GAME of LOVE //ᴛᴋ//

By jeonbamie_kimtannie

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✅COMPLETED✅ A beautiful and dangerous love story between a 36 y/o mafia king and a 20 y/o University student... More

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chapter-58 [END]


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By jeonbamie_kimtannie


"Tell everyone to take their position" Jungkook order eunwoo and hobi.

Eunwoo and hobi nodded their head and head out of the room to alert every person in the palace.

Jungkook rolled up his sleeves till elbow, take the gun from the table and shove it behind his back in the waist belt.

Every worker in the palace is scared as hell today because of jungkook, no one knows what will happen in the next some minutes.

As jungkook biggest rival is going to take his first step inside the golden palace for the first time and no one knows why jungkook is risking everyone's lives.

Workers have full trust on their king but the opponent is kim Namjoon who's as crazy as jungkook. So it's obvious if Namjoon will come no situation will work calmly.

Both the mafia boss are dangerous and poisonous.

Their enmity is going strong since long and suddenly jungkook plan take a turn to the whole different level to break the enmity with Kim's is something unimaginable.

Is he planning something or he's serious about breaking the enmity?

"Stop playing with people's lives jungkook, they aren't your toys" Suga says

"Nothing will happen to my people's rest assured and tell sohee to step down when I say so" Jungkook says and ran his finger through his hair.

"Why you want to marry sohee when you know hobi likes her" Suga says.

Hobi and sohee are quite close with each other and apart from suga and taehyung no one knows about it that hobi likes sohee.

Jungkook tsked.

"Because i want peace in my life?" Jungkook says.

"What about bella"

"Nothing to worry about it I broke off my marriage with her"


"Sush" Jungkook show his hand to suga.

"Get ready for the backup if they do something more than just talking then be ready"

Jungkook and suga were talking when someone turned on the siren of the palace to alert every single person in the palace.

Jungkook smirk grew wider.

Outside of the palace

More than 10k guards were guarding outside the fence and as the siren turned on every guards take their position with their gun directly pointed towards the cars which are coming towards the palace with excessively speed.

But no one dare to fired a single bullet towards the car because of jungkook strict order.

And from other side Kim's cars are moving towards them in row and some of guards heads were out of the window with their guns straightly Pointed on jeons guards too.

Kim's every car's halt at some distance, no one knows what jeon's plans are and they don't want to take risk.

And someone step down from the first car with two more guards behind him.

"Should we move Mr. Ok" One guard ask the head of the guards.

Taecyeon and hobi's eyes met.

"Gun's down" Hobi told the guards.

Everyone put their guns down on the floor to tell them we're no harm.

"You all can come inside" Hobi make his voice audible so that his voice could reach them as they are standing way away from the palace.

Taecyeon nodded his head and with hand's he indicate everyone to get in the car.

Both the guards who were standing with taecyeon looks at him as why taecyeon agreed to it so quickly? Jeon's aren't their friends how can he trust hoseok who's jungkook second hand.

"Can we trust them" One guard ask and taecyeon just nodded his head in reply.

And by row every car's of Kim's enter inside the fence with excessive speed.

Namjoon and hwasa immediately get down from the car and run inside the palace along with some guards.

And no guards stop them from entering inside.

Namjoon is 100% sure jungkook wanted to meet him otherwise he would have never send the picture of his tied up daughter.

Sohee is his adopted daughter but that doesn't mean he loves her less than taehyung, as much as he love taehyung he loves her too.

Namjoon and hwasa steps became sloppier when they reach the main hall.

They breath out heavily and stand at the middle of hall with gasping for air while both of their eyes are piercing jungkook soul.

Jungkook is sitting on the top stairs with a cigarette on hand and suga and eunwoo each side of him standing with a weapon.

And when Namjoon roam his eyes everywhere in the hall he realize they are surrounded by jungkook guards.

"Welcome to my palace" Jungkook says and spread his both hands.

"Where is my daughter" Hwasa ask hurriedly.

"You should have think thousands of times before sending her to me Mrs kim opps sorry i mean hwasa" Jungkook says and again takes the puff from his cigarette.

Namjoon clench his fist to calm himself down, no matter what kind of a husband he's, but he loves his kids and that's why he send them away from the country to protect them.

But again the rage of destroying jungkook possession took over his heart and he use his both kids as prop and here he's standing where he thought he'll never stand and this time Namjoon will not sit calmly if something happened to sohee, Namjoon will definitely burn this palace of jungkook.

"" Namjoon finally open his mouth and press every words while gritting his teeths.

And as jungkook shake his head as no, Namjoon pull his gun from his back waist and directly point to jungkook.

Jungkook who is unbothered by it, puff his cigarette again.

