leading from the front.
Gotta come into my own.
Gotta come into my throne.
Gotta take charge and defend our only home.
And although we kinda feel unsteady,
Now we need to be ready for this.
Have you ever felt like you're willing to die to save the people of your city?

By "Die," do you mean use newspapers to knock those meanies out?

That's a start!
'Cause right now we need a leader
And it seems to me that destiny has picked me
To be that, if you'll permit me, so who's with me?

Wouldn't it be super to see more action here?
Join up now if you like travel
Come on boys, hop in the saddle!

Lotta sights to see en route to the city there.
Not to mention the camaraderie

Yes siree, you'll form life-changing friendships
With the folks along the way

And feast on all those villains you can beat!


Ultra Violet: Let's beat them!
Ronin: I'm in!
Killow: Oh-whoa, let's go!
Fugi-Dove: (Does his bird cry.)

The resistance:
It's time now to act!
They're on the attack!
When they move to strike, we will all fighting back!
We'll follow your lead, we're eager to beat!
We'll sharpen our pled for the Overlord's defeat.
From this moment on, you can count on us
To be resolute and ravenous.
Our fight will be hard, and we're set to seize the day.
So I say, oh hey, come join the fight today!

Well, that's a little violent, can we tone it down?

Oh, don't be put off by their snarlin', that's enthusiasm, darlin'!

Eh, they just seem a little bit crazy right now

Don't worry, honey, that's their thing
Keep singing

Misako, Christina and Nya:
We're super-duper grateful
To have you folks aboard.

The resistance:
We can't wait to beat the Overlord's fiends!

Oh, lord...

For the first time in my life,
Maybe I can be ready for this.
I can be the marshal leading the parade.
I can come into my own, and I think I've always known.
My destiny could never be postponed.
When the Overlord brings the battle here
I must appear like I'm ready for this.

They're dancing along
They're singing his song

Surprised? Why, I knew he could do it all along

Misako and Wu:
he's bound to pass the test as the green ninja.
Like the first, he is madly strong within a

He's filled with potential that I could guide

I concur!

Misako, Wu and Garmadon:
Stick with them, you'll be on the winning side

The Resistance and Ninja but Lloyd:
For the first time in our lives, we know that we are ready for this!

Christina and Nya (Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane and Morro):
We'll show the council a fight they won't forget! (Ah, ah, ah)

The Resistance and Ninja but Lloyd:
It is time to take a stand!

Lloyd (The Resistance and Ninja):
It is time to lend a hand! (Huzzah!)
Against the council, and their deadly threat!

The Resistance and Ninja but Lloyd:
We cannot take it anymore,
The time has come to go to war!
Prepare to fight,
We're ready for this!

I really hope that I'm ready for this. (They all stopped singing and Lloyd jumps off the crate and lands next to Kai and Nya.)

Wu: Well then, we must draw his eye, while Lloyd and Garmadon strike from behind.

Zane: Defending this warehouse will be challenging.

Wu: Yes... but not impossible. (The ninja get ready as Wu narrates.) First, Cole will secure the alley behind the warehouse. Then, Kai will seal the loading dock doors. That will force the Overlord's army to attack us from the front. So we station Ronin and his gang here in their mechs, minus one, which Lloyd will need.

P.I.X.A.L.: I rerouted power to the shielding. It should withstand the effect of the Crystal Island, assuming my calculations are correct.

Lloyd: I'm sure they are. Thanks, P.I.X.A.L..

P.I.X.A.L.: (She hugs him.) Good luck, Lloyd.

Garmadon: Hmm. She didn't wish me luck.

Lloyd: Well, maybe she's just not used to you being on our team.

Garmadon: It's not that. She doesn't trust me.

Lloyd: Can you blame her? (He sees that Garmadon hasn't moved.) Aren't you gonna transform?

Garmadon: Do you trust me?

Lloyd: The world is about to end. We're about to confront the Overlord himself, and you're asking me this? Now?

Garmadon: You're stalling.

Lloyd: I'm not stalling, I'm trying to get us moving!

Garmadon: Then answer the question.

Lloyd: Ugh, fine! Yes, okay? I... I think I trust you.

Garmadon: You think? Or you know?

Lloyd: I think I know.

Garmadon: You think you know, or you know you think? Because those are two very different —

Lloyd: Holy Moly! Can we please, for the sake of all Ninjago, discuss this after we defeat the Overlord?! (He leaves in his mech.)

Garmadon: (He transforms angrily.) How can they not trust me?! (Garmadon and Lloyd both flew away to the Crystal island.)

(In front of the warehouse, the Overlord's army approaches as the heroes stand ready to face them.)

Kai: Uh, what are they waiting for?

Cole: Maybe someone should try to communicate with them?

Christina: (She elbows her brother.) Go on bro.

Jay: (He climbs atop a car.) Ahem. I think I speak for everyone here when I say that violence is not the answer. And I bet, heh, if we talk this out, we'll see we're not so different! Sure, maybe you're all made of stone and were brought to life by the forces of evil, but that doesn't mean all of you are evil, right? So what do you say? Why don't we all calm down and just go home?

(The Vengestone Guards get into position.)

Kai: Thanks for nothing, Jay.

All: Ninja, go!

(The two sides charge at each other.)

(Atop the Crystal Island, Harumi approaches the Overlord.)

Harumi: The battle has begun.

Overlord: Good. Inform me when it's — (He is attacked by Garmadon as Harumi turned around and sees Garmadon has he blasts the Overlord again.)

Garmadon: Harumi. You look surprised. (Harumi was shocked then hears a Crystal break revealing to be Lloyd in a mech as Crystal pieces fall on the Overlord.)

Lloyd: You started without me!

Overlord: Garmadon! You have chosen to fight with the ninja?

Garmadon: Yes. That's why I just attacked you.

Overlord: Then, perish with them!

Differences from the original.
•Nya and Christina tried to achieve dragon form with the other Ninja even tho they're elements are not really an element of creation
•Lloyd's heart rate right now is 40%-5o%
•The Ninja and the Resistance all sang together Ready for this.

Only two more chapters until it's done but stay tuned for the next chapter.

If there's any mistakes please tell me and I'll fix them.

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