just a normal patrol

By hammershurtsometimes

6.5K 213 642

(THE BEGINING IS TERIBLE, I THINK IT GET BETTER THOUGH!) Aizawa was out on patrol when he realized one of his... More

Chapter 1 - Day 1
Chapter 2 - Day 2
Chapter 3 - 2
Chapter 4 - 2
Chapter 5-2.
Chapter 6-3
Chapter 7 - 3
Chapter 8 - 4
Chapter 9 - 4
Chapter 10 - 5...
Chapter 11 - 5
Chapter 12 - 5-6
Chapter 13 - 6
Chapter 14 - 6
Chapter 15 - 6 - 7
Chapter 16 - 7 - 8
Chapter 17- 8/9
Chapter 18 9/10
Chapter 19 - 10
Chapter 20
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 - Claire sucks.
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 23

92 5 13
By hammershurtsometimes

A/N thanks for all the reads, votes, or comments. Also, pray for me in science. They sat me next to my very transphobic bully.

-Izukus POV-
I sit up. I look at the clock. It's midnight. I can't go to bed, my mind won't let me. I sit up and grab some clean clothes. I turn on the shower and let the water wash away the hands. I scrub my body raw, trying to free myself of his marks. Hand prints lie on my hips, painful to the touch. Forced hickeys placed on my back and shoulders. Tears and blood mix with the water, creating a salty array of liquids on the shower floor. I get out quickly and grab a pencil sharpener, everything is too much, I'll just cut a little bit. Nothing major. I smash it against the counter, breaking it into pieces. The clatter of plastic hitting the floor echoes a perfect melody, silencing his words.

I hop back into the shower. The water running down my back. I go for my thighs first, his hands and hickeys decorate them. I cry as I recall the way I wanted to shake off his touch so desperately. What did I do to deserve this?

Finger prints dug into my wrists. I quickly drag the blade along them. I turn off the water and step out. I grab a towel and dry myself off. The white turning red. I toss on some boxers and my final clean pair of pants. I put on a short sleeved shirt. I carry the hoodie with me to my bed. I sit down and start up with the blade again.

The blood washed away his marks, making new stains on my skin. My stains, not his. Everything felt like I was in control. Until black dots start to cloud my vision. I make one weak line on my arm before dropping the blade. Fuck, I need help. Tears rush down as the lump in my throat grows. It's one o'clock. I walk downstairs, gripping the railing for dear life. One hand on the railing, the other holding a first aid kit. The hoodie sitting on my bed still. I walk down. A small puddle of blood follows me. I see that they're still up.

"Guys? Sorry to bother-" I'm cut off by them rushing up to me. They grab the first aid kit and sit me down.

"Kid, what did you do? Do you see your arms right now?" Aizawa asks. Shame follows the puddles. They pry open the kit. They start wrapping up my arms.

"I'm sorry.." They stare at me like a deer in headlights.

"What? You're telling me you need to be sorry because you didn't let yourself bleed out and instead did the right thing of coming down here and asking for help? Wow, you should be very, very sorry Izuku. No! You don't need to be sorry. We should've kept an eye on you." Aizawa half-jokes. I chuckle from his sarcasm.

"I promise I didn't mean to go this far. I just wanted my skin to feel like mine again." I practically see something inside them either snap or disintegrate.

"Do not give him that power. You hear me? You are yours, not his. None of you is owned. Not even your memories. Those are yours, you are your own fucking ecosystem. The marks on you, the memories, none of you is owned. It never will be." Mic rambles. Aizawa finishes my arms. I smile. My smile falls off my face as tears crash down. I launch forward and hug them, looking for any sense of comfort. They quickly hug back. They cry with me. I pass out on them.

I wake up the next morning. They still hold me even if they're asleep. It's comforting to know someone cares about you that much. I freeze as Mic's hand accidentally slips to my waist. My breathing stops. I try and move but I just get pulled back. I get myself out, managing to not wake anyone up. My breathing returns. My thoughts are altered and paused however when I get a notification. I open my phone and sit on the floor in front of them.

'Hey! You didn't seem to be doing well yesterday. I hope you feel better! Also, the hag says hi. Good morning btw, nerd.' I read. I silently giggle to myself.

'Good morning, Kacchan! 😁' I respond.

'Are you doing better? Please be honest.'

'I'm doing a bit better!'

'You're a terrible liar, even through text. What's wrong?'

'Nothing is wrong!'

'Fine. Also, I got a spam call today.'

'What was it?'

'It was apparently my ex-girlfriend Sarania. She needed money for child support. Fifty grand, to be exact.'

