Wisps: Recollection (Ninjago...

By 2DAnimeMenOOF

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Chapters 19-65 are rewritten(will edit/rewrite 1-18). Chapters greatly rewritten will have a "*" around the *... More

1. Lost
2. Two of Each, Double Trouble
3. The White Ninja
4. Stone Warrior
5. A Stygian Sea
6. Flow
7. The Surge
8. Blackout
9. Unveiled
10. Snakes
11. Frustrating Fear
12. Project Arcturus
13. The Titanium Ninja
14. Penitence
15. Jaded
16. The Invitation
17. Only One Can Remain
18. Versus
19. * Other Side *
20. A Part of You Died
21. Scapegoats
22. This Is What You Deserve?
23. Someone Misses You
24. Gravedigger
25. Winds of Change
26. * Stixx and Stones *
27. Caution to the Wind
28. * Kingdom Come *
29. Crooked Path
30. Curse World
31. Ephemeral
32. Gave up in a Ditch
33. Ghosting
34. Frayed
35. Spirits
36. Blurry Faces
37. Infamous
38. On the Run
39. Enkrypted
40. Misfortune Rising
41. Wish of Dust
42. Serpent
43. Strikes and Sparks
44. Wishmasters
45. Sound
46. The Last Resort
47. * Pick Up *
48. The Way Back
49. * Blood-red Sunset *
50. It's Okay, You're Okay
51. Phantom Sensations
52. Mourning Sun
53. Shallow
54. Worse, Then Better
55. That Time of The Year
56. *Day of the Departed*
57. Armed Silver
58. The Hands of Time
59. This Time, They Believed You
60. A Time of Traitors
61. Scavengers
62. A Line in the Sand
63. Who Are We?
64. Truth
65. Lost in Time
66. Found
67. The Jade Princess
68. ''My Name...''
70. One Two One Two One

69. The Oni and The Dragon

236 15 46
By 2DAnimeMenOOF

"A good second there, we thought the fire got you." You don't miss how he tensed. "And you were just kneeling on the damn ground." It's all blurry to you. Fragments poorly fused with boiling wax. One break to stab and burn into you with all the fury–

"I was passing out from the smoke... that's probably why I wasn't screaming. Hah." You grimly grinned, feeling how it pressed all the pain on your face into a pressured mess. "I thought..." Your voice's raw, scratched up inhaling the fumes, "I re-really thought I got a little bit better."

"Don't think anyone's gonna pull through with a fire lit up their ass." It's a firm embrace around you. "Be honest with yourself here."

"...what happened after?"

"I gotcha." Embraces and such never do heal all hurts. Marooned from your own piled trouble, a rusted anchor sat heavier in your hold. "Well, they got the mask. Hutchins' had it the whole time to guard it... We don't know where they went with it. The damsel family's all dead though."

"...And Harumi?"

"She's fine. A little too quiet. She told them about her situation and how she got your help. So that's handled."

"Guess that makes me more believable."

"Suppose it does. You're all good here." He eased from you now. That comfort never lasts. Ronin left you kneeling in that spot. "I'll get off."

"But..." Your hand crumpled around your metal wrist. All of that, being lost to time, this whole disaster– that hell in the ocean, that inferno– It had eaten a lot out of you. But you shoved it all back down to its gnawing pit.

"...best we go our separate ways, Kid." There he goes. A distance yet again. A sharpness, a pain to grapple to something, someone– "...don't be like that." He said it like he was steeling himself more than you.

"You need to get your hand looked at." You cleared your throat, inflaming it with an eroding bile. "...you-you'll be back, right?" He doesn't answer. "O–oh." You forgot. He always just hung around. 'He never sticks around. Haha.' He's back at the edge of the bed, arms stuck at his side. A face suffering. As it did in the palace. "Can you...tell me what that was? Back there?"

"Twenty years ago?" Exhaling out, shrugging it all back, his eyes flickered to the neon lights passing the windows. "Honestly, what you did there, I didn't need you to do that, Kid."

"I don't..." You're off the bed, wobbling to its post for balance. "Why does that matter now–"

"It matters a whole hell of a lot, because you almost didn't make it out of there. You risked a lot, for nothing."

