Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystali...

بواسطة BlizzardPlays

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What if the overlord put a spell on Lloyd on his heart? In this story it's like the original but with musical... المزيد

Farewell the sea
The call of home
The shape of wind and water
A mayor problem
Public enemies 1,2,3,4 and 5
A painful promise
Ninjago city vs Ninja
Kryptarium prison blues
Hounddog Mcbrag
The benefit of Grief
The fifth Villian
The Council of the Crystal King
A sinister shadow
The spider's design
The fall of the monastery
Darkness within
The Coming of the King
Return to Primeval's Eye
A Lesson in Anger and Love
Forbidden Crystal love
Quittin Time
Return of the ice emperor
Safe Haven
Distress Calls
An issue of trust
Dragon Form
Love within the Roots


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بواسطة BlizzardPlays

Narrator: P.I.X.A.L.

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 26.

Word count: 2,1k

Warning: nothing but singing

Song name: One kiss (P.I.X.A.L. Version.)

(In the newspaper warehouse, Kai gives a speech to the refugees.)

Kai: Yes. The Overlord's army has overrun the city and driven us into hiding. Yes, we're scared and tired, but there's some good news. It's noodle time! (He hands bowls of noodles around.) Noodles for you! And you! And you! See? Your face has a hard time being sad when you're shoving noodles into it. And don't worry, there's plenty to go around! Skylor and I found a ton of supplies in a nearby warehouse! She's cooking up more as we speak. (Kai looks at Skylor cooking some noodles.)

Skylor: I know noodles! I grew up around my dad's noodle houses, after all. Sure, they were all just fronts for his criminal enterprise, but you still pick up a thing or two. (She throws a carrot in the air and slices it up and it falls in the pan.)

Man #1: Wow!

Man #2: Looks good. (Kai walks to Skylor as she sees the flame dying out.)

Skylor: Flame's dying. Give me an assist?

Kai: Sure, (He uses fire to make the flame stronger.) I'll heat things up for ya. Y'know, we do make a pretty good team. So uh ... guess it's about time we made it official. We'll be a couple from now on, cool? (Skylor looked at him with dissatisfaction.)

Skylor: Are you serious?

Kai: Uh... uh... yeah?

Skylor: Well, great timing, Kai! (She hits him on the stomach with the spoon.) You disappear for ages and I don't hear from you like I've been forgotten. Then, out of nowhere, during the biggest crisis ever, you spring this couple stuff on me?

Kai: (He sighs.) Sorry. My elemental powers were stolen, and then I was trapped in this icy realm, and then I got stuck inside a video game, and wound up on this mountain with an evil king with a talking skull, and we have to fight our friend who was the skull warrior. And then my sister got turned into the ocean, so... yeah. It's been kinda weird.

Skylor: How about we save Ninjago first, (she pours noodles in a bowl and passes to more people.) then maybe we talk about us?

Wu: Oh, these symbols make no sense! It's not the Old Tongue, it's not Merlopian, it's ... it's just gibberish!

Misako: Perhaps you need a break, Wu. I find if I step away for a moment, it's possible to see things in a new —

Cole: Woo hoo! We did it, Master Wu! (Wu, Misako, Kai and Skylor ran to Cole and Nelson not knowing that the paper Wu threw has something special.)

Wu: What is it, Cole?

Cole: Oh, nothing, we just managed to adjust the dispatch radio to the same frequency as our ninja comms, is all. What would you like to say? (He gives Wu the radio.)

Wu: This is Master Wu to all ninja. Can anyone read me?

Christina: Master Wu? It's Christina. I read you!

Garmadon: Who is that? Is it my brother? Tell him we're not home. (Morro shakes his head.)

Jay: This is Jay. I'm with Nya. Great to hear your voice!

P.I.X.A.L.: P.I.X.A.L. here. I too am receiving you. Zane is with me, but he is currently indisposed.

Cole: Kai and I are with Skylor and Master Wu. We're holed up with a bunch of people at the —

Wu: Careful, Cole. Our radio signal could be intercepted.

Cole: In a place where the news never sleeps.

Nya: The newspaper warehouse!

