Perfect Hunter

By NotOaklandRayah

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Calliope Fray is thrown into a world her mother hid from her and her sister, and how she deals with her siste... More

Character Profile
Not so Happy Birthday
Where we are, I do not care
A daughter of no one
Glitter makes everything better
Lost Cannot be Found
It's my fault, I'm sorry.
We're friends... right?
Family... Perfect.
Different Sides
My Anchor was you
we're Okay...
Choices we make come back to bite us
New set of eyes
Finding You
It's not his fault
Angels, yes.
Trials for the Rune
The Iron Sisters
Charming Englishman
New York
A friendly face
Croissants and Promises
Home is New York

Star of Morning

396 19 0
By NotOaklandRayah

"How could you not tell me that!" Luke's voice boomed as he stomped inside the Jade wolf with Clary and Jace right behind his trail. The information, the truth of the mortal instrument in Valentine's hand angering him when he realized that he and the rest of the down world could've ceased to exist.

"The downworld would be in total chaos if they knew what the sword could do," Clary reasoned, following her father figure who looked like he could combust in flames at any given moment. The adrenaline in her veins still pumping while the images given to her by the angel still playing in her mind, deciphering what it really meant and if it was telling the truth. And yet in her mind she knows it's the whole truth.

"Luke, there would be uprisings everywhere," Jace adds, his thoughts similar to Clary's and yet so troubled knowing that it could be him in that vision the angel had given him.

"So you're saving the Downworlders from themselves?" Luke scoffed before glaring at the pair, "we never asked."

"We didn't even know that Valentine could activate the sword til we realized that he had an angel."

Luke gritted his teeth, his anger building some more. The idea of being deceived by the people who he trusted the most, how the Clave he used to follow and worship had the power to kill the people he belonged to since his transition.

"Luke, I didn't want you to worry," Clary softly tells him.

He scoffs again, "It's too late for that," he glared at her.

"Look, you don't understand alright—"

"No, I do understand," Lukes cuts Jace off. "He has my sister," he points out, shutting up the pair who took a step back.

Clary dreaded this. The look of disappointment on Luke's face directed at her, he never looked at her like that before. Her guilt rising as she throws Jace a look, hoping that he knows what to do. Should they tell him about the vision?

Luke caught on to the redhead's face, "what else aren't you telling me?" He frowned.

A few seconds of silence nestled between the three of them, Clary bites her lip before facing Luke again. "The Angel showed us something," she tells him.

"Just now, on the rooftop. He showed us a vision of a demon that could destroy the sword," Jace explained. The look of bewilderment stuck on Luke's face, observing the two shadowhunters if they were joking around, deceiving him again. They weren't.

"How do you know that that's what he was telling you?" He asked them, looking them in the eye, trying to catch a lie yet he couldn't see one tell.

"There's no other explanation," Clary explained further, "when the demon touched the sword, the sword disintegrated with it."

"Luke... it was a demon I've never seen before," Jace admits to the werewolf. Hoping this information could make amends with him.

"Then go find it," Luke tells them, the information stuck in his head unsure if he should believe it or not. "I'll head out and see if that bastard left us any clues to track him down," he adds, walking out the restaurant.

"And there," Alec pointed at the image, pausing at the light shooting skyward. "They said that was the angel," he says, zooming in on the image of what Jace and Clary claimed to be the angel.

"It could be a shooting star," Isabelle tells him, walking from behind him to his side.

Alec raised a brow at her, "Are you saying you don't believe in Jace and Clary? I thought you'd be impressed." He asked, observing his sister who seemed nonchalant about the discovery. Distant even though she seems to be uninterested in the image shown to them.

"I'm not saying that I don't believe them, it's just there hasn't been any sights of an angel for a hundred years," she says, closing the hologram before turning to Alec.

"So... did you give Calliope a call?" She asked him, a teasing grin on her face as she leaned against the hologram projecting table. "I gave you her contacts and the Paris Institute's, so what's stopping you from calling to say hi?"

Alec avoids her gaze, huffing under his breath knowing that one wrong look at his sister, she would know why he was hesitant to call Calliope. And yes it was about the kiss they shared before she left, he didn't particularly know what it meant, and he was too coward to ask. Not even saying goodbye.

"Alec? Hello!" Isabelle snaps her fingers infront of him impatiently. "Are you going to answer me or not?" She raised a brow at him who only rolled his eyes at her in return. Noticing the avoidant look on his face, a grin returns to her red lips. "okay, tell me everything!"

