#Traffick'd - S Z NFOUR

By wewantasiar

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In S Z NFOUR, we're brought back to a very nostalgic scene with Royaal. Some time has passed and she gives us... More

S Z NFOUR - Episode 1: Calm Before The Storm
S Z NFOUR - Episode 2: I Had A Dream
S Z NFOUR - Episode 3: Almost Had me
S Z NFOUR - Episode 4: Drunkiana
S Z NFOUR - Episode 5: Queen and Spadina
S Z NFOUR - Episode 7: Prayed For Times Like This
S Z NFOUR - Episode 8: Deja Vu

S Z NFOUR - Episode 6: Better Safe Than Sorry

45 1 0
By wewantasiar

I staggered over to the car confused by Biz's overly-friendly gestures. I opened the coup door and shook my head in disbelief as I sat down. I don't know if it's just me or these mimosas but he's been.. Odd this whole day. Maybe Bam told him it's okay if he pays for my nails as a birthday gift or something. I knew that thought was farfetch, but I was just going to stick with it.

I threw my hands on the dashboard and looked at my fresh set of nails, in love. "Kim always does her thing", I said out loud. The shape was spectacular and her designs were always on point. I decided to go for a french tip with silver accents and jewels.

I leaned back into the seat and thought back to when I thought I saw French. I know it's been a couple months and that girl was definitely skinnier but I know that's her. I know her animated walk anywhere. The sound of the driver's door peeling open and snapped me out of my daydream.

"You didn't want anything, did you?", he inquired as my eyes met his and then the big Mcdonalds bag he was holding.

"Nah, I'm good", I chuckled. "I was just thinking that's a big bag for a little burger", I teased.

He nodded and grinned, "I ended up grabbing something too. I never realize I haven't eaten until I'm starving."

"Ahh road life", I sighed.

He reached into the Mcdonalds bag and pulled out a burger. He started to unwrap it and threw the burger into his mouth before pulling off.

"You know it", he said in between a bite.

We got back to the crib in no time. He didn't come up, he just dropped me off in the lobby. He said Bam should be in soon, which is also what Bam texted me. He gave me some advice before he left, he said focus on the things inside my control and let Bam handle the rest. It was very sweet and sensible coming from him, cause he usually opts to be the jerk or asshole.

I got back inside and instantly wrapped my hair. I'll be damnmed if I fuck up my hairstyle before I make it to the club. I set out my whole outfit for the night, from the dress to the rings and shoes. Everything was coming together so nicely. The vibe was just right, now all I needed was for Bam to come home. I decided to roll myself a spliff and hop on instagram to see if I could find a make-up look for the night.

I brought my tray out to the living room and threw some music on the tv, before rolling a spliff. I twirled around the living room, to the sounds of 21 Savage. I decided to take Biz's advice and enjoy my moment. This was life for me right now, rolling up in a penthouse condo, as I get ready to hit the club tonight. Despite all the shit that was currently hitting the fan, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my life..

The feeling of being overwhelmed washed over me, as I realized things could've gone very differently. I wouldn't be celebrating right now, fuck who knows if I'd even be alive right now. I grabbed my phone and flipped through endless photos of beautiful women and their makeup looks. I decided to stick with my old school vibe, and do a heavy eyes and blush look.

At some point I wandered off to sleep and found myself in an unfamiliar hallway. It was poorly lit, smelled like pee and had deteriorating wallpaper from like the 70s. The walls were riddles with ominous looking doors, all painted black with dirty frames. The malivent silence sent cold chills running down my spine. But still there was something inside, a feeling like I had to be here.

I could faintly hear the call out of a girl's voice, it seemed. Her tone was faint but it sounded like she needed help. I called back out to her but I couldn't tell which door the voice was coming from. It was as if the darkness was moving, drowning out her cadence.

"Where are you?" I yelled back.

I slowly walked forward, listening for any inclination of which door she might be behind. But it just sounded like all of them, "I don't know where you are", I yelled out again. A twisting feeling plagued my stomach but I had no urge to run away. Then all of a sudden, the hallway went pitch black except for one door. The dim light glitched over the dirty doorframe. I cautiously made my way towards the door until I was standing in front of it.

