โ๐ƒ๐‘๐€๐๐„๐“๐Ž๐Œ๐Ž๐๐ˆ๐€โž โ”...

By wistfulthoughts

21.2K 1K 7.6K

drapetomonia - the overwhelming urge to run away. โ” When Junia Beaumont, her brother and their classmates get... More

00. prologue
โ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐ˆ - ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Œ๐„๐๐“๐Ž๐‘.โž
01. the fourth of july
02. rigged
03. cattle cars
04. the monkey enclosure
05. hypotheticals
06. consequences
07. back at the zoo
08. the questionnaire
09. mentor and tribute
10. blood
11. grief, sorrow and anger
12. afternoon sun
13. a proposal
14. somber morning
15. arachne's funeral
16. the arena
17. the hospital
18. wounds
โ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐ˆ๐ˆ - ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐“๐‘๐€๐ˆ๐“๐Ž๐‘.โž
19. a visitor
20. the spare key
21. a nightly visit
22. test subject C
23. guns and axes
24. of snakes and antidotes
25. preparations
26. last steps
27. backstage
28. the interview
29. closer
30. one last measure
31. countdown
32. murder and mercy
33. rescue mission
34. kiss of life
35. eleven remain
36. Lamina
37. what it means to be human
38. a deal with a snake
39. the grand finale
โ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐ˆ๐ˆ๐ˆ - ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐•๐ˆ๐‚๐“๐Ž๐‘.โž
40. reunion
41. clash of views
42. the future
43. dread
44. the hypocrisy of it all
45. don't be a stranger
46. a sister's guilt
47. goodbye, capitol
48. home
49. family line
50. survivor's guilt
51. the market
52. sketches
53. Rachis
54. the Pine
55. a broken boy
56. Happy birthday, Treech
57. twins
58. the wedding

59. epilogue

324 14 236
By wistfulthoughts

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59. epilogue

In the Capitol, the news of the Beaumont family's oldest children leaving spreads like wildfire.

Max, the youngest child, finds himself in the middle of it all, unable to make complete sense of their disappearance and what follows after. Even at the tender age of ten years old, he's able to grasp that there's something bigger at play here than just his sister's affection for her tribute or his brother's disdain for the Capitol.

Nevertheless, it seems as though no one wants to tell him the truth. He has their letters, and Ma Plinth often sneaks him little notes he knows come from them, but the story his parents fabricate and tell him is completely different. At least his father's. He says they've left because they were unable to understand the Capitol's greatness and that they took their privileged lives for granted.

Max knows that's not true. His siblings wouldn't just leave unless they had a good reason to. Right? They'd never leave him for their own selfish reasons... right?

His mother's silence is unnerving, but he hears her cry at night. June's departure hit her hard, but Cas leaving truly was the final blow Max knows his big brother never wanted to deal. It's just not his style.

Against everything his father tries to tell him, Max is firm in his belief that his siblings didn't just leave because they're ungrateful or hate the Capitol now. The only thing that hurts him is that they were never able to tell him why.

Is it because he's too young? Because they were worried he might tell someone? Their letters are a testament to their regret; however, he can easily decipher that, wherever in Seven they are, they're happy.

And maybe that's all that matters. To him, that's all that should matter. But still, a part of him misses his siblings in a way he never felt before. He was never as close with them as they were with each other, but the house feels deserted and void of life without them.

Both of his parents bury themselves in their work. Without his siblings, he's a stranger in his own home. He wants them to come back, but no matter how much he hopes, it never happens. All he has are their letters and written words of regret and sorrow.

He misses them more than anything else in the world. So much that he wishes they had just taken him with them.

Adeena Beaumont is unable to make amends with the fact that her work is ultimately one of the factors that drove her oldest children away from her. She drowns herself in her research because the day the 10th Hunger Games came to an end, the preparations for the 11th Hunger Games were already well on their way.

And so, she seeks revenge in the one way that she knows no one will see coming. Not even her own husband.

After the success of the 10th Hunger Games, Adeena is unable to grasp the idea that Dr. Gaul considers them a failure. Every single copy is to be eradicated and wiped off the face of the earth. Even after everything, after all the work that was put into the Games, nothing seems to be enough to satisfy the woman. Adeena's admiration turns sour, but she's still one of the first to dive into research for next year's Games.

Dr. Gaul's so-called "rainbow of destruction" is to be succeeded by something else, something bigger. With the public's growing interest in the Games, the location for those the year after is to be different for the first time ever. The Gamemakers decide on an abandoned hydropower plant on the outskirts of the Capitol, hoping its open landscape will make things more entertaining for the viewers at home.

