Academic Seduction (profxgirl...

By FruitInkWords

1.1M 16K 16.4K

Ivy Williams had always aspired to complete her university journey without any interruptions or complications... More

Characters & Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen (1)
Chapter Sixteen (2)
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two [ARRC]
Chapter Thirty Three [ARRC]
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Five

8.1K 160 54
By FruitInkWords


The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a golden glow across the room as I lay cocooned in the warmth of my dreams. Suddenly, the tranquility shattered as a pillow collided with my face, jolting me from sleep and sending me tumbling to the floor with a startled yelp.

Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I glanced up to find Victoria hastily dressing, her back turned to me as she rummaged through her suitcase. Irritation surged through me at the unexpected awakening. "What the hell was that for?" I demanded, scrambling to my feet.

"We're going to miss our flight," she replied tersely, her focus fixed on finding a pair of pants.

As she turned, her movements fluid and graceful, I couldn't help but admire the curve of her silhouette. "Stop staring at my ass and dress," she quipped, her tone laced with amusement. Caught off guard by her sudden accusation, I flushed with embarrassment.

I balked at her words, incredulous that she could read my thoughts so effortlessly. "How did you...?" I began, trailing off as she answered my unspoken question with a knowing smirk. "I could feel your pervy gaze on me." She always had a way of seeing right through me.

Sighing in resignation, I retreated to the bathroom to wash away the remnants of sleep from my face. When I returned to the bedroom, Victoria darted past me, pausing only briefly to press a quick kiss to my lips before disappearing into the bathroom.

As Victoria disappeared into the bathroom, I hastily grabbed the first clothes within reach and began to dress, my fingers fumbling with buttons and zippers in my haste. Moments later, she emerged, her suitcase zipped shut and ready for departure.

With my hair hastily gathered into a messy bun, I turned my attention to the bed, where Victoria was already busy tidying up the covers. "What are you doing?" I inquired, puzzled by her sudden attention to detail, but nonetheless joining in to assist her.

"Tidying up," she replied, her tone matter-of-fact as she fluffed the pillows with precision.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her explanation. "But won't the cleaners take care of all this?" I questioned, my confusion evident.

Her response was a soft hum as she continued her task, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Perhaps," she conceded, "But I prefer things to be just so."

A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she shot back, "Your bed begs to differ," before launching a pillow in my direction with surprising accuracy.

I let out a startled laugh, ducking just in time to avoid the incoming projectile. "Rude," I teased, retaliating with a playful throw of my own as the room filled with the sound of our laughter, a lighthearted moment amidst the flurry of morning preparations.

As we left the room, our steps quick and purposeful, we returned the keycard at the reception desk, our departure marked by polite thanks exchanged with the attendant.

With Victoria's hand guiding me, a reassuring pressure against the small of my back, we stepped out into the quiet streets. Her impatience was palpable as she ordered an Uber, her foot tapping a rhythm of anticipation on the pavement.

"I can't believe it's back to reality tomorrow," I lamented, the weight of impending normalcy settling heavy on my shoulders. A fleeting expression crossed Victoria's features, gone before I could decipher its meaning, replaced by a mere hum of acknowledgment.

It wasn't just the return to routine that weighed on me. While I cherished our clandestine moments together, the thrill of secrecy was beginning to wane. I yearned for more, to walk hand in hand with Victoria, to bask in the simple joy of public affection. But for now, we remained confined to the shadows.

Glancing at Victoria, her gaze fixed on some distant point, her lips drawn into a tight line, I couldn't help but wonder if she shared my sentiments, if she too longed for a life less concealed.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the Uber's arrival until Victoria's gentle shake jolted me back to the present. With an apologetic smile, I complied and settled into the car, Victoria trailing closely behind.

The ride to the airport was filled with a heavy silence, punctuated only by the occasional glance at the time on Victoria's phone. Despite the tension, a small smile tugged at my lips as I caught sight of her lock screen—a candid photo she'd taken of me, a precious moment frozen in time.