"Help me", the voice cried out again, this time I could tell she was behind this door.

"I'm coming!", I cried out.

I reached out to grab the door handle but the knob just kept spinning and spinning. It seemed to be broken, I threw my weight against the door hoping it'd open. But the impenetrable wood didn't waiver. I pushed and pulled and crawled at the knob. With every wasted effort, the voice behind the door got louder, more scared. And the twisting in my stomach intensified.

My palms began to get sweaty and I was losing grip of the doorknob. I banged on the door hopelessly, pleading with whoever to let me in. I turned my back and leaned myself against the door, embracing the feeling of defeat. I didn't know who needed my help, I just knew I was failing them. As I dropped my head into my palms the door opened and I fell backwards into a deafening blackness.

"Mama, wake up you bout to sleep your birthday away", Bam chuckled. His gorgeous smile soothed my nerves as I regained consciousness. The look of pleasure on his face ignited contentment in my soul.

"I didn't even realize I fell asleep, what time is it?", I hurriedly sat up on the couch. I was so throwed off by that dream, why do I keep having them? What do they mean?

"It's about 10. I didn't wake you when I got in, cause I figured you'd need to rest for tonight", he grinned as I prematurely unwrapped my hair.

"Damnnn girl", he said, leaning forward to kiss me. His lips were so soft and yet strong, the warmth of his mouth against mine made me tingle.

"You look damn good", he said, pulling away his mouth. "Aight, let's get ready before we actually miss our reservations."

He grabbed on my thighs before he shot up and walked to the bedroom. "So how was your day with Biz?" he asked from the room. "He said you said you seen someone, he didn't catch who", his words floated over the running water.

"It was actually really good, he was coo", I yelled as I put back on my headwrap. "And oh yeah, well when we were going to do my nails. I thought I saw French crossing the street, I couldn't see her face but the walk and body looked like her." I said, as I walked into the washroom.

He was taking off his clothes. He had laid out his outfit for the night on the bed as well. I wondered how long he was home and I was sleeping for.

"Care to join me?", he invited.

"Sure" I said, beginning to undress.

"So you think you saw French?", he asked as he stepped into the shower. He let the water fall onto his face and down his toned brown body.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I swear it was her", I said as I stepped in too.

"It doesn't sound crazy, anything is possible", he took his palms and wiped his face. "I just don't want you to worry about it, whether it's her or not it doesn't even matter. The bitch can go too for good measure."

The cold detachedness in his voice sent chills down my body. I knew he was itching to put her in the dirt right beside Pablo. He's been trying to be respectful when it comes to the topic of her.

"I just want you to enjoy your night, you deserve to actually enjoy yourself. All you do is stress your pretty head. Just focus on having a good time tonight, it's your birthday." He grabbed my hips and pulled me into him. I could feel him getting enlarged.

I chuckled, "everyone keeps telling me just enjoy my birthday, like i'm not trying too. You think I want to be thinking about French or Pablo?" I snapped rhetorically.

"I don't know what more you want me to do Royaal. I told you, I got it and I got you, you just have to allow me to do that", he said matter-of-factly.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry I'm trying", I apologized, feeling guilty.

"Let's just wash up and get ready. You can roll us some tings, I'll pour us some shots and we start pre-turning up. Biz and them are gonna scoop us for 12ish."

"Aight", I said as he released me to start bathing his skin. We washed up and started to get dressed for the night. I rolled us a few spliffs to smoke while we were getting ready. Bam poured us D'usse and the night started to shift to a better vibe. Music was streaming through the spot and turned the house into a music video. I was doing my hair and make up in my washroom as Bam was getting ready in his. Occasionally we'd come creep on one another to hand off the spliff.

After I finished my makeup, I got Bam to help me put on my dress, it was a two man job. He held open the neck hole so I was able to usher my head through without ruining my makeup. The task took about 7 minutes, but had us rolling with laughter by the end of it. I finished retouching up edges, hair and got my heels on. I wanted to see how everything pulled together.