"I invited you here for something important, we can talk with calmness" Jungkook says.

"To hell with you and your calmness" This time hwasa says.

Jungkook shot his glare towards hwasa and get up from the stairs, throw his cigarette on the floor and while taking slow steps he get down from the stairs.


"Will you act stun if I say let's forget the enmity between us and hug each other to sort it out" Jungkook says calmly.

Namjoon slowly drop his hand and his brows furrowed, he again repeat the word of jungkook in his mind and then a loud hysterically laugh resonate the hall.

Jungkook gives time to Namjoon to wrap his head about the deal..

Namjoon laugh didn't slowed down, he continued laughing till his jaw started to hurt.

"Are you serious" Namjoon couldn't control his laugh again and he again burst with a loud laugh.

"The jeon jungkook is asking me to forget the enmity of us, what rubbish" Namjoon shake his head.

Namjoon expression instantly change with a dull one

"Done, are you done with your joke?"

"Suga" Jungkook order suga to bring someone.

Namjoon and jungkook eyes didn't fade away from each other.

"I know you have already figure out what my plans are jungkook, are you scared?" Namjoon chuckle.

"Scared?" Jungkook tsked and shake his head.

"Yes you're scared to go against me" Namjoon says confidently.

"Namjoon let's not stretch it more, I'll never make any move towards your clan and you'll not harm mine, let's seal the deal here and forget everything why should we suffer in someone's enmity. There was enmity between our ancestors that doesn't mean that we should remain enemies" Jungkook says calmly.

Upon feeling the honesty in jungkook voice Namjoon felt there is something wrong. Jungkook is not someone who's scared of anything or anyone but there is something behind that calm facade of jungkook.

"Look jungkook" Hwasa interference made them to divert their gaze.

"Sohee is fine Mrs kim" Jungkook immediately said.

And the way hwasa takes relief breath that made jungkook heart light. He remembered his mom out of blue, will his mother would be worried if he was caged by Namjoon?.

"I want to talk with you guys about something important that's why I invited you here" Jungkook says.

Namjoon looks bewildered and he thought that's not how jungkook spoke. There is something really grand going to happen.

"Please this way"

Jungkook takes Kim's somewhere.

"Please take a seat" Jungkook says.

Hwasa looks at Namjoon first but when Namjoon nodded his head she sat down on the couch awkwardly. It's freaking awkward when your enemy is treating you like a guest.

"Water?" Jungkook ask.

"No-no we are fine" Hwasa denied faster than the light.

Who knows what they will mix in it, trusting someone who's your rival since long is dangerous.

Jungkook chuckle.

"Don't worry you can trust me for once I'm not someone who'll attack from back if I ever want you to be dead I'll not play something as silly as this" Jungkook says and looks at Namjoon.

"Are you thinking about my proposal" Jungkook ask Namjoon.

"No i-"

"Here" Jungkook says when sohee come inside the room.

Mrs kim abruptly get up from the seat and hug sohee tightly.

"Are you fine" Hwasa check any injury on sohee body but she didn't find any.

"I'm fine mom" Sohee says.

Hwasa caress her face and again take her for a hug.

Sohee gaze shifted to his father who's standing there with his usual poker face.

"Dad" Sohee whisper.

"Come" Namjoon extend his hand to embrace sohee.

Sohee run to his father and curl herself around his father embrace. Namjoon caress her head and peck on her crown.

"I hope you're actually fine?"


No matter how much you grow up, you'll always be a child for your parents and that's proven by sohee now when she tighten the hug wanting to get some more warmth from his dad.

Hwasa comes near them and caress sohee head.

"Let's go back" Hwasa says.

"Where" Jungkook interrupt the lovely moment of kim.

"Come" Jungkook says to sohee.

"What" Namjoon grab sohee hands and pull her behind his back.

Jungkook move his tongue inside the wall of his cheeks and then clear his voice.

"Namjoon you don't want to settle the things between us?"

"No" Namjoon says simply and started to drag his daughter with himself but they stop on their track when.

Namjoon looks behind to see sohee stop moving. And her expression seem she's perfectly manipulated by jungkook and this irked Namjoon heart.

"Dad let's forget it, no one will gain anything in this rivalry" Sohee says softly.

"What are you saying" Namjoon ask.

Sohee take their parents hands on her hands and while caressing their hands she said

"I had a awful childhood and you know that"

Namjoon can sense where this is going.

"I always supported your decision baby" Namjoon says.

"What happen" Hwasa ask.

Sohee eyes filled up, Namjoon has trained sohee himself and he knows how tough and strong this girl is but this time she seem really tired.

"You need rest let's go" Hwasa says and tried to pull her.