"You still have me as your wallpaper?" I couldn't help but inquire, a flicker of warmth igniting in my chest at the thought. Victoria's nod and accompanying smile affirmed my question. "Yeah, but it's changing back to something else the moment we land," she admitted, a hint of resignation in her tone. I understood the necessity, the delicate balance we maintained to protect our secret from prying eyes.

As the Uber pulled up to the airport, Victoria instructed me to retrieve our bags while she settled the fare. With a nod, I complied, knowing that our clandestine journey was drawing to a close, at least for now.

As Victoria slumped into her seat, the weight of our journey evident in the lines creasing her forehead, I couldn't help but offer a teasing remark. "You stress too much. I already see more wrinkles on your face," I quipped, nudging her playfully. Her reaction, a mix of shock and mock offense, only fueled my amusement as I leaned in to plant a quick kiss on her cheek. "I'm only joking," I assured her, softening my tone, "You still look as good as the first day I saw you."

Her response was a scoff, accompanied by the satisfying click of her seatbelt securing in place.

With the flight attendants completing their safety instructions and the plane beginning its taxi, the emptiness of the cabin became apparent—no more than ten passengers scattered throughout the rows. Victoria and I found ourselves nestled in the rearmost seats, a small bubble of privacy amid the sparse surroundings.

However, as the flight progressed, a mundane necessity presented an unexpected challenge. I excused myself to the lavatory, intending to quickly address a minor wardrobe malfunction. Yet, inside the cramped confines of the lavatory, frustration mounted as I struggled with a stubborn zipper. "The fuck?" I muttered under my breath, my attempts to free the zipper proving futile.

Summoning Victoria for assistance seemed the logical next step, yet her engrossment in a book rendered her oblivious to my whispered calls. Frustration mounting, I called her name with increasing volume until her attention finally snapped to me.

"Can you come help me please?" I requested, relief flooding through me as she abandoned her reading to address my plight. With her comforting presence at my side, I confessed the source of my predicament. "My zipper is stuck," I admitted, grateful for her assistance in navigating this minor inconvenience.

With a playful snort, Victoria ushered me into the restroom, her determined strides echoing in the confined space as she closed the door behind us. Her hands, cool against my skin, brushed over my lower abdomen, the struggle evident in her attempts to coax the zipper into submission. "What the hell?" she muttered, frustration lacing her voice as she knelt down for a closer examination.

I couldn't deny the rush of arousal as Victoria, on her knees before me, focused intently on the stubborn zipper. Her proximity, her hands lingering dangerously close to my most sensitive areas, ignited a primal reaction within me.

Yet, any attempt to conceal my arousal was futile, betrayed by an involuntary moan that slipped past my lips when her touch grazed me. Victoria's sudden halt and incredulous gaze caught me off guard. "Are you seriously turned on right now?" she queried, her raised eyebrows a silent challenge.

My response was unabashed, unapologetic. "Yes," I confessed, refusing to shy away from the truth of my desire. Victoria's brief scrutiny lingered before she refocused on the task at hand, her efforts hastened by my admission.

In a matter of seconds, the zipper relented, releasing its grip with a satisfying click. Before I could even express my gratitude, Victoria's actions took a surprising turn. With a swift motion, she pushed my jeans down and pressed me against the sink, her intentions unmistakable.

She tugged my panties down, her astonishment evident in the sharp intake of breath that followed. "Holy shit, you weren't joking," she remarked, her fingers tracing the contours of my folds without hesitation. A shiver coursed through me, my head instinctively tilting back as a low moan escaped my lips.

Her warning pierced through the haze of pleasure, her tone firm and commanding. "You're gonna have to keep quiet. Understood?" Despite the urgency of her touch, her voice brooked no argument.

I nodded, a fervent desire to comply overriding any protest that threatened to surface. "Good girl," Victoria's smirk conveyed her satisfaction, her praise igniting a surge of exhilaration within me.

The sensation of her fingers against my skin heightened as she directed me to position my leg over her shoulder. Compliance came effortlessly, a silent acknowledgment of my trust in her.

