Marvel Heroes React To.... Sp...

De StupidandDumpy

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Superheroes from multiple universes are brought into a theater, where they see the events of the Spider-Man g... Mai multe

The Fisk Takedown
Aunt May's Party and The Demons
Shocker and More Demons
Jefferson Davis, New York's Best Cop
City Hall
Sable International
Martin Li's Office

Oscorp Tower and Sable Again and More Standish Oh My

466 12 5
De StupidandDumpy

The reference is pretty obvious in of them is.

[MJ calls Spidey.]

MJ: Hey, did you find Dr. Delaney at the party?

Spider-Man: Yeah, but so did Li.

MJ: Oh no, what happened?

Spider-Man: Li corrupted him and made him kill himself.

MJ: That's horrible. We have to stop this guy.

Spider-Man: We will. Before Delaney died, he gave Li a name. Morgan Michaels.

MJ: Morgan Michaels... who is he?

"I am confused, did she not just say his name? So why would she need to know who he is if she already does?" Thor said

"She meant career wise, you oaf." Loki scolded his brother

Spider-Man: Not sure, but I bet he works on the Devil's Breath project. Have you learned anything from that Devil's Breath file?

MJ: Yeah, get this. Few years ago. Osborn came to Fisk and asked him to build a lab, but to keep it hidden from regulators.

"Mayor in cahoots with a crime lord, that'll do wonders in the polls."

"Another corrupt politician people have to deal with." Wanda remarked

"I know, right? He's practically a goblin!" Miles said

"You do realize that's the father of my best friend, right?" Peter side eyed Miles


Spider-Man: Secret lab? For Devil's Breath?

MJ: If it's as dangerous as we think it is, I can see why.

Spider-Man: Where's the lab?

MJ: That's not in the file-- Osborn made Fisk destroy all records of it. All I have are invoices from Osborn's personal account to Fisk Construction. Knowing Fisk, he kept the invoices around for blackmail material on the mayor.

Spider-Man: Everything leads back to Norman Osborn. Guess it's time to pay him a visit.

MJ: I doubt he's going to tell you anything.

Spider-Man: Wasn't planning to ask.

"Spider-Man vs Mayor. That'll do good at the box office. Maybe even make a couple sequels, then reboot it, then make a sequel, then reboot it, then make some more sequels and spin offs, and see where it goes." Bruce joked, which was out of character for him

"Why was that so specific?" Peter asked

"It happened to a movie I like."

[He swings to Oscorp Tower.]

Spider-Man: Okay, that's how I can get into Norman's office. Can't get in there without shutting down some security systems. But if they see me they'll put the whole place on lockdown. I should be able to hack into the security network modules from the outside. There's the network cables. Just need to follow them to the security module. There we go-- a security module! Looks like there's four of these around the building. That should make things easier.

"Peter, talking to yourself isn't very stealthy."

"Shut up."

[Spidey hacks the security system. Illumination on the part of the building disables.]

Oscorp Security: What the hell? Security teams, call in.

Sable Agent: Sable Team Alpha standing by. Looks like an electrical problem.

Oscorp Security: Copy that. Keep an eye on the exterior while we try to track down the issue.

Spider-Man: Just when I thought it would be easy.

"I doubt you thought turning the security of a skyscraper would be easy even for a second."

Oscorp Security: All Sable teams-- looks like we have some sort of software problem. We're calling in a specialist.

"Could it be moi?" Tony asked cockily

"No." Peter replied

Sable Agent: Copy that. Continuing exterior sweep.

Spider-Man: There's the second module.

Oscorp Security: What?! All agents, someone's taking control of one of our subsystems.

Sable Agent: Initiating Delta protocol.

Spider-Man: Man, everybody's got drones these days...

"Then get one."

"Who said I didn't have one?"

Oscorp Security: Sable teams, I need a status report.

Sable Agent: Exterior sweep negative. We are all clear.

Sable Agent: Still look like a software issue?

Oscorp Security: We don't know, we're evaluating. Please maintain current alert level. Attention all Sable teams.