"I wanna-" Sohee get cut off by Namjoon word.

"No" Namjoon get fleared up when he sense something is going differently.

Every single thing he planned is going to ruined.

Hwasa pull sohee hands from Namjoon tight grip because she knows what her daughter is feeling right now.

Jungkook who's seeing the drama of Kim's jump in between them.

"I'm sorry for interference but I-"

"Jungkook let me do it" Sohee says and take a deep breath. She looks at her father and then her mother she muster up her courage because she knows his dad will not be happy about her decision.

"I wanna marry jungkook"

Taking breath out of namjoon and hwasa lungs sohee blast the biggest bomb of the year for Namjoon. Sohee just said the most complicated thing for Namjoon.

Namjoon would rather die than marry his kids to jungkook, the hatred he has for jungkook will never go down because jungkook has killed his many people in attempt to weak his clan and now he's dropping honey from his mouth to take sohee.

They were trying to wrap the thing in their head when from back a voice reach their ears.


Jungkook heart take a pace when he hear the same voice,, his breath stop for a second when that same voice which used to be his favourite reach his ear.

Except jungkook everyone gazed back towards the source of voice and they saw taehyung is there standing with taecyeon.

Taehyung and taecyeon just arrive the room when sohee says she wants to marry jungkook.

Taehyung enter the room and grab her sister shoulder.

"Noona you knows he's not someone who's worth of anyone's feelings how can you take your biggest decision of life like this and on that with a man like him" Taehyung shake sohee by shoulder to wake her from her dream.

Sohee seem like she's not in her right state of mind. Her heavy lashes looks at those worry filled eyes of his younger brother whom she loves more than herself.


"Noona let's go back and talk this out" Taehyung says and grab sohee hands.

Jungkook clench his fist when his anger reach his mind. Jungkook wants to laugh in front of taehyung face like what you mean by he's not someone who's worth of anyone's feelings? Is taehyung talking about himself or jungkook?

"Namjoon take your time I know you don't trust me now but I'm extending my hand first to sort out things between us" Jungkook says without looking at particular person who's eyes is still fixed on him.

And he can tell gentleness is not there in his eyes there is raging.

"Oh the jeon-"

"I was talking to you" Jungkook says to Namjoon and ignored taehyung, since the time taehyung come here he didn't lift his gaze to look at him for once.

Namjoon who's puzzled between all this chaos, clear his voice.

"I don't know what your plans are jungkook-"

"I'm honest this time Namjoon you can trust me" Jungkook says with full honesty .

"Are you serious" Hwasa ask about sohee and jungkook.

"I was never serious before this" Jungkook says.

Hwasa seem convinced but taehyung and Namjoon is not buying jungkook lie or honesty or whatever.

"As far as I know yo-" Taehyung again got cut off by jungkook harsh word.

"I hope you know some basics manners that when two are talking then the third person shouldn't interfere and certainly not the kids"

And finally jungkook eyes found taehyung one and with devoid of any emotions in his face jungkook avert his eyes away immediately..

"Sohee you can go back with your parents and I'm not in hurry take your time" Jungkook says.

Taecyeon who's looking at his brother to figure out what's plan is planning in his mind because as far as he knows his brother, jungkook will never marry someone whom he barely know.

Sohee nod her head as reply.

Namjoon didn't take more second in the suffocate place and he walk out of the room with taking sohee with himself as she's looking she'll faint in any second.

Hwasa followed them behind them saying "Tae come"

Jungkook takes the seat and put his one leg on other. He's waiting for taehyung to walk out of the room but the boy is not budging anywhere and is penetrating jungkook weak soul with his burning gaze..

Jungkook legs bounce out of anxiety, someone's presence is making him suffocate in this huge place.

Jungkook close his eyes he don't want to see taehyung face he just want him to get lost from his sight but..

"Why are you doing this you don't even like her" Taehyung says.

Jungkook didn't paid any attention to his words and wipe his sweaty hands on his pants, his feet started to drastically shake.

Taehyung looks at jungkook condition and he knows what's affecting him but still he's not walking out of the place.

Taehyung smirk upon seeing the condition of jungkook, he feels so proud to have this much effect on jungkook, he's the only one who can tame jungkook and this is what makes him superior.

"Such a sick person you're, can't even control yourself after seeing me, just mere presence of mine is making you like this" Taehyung says.

"Taehyung shut up" Taecyeon stop taehyung.

No matter how much Taecyeon loves taehyung but he can't hear someone commenting on jungkook anxiety because the guy has suffered enough and he saw jungkook condition when he get his first attack.

"D-done? You may leave now" Jungkook says without opening his eyes.