"Nothing? I saved you." You get to the wall of the doorway, hooking to the jutting planks.

"I did too, so we're even there." Why is he so firm about it and... So fucking rude?

"Don't– don't bring up an-anything about debt, or, or anything like that. Because you only bring that up when...!"

'When you go.'

"You wanna exchange something now? Know what, I'll do you one better– I'll tell you all about it! Right here." He's leaving, and your unsteady momentum bucked into him, pinning him to the wall.

"I– I don't want that, Ronin." His chest heaved against yours, his heart overtaking yours. He wasn't letting go, gripping you hard by the hips, still a little unsteady. "...sorry." Your hands fall off his shoulders, and you're slanting to the wall. He stayed. Face lingering over yours, and you can't seem to look at him. Even when he's gone. You slumped to the floor, the thrum of the engine tickled the back of your skull, and your ears. A tired laugh racked and jumbled out. Rocked by the ship's movements, you would've curled to sleep in bitterness.

"Hey. Hey." You squinted up at a bleary blob. "You're not gonna sleep there, are ya?" Cole asked, nudging you up. "C'mon, get up." You're heavy against him, though that doesn't stop a man like Cole. Didn't struggle to lead you to that bunk. Where there's immediate snoring. "Well, I hope you don't mind Jay's drunk snoozing. And ramblings. Harumi took the guest room."

"Didn't like that room anyways." He nodded slowly at that.

"Oh... well, Zane said you could take his bed."

"...he has a bed?"

"He dreams."

"He can? What are those like?" It's a tiny distraction as he tipped you gently there. "Does he count electric sheep?"

"Heh, he does." Cole giggled, "He once dreamed about the green ninja, and that threw us all for a loop."


"We all wanted to be the destined green ninja, Kai more than anything, and that led to some, um, rowdy? Arguments."

"All because of that?" A drowsy chuckle rasped out. How Morro clung to that idea as well. 'Destiny is just out to get us.'

"Yup. I'm glad Lloyd's the Green Ninja, can't picture anyone better for it." You hummed, resting on your side for a better spot, punching the lumpy pillow into shape. "Can't get comfy?"

"How does he sleep in this?"

"He doesn't care much as long as it looks like a bed."

"He should since I'm sleeping here now," you grumbled, closing your eyes on Cole's face. Your pillow slipped from you, his gloved hand cupping your head. "Hey–!" It's replaced with a softer one. "Oh..." Your mouth mumbled into the soft pillow, "I thought you were pulling a prank or something."

"What? No." All of him sunk like a rock at that. "I'd feel kinda bad if you had to sleep like that all night."

"Gimme your bed."

"I need my sleep too, unless you wanna bunk together?" He said it so nonchalant, you had to rip open your lids again. This guy? This same guy– "Wh-what...?"

"Nothing." You rolled over, his sputtered question dying out.

"Mm-m'kay, night then." The floor creaked, and the light's shut off. You try to get comfy. All the layers don't help. You untie the sash, peeling off the ruqun to your dress shirt and pants, for extra clothes and that crow's cloak.

"...forgot about this." You propped Fluffy on the pile. A snore above earned a jealous huff, quelled by the sea of neon lights. They danced on the floorboards, cherry pink and red-orange, a tiny lightshow as the ship passed into the dark sea. A soft inky black that slipped over like a weighted blanket.

'This isn't as bad as–'

"Argh, did Jay throw out my toothbrush!?"

"What do you think, you were gone for a whole year, Kai." Nya snidded.

You forgot how "rowdy" they are.

"Shhhhh, they're sleeping!" Lloyd's shushing sounded like a blown out steam pipe.

"...Cole, give me yours."

"Ew, no way!"

"We have an unopened pack here, Kai."

"Ugh, you're a lifesaver, Zane."

"Did he throw out mine too?!"

You wanna laugh at them. Your throat's too strained for that. You lay in your nook, unlocking your arm's mechanism. Wiggling out your sore limb, the air tingled by it. 'I wonder where they are...' Stars shine in, cascading over the stretch of sea. Maybe they're butting heads over something stupid too. Not so much Echo and Skylor. Griffin and... 'Why is Ronin like that?' You feel like you have the answer you're too tired to chase after. 'Wonder what they're saying now...'

