Fake Love

By itssmfknme

247K 4.9K 1.8K

When your PR team tells you that we have to date a girl on the UCONN women basketball team and you can't say... More

Night out
Sleepover with the team
The TikTok and the gift
Game #1
Interview and shoot around
There's three of you?!
Game #2
Lebron vs Curry
Bad day
Grumpy Paigey
Game #3
Happy birthday uncle G
Milano, Italy
Milano, Italy pt. 2
Back home
Jealous P
Party, Exam and Met Gala
Christmas surprise
What friends?
Met Gala
Game #4
Spa day
Being little kids again
We need a break
Miami pt. 2
Media day
Author's note
Drew taking over the live
Stress pt. 2
Game #idk
I'm so funny
P being extra
The after party
I need to take my pills
I miss my girlfriend
Vlog time
Paige and Drew
Accidents happens


3.5K 75 22
By itssmfknme

Demitra's pov

Why do I feel like shit? The whole day that we arrived to Miami, I laid in bed and died. I unpacked my things and laid back down on my bed, watching some TikTok's.

I was supposed to share rooms with Paige but she switched so that she would give me what I wanted. She's now bunking with KK and I'm with Nika now. The Airbnb that I got has enough rooms for everyone to partner up.

"You know, we should go out. It's Miami" Nika says snatching my phone from my hands. "You literally brought us here and you're just going to sulk in this room?" I nod my head and cuddle my pillow.

"Nah. I don't like seeing you like this. Let's go swimming. There's a beach out back" she pulls me up and grabs my red bathing suit and shoves me into the bathroom. "I'll tell the others we're going swimming" she sings leaving the room.

I sigh and change into my bathing suit and put on Paige's shirt that I stole before coming here. I grab a towel and walk out the room. "I'm not trying to get my hair wet" I heard Q say as she grabs her towel from the chair. "We'll see about that" Ice smirks at her.

Everyone went out the back and walked down the small path down to the beach. We placed our towels down and laid down. Some of us went in the water and some of us stayed back.

"Where's P?" I ask looking around. I didn't hear her laughing or being goofy. "She's inside" Nika says showing me the photo she took of me and sends it to me. I thank her and stand up and go back to the house.

"Paige?" I yell looking around the house. I open the door to her room and see her laying on the bed, with her headphones in, and her eyes are closed. I walk up to her and take her headphones off, scaring her.

"Oh hey" she says and shuts her eyes again but puts her headphones away. "We're all at the beach and I want you to be there" she opens her eyes. "I thought you wanted space" I sigh. "Yeah but I still want you there. It's your friends too and I want you to enjoy yourself" she looks at me for a while. Examining my face.

"Your freckles are out" I roll my eyes and walk out the room but turn around. "I really want you there" I wink at her then leave to go back to the girls.

Paige's pov

Well if she really wants me there then I'm definitely going to be there. I notice that she's wearing her red bathing suit. The sexy one. The one that I would totally just rip that off her body and-

I need to stop.

I put on some shorts and a sports bra, grab a towel, then walk down the small path to the beach. I see Mia, Nika, Ashlynn, Caroline and Ines sitting around some towels and chatting.

KK, Ice, Qadence, Amari, Azzi, Jana, Ayanna, Amari and Aubrey...building a sand castle or at least trying to. I set my towel down and go join the girls building the sand castle. "Oh hey P" Aubrey smiles and throws some sand on top of the castle.

"Do you guys want to do a competition?" Ayanna ask looking around at all of us. "Yeah sure" we all split into teams and starts building. "We should do like a person or something. Let's try to make a mermaid" Jana exclaims.

Jana, KK and I are on a team. Ice, Aubrey and Ayanna are on another and Amari, Azzi and Qadence on the other. "We have to make sure her boobs are popping" Jana says wiggling her eyebrows.

"15 minutes to build!" Azzi yelled from their side. "Caroline! Put a time for 15 minutes!" KK shouts to Caroline who clearly didn't hear her. "What?!" Caroline shouts back. "Put a 15 minute timer!" I shout this time.

"How much?!" I swear to god this girl will be the death of me. "15 minute timer!" I shout back at her. "I think 15 minutes will be good!" she brunette that's on her phone, shouts back at us.

I look at Nika and shake my head. "Holy fuck" Jana mumbles and laughs. "So boobs on our mermaid?"

Demitra's pov

"Why didn't she just say 15 minutes before?" Caroline ask setting the timer on her phone. "They did" Ines told her. She lays back on the ground trying to get a tan. "No they didn't" I roll my eyes.

"They said 'put a 15 minute timer' like 20 times, Caroline. You're just deaf" I told her and look at the photo that Nika took of me. It literally looks like I'm not wearing anything since my hair is literally covering my body.

"You should post that. You look cute" Ashlynn said looking over at my phone. "I think I will" she smiles and lays her head on her my shoulder and watches me edit the photo a little then posting it.

"So why are you beefing with Azzi?" Ines ask sitting up a little and taking her sunglasses off. "Yeah. Whenever Paige is around Azzi, you're always glaring. Hard" Caroline adds and I sigh.

"It's nothing" I mumble and put my sunglasses on. "It's not nothing. It's clearly something because you two are on a 'break'" Nika says putting some sunscreen on. "Can we not talk about it?" I whine.

"Fine. But don't think we will forget" Ines warns me. Yeah yeah whatever. "So what do you guys want to do tomorrow?" I ask changing the subject. "We should go for a walk around the neighbourhood or something. I saw like a little trail near by. It looked fun" Nika says, putting the sunscreen away in her bag.