And with the 11th Games, of course, come new mutts. As the new arena comes with a water source, Dr. Gaul chooses eels that have been genetically altered to be faster and stronger. They're designed to pick up on small drops of blood, so any tribute seeking to clean their wounds in the water will immediately fall victim to them. They're fast, thicker than regular eels, and meant to wrap themselves around their prey to immobilize them with small electroshocks, ultimately ending their demise with a dosage of poison that even last year's snakes couldn't compete with.

And no one knows them quite like Adeena Beaumont does.

As it was in the year before, Adeena is assigned the task of creating a suitable antivenom. The eels are tested for the rest of the year and well into the next. Various Avoxes fall to their victim, but Adeena's research is successful once more, and she's able to create an antivenom that is effective in a way nothing else she has ever invented is.

When the 11th Hunger Games are in their final preparation phase shortly after the reaping, the eels are to be transported into the arena the exact same way the snakes were the year before. A tank is hooked to the bottom of a drone, this time under Dr. Gaul's watchful gaze, but right as it's supposed to take off, all hell breaks loose.

The tank shatters, and the eels swarm the laboratory. They swallow everything and everyone in close vicinity, including the Head Gamemakers, the assistants, and other researchers in the lab. Among its victims are not only Adeena's colleagues but also Dr. Gaul and the apprentice Gamemaker Coriolanus Snow.

No one saw it coming. In fact, not even Adeena watched it unfold as she left the lab as soon as she knew her plan would succeed. However, she doesn't get very far. Some speculate she never wanted to get away, because the glee in her eyes during the trial when confronted with the lab's footage speaks volumes.

It was all intentional, and she doesn't regret a thing.

The Games are to blame for her children's departure. Those are also the same words she repeatedly utters during her short trial.

After all of these years, after everything she did to support the Games and aid the Gamemakers, all of that was in vain. She only ever did it for her children and for their future, but she never realized that this wasn't what they wanted until it was too late.

And if the Games take her children away from her, she'll take the Games away from the Capitol. In the only way she knows how.

Her trial is short, and Adeena Beaumont is sentenced to death not even two weeks after that incident at the Department of War. She's executed publicly, much like everyone else that the Capitol deems a traitor and a rebel, and her husband follows shortly after.

There was never any proof for his involvement, and although he vehemently denies having known anything, he doesn't protest when he's sentenced to the same fate as his wife, not even a few days later.

This leaves Max all alone and vulnerable. As the sole heir to the Beaumont fortune, many of their family friends soon debated who would be taking the poor boy in. As the family's name is tarnished, Maximus Asclepius Beaumont becomes Maximus Asclepius Beaumont-Vickers shortly after his twelfth birthday, taking on the name of the family that took him in and cared for him like one of their own.

Lysistrata, once his sister's best friend, becomes a big sister for him in her very own way. Even though June never explicitly asked her to guide her brother on the right path, Lyssie makes sure that Max grows up in a way she knows will make his siblings proud. She misses both June and Cas more than words can say, but she finds some comfort in the fact that she can protect their little brother when they're not here to do the same thing.

The 11th Hunger Games are a disaster. Without the muttations, even the Games' new arena can't do much to amaze the crowd. They drag on endlessly, and when a girl named Mags from District Four is crowned the victor after two long and excruciating weeks, the Games have not even half the number of people watching as the previous year.

The entire lab was as good as destroyed, rendering it practically useless. There's not much for the remaining Gamemakers to work with, and so the 12th Games aren't able to turn things around. The Capitol tries to motivate the tributes, promising every victor a lavish home in their respective District, but this project is soon abandoned after the Games that year because it can't motivate people to bet or donate anymore.

The people in the Capitol are bored to death, and the Games are at the same level of popularity as just before the 10th two years prior. Nothing they do is able to salvage it, and any attempts at rekindling the Capitol's interest are quickly extinguished by an aura of disinterest and apathy.

Two more attempts are made, but as their popularity continues to drop, the Capitol announces not even a week after the 14th Games have passed that they are to be canceled.

Max feels indifferent about it, long out of touch with the excitement he first felt when he watched Treech in the arena four years ago, but about a year later, he knows this was for the better.

He hears the train's wheels rhythmically click-clacking on the tracks below, feels the wind ruffling through his hair as it slows down, and feels a sense of anxiety he's unfamiliar with washing over him. Even after everything that life has thrown at him, Max is never one to lose his cool. He remains optimistic, but all things considered, he knows it's hard.