Her proximity tantalized, her breath a teasing caress against my skin. "C'mon, Vic," I pleaded, the urgency palpable in my voice.

"Darling," she purred, her response laced with playful indulgence, "You know I want some begging first." The need surged within me, an insatiable hunger for release. Ignoring her playful demand, I guided her head closer, a silent plea for gratification.

With an amused roll of her eyes, she acquiesced, her tongue tracing tantalizing circles around my clit. A gasp escaped me as she slipped two fingers inside me, the sensation sending waves of ecstasy crashing over me.

"Faster," I managed, my voice strained with desire, as I fought to contain the crescendo of pleasure building within me. Gripping her hair, I surrendered to the intoxicating rhythm of her touch, each movement driving me closer to the edge of ecstasy.

She was relentless, each movement calculated to send me spiraling into a vortex of pleasure. Her touch was electric, igniting a firestorm of sensation that consumed every inch of my being.

As the intensity mounted, I teetered on the precipice of ecstasy, my breaths ragged and uneven. "Fuck, I'm going to-" My words dissipated into the air as she intensified her ministrations, driving me closer to the edge with each fleeting moment.

I surrendered to the wave of pleasure that crashed over me, my hips bucking involuntarily as I succumbed to the overwhelming sensation. A muffled cry escaped me as I rode the crest of ecstasy, my hand instinctively clamping over my mouth to stifle the sound.

She allowed me to revel in the euphoria of release, her gaze unwavering as I basked in the aftermath of my climax. With deliberate grace, she withdrew her fingers, the unspoken connection between us lingering in the air like an invisible thread.

Our eyes locked in a silent exchange, the unspoken understanding between us transcending the confines of words. She leaned in, her lips capturing mine in a tender embrace that left me breathless.

The taste of myself lingered on her lips, a potent reminder of our intimate connection. "You should probably go pee, that's what you came in here for, no?" Her words, laced with playful amusement, punctuated the moment as she rinsed her hands.

With a playful wink and a mischievous smirk, she departed, leaving me to gather my thoughts amidst the remnants of our encounter. As I struggled to catch my breath, a realization dawned upon me: she had just taken me on a journey of pleasure thousands of feet in the air, an experience that would forever remain etched in the recesses of my memory.

˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚

As the Uber pulled up to Victoria's place, my gaze wandered to her phone's wallpaper, where I once held a coveted place, now usurped by Chai. The sting of secrecy gnawed at my insides, a reminder of the clandestine nature of our relationship.

The silence in the car was palpable, a heavy shroud enveloping us both. I sensed Victoria's keen observation of my mood, her concern hanging in the air like a question mark. As we stepped out of the car, her touch on my elbow was both comforting and probing, a silent plea for honesty.

"What's the matter?" Her voice, laced with genuine concern, pierced through the silence. I mustered a weak smile, masking the turmoil brewing within me. "Just tired," I offered, a feeble attempt to deflect her attention from my inner turmoil.

Her narrowed gaze betrayed her skepticism, her intuitive nature piercing through my façade. "Let's go inside, and then you can tell me what's going on," she suggested, her determination evident in the set of her jaw.

Turning towards the front door, our progress halted abruptly at the sight of Natalie, an enigmatic figure leaning against the wall with an inscrutable expression. Victoria wasted no time in dismissing her presence, her fatigue evident in her curt words. "What're you doing here? Actually, don't tell me. Come back tomorrow; I'm tired."

But Natalie remained undeterred, her resolve evident as she approached us. "This will only take a minute," she insisted, her tone tinged with urgency.

Victoria shook her head, her patience wearing thin. "A minute I could use for a nap. Come back tomorrow," she reiterated, brushing past Natalie with determined strides. "Ivy, come," she beckoned, her voice a silent command.

With an apologetic glance at Natalie, I followed Victoria into the house, the weight of unresolved tensions lingering in the air like an unspoken promise of turmoil to come.

