Brynn's Castle Ghost

By CelticCat

4.8K 191 24

Brynn had learned she had inherited a Castle, that is run currently also as B&B. With a friendly ghost. :) More

Part 1
Part 3

Part 2

1.4K 61 5
By CelticCat

The Next Day:

Brynn woke with a multitude of questions running around her head. Wanting to know the answers from both Braden and the staff.

Sighing when she heard - Hush lass, plenty of time to ask when ye are up and about.

Sighing she replied - I can't relax Braden, I need to know things, its just too much for me to accept after so little time.

She curled into herself crying, willing it all to go away. To shut down until she could cope better. Brynn knew he was in her room now, then felt him brush her forehead before a soft kiss. Then he moved behind her, getting into her bed and just pulling her back into his hold as he surrounded her with soothing words in Gaelic again and his warmth. Letting her cry.

Brynn felt safe in his hold as his body wrapped around her hers. She couldn't stop thinking about the Circle yesterday, their words and the knowledge of what may come. She didn't want to get her hopes up to only be disappointed. She heard Braden sigh as he too now delved into her thoughts, increasing his hold to let her know he wasn't going anywhere.

I'm scared Braden. - she sent.

He chuckled softly, "As am I lass. Tis a lot to ask of ye to accept me as they say. But know I am here and always will be."

She sobbed knowing that in her mind; given he had been there since his own period in history. It was more the now and the future she was scared for. She kept thinking of others who would have visited. Other family who would have had more of a connection to him. Why did it all happen now? Why her?

Braden chuckled, "Life and magic works in mysterious ways lass, none of us truly know how or why. They must have their reasons and have known for more time than we know. Tis nothing we should be scared of though lass, but embrace with their blessings and protection. I understand it must be hard for ye lass, but know I am here and always will be Brynn."

Brynn sniffed, "That's what scares me Braden. What does that mean for you or me? How does that affect us both, or more you?"

He chuckled again adding, "Well lass that all depends on ye love. Can ye learn to love a spirit/soul from the past? Can ye let him into yer heart and life?"

She gasped, "You make it sound so easy and fun! Its not Braden, its terrifying! I understand everyone seems to know it will be so, but I'm only just learning about what you have all known. What does it mean for me? This life here? You?"

Hugging her with chuckles he added, "Lass calm down. All is well and ye can feel me solid enough. All can see me now and that is in most part due to yer acceptance on some level. I know yer chat yesterday would have helped as well and ye know how the staff all feel. Yer uncle was a wise and clever man. I'm sure he knew also in his way but never said anything. I know he too spent many an afternoon visiting the Circle when alone. Ye canna deny fate lass, nor the magic of this place. Ye are a big part of that now and they know it, as do all here."

Brynn had to admit he was right. She felt it as much as it scared her. She knew he would not leave her as well, that her life was about to take on a new turn, one she felt she would never see. Having all but given up on it.

Braden said, "Never give up lass, there is always someone out there for everyone, it just takes time to find them or be found. In yer case, all those around ye knew. Ye just needed that confirmation lass. To have yer questions answered, to understand and hopefully accept. Know that this is all verra real lass, listen to yer inner heart and know it to be so."

She sighed, closing her eyes and reaching within, shocked to find he was right, but it didn't take away her fears.

He nuzzled her whispering, "Let me show ye lass, let me prove to ye it is so and I am yer's, if ye will have me love."

Tears slipped down her cheeks onto the pillow as she knew she wanted to, whispering "I'm still scared Braden."

He chuckled turning her to kiss her forehead, "I know lass, but ye needn't be love. I am here and yer's. Ye can feel me, I'm flesh and blood once more due to the wonderful magic ye have woken in this castle and those of the Circle. Ye know ye have their love and blessing, let me show ye too lass, let all know ye can be happy and I will be that one ye desire as I do ye."

She sniffed as he tilted her face up to his and sealed his words with a kiss that she just melted into.

