Crossing Boundaries

By deblaru

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To my astonishment, I saw Reece situated between my legs, his actions mirroring those of someone savouring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 46

113 1 0
By deblaru


The doctor had just finished examining me when my mom and dad barged into the room. "Oh Lorna, thank goodness you're okay," Mom exclaimed, engulfing me in a tight hug. After pulling back, she cupped my face in her hands, concern evident in her teary eyes. "Oh God, your eye, Lorna," she uttered, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I'm okay, Mom, really," I assured her, trying to downplay the severity of the situation. "The doctor said it just needs a couple of paper stitches, it's nothing serious. I'll be fine." Despite my attempt to reassure her, deep down, I was still shaken by the incident. However, I didn't want to add to their worry; they were already overly protective as it is. If they knew how scared I truly was, they'd probably lock me indoors forever.

Are you sure honey, you're not just saying that?

She got a bit of a fright. We all did, Reece, sitting beside me, chimed in. He took my hand in his, offering a reassuring squeeze. Uncertain whether it was for his own comfort, mine, or both, I mustered a weak smile. "The doctor mentioned she might be able go home in a while once the test results are in and come back okay," he relayed to my parents.

"Tests?" Dad's voice held a note of concern as he looked at Reece, a frown forming between his eyes.

"It's standard procedure," Mom explained, casting a quick glance at Dad. "After any accident, especially if there's a head injury, they run some tests. Did they take any blood samples?" she inquired, directing her question to me.

I nodded in confirmation, and Mom gave me a small, comforting smile, though her eyes betrayed the worry she was trying to conceal, likely from the memories of the past.

"Where were you when this happened, Reece?" Dad's tone took on an accusatory edge as he turned his gaze to Reece.

Reece looked down, guilt and regret evident on his face. "I'm sorry, Mr. Devine."

"It's not his fault, Dad," I interjected, cutting Reece off. "I went to the toilet. I didn't tell him where I was going because Sarah was with me. And when I came back out, the guy just came out of nowhere," I explained, my voice trembling at the memory.

The lump in my throat returned.

Dad's anger dissipated as he came over to me, pulling me into a hug. "I know, I'm sorry, Button. I was just so scared when Rick called and told me what happened."

"Placing a tender kiss on my forehead, he asks, 'Are you hungry? Would you like me to get you something?'

'No, thanks, Dad, I'm good,' I reply.

'Okay,' he nods, 'I'll give Gina a call to let her know you're okay. Your mother was on the phone with her when Rick phoned me, so she's probably worried.'

As he prepares to leave, Mom says, 'I'll come with you. I'm going to find the doctor to check if the results are back okay. We'll be back soon.'

'Okay,' I respond softly as they both exit the room.

Reece takes my hand, his expression filled with concern. 'You okay, baby?'"

"I don't know," I tell him, my voice trembling. "I was so scared, Reece. I don't even know what he wanted. Why did he come after me? I've never done anything to him. He said he needed to warn me."

"To warn you? About what?" he asks, a frown creasing his forehead.

"I don't know. I had a panic attack and then passed out," I explain, feeling tears welling up in my eyes.

A small sob escapes my mouth, and he shushes me gently. "It's okay, baby. I'm here," he reassures me, wrapping his arm around me and resting my head on his chest.

"I won't let anything happen to you, I promise," he vows, his voice filled with determination. "And if the police don't catch him, I will and when I do, He'll be begging me to hand him in."

"No, Reece, I don't want you to get in any trouble. Just let the police do their job, promise me," I say, looking him in the eye.

He sighs, his expression conflicted. "Lorna, I can't—" He's interrupted by a knock on the door, and Lance and Reece's dad enter the room.

They lingered for a while, their concern evident on their faces, though there was a hint of disbelief in their expressions. Lance kept apologising for not reaching me in time, his eyes filled with sorrow.

I reassured him, insisting it wasn't his fault, and tried to alleviate his guilt by pointing out that things could have been much worse if he hadn't intervened. Both Reece and Lance tensed visibly at the thought, their fists clenched and scowls etched on their faces, thickening the air with tension. Reece's dad had to intervene, urging them to calm down and simply be grateful that I was safe, though I could sense his own inner turmoil.