'You never had a girlfriend.'

'That's the funny part, dummy.'

'Ohhhh, lol.'

'I miss you, nerd.'

'I miss you, too.'

I shut off my phone. I look up to an empty couch. I look behind me and get jumpscared by Aizawa peering over my shoulder.

"Jesus, you scared me." I breathlessly inform him. He smirks and chuckles.

"Mission accomplished. Also, are you and him dating?" My eyebrows shoot up in confusion. My head turns into a damn tomato once realization hits me. I look away.

"NO!" I shout out. He giggles.

"Seems like it." I didn't know it was possible for faces to spontaneously melt off.

"Shou! Stop teasing the poor kid... But yeah, it does seem like that, kid." He chuckles.

"We're not dating!"

"Your blushing says otherwise!" He remarks.

"Well, it's an embarrassing statement! I have a right to be embarrassed." I retort. I mean, we've kissed two or three times, but that was purely platonic. Besides, I'm not gay. I mean, I've never had a crush on a woman but that doesn't mean I like men. I can just admit when I see a guy who looks good, and would be a good kisser. Or maybe a good boyfriend.

"I don't even swing that way! I'm just comfortable with my sexuality, so I'll admit when I see a man who looks good! Some men look good, some look like they'd be good boyfriends, but that's pretty normal. I promise I'm not into him." They bust out laughing.

"Ah, who's gonna tell him?" Mic asks.

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"Kid, no offense, but no one who's straight is looking at a guy and thinking that they'd be a good boyfriend."

"I'm not gay, it's just that some men are attract- holy crap. Was no one gonna tell me?" They bust out laughing. Hizashi falls to the floor, holding his stomach and wiping the tears of laughter that fall from his eyes. Aizawa laughs. He collapsed onto the couch. He's kicking his feet and pounding his fists into the cushion. I giggle.

"That's just like when people say it's not gay if the socks are on!" Mic yelps. I break into laughter, holding my cramping stomach. We all catch our breaths. I wipe the tears from my face and rub my sore jaw. I fall back onto the couch. Aizawa flips through the channels and lands on a random one. It's really over the top. She gets slapped across the face. She falls down the stairs and immediately gets up and starts yelling at the guy.

"Oh come on! Never happened!" Mic comments.

"I know! It's disgusting, the misinformation!" Aizawa adds.

"I think it's fine." They look at me like I'm the damn elephant in the room.

"Alright, climb those stairs and I'm gonna smack you down them. You'd stay there for a bit, you ain't getting up after that." I'm at an impasse. Option A would be to suck it up and tell them they're right and I'm wrong. Option B is to tell them that when I was shoved down the stairs I got up in fifteen seconds and bolted. Option C would be to continue debating them and maybe it ends in a sobbing match.

"You can get up within a minute after getting shoved!"

"Oh hell no! Have you seen the mannequin videos?" He half-heartedly asks.

"I have, I'm still confident I could and other people could." They both give me a state down.

"And how would you know that? Unless the Italian Mafia planned to assassinate you! You ain't getting up!" I'm probably in way to fucking deep to get out.

"You're right! I'm sorry!" I try to falsely confess.

"Bullshit! Where'd you get that crazy idea from?"

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders as I slouch down in my seat.

"You totally know! Did you read a book or something?" Hizashi asks.

"Seriously! It was just a hunch I had!" I giggle nervously. They give me a knowing look.

"How do you know?" About one million jokes fly through my head.

"Personal experience." The answer comes out faster than I could filter it. Aizawa chuckles. Hizashi laughs. I made them laugh.

"Well, if that isn't dark humor; I don't know what is." They refocus their attention to the television. I don't know why I expected to be hit, or yelled at. They've never done that. They've never even threatened it. Why was I expecting it? I shake it off and focus on whatever is playing on the television. I giggle throughout it. Once they shut it off, Aizawa gets up. He grabs a binder. Memories of yesterday flash through my head as he sits down. He flips to some random page and looks at what he needs. He shuts it and turns to me.

"You need to eat, and we're going to make sure you do. You need at least 500 calories for breakfast." I nod, completely zoned out. Memories and words flicker through my head.

"Little listener? You okay?" I snap out of it as he questions me. I nod. Aizawa enters and tells us to get to the table. There's three plates. I sit by the one that's clearly mine. I thank him. They start eating whilst I just poke and prod at mine. They look at me throughout the meal and all I offer is a smile. I eat five bites by the time they're done.

"Kiddo, you have to eat this. It's this or a feeding tube." He warne

"Okay.." I take slow bites. Halfway through I just start crying.