Oscorp Security: There's a small possibility we have a trespasser on site. We're analysing data now-- stay vigilant. Dammit. Another subsystem IS going offline. I need a team to scan the eighty-fifth floor exterior.

"I think it's a large possibility, but whatever."

Sable Agent: Copy control, bird inbound. Gotta move!

[MJ calls Spidey.]

Spider-Man: Hi, MJ. Little busy right now--

MJ: I'll be quick. Listen. I got a lead on Charles Standish's location. I think if I can get to him. I can make him talk he knew about Dr. Delaney, he probably knows about Morgan Michaels as well.

Spider-Man: Okay, just don't do anything crazy. (hung up) Speaking of crazy, gotta find that last module... There's the last one. Nice! Now I can get into Norman's office. And hopefully find out more about Morgan Michaels and Devil's Breath.

Sable Agent: Exterior sweep negative. Should we go on lockdown?

Oscorp Security: Not yet. Mr. Osborn is in the middle of an important call. But keep tracking there MUST be someone out there.

Spider-Man: Nope-- nobody here but us spiders.

"Us?" Miles and M.J say teasingly

"Peter, are you cheating on me with another Spider-Person?" Miles gasped dramatically

"This was before you were bitten."

Mary Jane then decided to jump in.

"Is it a Spider-Woman? Are you cheating on me too? What's her name? What does she have that I don't?" She started to fake sob, while Miles pat her back in comfort

"Oh yeah, her name is Veronica, she's from Italy, she is from the future, she can turn into a million spiders, and she has powers." Peter said

"Miles got powers, give it time. I'll be a Spider-Babysitter, making sure you two children don't get hurt."

"Yeah, but how would you learn to control your powers if you don't want us to get hurt?"

"Huh, what does that mean?"

"It hurts when you use your powers for the first time. I jumped through a wall accidentally."Miles said

"So if you get powers, chances are we're gonna get hurt."

"Damn right."

[Spidey enters the building and crawl through ventilation shaft.]

Norman: Hold on. Switching to a secure line... I'm way ahead of you. Wilson. I had my people go through all of your files. If you try to expose our business arrangement. It'll be your word against mine, and I'm not the one behind bars right now...

"For now..."

"That was 6 years ago, he's still mayor."


Spider-Man: Walt... Is Norman talking to Wilson Fisk?

Norman: (to Fisk) Ni-oh statue? What are you talking about?

Spider-Man: The Ni-oh statue, from the auction house. They must be talking about that file MJ found...

Norman: (to Fisk) Who has the file?

Spider-Man: *We* do Norman, but it doesn't tell us enough. Which is why I'm doing some slightly-illegal but morally-acceptable B and E right now.

"Illegal or not, there's no inbetween."

"We're in the inbetween right now, according to the giant baby."

Norman: (to Fisk) You pompous son of a bitch! You're lying!

Spider-Man: Don't be too mad. Norman. We know you and Fisk built a secret Devil's Breath lab. But we still don't know where it is and what Michaels has to do with it. Let's hope your computer can tell us more. Jackpot.

[He walks over to the computer of Norman Osborne, on which he luckily finds the presentation with all the secret plans. Slide 1...]

Peer Review Summary
Commissioned by OSCORP
Review conducted by Dr. Isaac Delaney
Department Chair, Genetics, Biotechnology and Analytical Chemistry, ESU

Spider-Man: GR-27. Hm.

[Slide 2...]

Audit materials submitted by GR-27 Chief Scientist Dr. Morgan Michaels
Observe GR-27 experiments at (LOCATION REDACTED)
Summarize GR-27 status, expedience, and risks
Recommend next steps

Spider-Man: Dr. Morgan Michaels is the chief scientist, but the location of the lab is redacted...

[Slide 3...]

Pair CRISPR genome editing with Al-controlled GRNA to identify and replace genetic mutations and errors.

Spider-Man: Al controlled CRISPR? If that actually works it could cure any genetic disease... Cystic fibrosis. Huntington's... this is crazy.