He chuckled in her head adding - I intend to have ye melt always lass, in more ways than a kiss!

She gasped as he tightened his hold, kissing her again as she sighed into his mouth, enveloping hers. She read his joy, that she was not pulling away but allowing some hope to stand firm in her heart and thoughts.

Braden knew he would always tell her, show her in any way he could. She was his and he knew it. Her uncle had and the Circle also. Even the staff knew so, and understood that the magic surrounding them all, was ALL powerful and just as determined as he was in having Brynn as his.

Brynn just needed to get over her fears and let him. Let them all show her. He smiled into her hair knowing they had the Winter months ahead to show her; to shower her with the love that she deserved, that her uncle had known was rightfully hers. He felt her sniff and cling to his shirt, smiling down at her fiery red hair. He was home again and he loved it. He knew he loved this wonderful amazing woman in his hold and he wasn't letting her go. Braden knew he would make her see that for herself.

He felt her calmer now and eased her back to kiss again saying, "Lass ye should get up, shower and dress. Let me also be more presentable and we can both go down for some much needed breakfast and that coffee that Mary brews. Tis a joy to drink as well as her wonderful cooking. Ye know her baking is to die for, so let's make a move lass, alright?"

Brynn nodded answering, "Okay," then hesitantly asked, "will you join me?" not looking up to see his expression.

Braden chuckled, "Lass if I did we'd never go down. Later my love, I wish to have words with the staff lass, first, alright?"

She felt embarrassed but nodded.

Chuckling again he added, "Dinna be lass, ye have no idea what just holding ye does to me, though perhaps ye can feel. I can wait; just love. So let's move lass, then enjoy our new day together."

Brynn could feel, he was hard and showed strength in controlling his desire. She did not push, respecting his wishes and let him ease her out of bed and through to her en-suite. With an uplifting hug and kiss, he let her stand free, before a pat to her rear then vanishing back to his rooms to do the same.

She soon had the water running allowing the steam to warm the bathroom, then stripped to get in and enjoy. She wanted him to be there, holding her, touching her. The security and comfort his hold gave her.

Sighing when she heard his somewhat chuckle and hoarse sounding thoughts - Stop it lass, I will be, soon enough.

Smiling now she let them go and finished up with her shower, then her morning routine to dress and be ready to go down. Stepping out her door, she was surprised to find him there ready and waiting, arms crossed smiling before he reached for her hand, that she gave to him. Braden pulled her flush once again and kissed her. He smelt so good, so fresh and tasted the same mint flavour of toothpaste she had in her mouth.

He chuckled hugging her hard then semi releasing before saying, "Coffee and breakfast first lass."

Brynn smiled? "Okay Braden, thank you too."

Grinning back at her, he replied, "Always welcome lass. Let's go."

Leading her off and downstairs. Both were greeted with hugs on entering the warm kitchen, then told to sit as Mary and Carol dished up for everyone, then poured the lovely hot coffee for all to enjoy.

It was when Brynn was enjoying a few mouth-fulls of said coffee that Braden addressed all the staff and asked, "As ye all know the whys and wherefores, would ye all consent to me making this lass mine? Permanently?"

Brynn coughed, suddenly choking on her half swallowed coffee, then feeling Braden gently pat her back as she recovered to turn and stare at his big happy grin.

Finally saying, "What?"

The staff all erupted in happy acceptance, saying whole-heartedly that they approved, with a unanimous 'Yes'.

Brynn sat there stunned seeing the joy in the room, reading their relief as well, even though she hadn't responded herself. She looked at Braden who beamed back at her then closed the gap quickly to kiss her hard and with unbridled passion. Hearing the congratulations and happy cheers from the others.

Brynn clung to his shirt, needing to be grounded and some support from the intense emotions flowing into her from him, his joy in making it clear how he felt, what he desired and his thoughts - Aye lass, always and only ye, if ye will have me?