Their mindless chatter flittered on, an "annoying" backdrop of white noise.


"...up?" You peered through your lashes, the sunlight bright. Lloyd's voice is lost to sleepiness. You drowsily wiped at the drool corner of your mouth, gleaning a couple of light chortles that draw you on edge.

"You would've slept in until noon if we let ya, huh, sleepyhead?" Cole quipped, letting the rattling blinds hang. "...Wait, you didn't drool on my pillow, did you?"

"It is noon," Zane helpfully added.

"Kicking me out already?" Rather that, than them keeping you because of suspicion. You were trying to put on your prosthetic, when Lloyd sat by you, meeting your gaze.

"We want your help protecting Rumi too, if you still want to do that. I don't want to pressure you."

"She has you." You wondered why Harumi still clung to you. '...I was horrible there.'

"Pixal reported that the Sons of Garmadon possessed two of the three Oni masks. We need your help."

"And everyone's okay with that?" You felt a sneeze creeping your stinging nose watching the dust float on by in the sunscape. 'Yeah, right-'

"No, not really," Jay sarcastically quipped above. Cole knocked into his bunk hard, drawing up a groan. "Stoooop, my head hurts!"

"Geez, you are a lightweight," you mocked.

"I didn't know it was alcohol!" Jay moaned, the bed creaking as he hung his legs off to the ladder.

"Wished I had my phone, you were pretty pathetic," you said, rising up to his droopy head. "Want me to tell them?"

"You– you're the one that looked weird! And n-no." He would shake his head if he could.

"Now I'm curious," Cole whispered to you, and Jay toppled over you, slamming your answers to the rug. "Jay!"

"Don't you say a dang thing–!" He stopped at your wince, your vision spiking behind your screwed tight lids. He poked at your bruised neck, rousing a gasped, "Wh-what happened there-?"

"Get off," you grounded through your teeth. Cole dragged him off you, Lloyd helped you up.

"Jay, apologize to them right now." He did, at Lloyd's nudge. "We'll give you some time to think about it, but..." Everyone's strides are faster than your trudge. "Join us while you think about it." You're by the guest room. A stagnation harbored, your eye hooking into his own. "I really mean it." 

'Do you?' You trail your fingers down the hallway, eventually reaching the ladder to the top. When you have this nerve you're not sure to be wary of. "...Just for a bit." 

"I'll wait for your answer." A smile so light-hearted. Disarming in that you're not paying attention, and missed a plank of the ladder. "Ah, careful."

'Careful.' You've been doing a lot of that already. 'But you can never have enough of it.' Your weary head's all twisted around and muddled by pieces that haven't yet fallen into place. It all feels connected, but which of those threads are, and what are the wrong ones you're following, triggering an event as destructive as that night? Can you make sense of it, before it all falls apart?

You won't.

A hard flinch, accepting the rough hit of the air outside. The salt stung your windpipe in staccato bursts. "What is it?" Zane asked, offering his hand where you halted up the ladder.

"I thought I heard something..." You grit yourself, pulling yourself up to what was the control deck. Nya was there, snoozing at the panels.

"Wait, before you get out, put this on." Cole gave you a black flannel jacket.

"Thanks? But this is so..." It was his since you weren't filling this out at all.

"Beggars can't be choosers." Cole clapped back, fixing the gray hood over you. It dropped all the way down. Covering your sights at the sudden creak from below.

"Oh, you're up." Kai said. You lifted your hood. He ditched that eye-patch for today. His steps inched to a sureness as he went up. "You doing okay?"

"Hm?" A tilt of your head, the tension snapping it back into place. "Yeah?" There's a fidget of his slightly scorched fingers, grasping the wood of the railing.

"That's good to hear." It's strange to hear worry drip from his voice for you. Any of them really. A few times you wondered if it was for you. Like now, you're not sure if that's what warmed his words. He tapped at the smooth railing, as if counting to a question... that never comes out. He shouldered the blanket. "I'll leave you guys, there's a lot to do."

"Oh, yeah? Whatcha gonna do?"

"Uh, chores? What else Cole? This place is a mess!" He slipped off the blanket, tucking it over Nya's shoulders.