"Sure" we all chat about whatever and get a tan. I didn't know that Caroline can TAN. Nika too but Ashlynn just looks burnt. "Mia! Come judge our sand master piece!" KK shouts. I groan and get up from my spot and make my way over to the girls.

"Who did it better?" Ayanna ask looking at all of their work. I walk around slowly, examining each and every one of their creation. "I like this one. It's a nice castle" I tell Ice and her team. "But I also like this one" I point to the mermaid KK, Paige and Jana built.

"Why are the boobs look so..." I trail off trying to find a word for them. "Nice? Perfect? Amazing?" KK ask raising her eyebrows. "Yeah...I guess" I mumble still looking at the mermaid. "Good. Because that was Paige's idea and she said that it reminds her of your sexy boobs" KK says like it's nothing.

I watch Paige's face turn red and she covers her face up. "Anyways. I also like this one. Looks like that hot girl from Star Wars" I tell Amari. "You mean Rey?!" Amari basically shouts at me. "Yeah her"

"So who won?" Azzi ask. I roll my eyes in my head and think. "I think the Rey won" Amari, Qadence and Azzi cheer.

I sit down next to KK and admiring the mermaid until a guy steps on it. "The boobs!" KK shouts looking at the mess. "Oh shit. My bad" I look up to see a guy who has a football in his hand, fixing his hair and looking down at the mess.

He looks around at all of us then his eyes widen. "Shit. You guys are the girls from Uconn" we all look at him. "Yeah" Azzi said. "I'm Zade" (played by Jonathan Davis) he introduces himself to us. "Yo what's taking so long?" one of Zade's friend came running to us.

"Nice meeting you all" the duo starts walking away and I could hear them whisper not so quietly. "Yo. Azzi is so hot bro" Zade basically shouted and giggled like a little girl. "Did you see Demitra though?" his friend said before running away.

I watch Azzi's reaction. She's blushing. Paige was just rolling her eyes. "Food anyone?" KK ask standing up and walking to the towels. "Should we go out or eat in?" I ask following and putting Paige's shirt back on. "Let's eat in" I suggest.

We collect our things and head back to the house. I go to my room, Nika following me, and get changed. I wore some jeans and a yellow tank top with my hair in a messy bun.

"What are we making tonight, bae?" Nika ask putting her hair in a banana clip. "Who knows. Pasta maybe?" I suggest and she nods happily. We both go to the kitchen and I look for some ingredients. There's some stuff here that the people left but not much.

"Who wants to go to the farmers market?" I ask putting my shoes on and grabbing my sunglasses and wallet. "I'll come" KK says getting up from the couch and collecting her things. "Anyone else?" everyone shakes her head.

"Come on girly pop" KK drags me out the door and we walk down the stairs. The farmers market isn't that far from here. I searched it up and it's like a 10 minute walk. "So what are we making tonight chef?" KK ask looking around at the market.

"Pasta" she nods and we walk around and look for some things. "What about tomatoes?" KK ask grabbing some tomatoes. I nod and she puts them in a bag and pays for them. I then grab some other things and I pay then we head back.

"Dude, we have to wax our boards" I look up to see Zade and his friend putting their surfboard on their car. "Don't you think I know that?" Zade said tying a knot. "Don't be sassy with me" his friend crossed his arms and glared at him.

"Do you even know how to wax?" Zade's friend ask him. "Clearly. Seb taught me" I stop and so did KK. I know there's so many Seb in the world but I got curious. "Just because he goes to Uconn and surfed like once, doesn't mean he knows what he's doing" his friend added.

Zade ingored him and turned around. "Oh hey" he walks up to us and smiles. "I have two questions for you" Zade ask me. "First, where did you find these tomatoes. They look good and two, is Azzi single?" he reaches for the tree next to us but he missed completely and almost fell but caught himself.

"Farmers market and yes" he raises and eyebrow and clears his throat. "So you go to Uconn?" KK ask eyeing him a little. He nods and smiles at her. "Is this Seb guy perharps...Sebastian Gilbert?" KK ask him and I face palm.

"Yeah...You guys know him?" KK points to me and I sigh. "He's my cousin" why are we talking about this? "Cool" we stand there awkwardly. "Well...you'll see Azzi around school so you should totally ask her out. Bye" KK drags me inside and we laugh.

"What's so funny?" Paige ask grabbing our bags and putting them onto the counter and taking the food out with the help of Ayanna. "These guys man" KK shakes her head. "Zade and...I don't even know the other guys name"

"Fun" Paige mumbles but I heard it. "I got the water boiling" Nika shouts from the other side of the kitchen. "Did you put salt?" I ask going to her and looking at the boiling water. "Obviously. I'm not that white" I chuckle and grab the pasta and put it in the water and Nika mixes it so that it won't stick to the bottom.

"Do you need help with anything?" Paige ask looking awkward standing there. "If you want, you can cut the tomatoes" she nods her head and washes the fruit then cuts it. I start making the sauce while the others are watching a basketball game on the tv.

After Paige finishes the tomatoes, she asked what I wanted her to do next. I told her what to do and she helped. So did Nika but she mostly just fooled around.

After like 45 minutes, the food was all ready. "Guys. It's ready" they all turn around and get up. They get in line and thanks me while serving themselves. We all enjoy our night. Ayanna and Ines did the dishes while the others just chilled. We watched a movie then went to bed.

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