Taecyeon grab taehyung hands but the boy jolt his hand away from taecyeon and walk near jungkook, he stand in front of jungkook and looks at the sweats which is profusely coming out from his body.

"You manipulate my nonna, am I right" Taehyung says.

"Think whatever you want to think"

Taehyung body fired up when jungkook isn't even looking at him, since the time he's here jungkook has not looked at him for once and on that not even properly.

"Jungkook look at me" Taehyung says gritting his teeth.

Taehyung wait for jungkook to look at him but even after some minutes jungkook sit their with his stubbornass.

Taehyung lean down while supporting his both hands on armrest.

And a smile adorned taehyung lips when he saw jungkook held his breath.

Taehyung takes his time to read jungkook expression which is saying he's distressed right now.

"You can't marry my noona keep that into your mind, got it" Taehyung says, and he get startle when jungkook plopped his eyes open and breath out through his mouth that makes taehyung shiver.

"And why" Jungkook ask.

"Because you lo-" Taehyung stop himself from taking the word further and he step back immediately.

Jungkook get up from the seat.

"Hey you..take him with you" Jungkook says to taecyeon who's standing just outside the room.

Taecyeon didn't turned back, he wants them to sort their things out that's why he stepped out of the room.

Taehyung frown his brows when jungkook treat him like he don't exist, taehyung isn't used to jungkook harsh treatment because jungkook has give importance to taehyung when both of them were living together but the sudden change in jungkook behaviour is what wrecking taehyung mind and heart.

"You" Jungkook point his finger to taehyung and says

"Out" Jungkook says in English.

Taehyung couldn't take jungkook ignorance it's feel pathetic to be treated like this from a person who treat you like you're most fragile person in the world.

Taehyung felt a sick anger and he grasp jungkook collar by standing on his toes.

"How can you talk to me like that" Taehyung clench his teeth.

Jungkook would have take taehyung insolence but not now not any more that's enough he can't take taehyung rudeness anymore, he has suffered enough in his room.

"Leave my collar" Jungkook says calmly.

Taehyung again jerk jungkook by his caller.

"Why are you talking to me like that" Taehyung whisper, his heart is not ready to accept the reality that jungkook doesn't need him anymore.

Jungkook grab taehyung hand which is on his collar and forcefully tried to ungrip the fist of taehyung hand.

"Jungkook" Taehyung didn't want to loose his grip on jungkook collar but boy who's he kidding. Jungkook firmly grasp taehyung hand and push him away.

Taehyung stumble with his leg and fall on the couch.

"What why are you doing this" Taehyung whisper.

Jungkook turn his back to taehyung and with his handkerchief he wipe his sweats.


"Out" Jungkook said calmly at first.

"Stop ruining her life just because of me" Taehyung says.

"Because of you? Who do you think you're I want to marry her because I really want to settle in my life" Jungkook says.

Taehyung felt someone run a hammer in his heart, it's fucking nerve wrecking feeling for taehyung. The guy who said taehyung can rule over him is the same guy who's saying he wants to settle in his life and taehyung wasn't able to take the harsh reality.

"S-since ho-how long you haven't slept properly" Taehyung ask. He can see jungkook eyes which is swollen and have bags under his eyes.

"Just get lost from here taehyung before I do something" Jungkook lean on the desk.

"You said-"

"I said get lost from here" Jungkook patience run out and he yell at taehyung.

Taehyung flinch by the thunderous voice of jungkook.

Taecyeon comes inside the room and  takes taehyung by grabbing his hand, taehyung looks at jungkook stiff body and while stumbling with his leg he walk out with taecyeon.

Jungkook tap his finger on the desk to calm his racing heart which is racing in a long field without knowing the end.

"Just calm down" Jungkook says to himself when he felt his hands start to shiver.


Jungkook told himself to focus on something which will calm him but... when he couldn't concentrate he punch the wall until blood comes out from his knuckles.

He wants to play his mom memory in his mind but the recent action of taehyung is still circling in his mind and he couldn't able to focus.

"I said focus" Jungkook scream and again punch the wall.

Because the only person who makes him sane in this insanely world is the one who left a minute ago and jungkook is trying everything to forget taehyung but the guy has imprint so many memories on jungkook that it's getting extremely difficult to forget him.

Jungkook lit his 35th cigarette today and while with his shaky hands he bring the tip of cigarette to his thin lips but again when he close his eyes his mind again go back in past period where he show taehyung for the first time.



Jungkook gritted his teeth when taehyung memory flash again in front of his eyes and he crumble the burning cigarette on his palm..

"I want you to feel the same pain which I felt that day, Just be ready taehyung I'll give you the same amount of pain with full interest"


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