Lance mentioned that he had spoken to the police and provided them with a description of the assailant. Like Reece, he expressed a fierce determination, stating that the guy had better pray the police find him first.

I knew they weren't going to let it go. I was starting to feel overwhelmed and anxious, especially since I hadn't even told Reece or anyone about the messages I was receiving. I know he's going to be pissed, but I've no choice but to tell him now. I'm just scared that he's going to freak and go on a rampage after I do."

As another knock on the door. Dad enters the room, greeted warmly by Reece's dad with a pat on the shoulder.

"Rick, it's good to see you," Dad acknowledges before turning to me. "Lorna, the police are outside. They want to ask you some questions, but if you're not up to talking tonight, I can send them away. I'll let them know that I'll bring you to the station tomorrow."

"Thanks, Dad," I reply gratefully. The idea of facing the police tonight feels overwhelming, especially with the weight of the unspoken messages, weighing heavily on my mind. I dread having to tell Reece and my parents about it before I leave for the station tomorrow, especially because I anticipate my dad reacting strongly, if not more than Reece.

"He gives me a gentle smile. 'I'll go see when you can be discharged and check in with your mom. Be back soon.'

Rick and Lance both stand to take their leave as well,giving me a hug before they do.

Once again, Reece and I find ourselves alone. Both our phones haven't stopped buzzing. Reece checks his phone and mentions, "The gang is asking about you. They want to know if they can come by, but I told them to wait until you get home."

"Thanks," I reply, feeling too drained for any additional company. My body and head ache, and exhaustion washes over me. I feel my eyelids growing heavy. "Are you tired, babe?" Reece asks as he pulls me close, enveloping me in his arms.

'A little,' I reply, feigning a yawn, while closing my eyes. Suddenly, I feel a sting down below.

I let out a hiss. 'Are you alright?' he asks, his tone tinged with concern. 'Yeah, I just need to use the bathroom,' I reply, trying to stand up, but I stumble back. The pain below and the pain in my head cause me to feel dizzy.

'Reece, let me help,' he says, picking me up and carrying me over to the bathroom, then placing me down gently.

He stands there, waiting for me to go. 'Um, I need a little privacy, please,' I say, causing him to chuckle.

'It's okay, babe. I don't mind,' he adds with a smirk."

"I do," I scowl at him, "I can't pee with someone watching me." Also I'm trying not to show much pain I'm in.

He chuckles, replying, "Alright, I'll wait at the door. Call me if you need me."

"I think I'll manage," I mumble shakily .

Another hiss escapes my lips as the urine stings me. "Oh damn, that hurts," I gasp.

"What's wrong, Lorna? Are you okay?" Reece's concerned voice calls from outside the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I grit through the discomfort as the pain intensifies. Ouch!! It burns.

After finishing, I wobble to the sink, wash my hands, then dry them. Reece is still waiting at the door as I step out.

He looks at me with concern as I hobble out, sweat pouring from my head. "Shit, baby, you don't look good," he observes, lifting me up and carrying me back to the bed. He feels my forehead, concern evident in his voice. "You're burning up," he says.

The pain from below and my head is starting to worsen. "Can you call my mom, please?" I pant, unable to bear the pain longer.

"I'll be back in a sec," he says, rushing out the door. Soon, Mom, Dad, and Reece return, along with the doctor who examined me earlier. It turns out Mom knew her.

"Okay, Lorna, I'm going to administer an IV into you," the doctor says, as she sticks a needle into my hand and hooks me up to the IV drip.

I look at my mom, confused, as does Dad and Reece. "What's wrong with her? Why are you putting her on a drip?" Dad queries.

"It's just an antibiotic," Mom tells him calmly. "Lorna has an infection, so the doc is putting her on an IV to flush it out." Dad starts to ask another question, but my mom looks at him, silently telling him to stop.

He scowls at her but remains silent, heeding her warning.

After the doctor finishes setting up the intravenous, she checks my temperature and inquires, "Any pain, Lorna?"

