The Spy and the bad boy

Por brookekulpit

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**BEFORE YOU READ THIS** I have sooooo many errors in this book, maybe I will eventually fix them but not an... Más

Chapter One: Suprises And Missing Weapons
Chapter Two: getting new clothes and glares
Chapter Three: Fake drinking and throat punching
Chapter Four: Fuck buddies and kola hugs
Chapter five: Hair sniffing and apologizes
Chapter six: Rumors and Starring
Chapter seven: Hidden Rooms and Dancing
Chapter Eight: Fists fights and punching bags
Chapter Nine: ignoring and fuck ups
Chapter Ten: visiting old places and cleaning up.
Chapter Eleven: Mustang Shelby's and car Accidents
Chapter twelve: Stitches and Kisses
Chapter Thirteen: Monster Therapy and awkward silence
Chapter Fourteen: Mixed Feelings and fireworks
Chapter Fifteen: Clichés and abductions
Author's Note
Epilogue or whateva :)

Chapter sixteen: I love you's and being okay

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Por brookekulpit

"What do you mean?"  Kevin asked as he turned around to look at me before facing back on to the road, A wave of worry rushed through all of us, By now we were seconds away from getting back to devin's house. I continued to look out of the car window. My leg was bouncing up and down from the anxiety I was getting from this. They freaking took him and its all my fault. Its all my fault.

"What do I mean? They freaking took Devin, They took him." I said as we got back to the house kevin put the car in park as we all rushed into the house. It was empty. I looked around to see the house in ruins, the couch was knocked over, the fridge was open with everything pushed out of it. She was planning something and I knew it.  The phone started ringing, I picked it up.

"Well hey there Alex," I heard Brittany's voice over the phone. Ager was washing over me. I heard a barking, It wasn't coming from inside the house, it was coming from the phone, It was princess.

"Don't do anything to them!" I said through the phone trying not to lose my composure, My hands were already shaking, Me collapsing was next.

 "Now Alex," She chuckled through the phone. "If you ever want to see Devin or that stupid little dog of yours alive, Then I suggest you do what I want." She said through the phone.

"Alex! Don't! We are fine!" I heard Devin scream in the background before I heard a loud smack.

"Now as I was saying, Lets make a deal." She waiting for me agree to listen to the proposal. I said a quick 'go on'

"Wipe everything you have on me and my family records, then after that, surrender yourself to us. If you do those things with no strings attached, then we will simply let Devin and that dog go. you have two hours to me at the school. " She said hanging up. Something didn't feel right with me.

I dropped the phone and slowly turned to the three of them. All of them had the same worried look on their faces. I opened my mouth to say something but then shut it again. I was a mess, I didn't know whether to cry or to conjure up a plan. "Stay here all of you." I said quietly pointing to them."Call Devin's parents. Tell Kevin everything, We are going to need the both of you," I said pointing to Kami and frank.

I quietly went upstairs to my room. I closed the door slowly and I sat down on to my bed and put my head into my hands. Two Hours, Two hours I could do it. This is what I was trained for, I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I opened up the safe box I had my mom's letter in. I hit the button on the lamp and opened my secret room. I put the letter on to the main controller and slipped into something more comfortable. I put on a black shirt with black jeans, stretchy enough to hide something in them.  I looked over where I set the letter down, It was flipped over backwards, there was writing on the back of it.

Never Doubt yourself, I know one day you're going to need this, Alex Honey, You can do it. It's your destiny, I'll be right there with you.♥

I heard someone walk in as I looked over to see kami. She smiled at me. "I'm going to need you." I said as she walked over.

"With what?"

"Look, I need you and me to make a plan, The official plan. I don't want Frank or kevin getting hurt. I need to go in alone."  I said looking up at her as she shook her head.

"No, No, That is suicide."

"I don't care, Both you and me know its the only way." I said as she gave in.

"Fine, Lets do this quick though.

I smiled and ran my hand over the writing, I took a deep Breath and collected myself. I sharply looked up at the three tv screens and smiled.

Oh Brittany Litz have you underestimated me. I heard a knock on the door as frank and Kevin walked in. "I'm getting no answer from Debra and Daniel" Frank said lifting his hand up in the air and running his hand threw his hair.

"That just means she has them too, She's going to break the deal, Which means I'm breaking my deal." I said smirking over to them and turning on the tv screen and forming a plan together

"You knew all along, didn't you?" Kami asked walking into the room and standing by me. "Yes I did," I paused walking over to my wall of weapons.

