Brynn's Castle Ghost

By CelticCat

4.7K 191 24

Brynn had learned she had inherited a Castle, that is run currently also as B&B. With a friendly ghost. :) More

Part 1
Part 2

Part 3

1.1K 57 10
By CelticCat

The Circle Ceremony:

Brynn woke to a soft kiss to her forehead, smiling before saying, "Good morning Braden."

He chuckled? "Good morning my lass, I trust ye slept well Brynn?"

Looking up now and smiling back at his grin she replied "Very and hope to always now Braden."

Hugging her hard then releasing to kiss her just as hard, he replied, "Always my lass, always together from now on Brynn. It was so good to wake and find I am truly am whole again, that you were most definitely real and firm within my arms my love."

Brynn chuckled, "Just as it is to be in yours Braden. So cozy too, don't really want to get up either."

He laughed, "Well we do love, tis our day to celebrate and share with those who love us and we in turn love."

Smiling Brynn closed the gap to kiss him now enjoying his lovely warm hug. Rolling them on the bed, now pinning her beneath him as she giggled up at his grin. Taking her hands in his, he brought them above her head, leaning down to kiss her once again, then moved down her throat to chest, kissing, nipping and sucking her skin then nipples. Brynn arched up as his body allowed for some movement, gasping and whimpering as he stirred her arousal.

Gasping she cried out, "Braden..."

He chuckled, "Aye my love?"

She groaned, "Please my Laird.."

Braden smiled, loving how she lost focus as he played with her body saying, "My love it has been many long years without and I plan to enjoy ye to the max my love."

Brynn moaned, "So not fair my Laird, but if you push me I will retaliate."

He chuckled, "Ye will be patient my love and enjoy as ye should."

As she groaned again as he got back to pleasuring her, bringing her slowly to her first release. Heaving she clung to Braden as he chuckled; kissed her then finally released her hands as he moved back up her body to join. Easing into her heated core, sighing as he felt her tight walls wrap around and almost suck him into her depths.

Brynn sighed gripping him tightly as she enjoyed him sinking deep within her body, then another kiss, with both playfully biting the others lips.

Braden spoke a little strained saying, "My lass ye are so tight, so warm and tis so wonderful to be inside ye love. It is hard to remain still Brynn."

She grinned answering, "But you will move honey or I will give you cause to do so."

He laughed, kissing her again as he did move. Making her gasp at the sudden hard, deep thrust, that had him also gasp. She chuckled as he growled then picked up his pace. Brynn gripped him, moving with him as she could or he allowed. Both needing their orgasm that slowly built. Braden could not hold back and with his love begging, he let go. All his years of being alone as a spirit came to ahead with his emotions and need. Taking his soon to be wife over the edge as she cried out, soon following with his own roar as he came, then kissing her breathless as they both heaved.

Holding her tight, flush with his own body he rolled them as they continued coming down from their natural high. Braden enjoyed her flushed complexion as she tried to slowly calm down. He traced her cheeks watching as she managed a grin then kissed her forehead as she sighed.

Brynn whispered, "Love you my sexy Scot. That was pretty intense Braden."

He chuckled replying, "Love ye too lass and aye it was love. Have a lot of pent up desire my lass and I intend to make love to ye as often as I am physically able to."

She chuckled, "I hope so sexy, I hope we always will Braden. And anywhere we desire?"

Laughing Braden added, "We shall love, sounds verra exciting Brynn."

Grinning she replied, "It can be Braden, I will show you later, when we are alone again. We don't really have the time today and I doubt you'd wish to be late for our ceremony?"

Rolling on top quickly he smiled, "Nay lass, I dinna want to be late and we will be early if anything lass. But we need to get up and enjoy a shower Brynn, plus I need to visit the old suite to get a few things?"

She didn't probe but said yes, as he playfully dragged her groaning from their bed, then through to enjoy a lovely hot shower. They made love again before a final rinse and out to dry. While she dried her hair he left quickly to get what he wanted then rejoined her to await their breakfast.

Mary soon brought it in within 20 minutes and said she would be back with Carol, to help Brynn into the gown again, letting Braden wait with Jeffrey. Mary had insisted they travel separately to the Circle, with Braden waiting for her with Jeffrey, George and Stuart, along with the Celebrant. After they had enjoyed their breakfast, Braden left her with a hug and firm kiss, just as Mary and Carol arrived.