Jay: We read you loud and clear! Nya and I are headed to the harbor to see if she can send a signal to Benthomaar and the Merlopians! Maybe they can help!

Morro: Send a signal? Like that time with the whales?

Lloyd: Nya, are your powers coming back? (Nya tries out her powers near the canal showing that her powers only works for a bit.)

Nya: Sort of. I'm just not sure it'll be enough.

Wu: It's worth a try. We need all the help we can get.

Lloyd: Agreed. I'm with my father, along with Morro and Christina.

Morro: We were looking for the Serpentine in their library, but we didn't have any luck. They've all disappeared.

Garmadon: Seriously, is that my brother? Is he talking about me? What's he saying? (Lloyd covers his mouth.)

Lloyd: Shh!

P.I.X.A.L.: I might be able to provide some assistance.

(In the background, Fugi-Dove fiddles around with his mech and sends Killow and Ronin flying.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Though I'm not sure how reliable they will be.

Wu: Then we must keep looking. I believe it's time to call in an old favor.

Cole: Princess Vania?

Wu: When we left Shintaro, I seem to recall her telling you if you ever needed help, all you had to do was call.

Cole: She did, but we're gonna need a much stronger transmitter than this to get a message as far as Shintaro.

Vinny: Um, excuse me? What about NGTV's broadcast tower? That could get a signal to Shintaro.

Skylor: It's on the other side of town. How would anyone get there?

Vinny: My news van is parked outside.

Cole: The streets are crawling with crystal warriors. We'd never make it.

Blazey: (She talks with the radio.) You might... with the right driver!

Kai: Racer Seven?

Blazey: That was my Prime Empire name. I got a normal name now.

Kai: Oh, cool! What is it?

Blazey: Blazey H. Speed!

Cole: That's... great. Really normal. What's the "H" stand for?

Blazey: Hyper.

Kai: Are you sure you can get us to the NGTV Tower, Blazey Hyper Speed?

Blazey: Does the car have wheels?

(At Borg Tower, Ultra Violet tries out her mech.)

P.I.X.A.L.: The user interface is very intuitive. You should have no problem adapting to the controls.

Ultra Violet: Oh, yeah. This feels kinda good! What's this do? (She fires at Borg's computer, causing part of it to explode.) Awesome! With one of these, I bet I could take down those stupid ninja once and for — (She notices P.I.X.A.L.'s glare.) never. Because that's not what I would do at all. Heh... only save lives and be good.

Fugi-Dove: Fugi-Dove is no more ... for behold! I am now... Mecha-Dove! Check out my moves! (He accidentally crashes into Borg's computer.) My whirring servos fill the night! Awesome, right?

(Killow struggles to fit into his mech.)

P.I.X.A.L.: The mech's appendages are equipped with ergonomic expandable isomorphic nanostructures.

Cyrus Borg: P.I.X.A.L.? (She comes over to Cyrus Borg with Zane.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Any change?

Cyrus Borg: Zane's neural net processor is fully operational, but his memory banks are damaged. He's like a person in a coma.

P.I.X.A.L.: An unfortunate analogy, just like with Christina after that Fire Lightning tornado incident. But coma patients have been known to recover.

Cyrus Borg: Some, but... Zane isn't human. He's a Nindroid.

P.I.X.A.L.: Is there nothing else you can do?

Cyrus Borg: I can try one or two more tricks, but...

P.I.X.A.L.: I understand. Please do what you can. (She puts her hand on Zane's head.)

(On the streets, Blazey, Cole, and Vinny make their way to the van but sees a lot of infected people around it.)

Cole: So, you really think you can get us there in this?

Vinny: What's wrong with it?

Cole: Nothing. It's just not exactly the kind of vehicle Racer — I mean Blazey — used to win the Speedway Five-Billion.

Blazey: Doesn't matter. If it moves, I can race it. (She blasts a nearby car to distract the crystalized citizens and the three board the van.)

Vinny: Now, the one thing is, repairs come out of my paycheck, so... heh.

Blazey: Vinny, is it? I'm gonna be straight with you, Vinny. That paycheck of yours? Kiss it goodbye.

(She drives off as Vinny screams.)

(At Borg Tower, Borg was looking on his computer and then disconnects a wire from Zane.)