"Alright, Kami, I need you're hacking expertise, Kevin, you know how to fight right?" I asked as he nodded to me. "Control board is all yours" I said as I walked over to my guns. I started to gear in with the guys.

"Three years of wrestling, and five years of mixed martial arts." He said as I grinned. "Take what you need." I said as I pressed onto one of the walls bringing out gear and straps to hold guns and more. "Damn this is the real deal." Kevin said looking a everything, I winked at him and started to put on the things I need.

I grabbed my Shoulder holster and put two guns on each side. I then put my jacket over them. I took two pens that clicked out a knife instead of a ballpoint. I went over to where my cosmetics were and picked a bright red lipstick and applied it to my lips. "Why Red?" I heard frank ask. I turned to him and smirked.

"I see you have got the new shipment of new and improved weapons" I said chuckling, This lipstick last up to Four hours and within those four hours, They will paralyze the person who touches them. I finished putting on the thing I need, Finishing with putting my hair in a braid. Frank and Kevin finished too, as I looked over to kami to see her tracking Brittany's and Devin's phone.   

"So this is how we are going to do it." I said as I gathered all of them around the control board.


"Kami, are you sure this is where thy are?" I said into the Bluetooth that was currently In my ear. Kami had tracked down Brittany's cellphone, Stupid girl. Brittany told me to meet her at the school. Well guess who's not going there. It looked like an old building. I was praying that she would be here.

"Yes, I'm positive, Devin's cell phone is there too." She said confirming everything. "You guys have ten minutes before I set off the frost detectors."   Me, Frank and Kevin got out of the car and surveyed the building.

"Stick to the plan." I said eyeing them. "Don't  come back for me if i'm missing. Stick to the plan." I said softly, I really didn't believe that Brittany was going to stick to her plan. So if she doesn't kami will stuck to the plan and if she does, We will abort the plan and go for plan B. "Stay. I'll be right back." I said to Frank and Kevin, They were the decoys. They thought they were in on it, But me and kami, figured out a plan on our own. I don't Want the boy who has been there for me and the boy who is Devin's best friend get hurt or even worse, Die. I hope they'll Forgive me. Maybe.

"Alright Kami, I'm just approaching the building." I said as I adjusted the Bluetooth so nobody could spot it. "You have Five minutes before the frost detectors go off, I hacked into the cameras, You have ten Guys surrounding Everyone, And five more into the room." I gave her a quick 'okay'. I took the guns from my shoulder hipster and put in in my bra, They taught me in the agency it's the best place to store the gun. "It's all you from here, Alex. I wish you luck. CIA headquarters is on stand by, Give the go ahead." Kami said as I walked towards the doors.

Everything became in slow motion. I raised my hands as I walked to two big guys with guns in their hand. "We were expecting you." One of them said, nodded my head as I took my jacket off throwing it to them, the next was the gun that was strapped to my leg, Along with the belt that hold mini bombs. "I'm all Brittany's" I said as I walked slowly over to them with my hands in the air. They took my hands and wrapped them behind my back. We walked into the door and there was everyone, Devin shook his head mouthing 'No', Debra and Daniel let their heads down, I could tell they knew I was going to come them.

"Well looked what the cat dragged in" Brittany laughed. "Minute and thirty seconds, Alex."  I heard kami say threw my ear. I looked over to Brittany who had my mom's necklace in her hand. Anger flushed over me. "I held up my end of the deal, it's your turn now." I said as the two guys were tying me up to the chair next to Devin. "Hmmm, How bout a no." She said as she turned around to tell someone something.

"What are you doing Alex." Devin whispered over to, He had the same worried expression as his parents. I rocked in my chair, Nocking one of the pens from the selves on my shirt. "Don't worry." I said as I finally got the ropes cut. I slid the pen over to Daniel and Debra.

"5 seconds."

I counted down in my head and as plan the frost detectors went off, They blinded the people who were all standing in the circle, This were I'm my best at, "NOW!" I screamed as Debra and Daniel got Devin out and I took the guns out of my bra. "Get out of here as fast as you can." I'm Right behind you, Don't look back." I said as I shot down the big guys standing around trying to find where I was. I saw all of them get out safely along with my dog. A wave of relive washed over me. But that didn't last long, Someone managed to turns of the frost detectors and all guns were pointed at me.

"Oh you're a smart one Alex." Brittany laughed as she kicked the gun away from me. She looked at me shaking her head while laughing. "But you know it really doesn't matter. We'll find Them again." She said as I was strapped down in the chair again, But with thicker rope, It would take a million years to get out of this.