"There's nothing to tell," Alec rolled his eyes at her.

"There definitely is! You only roll your eyes that much when you're hiding something!" Isabelle laughed, attempting to poke her brother teasingly for his now blooming crush on Calliope Fairchild.

"Hey guys!" A small familiar voice spoke, running towards the siblings. They turned to show identical smiles.

"Hey buddy! How're you doing?" Alec greeted his little brother who ran to hug his legs.

"Max! I missed you so much!" Isabelle cooed, kissing her youngest brother on both cheeks, "you look so handsome, what are you doing here?"

"Alec, Isabelle," another familiar voice spoke, this time the siblings' smiles almost vanished as they turned. There stood their mother, still formal, inquisitive, the usual Lightwood matriarch apparently. "It's good to see you both."

"Really?" Isabelle clicked her tongue, a frown already on her face as she glared at her mother. "Because the last time you were here, you turned your back on all of us. Especially Jace."

"Izzy," Alec warned her. Reminding her that she was still their mother and that they were in front of Max whom they didn't want to see them interact with their mom so negatively.

"I was following orders," Maryse simply says, holding Max's shoulders firmly. "I had no choice," she adds, yet it seems like her answer was not what her children wanted to hear. The awkwardness filling the atmosphere between mother and children, she clears her throat.

"Max has some big news," she says, turning to Max with a gentle look on her face, one that Alec and Isabelle had not seen in a while. "Tell them sweetheart."

Max grins at his siblings, "I passed my last trial. I'm ready for my rune ceremony!"

Surprise and joy made it's way back to Alec and Isabelle's moods, congratulating their youngest brother.

"Congratulations," Alec smiled proudly at him.

"So you finally perfected your roundhouse kick?" Isabelle excitedly asked, mocking a fighting stance that Max copied.

"Yeah, and I knocked out two different instructors," Max proudly tells them, earning praises him his older siblings.

"Sadly, your father won't be able to attend," Maryse tells them, the joy coming to a pause when the siblings turn to their mother in confusion and concern. "Alec, as the eldest male in the family. You will be in charge of Max's ceremonial party," Maryse tries to cheer when she noticed the sudden drop of the mood between them.

"What do you mean he won't be here?" Alec asked, the most confused out of him and Isabelle who was more heartbroken to not see their father since she was the closest to him.

"He's tied up with the Valentine task force in Idris," Maryse curtly says.

"I can't believe dad would miss this," Isabelle frowned.

"He doesn't have a choice," Maryse answered, rubbing Max's shoulders. "We're all on high alert, especially after what the demon did to the both of you... and Jocelyn."

"I was surprised to not see you at the rite of mourning," Isabelle tells her mother stiffly. "Dad called to see how we were," she adds before walking away. Leaving Alec, Max and their mother watching her stomp away in anger.

"Isabelle," Maryse softly calls for her daughter as she slowly leaves both Max and Alec alone.

Alec turns to Max who watched their mother leave with such sad eyes that Alec couldn't ignore. "Bet you wished you were in Idris," he tried to open another conversation, attempting to distract Max.

"I thought I was coming here to get away from all the fighting," Max frowned as both him and Alec started walking.

"Fighting?" Alec's brows furrowed, "mom and dad?"

"All the time," Max answered lowly.

"What's going on?" Alec asked him, worried how it was impact his youngest brother. And he thought his brother was safe in Idris with his parents, not taking into account how lonely he must've felt.

"Dad said mom is being difficult," Max answered, "and mom thinks dad is hiding something."

Alec's frowned deepened. "Well what do you think?" He asked him.

"I think they're not happy anymore," Max admitted.

Alec falls quiet, feeling sorry for his youngest brother, patting his shoulder in comfort, he should've known. His parents weren't always ones who saw each other eye to eye, there were always sides that Alec and Isabelle struggled to take when they were younger. And as they grew older, they outgrew taking sides when it came to their parents, forgetting that Max was the youngest and didn't have anyone to share the burden of taking sides unlike Alec, Isabelle, and Jace who were all closer in age.

"I'm sorry you were alone in that, Max," Alec apologized, the youngest Lightwood shrugs.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care," Max tells him. "Anyway, why was Calliope in Idris? I thought she'd be here with you guys," he asked, the topic changing.

"She got reinstated in Idris under orders," Alec answered.

"That's sad, I really wanted to tell her that I'm taking the rune," the boy pouted which made Alec laugh.