"We just moved in and we were all over the place searching for Wu, Kai." You would've been more seldom if you didn't spot poorly stuffed away blue boxers. Jay snagged it. "Argh, I thought I– These ain't mine!"

"By my calculations, Jay, those are–" Jay slapped his hand to the robot's mouth.

"You guys are a mess." Jay glared at your smirk. "How'd you even manage for a year?"

"All thanks to our leader Lloyd." Cole sang high praise from below, giving his leader a noogie he squirmed out of. Just to be trapped in another noogie.

"You guys can't gang up on me, Kaiiii–!" Kai managed one last ruffle of the golden boy's locks. He chuckled and pranced triumphantly as Lloyd fixed his scruffy hair, frantically brushing his fingers through it.

"Wait, Kai–!" Cole called out, a little too late. He skipped the second step in a miserable heap, almost taking you. "...the stairs."

"Ow... ughhhh." Kai groaned. You and Zane were at the end of it, you don't make a move to help, Zane propping him up on the railing. You shift a little further up. Looking over to you, Kai muttered a quick apology.

"Me? You tripped down the stairs," your scratchy voice had lowered to an awkward note.

"Yeah, huh?" Those eyes score the distance. He closed them with a grin, backing from the stairs as you went.

"You're gonna fall again, Kai!" Cole called out.

"Nuh-uh!" Kai faltered short of doing exactly that. You kept the same distance he's adamant for. He didn't have any trouble as a ghost. Not any of it to harm you. Threaten you in anger. But after... When he did cross that space, there was effort. Above the boiling sea. As the world caved in. To trust instead of hurt. You find your metal hand, tracing once where that bleeding scar would be. You're reliving a night of sorrow.

For someone that was your friend.

They're all laughing at something. Something you're glad they hold close and share the warmth of.

'He really is like a campfire.' You left them to rush their farewells. You'd rather they have that to themselves. Clear waves bound the edges of the plank, brushing your arm with one last light sprinkle.

"Nya! We're going now, take your nap! You deserve it!" Lloyd called out above. You spot her drowsily leaning over the railing, blinking rapidly. One last glance at you and she pushed herself from the railing.

"Oh, you're already down here?" Cole asked, hopping the last bit of the plank. You just shrugged.

"You seemed busy."

"Busy wasting timeeee," Jay stressed

"...I did not know you were one for being punctual, Jay."

"I am! For dates." Which his face soured on. "When I had them."

"Ah, sorry. You two planning anything after this?" Lloyd made for a light conversation out the dock. The quiet from Jay shrieked that wasn't going to be it. "...Uh, Jay?"

"Lloyd... They broke up." Cole whispered, and that caused everyone to peer down at the blue guy.

"That's why you were drunk crying," you muttered, which earned a glare from them. 'Oops.'

"When did you decide–"

"Zane, guys, I'm over it, it's been a year– ah, ah, ah, Cole, not now." Jay cleared his throat, speaking a little louder, "Can we just NOT focus on my love life?"

"Of course, Jay." Zane patted him forward, taking the lead with the rest. You lagged behind. Because as much as Jay said that, you couldn't help but focus on it.

'A year ago? Why would he stop putting effort into it? In Nya?' Practically everything he did revolved around her! His entire world that he would sacrifice himself for. 'When Nadakhan had her he...' His eyes are glassy up ahead, chewing up his abused lips. 'He felt like a total coward.'

He still feels like that, doesn't he?

"Why ya ogling me? Keep up, would you?" You speed up to the complainer's side, laying your metal arm over his shoulder.

"This close enough?" Not as jumpy as he was, bumping into him and a memory, gracing a laugh over his ear, "A year ago you would be whimpering by now."

You skip him to catch up with the rest.

Jay screeched, "I– I've– I wasn't scared!"

"Sure, sure." You knitted your fingers on your nape under familiar street signs.

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"Nope." He wasn't sniveling like then. And even the last time you talked to him, he was only confused. 'As if he wasn't expecting that... Of course he's still mad.'

"Who wouldn't with this guy?" Cole snickered.

"He does make it easy." Zane disregarded Jay's mocking laugh.

"Guys, be nice, Mystake is right around the corner."

"Oh. That place?" You're quicker, only stopped by a street light, bounding on the balls of your feet. Just waiting for the lights to shine green. Another green popped up instead.