Victoria's agitation was palpable as she closed the door behind us, her question hanging heavy in the air like a storm cloud. "Did you message her?" she inquired, her voice strained with frustration. I shook my head, a silent admission of guilt.

Running a hand through her hair, Victoria let out a sigh of exasperation. "I need a drink," she declared, her tone weary as she made her way to the kitchen, her steps heavy with unresolved tension.

In the living room, I called out to Chai, whose enthusiastic response was immediate. He wobbled over to me, his tail wagging furiously, a silent testament to his joy at our return. Stooping down, I ruffled his fur, feeling a pang of guilt for the secrets we harbored.

"Did you miss us?" I asked, seeking solace in the affectionate gaze of our furry companion. Chai's response was playful, a gentle kick of his paw against my hand, a silent affirmation of his unwavering loyalty. "I'll take that as a yes," I chuckled softly, a fleeting moment of levity amidst the tension.

As Victoria joined me in the living room, wine glass in hand, I raised an eyebrow at her choice of drink. "Isn't it too early for a drink?" I queried, my concern mirrored in the furrow of my brow.

Her response was curt, her demeanor unyielding. "No," she stated simply, her focus shifting to Chai as she lavished him with affection. "It's never too early."

With a resigned sigh, I turned my attention back to Chai, finding solace in his unwavering presence. Amidst the turmoil brewing within us, he remained a steadfast beacon of companionship, a silent witness to the complexities of human relationships.

The shooting range invitation from Octavia lit up my phone screen, pulling my attention away from the palpable tension in the room. Glancing at Victoria, I ventured, "Vic, you wanna go out with Octavia and I?" Her response was absent, lost in the depths of her phone screen.

"Who?" she queried, her voice distant, her gaze fixed on the digital world before her.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her disconnection. "My friend, the one you so rudely bumped into at that new ice cream shop," I replied, hoping to draw her back into the conversation. But her attention remained tethered to her device, oblivious to my attempts at interaction.

"Vic?" I called again, a hint of frustration creeping into my tone. Still no response.

Seriously? Is she even listening? "Did you listen to a word I said?" I pressed, my patience waning as her distraction persisted.

"Hmm?" she mumbled absentmindedly, her acknowledgment feeble, her focus unwavering. "Yeah. Who is she?" Her response was a mere echo of my words, her eyes still ensnared by the digital allure.

With a resigned sigh, I abandoned my efforts at engagement and rose from my seat, making my way to the suitcase that stood sentinel by the front door.

Frustration simmered beneath the surface as I stormed to the nearest bathroom, my steps heavy with indignation. With swift fingers, I fired off a text to Octavia, accepting her invitation and sharing my location.

Dressing quickly, anticipation thrummed through me as I awaited Octavia's arrival. A fleeting moment in the kitchen offered respite, a hurried snack to fuel the impending outing. Just as I swallowed the last bite, a notification signaled Octavia's arrival.

Turning to Victoria in the living room, I announced my departure. Her obliviousness grated against my fraying patience. "I'm heading out," I declared, my tone laced with irritation.

Her response was one of confusion, a stark contrast to my mounting frustration. "Where are you going?" she inquired, her detachment exacerbating my exasperation.

My jaw clenched, my anger boiling over. "Are you fucking serious right now?" I retorted, incredulity dripping from my words.

With a nonchalant shrug, she offered no solace, no semblance of understanding. A frustrated groan escaped me as I turned away, resolve hardening within me. "Whatever, I'll see you later," I muttered, striding out of the house.

The tension between us was palpable, an unspoken rift widening with each passing moment. We hadn't even been together for three days, yet the weight of our burgeoning relationship bore down on me with unprecedented intensity.

I couldn't shake the feeling of unease, the gnawing uncertainty that plagued my thoughts. Whatever the issue was, it demanded resolution, a confrontation looming on the horizon.

As I ventured to the shooting range, doubts lingered in the recesses of my mind. Did she regret asking me to be her girlfriend? Only time would tell.

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