[Slide 4...]

High efficacy. Consistent results.

[Slide 5...]

Viral delivery mechanism incorrectly targets immune system. Infected subjects highly contagious. One subject exposed. 7 days later, all 40 subjects deceased.

"This guy is a murderer!"

"Isn't the whole point of being a test subject knowing you might die?"

[Slide 6... Photo of something microscopic.]

Spider-Man: Creepy.

[Slide 7...]

One infected subject could trigger global epidemic.
Lab techs nicknamed it "Devil's Breath."

Spider-Man: Whoa. GR-27 is Devil's Breath. It's designed to cure diseases, but in its current form it's like a bioweapon.

"Botulism Mark ll."

[Slide 8...]

Mr. Osborn believes the reward is worth the risk.
If this gets out, PR nightmare, could bring down all of Oscorp.
Dr. Michaels should keep only sample on his person at all times.

Spider-Man: Dr. Michaels keeps the only sample with him at all times. That's why Li wants him. We find Michaels, we find Devil's Breath.

"Plot twist: Devil's Breath is just Norman's breath"

"Told ya, he's a goblin."

[Spidey leave Oscorp and call MJ]

MJ: (whisper) Hey Pete, what's up?

Spider-Man: MJ. Get this. Devil's Breath wasn't designed to be a weapon, it's a treatment for genetic disorders. But it's current form is wildly imperfect - in trying to fix the body, it rips it apart. We need to locate Dr. Michaels; I don't trust Sable to contain something this deadly.

MJ: I may have a lead on that. Charles Standish us being held at Sable's Central Park compound if anyone knows Michaels' location. It'll be Oscorp's CFO. I'm trying to reach him now.

Spider-Man: "Reach him?" That place is crawling with guards. How are you trying to reach him?

MJ: Very very quietly. Gotta go, partner.

Spider-Man: Sneaking into a Sable compound... that could go bad fast. I should head to Central Park.

[Spidey swings to Central Park.]

Spider-Man: Looks like Doc checked in...

Otto: Peter. I've had an epiphany. It's all about the mind. Take me for example... a mind of unlimited potential, shackled to a tired, old body. Think of what that mind could achieve if it were freed! In developing our neural interface, we need to think beyond* replicating the tired putterings of our physical forms. Instead, reach into imagination and possibility. Reach into the mind...

Peter sunk in his seat, still uncomfortable with the fact he could've stopped Doc.]

Spider-Man: I've never heard Doc this excited by a project, hope he's not *too* excited... Where are you, MJ... (sees someone aiming at her) Crap.

"Yeah, that's me, you're probably wondering how I got in this situation."


Spider-Man: (from MJ's phone) "Reach him?" That place is crawling with guards. How are you trying to reach him?

MJ: Very very quietly. Gotta go, partner. Standish is somewhere in there... gotta get past that guard. Time to see if these lures Pete gave me work. That gap in the fence looks promising just need to distract the guard.

Sable Agent: What was that?

MJ: Outta the way, fellah.

MJ: Gotta move... now.

Sable Agent: Gonna check on our house guest - stay here.

Sable Agent: Copy.

MJ: "House guest." Must be Standish. He's here somewhere...

Sable Agent: Imagining things...

MJ: Need to draw him away from the stairs...

Sable Agent: What the?

[MJ finds a huge screen which shows all the current victims.]

MJ: What's that... Demons are killing anyone related to Devil's Breath... Standish is in real danger. Time to move.

[MJ finds Standish.]

MJ: Standish - I knew it. I've gotta get to that tent...

Sable Agent: Standish is secure, ma'am.

Silver Sable: Lock out comms, as well.

Silver Sable: I do not want leaks to press about Michaels or Devil's Breath.

Sable Agent: Crap. Generator tripped.

MJ: ...won't distract him for long...

Sable Agent: How's it looking? Convoy gonna be ready?

Sable Agent: Five by five. Soon as boss gives the word, we'll get Michaels moved to the new safe house.

Sable Agent: Get that truck moving! Should've been uptown half an hour ago!