"I didn't think you'd know her." Lloyd didn't sound suspicious. Not a single note of it.

"I met her two days ago. I heard about her in Jamanakai where I was, um..."

"Working for a time?" Zane chirped at your bashfulness.

"Wait, that rumor– that was you?!" Cole shut his agape mouth at your nod. "Can you– can you still do that?"

'Wouldn't do half the things I've done if I still could.' A hollowness soured the atmosphere with a forlorn scoff. "I need a jade mask, remember?" Another limitation. You'd suppose it's already too much for anyone to have. "And I don't know how it all works. Sorry to disappoint."

"That's what Kai ended up destroying..." Jay shut his mouth up fast. "At least, um, at least you wouldn't have any vengeful ghosts to worry about– Ow." Cole elbowed the blue rascal. "Right... oops."

"Yeah." You tried a joke; "I'd have a ton at my beck and call-" a lot to stab their vengeful blades into you "-to send all to you, Jay."

"H-hey!" Jay whined, lagging behind at the crosswalk, the light finally green. "You know I'm scared of ghosts!"

"Exactly." A giggle, and Jay shot a mean glare at Cole raising his hands in mock surrender. Which shifted to actual surrender when a group of reporters lurked the corner. 'Shit.' You checked your hood for the ninth time.

"There they are!" They swamped their sides, bombarding with questions of yesterday night. Shoved to the sideline, there's relief in not being spotted. Jammed in is a question of you, "The Overseer! Did they have something to do with it?" Exposed to their spitting questions for answers, you post yourself far at a lamp pole.

'Just an odd, out of place thing with them. Thankfully.' Your fingers linked together, brushing your thumb on top of the metal one. They're ripped away from each other, Zane tugging you out.

"I believe our reappearance together, along with yesterday night emboldened their hunt for us!" Fresh, sea air ripped into your lungs, your chest and legs pumping to keep up with his long strides. "I feel like this was that time at the hospital."

"That was worse."

"We dropped short of their favor." He watched the rooftops, the other's managing to sneak up there.

"Let's try airjit–"

"No, that doesn't work anymore. Master Yang is gone. He was able to let go." Zane said it so matter of factly. No point in trying again.

"That's... that's nice." A glimpse of your soft grin and he matched.

"It is." You're swept up with the chasing breeze to hurry.

"Not again–"

"Again, because this is better to get away." He carried you closer.

"You were dragging me to the concrete." You could've twisted your ankle there at the lip of the road.

"Apologies." On the cusp of inhuman speeds, Griffin would be impressed. He'd still brag though. "Why are you snickering?"

"Nothing, nothing." He risked a hop on a fire escape. "I see them over there."

"Already marked down." His metal lids opened to icy whites of light.

"So, what happened to you?"

"My metal?" He hummed for a moment. "I went for a few upgrades with Borg. The skin was a chore to keep in tact, especially my face and arms."


"Nothing to do with you. Only the typical results of these skirmishes." He skipped over the alleyway, putting you down. "I do sort of miss it. But change is change, and I don't mind it as much."

"Those guys back there need it."

"Haha, of course." You jumped another alleyway, the ninja meeting up in front of Mystake's tea shop. Lloyd already knocked on her door

"Is Mystake here?"

"Never heard of her! Ooh! Apologies, young Lloyd Garmadon. I didn't recognize your voice. Oh, it's so good to see you again. It's been years."

"Hello, Mystake." Lloyd's the first inside at her insistence. Then the rest. You're still at the lip of the stairs.

"Please, come in." It's strange. A stranger opened their doors widely for you, waving a nice welcome. Especially one so acquainted with the ninja, taking you in where you falter. "Come, come, this isn't your first time here." She plopped you down on the sofa you slept on, surprisingly strong for an old lady. "I'm sorry to hear about Master Wu. He was a dear friend."

"Oh? "Was?" We haven't given up on him. We just have more urgent problems." Cole didn't waste a second to deny that possibility.

"We seek–"

"The Tea of Truth!"

"–She's good," Zane whispered as she sauntered to a shelf for a satchel.

"Be forewarned. The truth can be... dangerous." A perceptive glance to you. Though, if she knew something, why did she take you in?