She looked stunned, feeling relief, hope, love wash through her own emotions seeing him pick up on them as well, smiling back at her still stunned expression. But he knew she was going to say yes, he felt it as well, despite her current shocked state. To break it he kissed her again, leaving her somewhat breathless as she tried to swat him, hearing everyone chuckle as she finally replied - Yes;  and out loud also - Yes.

He kissed her hard again then she jumped hearing a cork go, turning to see Jeffrey with a bottle of bubbly before she said, "Bit early in the day for that, isn't it?"

Mary answered, "Rubbish lass, never too early to enjoy a tipple and more so when we have such a grand event to celebrate Brynn."

Jeffrey was soon pouring the pink bubbles handing a glass to them both then the rest before saying "To the Laird and his lovely Lady, we know ye will always both be verra happy together - Braden and Brynn."

"Braden and Brynn" they all repeated then drank.

Brynn sighed, it was semi sweet and so delicious. She heard Braden chuckle as he still semi held her.

Turning Brynn to face him Braden added, "To yer wonderful uncle lass, if not for him I'd not have met ye. He will always be in our hearts lass and who knows, maybe within the Circle in time."

She looked surprised but saw from all that it would be so, sighing and joining the toast to her forever much loved uncle. Silently thanking him for being in her life and soul.

Braden hugged her whispering, "He always will be lass, always remember that Brynn. He loved ye more than his own children."

She sighed, "Why did he not leave them the castle though?"

It was Mary who answered her now, "Lass, his children; yer cousins, never loved it here, they each had a financial gift from the Will and were happy for ye to have this. What they dinna know was just how valuable this place really was. Yer uncle was a canny business man and he saw early on they had no desire to keep this place, so he saw fit to only give them some financial reward. The property, business and grand inheritance was to be yer's, even asking us if we approved."

Brynn gasped, "How could he do that, would they not fight for more?"

Jeffrey chuckled, "They had no interest thus he never shared just how wealthy he was or how valuable this Estate was for all. Yer uncle knew how much ye loved this place and he knew ye would stay and happily let it continue to run as it has for many years. Besides we all knew Braden here was watching over ye and with more than just a friendly manner. Ye heard yesterday how and why; the magic has always been here lass, ye just had to open up and let it in."

She groaned as they all chuckled, "Yes, right, so I keep being told." smiling then added, "But won't my cousins turn around when they realize what they have lost and contest the Will?"

Mary reached across and patted her hands, "Lass he was a clever man, he had it drawn into the Will on their parts that they could never contest, or they would lose their financial gifts. Ye know they never wanted to be here, they never loved it nor wanted to work here. They will never contest and never know the extent of how he was the shrewd business man. When they do finally see, it twill be too late lass. They made their choices, they accepted his words and their money. Lass they have also signed a document that is amongst those from the lawyer, which states quite clearly, they will never contest, no matter what they should see or discover; each made their choices, now they have to live with them."

Brynn sighed as Braden hugged her asking, "Are ye alright love?"

Nodding she finally managed a smile. Feeling as though a weight had been lifted and she could relax and allow herself to settle into this new and exciting life. Everyone grinned at her, all suddenly cheering with a loud resounding - Ye can and ye will!

Groaning she turned into Braden's chest feeling him chuckle as they all chatted away. She read their relief that she was finally able to relax, to accept this was her life now and she could and would be very happy there. Again sending out her silent thanks to her uncle and the Circle, hearing faint words of- welcome and be happy.

She knew she would and would tell them all so, on her next visit to the Circle. Braden smiled back at her then another kiss before more conversation and laughter, filled their long breakfast. Brynn relaxed more, feeling good and happy, getting the odd - told you so from all.

Afterwards they were both shooed out until lunchtime. Braden led her through to her uncle's old office, now hers and set her down in his comfortable leather high backed chair. She felt swamped in it but so cozy as Braden went through a locked draw giving her the key and the documents.