Sable Agent: Copy. We're rolling.

MJ: Go go go....

Sable Agent: Could really use a coffee...

Sable Agent: Control. I heard something. Running a sweep.

Sable Agent: Bravo and Charlie are both on deck for Dr. Michaels' relocation, ma'am.

Silver Sable: Add two more units. He carries the only sample of Devil's Breath.

"I feel like something should be said so it's not complete silence."

"We're watching a movie, you're supposed to be quiet."

"I know, but we've been talking a lot every now and then, and it's been a bit since someone talked, so I'm fixing that. You're welcome."

Silver Sable: I will not be responsible for a pandemic.

"You guys had a pandemic?"

"Yeah, did you?"

"Nope, but it sounds like it sucked."

"It did, we couldn't leave our homes, people were hording toilet paper, people had to wear masks..."

"Don't you wear a mask all the time?"

"My mask is comfortable, unlike those ones."

Sable Agent: Understood, ma'am.

MJ: Don't care how many men Sable has; she won't be able to stop Martin Li...

Sable Agent: Patrolling sector, status clear.

Sable Agent: The hell was that...

Sable Agent: Standing down, control. False alarm.

MJ: Looks Important. (takes a photo of another huge screen) Safe houses... If Dr. Michaels is in one of these, Standish might know which one... There's Standish's tent...

"Can't believe he'd go camping in a military base."

Sable Agent: Can't believe Michaels just carries Devil's Breath around with him.

Sable Agent: Osborn doesn't trust anyone else to secure it. Hope his ego doesn't bite him in the ass.

Sable Agent: Again? What's up with these lights...

MJ: Come on, come on....

Sable Agent: The hell was that...

Sable Agent: Huh? Who's there?

Sable Agent: Control. I saw something.

[MJ finally reach Standish's tent.]

MJ: Charles Standish?

Charles Standish: Holy crap!

MJ: Charles... where is Dr. Morgan Michaels?

Charles Standish: Li sent you, didn't he... (grabs a gun) If he wants to kill me- You tell him to do it... do it himself...

"He must be really afraid of women to act like this."

"What a sexist."

MJ: I'm not with the Demons, I'm not with Sable. I'm a reporter- (shows her badge) And I want to see Li stopped. Just like you.

Charles Standish: Watson... I've heard your byline... Sable won't listen to me. She has Michaels in The Bowery, they're moving him to a new safe house tomorrow at noon, but she's totally ignoring Grand Central. Demons were talking about it while they held me. They're going there to get...

MJ: To get what, Charles? What do the Demons need to get at Grand Central?

"Let the man finish, MJ."

[Suddenly Spidey jumps in, takes Charles's gun and threateningly goes in his direction.]

Charles Standish: What the f- (trips)

Spider-Man: Ooh... that was not a Sable guy.

MJ: Charles! (to Spidey) What the hell?

"Can't you see he was trying to help?"

"Heat of the moment."

Spider-Man: Definitely not a Sable guy. Sorry, Charlie. OK. Time to go. (grabs MJ)

Sable Agent: Get some backup over here.

MJ: Wait, no he knows something- (they swing away)


[Next scene. The roofs. MJ goes to her apartment.]

Spider-Man: Well that was maybe the most awkward swing of my life. MJ is not happy.

[MJ calls Spidey. She's furious.]

MJ: Hey. OK. Another thing. "Sorry Charlie?" You knock a man out, destroy my background research, and the best you've got is "Sorry Charlie?" Is everything a joke to you?

Spider-Man: What? MJ. No. I screwed up. It was a tension breaker.

MJ: "Tension breaker," right. You know this is *exactly* why we broke up?

Spider-Man: ...I thought we broke up so you could focus on your career?

"Oh snap."

MJ: We broke up because you wouldn't stop treating me like a baby! "Don't do this MJ! Don't do that MJ! That's too dangerous. MJ!" I may not have super spider powers, but I'm not made out of glass!

Spider-Man: You snuck into the middle of an armed military... You know what? Can we not do this right now? Please? Did you learn anything about Dr. Michaels?