"We can give her a call if you want," he offered, turning Max's announcement into an excuse to call her. Pathetic but it was for a better cost.

"Can we really?" Max excitedly asked.

"Yeah," Alec agreed, motioning Max to follow him.


"Callie! It's Max!"

Calliope's face broke into a surprised one, "Max? How are you? I didn't think you'd call," she admits, slightly confused, taking a brief second to check the caller ID, it was Alec's.

"Alec said we can call you, I have to tell you something!" Max's excited tone brought a smile on Calliope's lips as she leaned against the wall facing the windows.

"Really? What's the news?" She asked.

"I'm ready for my rune ceremony!" She could hear Max cheer from the other end, making her laugh at the boy's excitement. She could also hear the deep chuckles under Max's giggles, her heart quickens at the thought of Alec being able to hear her. It has been so long since she last talked to him.

"Congratulations Max! I'm so proud of you!" Calliope grinned, suppressing the thought of Alec and being happy for the boy. "I bet your mom and dad are excited to be there huh?"

"Mom is, but dad can't," she noticed the shift in the boy's tone. "Mom says he's stuck in Idris to look for Valentine."

"I see," Calliope frowned, hearing a knock from her door, she turns around to see Sebastian motion for her to follow him. She gestures to him that she'd follow before turning her attention back to the phone. "I'm sorry that your dad can't go, Max. I'm sure he would've loved to throw you that ceremony party."

"Will you be here?" Max asked hopeful.

"I'm sorry Max, I can't. I'm still under training, I'm not even in Idris right now," she explained, "but tell you what, I'll have someone send you a gift from me, that sound good?"


"Heck yeah," Calliope smiled, turning towards the door again to see Adrian giving her an expectant look to wrap up the call. "I have to go, Max. I'll call again soon, okay?"

"Okay, Calli! Bye!"

"Bye," she smiled, closing her phone before approaching Adrian who eyed her once with a serious look on his face. "We know who that demon is."

"You do?" Calliope asked, intrigued and nervous.

"But we have to go back to Idris to see if we're right," he adds, motioning for her to follow which she did. Making their way into the office where Ezekiel was talking to Francesca and Elijah.

"Perfect timing," Elijah says as he spots Adrian and Calliope through the screen. "We need you back here."

"Is the gate breached?" Calliope asked, voicing the concern from her two mentors who were with her.

"No, but there are some suspicious activities that I'd like for us to look into as a team," Elijah answered.

"We'll get a warlock to prepare a portal," Ezekiel nods, motioning for Adrian to follow, leaving Calliope with the couple. Only then did she realize the purpose of her being singled out like this.

"It's not just suspicious activity, is it?" She frowned, the look on Francesca's face, mixture of anger and something else was evident on the screen no matter how much she tried to keep a straight face.

"It was a message," Elijah admits. "Star of morning."

"Lucifer," Calliope's eyes widened at the realization. The man she met was Lucifer, fallen angel, prince of hell...

"Our namesake," Francesca spoke up, training her eyes on Calliope who looked more confused as details kept surfacing for her that she didn't expect.

"So you're telling me, you are Valentine's sister? My actual aunt?" Calliope almost blew up as she paced around the office after five minutes of nothing before talking away for 15 minutes straight. "How come he never mentioned you? He definitely took time to mention that Jace was our brother, but you? Why didn't he say anything? Why didn't you say anything?"

"It wasn't the right time," Francesca sighed, her gaze averted. She knew fully well of the consequences of hiding this particular fact from Calliope.

"Right time? You could've at least given me a hint! Not just give me a Fairchild necklace and a freaking black card, I thought you were my mom's adopted sister or something!"

"In a way I was your mother's adopted sister," Francesca clarified. "After your mother married Valentine, the Fairchilds treated me like their own. Guided me through the academy, and gave me their heirlooms," Francesca added, "I never meant to hide that fact from you."

"You just didn't tell me the whole truth," Calliope frowned, sitting down on the couch, still facing Francesca's call. "What now? What does Lucifer want?" She asked, her elbows on her knees, staring at Francesca who sighed. Calliope was not sure how she'll be able to handle the next words she will say.

"We face him."

Morgenstern. It was German for morning star, at least from what little knowledge Calliope retained from her German language class she took as a first year in college. She didn't think about the meaning behind last names before, always thought it was an ancient name passed down from the parents to the children. But unfortunately for her, this was not the case.