"Lass these are from yer uncle, he wanted ye to read after he was gone and it explains more clearly what ye have learn't over breakfast Brynn. He trusted me with yer care long before ye became aware of me and I suspect he knew ye were the connection I needed to be whole again, as did the Circle." smiling as he kissed her then pulled a chair over to sit beside her as they opened the documents together to read.

Some he read out loud smiling at her uncle's humour and cheeky nature. She loved him still and his playfulness, glad she had stayed and now always could, but never be alone again. They were interrupted mid morning by the smell of coffee arriving and sighed enjoying some of Marys wonderful baking as well. Braden had hugged her as she laughed, before leaving them again to talk and read.

By lunchtime she had a better understanding of why it was all now hers and not just Braden's love. Reading between the lines she felt there had been some plotting on both parts, as she realized Braden must have known she was the catalyst to bring him back, that he too had known as his fondness, then his love had grown for her. He picked her up, re sitting with her on his lap just enjoying holding her as he let her go over her thoughts and the realization of how it all had panned out.

Chuckling against her hair as she realized she could and would be happy, that he was hers and always would be. Sighing as he nuzzled his fiery red headed lass. Relaxing into his hold as she gave thanks yet again. Knowing she always would.

Braden chuckled, "Never hurts to do so lass and I know they all appreciate it to. As ye do to. But lass," turning her to hold her face again he added "can ye love me in return and be truly happy?"

She smiled tracing his face, pushing his hair back before kissing him then said, "I can Braden, yes I feel love; it's a warmth I never thought I would enjoy and feels so right. I think deep down I have always loved you, from the first time uncle showed me your portrait, I felt drawn to it for some reason, never really understanding, though I see now he did, as do the others."

Braden chuckled as he tightened his hold briefly? "Aye lass they did, though on yer uncles request they kept it quiet, as did I. As we waited for the right time. Sadly it was after he passed but that too was in part due to his requests that we all respected. He was a grand man love, who will always be loved and missed. No more tears though my lass, please."

She smiled, "Will do my best my laird, thank you for filling me in though. Kinda makes it that much clearer now too. And yes I will miss him too, but know he is not in pain and happy now. But I have to ask, where does that place us now in the scheme of things Braden?"

He hugged her laughing, "Oh lass, it places us together always. To love and live here in happiness. To enjoy the legacy yer wise and savvy uncle left ye and a home for us both to love and live in. And given I have the staff approval, I plan to wed ye and make ye the true Lady of the Castle if ye will Brynn?

She grinned, "Will you now?"

Squealing as he suddenly dipped her on his lap before pulling back for a breathless kiss adding, "I will my love! So will ye consent to be mine Brynn? Will ye wed me and become the true Lady of the Castle; our home?"

Tracing his face, smiling as he watched her, then she leaned in to whisper against his lips, "Yes Braden, I will."

She squealed as he suddenly lept up swirling her around as he whooped for joy, then stopped asking, "Are ye sure lass?"

Grinning, "Yes Braden, I said so three times now my Laird.

He smiled, "True lass but the first time ye choked in shock, This time I still was not too sure ye meant it."

Holding his face as she smiled she replied, "I do, I will; I am my Laird."

Braden grinned relieved and very happy as he hugged her, kissing her back before re sitting as they chatted more about what her uncle had wished for her and more now, that she had accepted him. She learned that her uncle had set up plans for her eventual wedding when she chose to settle down. He had even lined up a celebrant to marry them, along with the staff as their witnesses.

Brynn suddenly asked, "Can you leave the castle Braden?" holding her breath as she waited for his reply.

Smiling before a firm kiss he replied, "Yes my love. I can and we will, why do ye ask lass?"

Letting out her held breath and sigh she asked, "Can we do so at the Circle?"

He chuckled, "Of course lass, I'm sure they would be very honored to have us say our vows there and know yer uncle would be there in spirit to witness as well. We will let the others know over lunch Brynn, alright? Then await the approval of the celebrant and his being free to do so love."

Brynn smiled then thought of what to wear; she had nothing suitable with her for a wedding, no dresses as such. Not really wearing them in her life to date.