MJ: Michaels is in the Bowery somewhere. Sable's moving him tomorrow at noon.

Spider-Man: Awesome. Anything else? Was he saying something about Grand Central before I jumped in?

MJ: He was... no, it was nothing. Listen I gotta go, Peter. Filing deadline.

"You should probably tell the superhero what was happening."

Spider-Man: "Peter." That's how you know she's still mad. "Peter"... nice work. Mr. Super Hero. Man I'm worked up. Gotta blow off some steam on patrol...

[Someone calls him.]

Spider-Man: That's Miles's Mom. Hello?

Rio: Mr. Parker, it's Rio Morales. I want to thank you for getting Miles the job at the F.E.A.S.T. shelter.

Spider-Man: Glad to. And please call me Peter. "Mr. Parker" is... probably someone more together than me.

Rio: I should tell you, he has reservations. I finally gave him a choice: this or more therapy. He needs this, he just hates to feel like a victim, or be pitied.

Spider-Man: Gotcha. I'm the same way. I'll let Aunt May know, and I'll make sure I'm there his first day.

Rio: Thank you again. This means a lot to both of us.

[Dr. Octavius calls.]

Otto: Peter, I'm about to begin another test.

Peter got up to leave the theatre, only to almost get sucked into a vast emptiness when he opened the door. If it wasn't for his powers, he would've been a goner.

" door..." He said, out of breath as MJ, Miles, Nat, and Tony picked him up

"You okay, kid?" Tony said

"Fine...and I'm not a kid."

"Yes you are."

Spider-Man: Oh, sorry. My bus broke down, and there were no cabs... but I'll be there as soon as I can. Not getting much coverage. I should look for more towers to activate.

[He swings to the Doc's lab.]

Peter: Hey, sorry I'm late.

Otto: Morning, Parker. Or is it evening? Ah, doesn't matter. Check the neurosensors, would you? We need a faster response time.

Peter: On it.

[Peter takes on the scientific task - he needs to rework the helmet in a way to reduce the response.]

Otto: Try to get it under three milliseconds.

Peter: Two point eight milliseconds.

[He manages to solve the problem.]

Peter: Yes!


[Next, Dr. Octavius demonstrates his invention - he controls a mechanical hands through his mind.]

Otto: [sighs] I'd call that a mild success.

Peter: I'd call that unbelievable!

[Otto tries to remove the helmet from his head but his own hands do not obey.]

Peter: Do you need some help? Doctor, what's going on?

Otto: It's become that obvious? My doctors call it "a degenerative neurological disorder," probably caused by overexposure to toxic chemicals in my... reckless youth.

Peter: I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?

Otto: You already are. The worst part is it only affects the muscles the mind continues to work, but it can no longer do. You're the only one who knows, Peter. I'd like to keep it that way.

Peter: Of course.

Otto: Uhh... If you'd like to seek a position with more of a future.

Peter: I came here to work for you because of what you've got up here. And that's not going anywhere. So neither am I.

Otto: Oh Peter - before I forget. I read the most fascinating article - outlines possible next steps for the neural interface.

Peter: I'll take a look - thanks, Doc.

[Peter looks at some scientific journal.]

Peter: Direct interface with the basal ganglia. Exciting... but risky. I dunno, Doc. You'd need a gallium Silk-array to make it work. Even then, odds of injury are pretty high.

Otto: Gallium! Genius! Never mind the risks - we'll work them out in time!

[Peter looks at Otto's x-rays...]

Peter: Doc's really sick - at this rate he'll lose control of his motor functions within a year. And if we're not careful, an intracranial implant could make things even worse. Even alter his personality. We need to proceed carefully.

"Or just stop."

[Few minutes later he got a text from Aunt May.]

Peter: Umm. Doc. I'm sorry. My, um, Aunt, just texted...

Otto: No worries. Peter. I was thinking of taking a break myself. As soon as I check our telemetry data.

Peter: Thanks. I'll be back in a few hours.

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