"Kid, we know it's hard. It'll get better. We just need you to breathe." Mic informs. He has a pinned up comforting smile on. I get three quarters through the meal.

"Please, I'm really full. I don't want to eat anymore." They sigh and I know I lost the fight. I take a few more bites. I get all the way up to only three bites left.

"I can't eat anymore." They shake their heads. I just put my head down and cry. They move closer to me.

"Kid, it's only three more bites, you can do it. We know you can." Mic offers. I shake my head.

"Kid, you have to." Aizawa warns. I lift my head up and wipe whatever tears are on my face. I eat the three remaining bites. I sit and cry, my head tucked into my knees.

"Hey, we're proud of you. You did it! We know that was hard." Mic comforts. I sniffle.

"I-it's like I can feel m-myself get fatter." They both leap to give me a hug. I calm down whilst they try and get me to take deep breaths. I break the hug after a couple minutes.

"Is it okay if I go do some school work?" I ask.

"Yeah, just leave the door cracked, kiddo." I smile and head up stairs. I sit down and open my text book. All the words jumble together. I can't separate the numbers and the letters. Hands crawl over my body. It's like I can feel his breath crawl down my back as his words infect my brains. Like worms scavenging for shelter on a really rainy day. I shake as tears drop onto the papers, smudging the ink. I shut the book.

I move to my bed to try and relax. I hear loud stomping. I roll over and ignore it. I hear shouting. I brush it off. The shouting is accompanied by breaking glass and things clattering. I try and psych myself out. I try and convince myself that I'm fine. Once I hear insults thrown about, I flip over and get up to check the door. It's cracked. If it stays open they might find me. I shut it immediately. I back away as more slurred words crowd my ears. It all becomes too much. I sob silently to myself.

"WHERE'S THE LITTLE FUCKING SLUT?" I hear my dad shout. I get up and hide in a closet. I shut the door. I hear his hands rattle it. I muffle myself by shoving something over my face. I rock back in fourth and wedge myself into a corner, trying to hide myself or make myself impossible for him to drag out and violate. My hands flock to my hair, dropping the object. It clatters and my heart stops.

"I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE YOU FUCKING CUNT! LISTEN, I'VE HAD A LONG DAY AT WORK, SO IF YOU'D JUST COME OUT, I MIGHT GIVE YOU SOME FUCKING MERCY!" I whine silently as he bargains with me. I shove my hands over my mouth. I feel someone grab me and drag me out. I instantly scream and sob and beg for him to let me go.

"PLEASE! PLEASE NO! I don't want t-to! Let me go! LET ME GO. I DON'T WANT TO! PLEA-PLEASE, DON'T DO IT! Please, j-just let me go." I say hopelessly. I'm not released and I sob. I feel something icy touch my neck. I scream at the top of my lungs. Eventually everything grows silent. I stop shouting. Tears gently fall from my eyes.

"You're safe, Izuku. You're not at your old home. You're here with me and Yamada. You're alright. You're in your room. You're safe. We got you, kiddo." Eventually everything fades out and I'm back in my room. I sob in relief and sadness.

"I-it was so s-scary, dad." Not realizing what I'd just said. I sob. They gently take me in a hug. Once I calm down, I realize what I said.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I totally didn't mean to call you that! I'm so-." They chuckle.

"Izuku, didn't we say that that's fine to say? It's fine, you didn't do nothing. Also, that's kinda the point of adopting a kid. To be a dad." Mic informs. I smile up at them. They exit but leave the door cracked. I get up off the floor. I open up my phone.

'Hey! This is Louis! Your old man's friend! Need a place to stay?' Fuck this.

'No. I already have a place to stay.'

'Oh come on! You know I only did that because of your dad, he's out of the picture!'

'I said no! I already have a place to stay. I'm not going to stay with some bigoted old crusty rapist just so you can get yourself off and victimize me! You're a perv, you're ugly, and quite frankly, I don't give a damn. Good day, sir.' I hit send and a rush of adrenaline flies through my body. I immediately screenshot it all. I send it all to Kacchan.

'What do I do? I'm freaking out!'

'First off, good on you for saying that. Second off, you're probably fine. If it gets too much the police can become involved, or you can block his friends as they send it. Take a deep breath, because I already know that you're not breathing right.' I do as he says. He's quite correct.

'Thank you. And sorry.'

'You have nothing to be sorry for, you did what I'd want you to; tell me. You're perfectly fine.'

'Thanks for helping me with all this.'

'I'd be a major fucking douche bag if I didn't, Deku.'

'Still, thanks.'