The ladies wanted to tie her hair up but Braden sent - Down, please my love.

They consented to his wishes but did have some tartan ribbons to place in her hair that he was happy with after reading her thoughts. All three laughed when a lovely tartan ribbon suddenly appeared with sterling silver knot-work hearts pinned to it, onto her dressing table. Mary cheekily said thanks out loud and to leave them alone now.

They had all chuckled with Braden groaning in her thoughts but okay with waiting now. When she was ready she had Mary take a few photos, then playfully took a selfie with both women all chuckling away at their fun. Brynn suddenly wondered about a ring for him, would he even wear one? She felt a playful kiss to her forehead and felt a ring placed in her hand. She cried as the two women hugged her. It was her uncle's, engraved with a beautiful knot-work design and she knew it was perfect.

Braden came into her thoughts suddenly - Love? What is wrong?

She sighed - Nothing my Laird, just a wonderful gift from Uncle, that I hope you will wear.

She felt his puzzled thoughts but he wasn't going to ask just yet, replying - Hurry my love.

Smiling now she added - On our way my Laird.

Mary and Carol soon had her out into the Jeep that was one of the castle's vehicles. They did eventually arrive at the Circle seeing the others there waiting and Bryn had to gasp at finally seeing Braden. He looked too good to be true. He also looked like he had just walked out of the portrait on the walls of the private winged lounge. Dressed in full traditional Highland regalia, a beautiful decorative family tartan Sporran, complete with large beautiful sterling silver broach embedded with an equally large Ruby to hold the tartan wrap over his shoulder and shirt.

He smiled seeing her, sending his love and joy that she had come.

She frowned sending - I love you Braden, I would not stand you up my sexy Scot.

Smiling again as she walked over with Mary and Carol. Stuart moved forward and took her hand leading her towards Braden within the Circle as she felt the sudden arrival of all the spirits within. Smiling as she now heard the celebrant ask who gives this woman to this man. Stuart spoke up saying he was standing in for her uncle, who would have, had he lived to see. It was emotional for her to hear but she understood their love for him and that it was how they wished to celebrate this day with her.

She smiled when she felt her uncles kiss to her forehead again and knew he approved before he sent - Aye my dear niece.

Stuart then placed her hand in Braden's, who gripped it firmly snatching a quick kiss to chuckles from all. The celebrant read through the service, even allowing for the Spirits to have their say in welcoming the two joined as one. When it came time to give rings she felt her uncle's nudge as she was asked if she had a ring for Braden.

Looking up as his smile she said, "I do if he will accept? We hadn't discussed rings."

More chuckles as he said, "I do lass."

The celebrant then had her say the words and place her uncles ring that Braden instantly recognized and became emotional.

Bryn had a slight panic moment as he gripped her hands tightly - Be calm my love, it is an honor to wear and I thank ye lass and yer uncle.

He rubbed her hands holding his as she relaxed, then he had to repeat the exchange with her turn to gasp. The ring he held, smiling at her gasp, had been his mothers, so she knew it was old and much loved. Holding her hand tightly he placed the ring on her finger as he said his words, enjoying her emotion now. He wiped her eyes before she could finally take a good look at her beautiful ring. It was solid Sterling silver, with Celtic knot-work around the band, with the top in the shape of a Scottish thistle, inset with 3 large cabochon rubies that matched the colour of his broach.

He whispered, "It was mothers and hope ye will love it as she did lass."

She nodded still emotional and when she heard the words - you can kiss yer bride; she had leapt at Braden, who chuckled as he lifted her up to hug and kiss hard with so much passion. She clung to him, burying her face in his hair and neck, feeling him chuckle as well as the cheers from their small group. Then the whispers of congratulations from her uncle and Circle.

While he still held her, he too sent his thanks - My heartfelt thanks to ye for sending this divine soul to rescue me. I thank ye for the very long friendship of her uncle and apologize for giving up and being a recluse for so long.

Brynn heard their humour, then reply - Ye are most welcome son, ye needed yer time as it was and had good company in both the young lass's uncle and his staff. They are yer family now and she yer's, son. Love her well and hard, for she is meant to be. Ye are free from yer chosen exile and can once again enjoy a life with the living. Ye will both be blessed with a verra long and happy life together, including bairns should ye wish.