'Instead of throwing me out?'

"She's also creepy."

"Par for the course in a mystical tea shop, Jay." Cole slung an arm around, patting his shoulder.

"I'll have a look in the back to see if I have any. But don't touch... anything."

Jay whispered, "Like I said. Cree-pee." He slinked away to the painting were they soon gathered at. Behind a curtained-off room you didn't dare explore before. Their nosy asses didn't care at all.

"Mystake, wait! That painting..."

"Hm? Ah, yes. The Oni and the Dragon. But you are not ready for that tale." Oni. You think you'd stop hearing it. It again resurfaced here to mock you. Once stamped on you years ago, very briefly. Very briefly when Mystake met your stare.

"Please. We need to know." Lloyd wasn't going to let it go.

"It is a long tale. Do you have the time?"

"We only had time for a quick stop."

"Zane, go with Cole to the police with the Tea of Truth and find out who's giving the orders. Jay and I will stay here to learn more..." He turned to you. "What do you want to do?"

"Oh... can I go with Zane?"

"I don't see why not."

"Actually, I'd like it if they stayed. Come, my childs. To know the tale, you must drink the tea." She snatched your wrist, unwillingly pulling you along. "You too, I spotted you eyeing that door. Come with me to prepare the tea." You followed her through the curtain behind the register, put to work by bringing out the cups and– You immediately walked out. The fire yanked you in. To a face that was... Not as it once was. "What is it?"


"Then, help me boil that water."

"Let me do it," Jay quipped, pulling your shaky attention to him. "Gotta do something around here." Mystake patted your shoulder, not ruminating on it. You dropped down to the couch, your chest depressing with your heavy lungs. The couch sunk beside you.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Lloyd kept his distance, letting time slip by.

"Here, tea to calm your nerves." Mystake was the first to give some to you, offering a suspiciously quick apology.

"Aah! Thank you for the tea. You were right, it really calmed my nerves. I feel so...!" Jay drinks more to avoid the twitch of your eye. "Warm and fuzzy."

"Good. Then the Tea of Enlightenment is working...to help you see the tale, the original tale, The Tale of the Oni and the dragon."

Jay gasped, "You lied? Mystake, why would you do that? I thought we were friends!"

"What are we supposed to see?" Lloyd's the only one unfazed.

'How?' You sipped it again. Another sip. 'It's just...' The canvas' inks strokes move.

"...Long before time had a name, there was the Realm of the Oni and the Dragon. The first of its kind. The dragon had the power to create. The Oni had the power to destroy. Their war was never ending. A child arrived, born of both worlds. The child understood the power of both. Without one, you could not have the other. But when the Oni and the dragon fought over which side the child should choose, the child abandoned their world to start a new one called Ninjago."

'Well, when you put it like that, who wouldn't?'

"First AND worst custody battle." Jay whispered, only making it to you for a snicker. You got an odd look from them, and shrugged it off.

"Are you telling me the child born from both worlds is the First Spinjitzu Master?"

"Hey, hey! You're related." And that got everyone's attention, Jay pointing it out, "That means you're part Oni and dragon too!"

Mystake continued, "After the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, he fathered two sons of his own. He thought he could escape the war. He saw the evil of the Oni was waiting to be unleashed in one of his sons, Lord Garmadon! It was up to Master Wu to control his brother's undying thirst to destroy, and with some help–"

"Hey! Haha! That's us!" You start zoning out at that, their little ninja figures fighting a few foes. You drank a bitter note of the tea at seeing yourself.

'Least I look cute.' Your itty-bitty, glowing figure runs to the background. 'Yeah. Stay there.' They skittered back into frame. And disappeared with the rest of the story.

"The three Oni Masks are relics from the first realm, and they wield tremendous power. The power to deceive. The power of vengeance. The power to hate."

"What happens when they're united?" She doesn't answer Lloyd. "Tell me...what happens when the three masks are united?

"Resurrection. They will have the power to bring back your father! But it won't be the man you recognize! There will be no light left in him!" A forlorn sadness. Like a boy who can't truly mourn his own father.

"This just further solidified why we can't let them have those masks." He blinked the gloom to him. It's admirable in a way. At the same time, worrying. "Thank you, Mystake, we'll be going."