Braden chuckled, "Lass there are some gowns here that may well fit ye, we can but try and find one suitable to wed in?"

She sighed, "Okay Braden, can't hurt to try I guess."

He smiled, "Nay lass and I feel sure one will be just perfect for our ceremony. Now though, I can here footsteps lass, so we should make a move to enjoy our lunch and can see what they have organized."

Brynn looked puzzled then on probing gasped with Braden kissing her saying, "We will not waste any time my lass, so after lunch I will take ye to see the gowns, or more the one I wish ye will be happy to wear I hope?"

Sighing she nodded ,"Just as crafty as my uncle I see, my laird!"

He laughed, "I have to be with ye lass, I will not waste time, enough has passed as it is and I intend to make up for lost time and have ye as mine as soon as able lass."

He playfully picked her up, slinging her over his shoulder just as Mary popped her head round and laughed. Moving aside for them to pass through then follow back to the kitchen. On arrival he swatted her rear saying they were going to enjoy lunch then sort out her gown. Mary and Jeffrey added they had called their friend, a celebrant; finding her free in a days time. Only too happy to come by to marry the new Laird and his Lady.

Mary added they would prepare a lovely luncheon for all to enjoy, giving them a choice for the evening. Braden had looked to Brynn who smiled saying she would prefer one of Mary's delicious roasts with all the trimmings and a hot desert with custard and cream. Everyone had chuckled but were happy to accommodate her desires. Even Braden loved the sound of her wish and agreed. Neither really wanted a fuss made but knew they would do something.

After lunch and more plans were made for the day, Braden led her back upstairs to the wing usually locked. Once through, he continued to lead her to a room she had not yet explored and found it more of a woman's parlor. She glanced at Braden, seeing him smile and followed as he took her to a wardrobe, opening it to suddenly gasp seeing gowns, that looked virtually brand new!

Braden chuckled, "They are lass. Another of yer uncle's planning ahead details love."

Brynn moved forward as he stepped back now that the doors were wide open and she could have a closer look. Touching the fabrics she was in awe of the textures, weight and softness. Wanting to see them move.

Braden came up behind her saying? "Ye will love, if yer happy to wear one, ye can try on now?"

She nodded and turning smiled said, "They are so  beautiful Braden, amazing and feel so light as well."

He chuckled, "Well they are made with the fabrics from today lass. Yer uncle just used designs from my birth period in time."

He pulled one forward saying, "This is the one I had in mind lass. Would ye care to try it on?"

She nodded as he took the gown out, hanging it on the door then helped her undress to her underwear.

She suddenly felt nervous but he just hugged her with a kiss saying, "I love ye lass, never forget that."

He moved to gather the gown up and carefully slipped it up over her head and fed her arms into the 3/4 bell shaped sleeves, enjoying the way it cut across her bust, showing just enough cleavage to enjoy, kissing it as she gasped. Brynn knew she'd not need a bra when she saw it as it had a semi boned bodice that thankfully did not cut into her shape. She did gasp as he pulled the ties close, trapping her in the gown, then fluffed up the skirts as she grinned.

Turning her around in a spin as it semi flowed outwards, then pulled her in for a kiss before turning her back to the floor length mirror to see for herself just how it looked. Bryn gasped. Not a fan of dresses, she couldn't get over how amazing it looked. She turned to Braden who stood smiling as she read his approval with his choice.

He moved up behind her wrapping his arms around her saying softly, "My love ye look stunning in this gown; it sets yer hair of so well and matches yer amazing character. Do ye like it lass?"

She smiled hugging his arms replying, "It's so beautiful Braden, I love it. Surprised it fits so well also. I feel my uncle had a hand in the sizing as well?"

Braden chuckled, "Aye he did lass, he felt ye would be happy knowing as well as wearing them. Ye do know there are events that ye need to dress for from time to time, thus he had these gowns made for ye. I will ask for them to be moved lass, if ye are agreeable I'd like ye to move into my larger suite? I know ye will find all you need there as well."