"Yes, my head is really sore," I admit, avoiding mentioning the discomfort in my private area to spare embarrassment in front of my parents, though I suspect my mom is already aware.

"Alright, I'll be back with some pain relief,it'll help with the pain and bring down your temperature," she assures me with a smile before exiting the room.

"So the doctor wants you to stay overnight, honey," my mom informs me, coming over to feel my forehead. "Why?" I inquire, expressing my longing for the comfort of my own bed.

"It's to ensure the antibiotics can be administered properly, you have a serious UTI infection, so Sarah was right,I silently acknowledge her earlier concern.

Reece looks puzzled. "What's a UTI?" he asks, his expression tinged with worry.

Mom explains, "It's a urinary tract infection. While it's not overly serious, prompt antibiotic treatment is necessary to prevent it from worsening." She adds that the doctor also wants to monitor me due to the impact of the head injury. Understanding the rationale, Mom agreed it was best for me to stay overnight.

"Can't I just go home?" I weakly inquire. Mom's response is gentle but firm, "No, sorry, honey. It'll be a couple of hours before the IV drip is finished, and it's safer to keep you here in case you have any dizzy spells. I'll stay with you tonight to monitor you." She gives Reece a sympathetic smile, acknowledging his likely desire to stay with me.

Dad interjects, "What about me?"

"You can take Reece home," Mom suggests, shooting him a pointed look.

He sighs, "Fine! That way I'll have chat with Reece on the way." I sense Reece's apprehension, almost hearing him gulp.

"Please, Dad, don't give him a hard time," I insist firmly, he raises his hands in defense.

"I won't, I won't," he assures with a mischievous smirk, "we'll just have a little chat."

"Byron! Stop teasing them," mom scolds him, motioning to leave. "Let's go get some tea and leave Reece to say goodnight to Lorna," she adds, nudging dad out of the room. He interjects, "Are you sure we should leave them alone?"

"Trust me, they won't be up to anything, even if they wanted to. Not for a week or two, at least," mom murmurs, trying to keep her voice down, though Reece and I can still hear her. "Mom, please, we can hear you," I speak out, sounding irritated and sore. The pain is still unbearable; where is that doctor with my pain meds?

"Oh, haha, sorry, sweetie," mom whispers, turning back to me before exiting. I can still hear dad asking what she meant.

A nurse enters, administering a painkiller and offering water. After taking it, she informs me she'll return in an hour to check my temperature.

"Finally alone at last," Reece says, settling back onto my bed and pulling me into his arms, planting a kiss on my head. "Your dad is going to let me have it," he sighs, but quickly adds, "but I don't blame him. I should've been there to watch you."

"You were there, Reece. I left to go to the toilet with Sarah. You couldn't have known that creep would target me again. So please don't feel guilty," I insist firmly, adding, "I just want to forget about tonight, please," my voice expressing exhaustion.

"Okay, babe, I'll say no more on it tonight."

"How are you feeling now?" he asks with concern.

"Uncomfortable, tired, and sore," I groan in response.

"I'm sorry, baby. I wish I could take your pain instead. Although I've never even heard of a urinary tract infection. Is it sore?" Reece asks with concern.

"Yes," I mumble, "it also burns a lot when I need to pee."

"My poor princess," he sympathises, "I was hoping I could stay with you."

"Yeah, me too," I sigh, "but it's probably best if my mom does."

"I know you're right," he acknowledges, "at least it's only for tonight."

"Mmm," is all I manage to say as the pain relief starts to kick in fast.

Closing my eyes, I feel heavily sedated. I can hear my mom and dad entering the room, but I can't open my eyes. My body feels so heavy and tired. I really wanted to tell Reece about those messages before he left, but I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow now.

A gentle peck on my head interrupts my thoughts. "Goodnight, babe," Reece whispers. "I'll see you in the morning." Followed by a "sweet dreams, button," and another gentle kiss on my head.

I'm going to leave it here, I have a bit of brain fog, but I'll try do another update before the weekend.

Who do you think the attacker is and what did he want to warn Lorna about ? Or was it just a ploy to get to her 🤔

Enjoy !!

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