"I'm recording the conversation."  I heard kami say through the Bluetooth, I looked up at the camera in the room letting her know that I heard her. "You know, Brittany, It was quite genius on the plan you got going on here." I said looking at all the guys who are now on guard.

"Damn right it is, It was amazing, until you're stupid whore of a mother got in the way." She said as I struggled through the ropes, Oh how I'd love to rip her head off. "Oh, and I'm really not sorry to hear about your mother's passing, It was quite fun." I gave her a glare, she didn't notice, she was too busy talking about her plan. "But it was what had to be done, She figured out it was my family who had got ahold of the fingerprints, She actually found one of my hair samples in one of the bodies. Rookie mistake, Rookie mistake. Well anyhow that day she got the lab results back, Was when we killed her. Harsh really." She said laughing, She came close to me as, she was an inch away from my face. "Truly sad" she laughed.

"Brittany, come here I have a secret." I said as she zoned in, I took my chance and crashed my lips on to her cheek. "EW! you homo!" She said as she wiped the lipstick off her cheek, It was too late though, I said the poison seeping into her veins. I laughed at her as her body started becoming paralyzed and everyone ran to her, Her gun dropped down to the ground and enveryone dragged her into the other room.

I was left with the two big guys from the beginning. I looked at them and coked my eyebrow. "Do you want to be killed or do you want to help me?" I questioned them as the both looked at each other and laughed. "Fine so be it then." I said shrugging. I stood up and jumped on the chair, breaking it and breaking myself free. Old piece of shit. I grabbed the gun that was next to me and shot them both in the head, Thank you for a silencer. I went to the side of the door and listened to what they were talking in there.

"Get everything out of here. All our weapons and fingerprints, We need to get out of here fast," She said as I heard shuffling on the floor. I peeked my head and saw only one guy still at her side, I threw a rock to the other side of the room, distracting him, As he looked the other way, I took my shot and succeeded. I went over to the table where Brittany was slowly going paraplegic. "Oh Brittany, Just couldn't stop." I said walking over to her. I saw my stuff. I looked into my jacket and found the thing I just looking for.

A bomb.  

"I'll see you in a little." I said winking to her. I walked down the stairs to find everyone hurry to get all the stuff packed. I took the pin out from the bomb and dropped it, I had fifteen seconds before It went off. I rushed back upstairs and picked Brittany up, Throwing her over my shoulders and started to run out of the building. what does this girl eat to be so light?! it was too late though, I quickly grabbed  A second pen from my selves, This pen was different then the rest, It was only a prototype, but I tried it anyway. I clicked the end as a strip of wire sprung out and attached it's self to one of the steel beams in the building. The next was the shield, A blue orb came out from the pen and went around us. Just after that the building exploded. The pen lost its grip on the beams and we feel. Most of the Dyewood and some metal parts coving me.

I barely was able to keep open my eyes. I knew Devin was safe. I know I could just let go, I can go on finally. I met my hand over to my side and felt something wet. I fluttered my eyes open and saw my leg bleeding, It was a deep cut, A metal pole had grazed my side, I was another deep cut. I was losing lots of blood, I knew that. But it didn't hurt. It didn't. I chuckled. My eye lids started getting heavier and heavier.

"Alex, Alex!" I heard but didn't react.

"Oh my god. Alex stay with me. Stay with me." I opened my eye lids up a tiny bit as I saw Devin there He had water eyes and a worried look plastered on his face.

"Hey I-It's okay." I said tasting blood in my mouth.

"SOME CALL 911!!!" Devin yelled.

"Shh." I raised my hand up to his face, Wiping the blood on the side of his face on accident. His eyes found their way to my side and leg.

"Alex you better stay with me. I'm Not kidding. Stay with me." He said as I felt more blood in my mouth. I shook my head slightly, a tear slid down on my face.

"Its okay. You're going to be Okay. You're finally safe."

"No, No it's not going to be okay. I love you Alex, I love you so god damn much." I said smiling as a tear slid down his face. With all the power I could, I brought my hand up to his face and wiped the tear away.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear those words." I chuckled.

"I love you Devin." I said closing my eyes. The noise faded as they closed.

"Alex, Alex, no, Ale-" And then nothing. Complete black.



Hey fellow readers,

Um well this is the last chapter of this book, I hope you liked the book and all the chapters. I know this was a sucky book and everything, But hopefully it was bearable. I'm going to soon be writing a new book. I have high hopes for it. So what out for that book.

I Might write a epilogue, I don't know yet, Vote and comment if you think I should.

Thank you guys for reading.



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