I looked at myself up and down in the mirror, I looked so fucking good. Everything about this look just screamed expensive as fuck.

"Oh shorty, I almost forgot the Holts bag is yours", he called from his washroom. I walked into his bedroom and frantically looked around for a pink bag. "In the closet", he teased.

I walked into the closet and there was the pink Holt Renfrew bag sitting on the floor. I ran over and pulled out the tissue paper to find the cutest Amiri black bandana micro ma bag. "It matches my dress, it matches my dresss", I said excited as fuck.

Bam walked into the closet, his eyes widened and glossed over as he caught a hold of my final look. He looked me up and down about 3 times, before saying I looked amazing. I walked over and threw my arms around him and gave him a genuine hug.

"I can't believe you bought me the matching bag, thank you."

"We didn't get you a purse, so I figured I'd add it to your birthday gift."

"You didn't have to do that, but the fact that you did, means a lot". My eyes were starting to get glossy.

"Aht aht, no tears shorty, you're going to ruin your makeup", he grinned and kissed the top of my head.

Bam's Creed cologne was mixing with the D'usse and making me feel all types of ways. We were drinking and smoking till Biz and Destiny came to the door.

"Wow, you two are actually on time?", Bam asked them as he opened the door.

"Fam it's bottles and bitches, why the hell wouldn't I be?" He replied jokingly, dapping up Bam.

"You know you can leave this guy right?", Bam teased.

"Calling the birthday girl and her friends bitches is actually crazy work", I said walking over to greet everyone.

"Happy birthday girl, you look so goood", Destiny said as she reached out for a hug. One thing live bitches know how to do is play their part when they want and need too. I'm not surprised she doesn't mind me right now that she's able to go out with the boys.

"Thank you so much mama", you look really good too."

"I obviously didn't mean you lovely ladies", he lied as he stepped forward to give me a hug.

"Uhh-huhh", I joked. "And thanks again for today", I gently punched his arm.

"No biggie. So yall wanna cut right now, or you tryna have a few drinks first?" Biz asked, rubbing his hands together.

"It's up to Miss Royaal", Bam said, gesturing towards me.

"Let's at least take a shot right now", I insisted.

We all walked back over to the kitchen and Bam poured us a shot. I decided to grab something to eat out of the fridge real quick to make sure I had food in my system.

"Happy birthday Royaal, your best years are yet to come!", Bam raised up his glass.

"Cheers to that!", I said as I clinked his glass and chugged the shot. I shoved down the leftover noodles and a glass of water after that.

"Heels in his house... what are you doing to this maaan?", Destiny pointed out, her laugh was mischievous.

"They're brand new", I interjected confidently. I knew what she was trying to do and I was not about to play with homegirl tonight.

"Oh that makes sense!", she blurted out.

Destiny's obnoxious white ass came out when she was drunk, even more than it did when she was sober. Bam rolled his eyes and Biz threw her a look; no one else was entertained.

"We should probably leave now", Bam said to me.

"Aight, let me grab my stuff."

We all got our things together and headed downstairs to the lobby. There was a big ass black Cadillac truck parked out in front.

"Is this...us?", I asked Bam in amazement, slowing my pace as I walked through the lobby doors.

"Uh huh", he said, hopping into the passenger side of the car.

Now I was actually feeling like I was in a music video. Biz opened the driver's door and Destiny and I headed for the backseat. The car was huge and luxurious, there were screens at the back of the headrest.

"You ladies ready?, Biz asked before throwing the car into drive and taking off.

"Fuck yeah, let's go", I yelled out as we sped off onto Toronto's streets.

Future was blasting through the car as Biz bullied our way onto the highway. Bam was quiet in the front seat, and seemed to be distracted by something. I peeked over his shoulder more, to see him double checking his clip. I guess he felt my eyes on him, cause his head immediately whipped over to look at me.

"Better safe than sorry."

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