"It's good to see you back," Imogen Herondale says, facing the five of them. Elijah at the center, Francesca and Adrian on his right, Ezekiel and Calliope on his left, and yet the woman's eyes were right on the youngest one in the formation. "I heard what you're going to attempt to do, I would like a full breakdown of it."

Calliope moved her gaze towards Elijah who tensed, "We're going to meet with the demon, have Francesca and Calliope converse with them. If all goes well, we'll know his motives and why he was there," he answered. His voice remains neutral, but Calliope knows how much he doesn't want Francesca to go, even if she insists on claiming that it was Morgenstern business.

"And if that fails?" Herondale asked, now averting her gaze from Calliope to Francesca who did not flinch under the inquisitor's eye.

"We will give our all in suppressing him, put him back in Edom," Francesca answered.

Imogen Herondale scoffed, "you all make it sound so easy," she says. "Very well, I will sanction this mission. But whatever happens within that gate, stays in that gate."

"Yes, Inquisitor," the five of them replied before they filed out of the office. Calliope's thoughts still hung onto the plan, an uneasy feeling still wearing down on her shoulders.

"Everything will be fine," Francesca tells her, not realizing that they were already outside the citadel. "If Lucifer is not hostile to us, he won't have any trouble."

"How can you say that? We don't know what Lucifer will do," Calliope frowned, the heavy feeling still there even with Francesca assurances that everything will go well. But in the brunette's mind, everything won't be okay. What if it was a set up? What if Lucifer ends up killing her? No one will know what happened.

"Then I suggest you go and give your people a call," Francesca simply says, leaving Calliope on where she stood.

It took a lot of convincing, at least on Calliope's end to call Lydia and tell her the bare minimum of what they were going to do. Telling her that if anything happens, she should be the one to tell Clary that none of it was her fault, and Calliope did it for her. The ever skeptical blonde wanted more details, who wouldn't? An ominous explanation if you could call it that, even Calliope wasn't convinced with the words she told her dear cousin and friend, but one mention of Herondale's name she thankfully backed off. But not after two very alarming threats that is.

"Ready?" Ezekiel asked, with Calliope's back turned, her back exposed through her halter top. An hour before she and Francesca were told to head up the gates, she needed at least an hour to have her runes on. The specific runes used incase she was magically pulled into the rift, her angelic energy would boil her to death.

"Nervous that's all," she tells him, sweeping her hair away from her back, activating her angelic rune. The warm feeling allowed her to feel her energy strengthen, she's never activated her angelic rune since she got it a few months back. That was how long she was in Idris, a few months bouncing back and forth from Idris and France for the better half of it. And now here she was, tackling a fallen angel who was her name sake.

"Well, that's a common feeling," Ezekiel grinned. "But I will warn you. These runes will hurt like a bitch."

"I'll bite," Calliope said cockily, regretting it five seconds later when Ezekiel starts drawing the rune over her spine. "Oh god!" She yelped, not able to drop to her knees nor buckle over.

"Two more runes," Ezekiel says coolly. Ignoring Calliope's pain as he casually drawns over the runes. It felt like she was being branded.

"How many runes do I need?!" She snapped, a scream burning its way from her throat and yet she tried to remain strong.

"Five, you already had the important one on your arm," he points out, lifting his stele. "Done. You should get dressed, these runes activate on their own if you get too close to the rift," he says, not realizing that Calliope was on her knees the second his stele left her back. A burning glare right on his back.

"I hate you so much right now," she gritted at him before getting up from the floor, rolling her shoulders, attempting to stretch out the burn though it didn't help at all.

"Hate me later, get ready before Adrian comes in here to drag you to the gates kicking and screaming," he joked, tossing her a jacket. Noticing how she caught it, yet her face looked troubled, nervous even. "Okay, what's wrong?"

"Do you get that feeling?" Calliope asked him, "the one where you think something is going to go horribly wrong but you don't know where or when it will come?"

Ezekiel flexed his jaw before offering her an understanding look, "all the time," he answered. "But it's what you do when it comes to it matters, so don't worry. You'll come back alive, I just know it."

"Thanks," She smiled at him nervously, slowly walking out the room. And somehow Ezekiel's comforting words weren't so comforting at all.

"How're you holding up?" Francesca asked Calliope after walking into the barren grounds of the gate.

"I should be asking you that," Calliope tells her, a seraph blade on one hand, her snake on the other, prepared to defend herself if an attack arises.

"Barely holding up," the older woman answered, "considering that Lucifer is possibly out to get one of us," she adds before halting her steps.