Brynn gasped, they hadn't talked about that and she wasn't sure he wanted any. Seeing his big almost goofy grin now, she realized she had worried for nothing.

Hearing chuckles she sighed as the Circle spoke again - Lass ye will be blessed, yer bairns will be as gifted as ye both are and dinna worry they will wish to stay and take over from ye both when ready. They too will have natural ties to the castle and here. So enjoy yer lives together and worry not about the castle and yer home.

Braden hugged her hard twirling her around as everyone still enjoyed their joy, talking together until the happy couple could refocus on all there.

He whispered, "Ye look so sexy in this gown my love. Thank ye for wearing it Brynn. Thank ye for loving me as well as becoming my wife and Lady."

She grinned holding on tightly replying, "Thank you for loving me my sexy Scot, for desiring me as your life partner. You look so hot in a kilt Braden and I have to know what's beneath!"

He laughed sending her an image of a naked, bare bottom!

She laughed now hugging him tightly whispering, "Just as well there is no breeze today!"

He roared with laughter, still twirling her around before stopping and holding her as she slid down to stand again. Then everyone crowded around for hugs and kisses in congratulations. As the main group moved to the vehicles to wait for them, Braden and Brynn remained in the Circle for a few minutes longer.

Both felt the energy from the Spirits before Brynn spoke, "Thank you all for this wonderful day. Thank you uncle for your love and wisdom, for having faith in me and a life to enjoy. I miss you and always will, but I love you and if you would allow me; us to, I would like our first son to bear your name?"

She looked at Braden and he grinned nodding, before they heard - Aye lass, I would love that and will always love ye Brynn. Ye can call out and talk to me anytime lass; that's both of ye and always remember ye can come here, weather permitting!

Brynn groaned knowing it was a loving telling off for venturing out in the cold when she shouldn't have in the past.

Braden just laughed hugging her replying, "I will make sure she doesn't. Thank ye sir for being here and giving us yer blessing. Thank ye to, wise Spirits for yer blessing and allowing us to become one within yer Circle. I will treasure my Lady and our family to come, always."

Brynn smiled up at his, before he held her face to kiss. Each resting their foreheads together feeling the love from all as they also felt from the Circle, before being told playfully to go and enjoy the rest of their day.

Brynn squealed as he swiftly had her up. Skirts and all as they heard the laughter, then Braden walked out of the Circle carrying his bride to the 4x4. She kissed him as he chuckled then placed her in her seat, walking around to get in the other side. Jeffrey and Mary sat in the front and all drove back to the castle and a celebratory drink before a luncheon, as per the Brides request.

Brynn jumped as the corks flew from the bottles of bubbly, then handed a glass of a semi sweet red. Stuart did the honors of a toast, then all enjoyed with some nibbles that Mary and Carol had prepared. Despite the fact it was their wedding day Brynn had insisted they still all enjoy in the huge kitchen dining area. It was much more intimate for them to enjoy in, aside from being warm and cozy.

The ladies had decorated it with fresh flowers and a beautiful table arrangement for them. Brynn loved it as did Braden, but also agreed it was much nicer to share with everyone in that relaxed environment. It had its own large fireplace lit, warming the room as well as the huge agar oven that had their lovely roast cooking. When Braden moved to sit in the large chair at the head of the table he grabbed Brynn taking her down onto his lap as everyone chuckled.

As they sat Carol suddenly appeared with a few small gifts. They insisted that Brynn open them and she felt a little embarrassed when she opened them to find a rather large gift card for Mothercare! Braden roared laughing as he hugged her hard, yelling his thanks to all. Brynn did manage to say her own and knew they were all going to enjoy the prospect of little ones in the future, if not already growing within. The other gifts were traditionally Scottish and Brynn loved them, more so after they were explained.

Soon they were all enjoying the wonderful spread with wine flowing. Braden kept Brynn close, allowing her to actually sit beside him to eat.

"Ye do want bairns my love?" he asked quietly.

Smiling she leaned in to kiss him, "Yes Braden. I was not sure you did but I'm very happy to have our family grow my Laird, thank you sexy."