Brynn rolled her eyes suddenly reading everything she used and loved had been stocked by her uncle, so the room was a near mirror image for its accessories, with the added addition of his own personal items. Braden hugged her reading her happy to and also happy at yet more revelations as to how organized her crafty uncle had been. Once she had dressed, Braden took the dress with them as they left, then wandered back to his suite, that he wished for her to make 'theirs'.

Braden opened the door letting her through first, following her in. She was surprised at how lovely it looked and felt her uncle had been influential as well in the decor, taking into account of her personal tastes too. Chuckling as she turned to Braden smiling.

Brynn said, "It's lovely Braden, again I see uncle had a hand in its styling?"

Braden chuckled, "He did lass and knew ye would approve. So will ye move in here with me now lass?"

He hung up the gown as he watched her movements and then walked over to him reaching out a hand to touch him, feeling him shudder and sigh.

She smiled up, "Yes Braden I'd love to, thank you my Laird."

Grinning he grabbed her in an uplifting hug followed by a hard hungry and passionate kiss. She giggled loving his joy and play-fullness. Followed by more kisses leaving her a little breathless now as well.

As he still held her, she smiled asking hesitantly, "My Laird, I need you."

He held her tightly groaning as he whispered, "I need ye too lass, so badly. A part of me feels I should wait lass till we are wed, but another wants ye so badly right now."

She smiled tracing his face adding, "Does it really matter Braden? I am yours my laird; we are sealing our joining in a days time. I will respect your wishes though."

Bryn read he was battling his desire, even though he knew she was his now and always. Resting his forehead to hers he sighed.

Both jumped when they suddenly heard her uncle send - Oh for gods sake man, take her, love her, this is not the 1700s Braden, ye dinna have to wait as much as it pains ye son. I know ye love her and she loves ye too, there is no harm in letting go son, just always love her and enjoy yer lives together.

Brynn chuckled sending - Thanks uncle.

Braden sighed, "Alright old man I will, I need to, I canna think of nothing else when I hold her".

Brynn grinned as he kissed her hard, walking towards the huge bed. He dropped her as she chuckled, then squealed as he nearly ripped her few clothes off then his own. Brynn gasped seeing him totally naked for the first time. He was massive, muscled, even had a beautiful Celtic knot-work Wolf tattoo on his left side, As he climbed over her she reached up to touch it; trace it as he grinned down enjoying her art as well.

Braden leaned down, chest to chest as he kissed her. Brynn sighed loving the feel of his flesh on hers, the warmth he generated that seemed to touch her soul.

Braden smiled with a kiss saying, "All yer's my love, now and forever my Lady."

She sighed as he kissed her again then moved down her body, kissing with playful nips, sucking on each of her breasts as she arched up touching his body as she could. Loving the softness from one born of hard times; his powerful arms that held her and touched exciting her further. Finally pushing her legs apart to enjoy her scent, then taste as she gasped being so sensitive to his touch and play. It wasn't long before she came, whimpering as her body flushed with her sated bliss.

Braden smiled moving up to kiss her then wriggled again between her legs. Brynn wanted to give him pleasure pleading with him but he made it quite clear he would not last and he needed to stake his claim as her Laird first. Promising her other moments to give back if she desired. Brynn suddenly arched up as Braden eased in then a final push, filling her. He was in awe of how tight she was, loving the way her body enveloped his hard cock.

Brynn wanted him to move but he held her still, "Nay lass, if ye push, I will be undone. Please let me lass."

She willed herself to let him take control again, loving how he had her body humming with need. Braden managed deep, hard slow thrusts initially, but as their joint desire grew, so did their need to reach their joint climax. Brynn was soon begging as Braden gave in to their desire and need, picking up his pace, thrusting harder and as deep as he could go within her body. Loving how she arched up to meet him, then collapsing onto the bed. Growling as he pushed her body through the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced, soon following her with a final hard deep thrust. As he exploded within, roaring his release then apologizing for yelling in her ear.