The way his leg has been bouncing for the last hour or so is enough to let his company know that he's nervous. Even when he first came to their home, Lyssie knows she has never seen Max this nervous before. His nervous habits take her back to her four years at the Academy. She sat next to his sister all that time, and she has seen her little habits of soothing her nerves. They're identical, although Max takes more after Cas in most ways, he has his sister's exact mannerisms.

But she understands his restlessness. On one hand, he has never left the Capitol, but on the other hand, he's simply unsure how his siblings will react. He's older, has matured and grown, and must fear rejection. She feels the same way, although she knows she's being unreasonable.

June and Cas are good people. They would never push her or their little brother away; she's sure of it. Still, all sense of comfort is washed away by the loud squeaking of the brakes when the train eventually comes to a halt.

Lyssie dares to catch a glimpse of Seven's train station and feels her own heartbeat pick up significantly as the smells of petrichor and sawdust reach her nose, sweeping into the train through its little windows.

Is this what June and Cas smelled back then as well? Were they just as nervous when they left the Capitol five years ago?Max takes a deep breath, uncertainty written across his face. His hazel eyes search Lyssie's dark ones, and she places a comforting hand over his to give it a gentle squeeze.

"Come on," she says quietly. "We can't miss our stop."

"Yeah." Max says, taking a deep breath. His lips curve into a small smile, his anxiety and excitement palpable. "Okay, let's go."

Max rises to his feet, easily dwarfing the older girl. As he's growing up, he often sees his brother's reflection staring back at him. Even though he's still smaller than Cas was at his age, he wonders if they'll even be able to recognize each other. In all of their secret letters, they never exchanged photographs.

But he pushes on. Picking up their bags, he follows Lyssie out of the train. His legs feel a little bit wobbly as he lands on the platform, and he glances around. He wonders if his siblings felt just as anxious as he does right now.

When they first came here, how scared were they? Was his sister clinging to her then-boyfriend who is now her husband and soon-to-be the father of their first child? Was his brother, just three weeks later, already looking for someone to give him directions as he was all alone?

And above all, he wonders and desperately hopes they'll be happy to see him and Lyssie, even if they won't be staying forever. It's a short-term visit, planned to last just a little over a week, but he practically begged to come here.

Five years are a long time, and he can't wait to see how time has changed them. He puts his right hand in the pocket of his jacket, tests the weight of the marbles, and takes a deep breath.

He sure hopes he's ready for that rematch. He didn't practice juggling all of this time for nothing, and knows it'll make a decent icebreaker.

And if he knows one other thing, it's that if he's able to find Treech, his siblings can't be very far. It's only a matter of time.

ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ

"Stop!" With an annoyed huff, Treech picks up the cookie platter, holding it high above his head. He looks down into a pair of small, unblinking amber eyes and heaves a sigh. "How many more times do I have to tell you that that's not for you?"

An irritated meow leaves the orange cat as she's shooed off the kitchen table by him. It lands on the floorboards with a loud thump, stretches, and then trails after the man with a pep in its step, its little tummy wiggling from side to side.

"Seriously, you're already fat enough. Did you know that I spend half of my paycheck on your food?" He continues to scold the feline, barely able to stop himself from tripping over his own feet when it rushes past him and out the open door. "I swear-"

"You're at it this early already?" His wife's tired voice rings through to him, stopping him before he can go on another round. When he turns around and sees her content but exhausted expression, his eyes soften. "What did he do this time?" she inquires curiously, moving closer to him.

As always, Treech's gaze drops down to the little bump in her stomach. He still can't believe it's really happening, but every single time he looks at her, he's filled with nothing but love and adoration for the woman who chose him over everything else. When he first found out June was pregnant, he was ecstatic. And then he was scared. Then they were both very very scared, but he'd like to think that they've both embraced it by now.

And, of course, he couldn't be happier. He already knew he could never hope to repay her for saving his life, but now he fears he'll forever be indebted to her. Not only did she save him, but now she's also growing their baby inside of her. All he can do is be there for her, since this is new for them both. He's just relieved the times of her morning sickness are over, but now her cravings have taken a turn for the worse. Getting his hands on the chocolate for the cookies he baked (thanks to Cas' recipe) was a hassle, but he'll do it all over again if it means seeing her smile the way she is right now.