"No problem.'

"Kiddo! Lunch! You gotta eat!" I sigh and walk downstairs.

"Here. It's not a ton. It's only 400 calories." I thank him and sit down. I sit down with them. I start eating immediately. I get mostly done by the time they're finished. I generally don't want to after I get to that point.

"It's only five bites; you can do it." Hizashi cheers. I take two more bites. They move to sit next to me.

"Kid, you're not going to immediately get intensely morbidly obese by eating three bites of a damn salad." Aizawa exclaims. I nod in agreement. I take three bites. Regret fills me.

"I-I can wash the dishes." They look at each other and shrug.

"Okay, if you're sure." I nod. I've been living here rent free, not chipping in. I get up and do the dishes. I move onto the trash. They observe quietly. I pick up the living room, clean the table, dust, sweep, and wipe the windows. I was about to wash off the oven before I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Kid, you're overworking yourself. Sit down. You don't need to do all of that." Confusion hits me.

"I'm not overworking myself. I'm fine. I'm doing the bare minimum. I live here and I'm not paying you, it's the least I could do." He stares at me in disbelief.

"You don't pay money because you're our son. We're your parents, not some air BNB. I'll say it once more. We are your parents. You are our son. You live here because you are our son. Kid, that wasn't some pity adoption or something. That was us caring about you and wanting a son. You don't owe us anything." Tears well up in my eyes. I swallow the bubble in my throat.

"Okay." I acknowledge. I sit down. Only then do I realize the soreness of my body. My feet ache, my back is pulled out, my knees are weak, my ribs hurt, my head hurts, and I'm really anxious. I sigh, even that fucking hurts. I look down at my arms. Fuck. I bled through the damn bandages. I get up and leave to go to my room. I grab the first aid kit and open it up. I grab some gauze and tape. I hear someone knock and they enter.

"Kid." I look up and only then do I realize how bad this looks.

"Oh no! No, no, no! I didn't do this today! I just bled through the bandages." He looks suspicious but he overall goes with it. He sits down next to me.

"This isn't good. Here, you're doing it wrong. You're just going to reopen the ones that haven't." He lightly grabs my wrist and rewraps the bandage. Each cut now withered away with shame, not pride. He covers each one with care but I just feel ashamed. I blink away whatever tears are resting in my eyes. He snips away the extra bandage and shuts the box. He carries it to the bathroom and stores it under the counter. I shuffle my sleeves down. Great, now even more things feel wrong. I swear to God, if one more thing happens today, I'm going to jump off of a damn bridge.

"Oh, hey nyx." I look at Aizawa who's crouched down. I tug my head around the corner. I see a tail wave around. I get up and walk to the corner. I see a black cat with one eye missing.

"Oh, this is nyx. I'm surprised she left her little bed. It's in our room, probably why you haven't seen her. Here, pet her. She doesn't bite." I crouch down next to them. The cat rubs against me. I pet the cat and slightly scratch behind her ears. She immediately takes a preference to me. She crawls on my lap.  I giggle. I continue to pet her. Aizawa has a smile placed on his face.

"I think she'll come out more often now that you're here." He chuckles. I smile. It's genuine this time. He laughs as the cat licks my nose.

"Eugh!" I fall back. I don't know how a cat triggered a minor flashback. I don't want to kill the mood or anything so I just push through.

"Oh, by the way kiddo, you got therapy tomorrow." I appreciate being informed. Nervousness fills my body.

"Oh, okay," I say.

"Also, dinner should be ready, c'mon." I slowly stand up. I walk downstairs, following Aizawa close behind. I sit down. I measure out the calories in my head. I'm too tired to fight and end up slowly eating it. I finish only five minutes after they're done. They congratulate me but I'm too focused on the fact that my phone is buzzing in my pocket. I'll file through all the numbers as they come, but still. I smile. It felt really fucking nice to get that off my chest. Once everything is cleaned and picked up, I head to my room. They pop in their head to check on me. I'm sitting at my desk doing the school work I was supposed to do earlier.

"Izuku, we're gonna head to bed. Please don't stay up too late." Hizashi says.

"I won't." I assure. He smiles. Just before he leaves a weird amount of courage and emotions fill me. Maybe hope or joy, I don't know.

"Good night, dad." I say it and immediately want to scrape my vocal cords out with a sugar spoon.

"Good night, kiddo." He retorts. I smile. He leaves and I crawl into bed. For the first time in a while, I go to bed with a smile drawn on my face.

3670 words. Have a good day or I'll kill the froggy. Thanks for reading, etcetera. HAVE A GOOD DAY!

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