He grinned, relieved and sent - Well we will get plenty of practice in my love!

She laughed - I'm sure we will Braden, it's not like we need to be in front of the public much, when the castle is busy.

Nay lass and only when ever needed my love. - he chuckled replying.

They kissed again before continuing to enjoy the food and wine with wonderful company. After lunch they posed for some photos and were thrilled to find Mary had taken many from the Circle ceremony as well. Then they were shooed off for a few hours before they were allowed to rejoin them all for a later dinner.

Braden didn't need to be told, he swiftly had her up over his shoulder with a swat, as laughter followed them out the door of the kitchen as he raced upstairs to their room to get her out of the gown finally. With a playful flash of his naked bottom beneath his kilt, he soon shed his few items before having his wife under the covers and loving her to exhaustion.

When they finally came up for air, and could enjoy a lovely long hot soak in the tub, he joked, "Well my love, we have made a firm start on that family I feel lass."

She laughed, "True but how do you know my sexy hubby?"

He grinned, "I sense and I feel my lass, so let us bet on a boy or a girl first my love?"

Brynn laughed, "I will bet on a boy my Laird. In fact I know it will be a boy sexy."

Laughing he replied, "And how so my love?"

Grinning she added, "Well given I am the only girl in my family line for a 100 years on my fathers side, I'd say the odds were in my favor my Laird."

He gasped, reading she spoke the truth and amazed, kissing her hard with a sigh, knowing the family was truly blessed now, to know a line of young future Lairds would keep the Castle going long after they moved on.

As he watched she traced his face saying, "After a long and loving life my Laird, okay?"

He pulled her quickly in to kiss then whispered, "Aye lass, a verra long and loving life my Lady wife."

Brynn sighed into his passionate kiss, returning it with as much love as she could. Then just laying together, hugging as they enjoyed the heat and thoughts of their growing family and future together. Only when the water cooled did they get out and dress, sitting by their fire enjoying some music and conversation. More now on their future family, with Braden making her grab her notebook to look at the Mothercare website. Both thinking how cheeky and loving the staff all were and also knowing life would grow within the castle walls once again.

They both also looked at ideas for a nursery and children's rooms, discussing who to do the renovations with Braden advising her to talk to their lawyer now. Plus the folks below for ideas, given their cheeky gift. It was fun and quickly passed their afternoon before the call to return for dinner.

As they walked back through the door, Brynn gasped. Sitting on a decorated side table was a beautiful cake decorated in their tartan colours with a Scottish couple on the top. It was stunning for a cake and was glad Mary had again been busy taking photos. Brynn didn't want to cut into it, but they were made to do the traditional cut, then all enjoyed some before dinner. More followed late into the evening with coffees and liqueurs.

It had been a wonderful day celebrating with wonderful people. When they were finally ready to all retire, there were many hugs all round with good nights and orders to sleep in, or no breakfast. Braden had laughed and thanked them saying he'd make sure Brynn did. She gasped embarrassed but he quickly had her up again in his arms flying out the doors to laughter and more good nights, racing up to their suite before dropping her on their bed.

Braden undressed them both and quickly had them under the warm covers saying, "I love ye Brynn, thank ye for the most amazing day of my life thus far and for an amazing future to look forward to."

She smiled, "I love you too Braden, thank you also for an out of this world day, for having me as yours always my sexy Scot. I too look forward to an amazing life with my very own Scottish Laird and family to follow."

He chuckled, "Aye my love; our family to follow. Thank ye for that my love."

Smiling down at his wife he closed the gap to kiss her as she hugged him, deepening the kiss. Both sighed as they released, then chuckled, as Braden had her tucked into his hold with covers up to keep her warm, as they both let sleep take them finally.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Epilogue *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Of course time passed and sure enough Brynn won her bet. Braden happily paying up as their first son came into the world. He cried as he hugged them both.

Brynn had read he had all but given up ever having a family prior to her love awakening him. Now he had their first born in his arms and a future to look forward to with as many more as his beautiful wife gave him.

The castle 'Family' celebrated the birth and for their first born's Christening, they took him to the Circle in the summer months to share with her uncle, as he was given his name.

Emotions ran high that day, none had dry eyes, despite being so happy. It was a wonderful start to their wonderful full and happy lives.


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