"Bein' a little shit, that's what," he merely grumbles, but his expression eventually brightens as he steps closer. He leans down to kiss her, and his hand automatically lands on her baby bump. "How are you two feeling?"

June smiles, watching the way his hand rubs small circles on her stomach. Ever since she started showing, she can't help but feel like he has become even more gentle and caring towards her, and his affection makes her feel at ease. She still feels some anxiety, but he makes it so much easier for her.

"Tired and hungry," she says, immediately reaching for one of the cookies on the platter. "Thank you."

She can tell that he's watching her worriedly when she takes a bite, but the comforting taste of the chocolate chip cookie immediately soothes her nerves. It scratches an unknown itch she never felt before. Pregnancy cravings are by far one of the scariest things she has ever encountered.

She doesn't think she'll be able to forget her brother's face when he tried changing the recipe to "improve it", only for her to burst into tears because the taste wasn't quite right. It was a delicious cookie, but she immediately knew something was off. She's not surprised Treech is a bit fearful of her opinions after witnessing that.

But her lips curve into a smile, and he feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. "It's perfect," she lets him know, promptly whisking the platter away from him. "You did good. Thank you for taking care of me."

Treech's smile widens as he trails after her to the outside of the house, where their breakfast has been set up. It's the middle of August, and the sun is blaring down at them even at this hour, but June insists they need the fresh air and vitamins this early in the day. Their cat is already stretched out on the wooden table, basking in the sun with all four paws outstretched from its body, and June can't help but chuckle when she places the platter on the table and the feline lifts its head.

She brings another cookie up to her lips and is about to dig in when she feels Treech's arms wrapping themselves around her from behind. He buries his face in her neck, inhales deeply, and nuzzles against the skin there while his hands rest on her belly. It has become a habit of his, and as much as she appreciates the tenderness of the gesture, she still thinks it's a bit funny.

"Aren't you hungry?" She asks amusedly, stifling a laugh when the satin fabric around his neck tickles the back of her neck. It has been years since she gave this to him, a token of her affection to complete their engagement, and he still wears it with pride as she does with the bow in her hair. "How long have you been up?"

"A while," Treech mumbles, his voice muffled against her neck. He lifts his head slightly and kisses the side of her neck. Something about the way she hungrily digs into his cookies makes him feel good. "And I had lots of batter," he adds after a moment. "I'm full."

"Must be nice," she murmurs, watching as he steps away to pour himself and her a glass of juice each. A breeze ruffles through his hair, the curls sticking out of his bun moving with the wind. He has been growing out his hair for years now, but the sight still makes her heart soar. "My stomach feels like a bottomless pit. Nothing is enough."

Morning sickness was her biggest enemy, and she's glad those days are over. She's beyond happy to be pregnant, but this part she can live without.

"Sorry 'bout that; mom always says all of us were the same. Always hungry." He shoots her a little grin as he speaks, sliding the glass over to her. "Don't worry about it. I'm here."

June nods, taking the glass into her other hand and immediately taking a huge swig. The berry juice is cold, soothing her from the inside out in this heat.

Although Treech still grapples with his trauma and the things that happened before, during, and after the Games, June can very much tell that he's doing better. He still has nightmares, but he has found better and healthier ways to cope with what he has had to do over the years. They both know it'll always be a part of him, as June's trauma will always be a part of her as well, but they've both learned to cope well.

Of course, she would rather have him at his best and able to work at the lumber yard like most of his family since she knows he misses those times, but it has simply become impossible. Treech's trauma makes handling an ax impossible, and admittedly, she likes having him at home with her, especially now that she's expecting their first child.

Treech is still selling his work - his wood carvings - but has been doing it under his own name ever since they moved out. They got married a little bit over three years ago, shortly before June's twentieth birthday, and their assigned home is, much to their delight, very close to that of his parents. They're closer to the lake than before and often spend their afternoons there, especially when June is free from her work at the apothecary shop. She started working there during her first fall in Seven, and hasn't quit since then.

Things are looking brighter for all of them. One of June's biggest concerns about having children of her own here in the Districts were always the Games. But with their abolishment and Treech's stable mental state, she feels safe.

That aside, Sejanus came back to Seven after completing his officer training in Two about a year ago. He joined the medics just as he wanted and is now able to visit more often since he's in the area frequently. Much to everyone's surprise, he's happy there and actively thrives in his role as a medic. He can finally help people the way he always wanted to, and although he might not want to return to Two ever again, his life has taken a turn for the better ever since he left the Capitol. Coriolanus' fate shocked them all deeply, but Sejanus is moving on and striving to be better.