Brynn just managed to chuckle as he hugged her tightly, heaving as she too, slowly came down from her high. Braden kissed her to stop her chuckles. Each hugging the other tightly as he rolled them to their sides, not wishing to crush her with his weight.

He worried he was too heavy asking, "Are ye alright love? Please answer me lass?"

She smiled kissing him as he now smiled back with Brynn replying, "Shattered my laird."

He laughed hugging her hard, relieved and very happy as she added, "So am I Braden, so am I. And yes my laird, I do love you too, now and forever my sexy Scot."

Brynn read his joy. Felt it in his hold and sigh, then out loud she yelled, "Thank you uncle."

Both heard his chuckle in their heads with his reply - Ye are verra welcome my dear nice, just be happy and in love. As I know Braden is with ye. And I shall see ye both at the Circle in a days time my dear .

Braden kissed her again smiling as she grinned back, moving to trace his face. Enjoying the love she felt and his sexy smile beaming back at her.

Braden smiled, "Well lass, when I slip free of my Lady's body, I would suggest we enjoy a quick shower. Then relax Brynn before joining everyone for dinner. There is a TV in here, carefully hidden. Another of yer uncle's little treats.

Brynn laughed, "Well I doubt we'd be watching much my Laird, but at times it might be fun to watch the odd movie or anything that interests you?"

Laughing Braden replied, "It may surprise ye lass, to know I did watch quite a bit with ye uncle, we had similar interests and each enjoyed facets of your period in life. There is also a rather decent sized collection of movies to enjoy as well, so at some stage lass we can both go through and select those ye wish to see together."

Chuckling Brynn added, "Sounds great Braden, I will enjoy finding some to watch as well as standard TV when not busy with you?"

He laughed again hugging her hard and then chuckled when she sighed feeling him finally slip free of her warmth. Kissing her hard then quickly taking her from the bed through for that shower. Even helping her to clip her hair up out of the way. She chuckled enjoying his help then each helping to clean the other. Despite only wanting to clean up, they did make love again, before a final rinse and getting out, dried and dressed.

Brynm loved how he was so relaxed now; it felt so good and comforting. He hugged her hard letting her know it was and so should she be the same. Brynn was and said so before they both left hand in hand, heading back downstairs to the private lounge, normally shut off to the general public who stayed or toured the vastle. It was so cozy with the large fire burning then drinks that Braden soon made, bringing to her on the large couch. He had laughed when she told him she hated Whiskey, but had Brandy amongst other drinks, so made her what she desired.

Their afternoon passed in comfort, relaxed with conversation and some TV. Later joining the others for a wonderful dinner and another of her favourite deserts. Despite being told they need not help clean up, they did. It was fun and they nutted out more details for their day with everyone. After coffees and liqueurs, the did all part for their own rooms or apartments, with suggestions on having a good nights rest, for their day tomorrow.

Groaning in reply, Brynn was swept up by Braden as he joked he was getting in plenty of practice in carrying his bride over the threshold afterwards. Chuckling she just hung on as he almost raced upstairs to their rooms now and found all her personal items and clothing now put away in the room.

Braden just chuckled, very happy seeing it also, now done. They undressed getting into bed, where Braden did reveal the cleverly hidden TV from its hiding place, as they settled back in the bed to watch some, talking and enjoying just cuddling under the covers that were now pulled up around them both.

Braden knew when she had dozed off, feeling her heart rate settle and her body heavier in his hold. He smiled turning the TV off and moving her carefully to be flat on the bed still within his arms.

Kissing her forehead then lips softly he whispered, "I love ye Brynn. I love that ye are mine for all time now".

He chuckled seeing her smile then hear - I love you too Braden, more than I thought possible. So happy too sexy, thank you my Laird.

Smiling he added, "Rest well my love, go back to sleep."

Seeing her smile again he kissed her forehead as he held her snug in his hold, letting sleep take him now as well.

To be continued....

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