"What?" Calliope asked, turning to Francesca who sighed. "What's wrong?"

"I should've never let you come."

"What do you mean?" Calliope asked, narrowing her eyes at Francesca who pursed her lips. "Are you hiding something, Francesca?"

"I believe she is," a familiar male voice spoke, having both women turn to the source. And out came the same man Calliope met during her trial. "Hello Francesca darling, it's been quite a few years hasn't it?" Lucifer smirked.

"Lucifer," Francesca glared.

"How are you? Finally have a family of your own?" Lucifer asked, almost tauntingly, that Calliope noticed the anger flash in Francesca's eyes. "That Heirbrook man should've known better than to allow you back so close to the rift."

"What do you want from us," Calliope butts in, cautious and confused of the almost one sided conversation between these two.

"Already have what I wanted, sweet Ardea. It's you who I should ask what you want from me," Lucifer smirked. "I've been very peaceful thus far you see, and yet you enter so close to my home, a few more steps you'd be in my domain."

"This is not the rift," Francesca points out. "The rift is much further, how can this be your domain?"

"You've been gone for too long, Francesca," Lucifer laughed. "You forget that I'm still an angel. Fallen sure, but my talents are not one to be undermined." With a snap of his finger, Calliope could feel her runes on her back and arm warm up, their surroundings growing darker, the dead grass turned into rubble and sand. The smell of burning flesh and smoke filled the air.

Before Calliope realized it, she found herself in the middle of a dead field, bodies towering a couple feet away from the gates that she and Francesca walked in from. The bodies were runed, piled and some tied to posts.

"W-what the fuck?" Calliope swore, eyes wide in horror. Francesca's eyes mirrored hers, they didn't know how powerful Lucifer was until this very moment, he glamoured the dead fields near the gate to make it seem like the rift was far away.

"For years the rift has been growing in my dears, it's so nice to know you two are here to see it," Lucifer says, unfazed at the horror displayed on both Francesca and Calliope's faces. "I could suppress it of course."

"Why won't you?"

"I needed an audience of course," Lucifer chuckled, cupping Calliope's chin, his hand pale yet radiated warmth that it almost reminded her of her angelic rune when activated. "Who else would be best to spread the word of my good deeds than my dear morning stars."

"I denounced that name the moment Valentine killed Adele and Granville!" Francesca snapped, outraged.

"Why would you?" Lucifer darkly asked, "it's not like Heirbrook could give you any more than what your name already had."

"You mean madness and need for downworld genocide?" Calliope retorted.

"You think yourself funny, do you Ardea? Or did you forget how angelic my blood has been to you?" Lucifer tells her, "if not for my blood you would've drowned in that purity trial!"

Calliope glared at him. "I didn't want your blood, I didn't need it."

"Too bad, it's in you isn't it? It's in both of you," Lucifer taunted. "Morgensterns before you had it, all of them honored it."

"Your blood turned most of them insane—" Francesca's words fell short, Lucifer's hand squeezed her throat.

"Francesca!" Calliope gasped at the scene, Lucifer lifting Francesca by the neck, she could see her neck start to get red.

"My blood is the purest of all angelic figures you nephilim worship."

"Then why are you here," Francesca struggles to say.

"Because father willed it! I merely wished to be his equal, but he said my pride would be my downfall!"

"And he was right," Francesca spat.

Lucifer sneered at her once more before he released her neck, having her fall on the gravel coughing for air. "Pride, defiance, I hate to say it but you did get that from me," he simply says, walking away from Francesca, enough time for Calliope to run to her. Aiding her with an iratze for good measure.

"What did you mean by your blood?" Calliope asked, words sinking in that her attention flew to Lucifer whose face turned one of amusement.

"I'm glad you asked," he smirked. "Fortunately for us, we have all the time in the world."

Elijah stared at the gates. Waiting for a sign, a commotion... noise of any kind. It had been a month since the last time Elijah saw his wife and Calliope Fairchild, unsure of what had happened. He thought they'd be gone for about a day or two like how his wife had experienced the first time she found herself in the rift. But this shouldn't have occurred, they weren't supposed to enter the rift...

"Where are you Franny," he whispered under his breath.

"Elijah." He turned around to see Adrian towards him, holding a small styro foam box and a thermos flask on the other hand. "How long have you been standing here?" He asked him.

"Long enough," Elijah huffed, turning his gaze back to the gate. Still hoping for a sign of life even after Imogen Herondale declared Francesca and Calliope dead, no explanation at all.