Cyrus Borg: I'm sorry, P.I.X.A.L..

Ultra Violet: Time's tickin'! We're ready to roll!

P.I.X.A.L.: Zane? Can you hear me? It's me. P.I.X.A.L..

(Borg sighs and wheels himself away to give P.I.X.A.L. privacy.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Please, Zane. If you can hear me, give me a sign. Anything. (Zane remains motionless.) It seems the Zane I knew is gone. (To the others) I will say my goodbyes, and then we will join the fight. (She then realizes something.) Wait, when Christina was in her Coma, Morro decided to kiss her on the forehead and that woke her up.

Ultra Violet: And what does that have to do with it? Do you know how to kiss?

P.I.X.A.L.: I don't know, but it's worth a shot.

Here's the original song for this chapter idea.

P.I.X.A.L. (Killow, Ultra Violet and Fugi-dove.):
Don't freak out, it's okay
'Cause true love can save the day
And I think we feel the same
But I don't know
When we met, it was sweet
He was oh so into me
Seems like things are meant to be
But I don't know
Does he love me? Or does he love me not?
Do I love him? And is it strong enough?
One kiss, one kiss (one kiss)
It all comes down to this
One kiss, one kiss (one kiss)
One kiss, one kiss (one kiss)
This moment could be it
I, I, I wanna know
So here I go (go)
Keep it cool, keep it calm
Think he's loved me all along
But maybe I got it wrong
So I don't know (hey)
He's so good, got my back
But maybe I'm just too bad
Could we be a perfect match?
Now, I don't know
Does he love me? Or does he love me not?
Do I love him? And is it strong enough? Ooh-ooh-ooh
One kiss, one kiss (one kiss)
It all comes down to this
One kiss, one kiss (one kiss)
One kiss, one kiss (one kiss)
This moment could be it
I, I, I wanna know
So here I go (go)
Yeah, here I go (Ah-oop)
I feel my heartbeat beating saying, "It's gonna work"
But if I'm dream-dream-dreaming, this is gonna hurt
Either I will or I won't
What if I do and he don't?
Is he my Romeo?
Oh, there's only one, one way to really know
Hey, one kiss, one kiss
It all comes down to this (one kiss)
One kiss, one kiss (one kiss)
One kiss, one kiss
This moment could be it
I, I, I wanna know (I wanna know)
So here I go (go)
Here I go
Here I go (here I go, here I go)
Here I go. (She stops singing and walks to Zane.)

P.I.X.A.L.: (To Zane) Zane. I was once just a Nindroid. A machine. And then, long ago, in a different battle, you gave up half your power source to save me. In that moment, you changed me. I felt things ... I never felt before. I felt ... love. For you. Our friends need us now, and I must go to battle. If I am able, I will return. I do not know if there is anything after this life for beings such as you or I, but if there is... I will find you there. Goodbye, my Zane. (She kisses him, then turns to the others.) I am ready now.

(She walks away somberly. Just then, Zane wakes up.)

Zane: P.I.X.A.L.? P.I.X.A.L..

P.I.X.A.L.: Zane? (She screams in joy.) You're alive! (She leaps into Zane's arms and he spins her around.)

Cyrus: But — how?

Zane: I do not know. All I know is, I heard P.I.X.A.L.'s voice, and suddenly, I remembered. You brought me back. And P.I.X.A.L. Your a great singer. (He and P.I.X.A.L. Hugs each other while The others shed tears quietly while Fugi-Dove sobs.)

Ultra Violet: Are you crying?

Fugi-Dove: I'm not crying, you're crying!

Ultra Violet: Ugh, enough waiting around. We've got some crystal warriors to smash! You ready or not?

P.I.X.A.L.: One moment. MiniPix, do you copy? Have you finished installing the auto-flight system on my mech? (MiniPix Seven beeps.) Good. I require it at once. Please dispatch it to my coordinates. (To the others) Now I am ready.

Differences from the original
•P.I.X.A.L. sings One kiss along Killow, Ultra Violet and Fugi-Dove as the backup singers
(Nothing much.)

Yea there's not a lot for this chapter but a musical scene but stay tuned for the next chapter.

If there's any mistakes please tell me and I'll fix them.

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