Cas is happy as well. Shortly after Birdie's wedding all those years ago, he became a member of the Lumberjives and traveled around Seven with them for a while until he eventually settled down as well. He married a woman he met during one of their performances, and it was almost love at first sight. He's thriving far away from the Capitol, much like his sister.

In a strange turn of events, they finally came to a place that showed them the love the Capitol never could. Coming to Seven turned out to be the best decision of their lives, as it showed them a new life. It's harder, the days are longer, but they're truly happy here.

Whenever she sees Cas and his wife, June can't hide her joy. After everything he has done for her, the universe has finally given her twin exactly what he has been deserving all along. Music has become a welcome companion, the strumming of the guitar a sound that commonly reaches her ears when she drops in for a visit with her husband.

It's almost too good to be true. Almost. Because as wonderful as life is treating them, as whole as they feel, they're missing something. One little thing, but it makes all the difference for them both.

They know Max is in good hands, but after everything that happened to their parents, their worry for the boy has increased a hundredfold. She let him know she's expecting in her last letter, but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried about his reaction. Is he mad that they're moving on without him? Even now, she can't help but feel the guilt eating away at her.

"Do we still need to go to the market?" June asks when she sets her half-empty glass back down on the table. "I remember Cas saying that they wanted to come over. I don't think anything is missing, but..."

Treech shakes his head. "No, we should be good. I bought everything we needed yesterday when you were at mom's and dad's," he says. "But we might need to bring an extra blanket if Birdie and Wade are also comin' with their little one... Even though you'd think they'd think of bringing one on their own."

June laughs when she sees him rolling in his eyes. "It'll be fine," she assures him. She abandons the cookies and walks over to him, leaning her head against him when his arm automatically goes up to wrap around her shoulder. "Thank you for taking care of everything. I appreciate it."

"I've got enough time on my hands. And you know I'd do anything for you, sweetheart," he says, giving her a gentle squeeze. "You know I love you, right?"

A light smile tugs on her lips. June raises her head slightly to look into those dark eyes she has grown so fond of over the years and still feels her heart skipping a beat the way it did the day they first met. She buries her nose in his shirt, inhaling the familiar scent she loves so much, and feels a feeling of liberation spreading through her from head to toe. The birds are chirping, there's a carriage coming down the dirt road, and June feels at peace.

"I know," she says softly. "And you know I love you too, right?"

Treech grins when she looks up at him fondly and leans down to kiss her without so much as a second thought.

Yes, he knows that she loves him. And he knows that he loves her just as much, if not even more.

And, of course, he knows that he'll be happy to love her for as long as this second chance at life allows him to. For them both, because they know they need each other.

The End

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you're all i want,
you're all i need

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and.... we've reached the end. i feel weird and i don't like it, but this is it

i'm no good at sappy texts and all that, but i'm the happiest person in the world that i managed to complete this story and got to share it with you all

i started writing it in december last year, so it has been almost half a year since june and her story first came to my mind. i've laughed a lot writing it, but i've also cried a lot as well. it's been an emotional rollercoaster, but as of now, i'm very happy with the way it turned out

but we've really, really reached the end now. i've attached a little bonus with trivia right after the epilogue. i talk a bit about symbolisms i snuck into the story, etymology and all of that, so give it a read if you're interested!

maybe (because a few people might hold me at gunpoint if i don't do it) i'll write a bonus chapter for cas some time. x reader or something. i left his wife nameless for a reason, so feel free to insert yourselves <3

anyway, thank you to everyone who has read, favorited and even commented on this story. i'm grateful for every last one of you, and sharing this story was a lot of fun. 13.9k reads is absolutely insane <3

i've never completed a story in english before since it's not my first language, so this is a milestone for me as well

i'd also especially like to thank the gc for listening to my yapping <3 ily guys !!

and a special shoutout valdezthg as well, since she was not only one of my first readers and commenters, but has been here for the entire ride. i love you, and i'm very very sorry for making you cry so often :')<33

ALL THAT ASIDE, this is not my last fanfic for treech! i have one in the drafts and i'll publish the intro chapter later, so feel free to check it out if you enjoyed this one!

i also have a story for coral which will be my main focus now! if you like her, give it a read

i love you guys! have a nice sunday and if this is the last of my writing you'll ever read, i sincerely hope all your wishes come true and that you have a good life! <33

for the last time, memes!

- wistfulthoughts, May 5th 2024

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