"Have you heard?" Adrian asked him again, handing him the box and flask before shoving his hands in his jacket pockets. "Branwell's been trying to request an audience with Herondale, and apparently you, which you often blow off."

Elijah huffed again, opening the flask, taking in the warm coffee from inside, not remembering the last time he had a cup of coffee. He doesn't even remember the last time he went home. "It's better for her to get tired on her own," he answered, closing the flask. There was no point in telling Branwell what they didn't know for sure. The only thing he did know was that his wife is alive, the marriage rune on his body was proof that she was that always gave him hope that she'd come back. Hopefully unharmed.

"Heirbrook!" Both men snapped their attention behind them to see an angry blonde woman marching towards them. Behind her was Ezekiel who had an exasperated look on his face.

"I thought I told you to not let anyone near here," Elijah glared at Ezekiel who only gave him an apologetic look.

"I tried to, she's too persistent."

"I begin to question how he became an elite guard," Elijah could hear Adrian sigh from beside him.

"Where's Calliope? Where is my cousin?!" Lydia glared at the taller man, her blue eyes burning fires accusingly at him.

"We can't tell you, Branwell," Adrian deadpanned, having the blonde snap her attention to him.

"Why the hell not?" She flared. "One ominous call from my cousin telling me to take care of her twin sister if anything happened to her and not even one plausible explanation? Tell me Rosewain, where is Calliope Fairchild?" She snapped at him.

Adrian Rosewain glared at the blonde woman, flexing his jaw as he narrowed his eyes at her. "You forget that I outrank you, Branwell—"

"Screw your ranks, where is my cousin!"

"We don't know," Elijah answered, growing tired of the banter when he needed peace. "We don't know where they are, we're not sure where to look."

"You're the commander of the Elite Guard Elijah Heirbrook, and you're telling me you sent two shadowhunters into a mission with no further information?!"

"What we had at the time was a simple mission," Adrian answered. "A simple go in and out situation, didn't need to be done for a long period of time."

"Clearly the situation is not the fucking same."

Elijah lets out an exasperated sigh, palming his face trying to ease the growing headache he was getting. Where was Francesca when he needed her?

"No! You don't understand me Rosewain, Calliope Fairchild is my family. We lost her and her sister once, we just got them back. How am I going to tell her sister and her brother that their sister is gone!"

"Then don't..."

All four shadowhunters froze at the voice that spoke, turning their heads towards the gate, eyes wide at the sight of two women walking out of it. Both looked the same as they entered the gate, and yet they could sense the age behind their eyes.

"Franny," Elijah called softly, slowly making his way to his wife who had unshed tears in her eyes. "Oh Angels, my Franny, is that really you?"

Francesca nodded, opening her arms as Elijah ran into her arms into a longing hug. "You're home, you're safe. My Fran, Raziel knows I miss you so much," he whispered onto her shoulder, tears streaming down his face at how much he misses her.

"I'm home, Lijah," he hears Francesca cry, she lets him spin her around, having hearty laughs ring out the air. Lightening the atmosphere.

"Oh god, Calli!" Lydia sighed, running to hug the brunette who had a bright smile on her face. "I was so fucking worried, don't you ever fucking do that to me again!" Lydia rambled, hugging the girl into her chest.

"I'm okay Lydia," Calliope assured her.

"We should get the both of you back to Alicante, rest and meet Herondale," Adrian reminded, though he didn't want to consider the warm reunion.

"Come on man, we just got them back," Ezekiel scolds his friend.

Adrian could see Calliope visibly stiffened at the mention of the inquisitor, giving her a knowing look. He knows well enough that the ladies who just got back deserved enough respite after what they went through. Glancing at Elijah and Francesca who continued their merry reunion, he felt alright to see his words didn't dampen their reunion at all.

"Adrian is right," Calliope says, turning to Francesca and Elijah who finally separated from their embrace. "We should rest up, meet Herondale. The sooner we report to her, the faster it is for us to catch a deserved break."

Calliope could see the reluctance on Lydia's face, glaring at Adrian who suggested it before sighing. "Fine. But I'm telling you now, take one day off. That's all I ask."

Calliope smiled, "deal," she agreed before hooking her arm around Lydia's, shooting a meaningful look towards Adrian who nodded at her direction before turning away from the gate completely. Thankful that she and Francesca made it out alive, thankful that Lucifer had let them leave. Though it was unsure if this was the last time she'll ever face the fallen angel.

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