"No, I have... one last truth to impart." Her truth-seeking flows to you when you're staggered. "Something that Wu would forbid me to say." You know you have to stay, and face it, tensing yourself high like a snake before it strikes. She carefully, gently told you, "You've... you're past is interwoven with the Oni."

"You're an Oni!?" Jay screeched. Mystake's quick to glare that assumption down.

"That another thing you'll call me?" Your smile's full of teeth, splitting your sides for a sarcastic laugh, "Is there something else you wanna tell me? In front of these people?"

"...I see, did I misunderstand your standing with everyone?" She pinched her nose. "I thought perhaps everyone would get along by now."

"Uh, yeah, honestly, we kinda strung them along like half an hour ago–!"

Lloyd cut Jay off, "Everything we heard just now, doesn't change anything."

"You, want my help still?" You, this unknown variable, that has, at every turn, caused trouble for them. "And if, if something were to happen, you'd still want that?"

"Oh, stop that self-sabotaging crap." Her change of voice made you drop your empty cup, in an upright whiplash as she slammed the painting.

"I'm not–"

"You are." She shooed the Ninja out. They're gone out the door with a ring of it, sharing confused, bordering frightened looks. The lights flickered to darkness. For a split, creeping second.

"You don't know me." Like she put on your shoes, and walked, ran your miles.

"Please, don't start that tired line." She pointed at your metal arm. Just healed enough, but still hurting to get through it all. "Let us begin with that."

"Like it? Borg can make one for you," your quip wrung a pursed line of her lips.

"You won't make this easy. I didn't expect any less." She sat in her chair, and immediately probed you with a question, "That man came by here from the bar a week ago, Ronin talked about you. Someone that throws themselves into death like they've something to prove."

"You don't know anything. Stop acting like you..." But she did. "What did he say. About me?"

"Oh, interested now, are you?"

"No, not really." She sipped her tea with mirth at the quick, mean response. "What?" Knowing him, it was probably just him being a total, complete, fucking–

"Suit yourself." Her tea cup is empty. She poured more. "Let's discuss your relationship with the ninja."

"If you're so close to them, they probably told you everything." Yet her judgment isn't aimed at you.

"That was a while ago, yes. Wu regrets how it all turned out... But now, it's different. You must've noticed at least that, haven't you?"

"...at one point, it was different." Your skin itched and crawled with heat. Head ruptured with cries and threats. "It wasn't."

"And if it truly is? This time?" Your eyes lose their edge. "You've thought about it, haven't you? They've thought of it as well. Why else did Lloyd and the rest ask for your help? Jay helping me with the fire, instead of you? Or Kai carrying you into my shop, straight from the freezing rain?"

"...let's say there's a chance they–"

"It's not a chance. They've already decided."

"Okay, they "decided", already. But I still can't..."

"Let them get close?" She hummed. "That will be something you all have to resolve together." A stressed pause. "You don't have to be friends. But it would help, wouldn't it?"

"...don't need more friends." She chortled.

"Of course, you don't need more, but it's good to have them, no?" Her noise died down. "Do you want to say why? Or do I have to pick at you with what he rambled about?" You held your metal hand tighter. You didn't notice it until she looked. You wrung them out.

"I need to lea–" But the old woman wanted to pick at you more.

"Thinking all your suffering should make you stronger, will shield your friends and you–! Doesn't make it so."

"No... But it doesn't drag them with me–"

"Child." Like a damn grandma, she snatched your face, squishing your cheeks. "If you keep driving everyone out, don't be surprised if they completely leave you in the dust, like an old, forgotten memory!" That scared you to a realization. And pulled you to a spikey defensive.

"I was trying to–!"

"Protect your friends from what? Your fear?" She knew she had you there.

"...No one got hurt."

"Do you truly know that? You've been gone for over a year." A guilt of yours, then hers at how harsh that was. "You shouldn't keep doing this. You know this, don't you?" Her hands, worn and feeble, are strong holding yours. "Weaknesses, vulnerabilities, those are moments where you can rely on someone. You only need learn how." She glared at the window, a pair of eyes peeking the sill of it. She sighed as you opened it.

"Heh, how-howdy–?" You flicked Jay's forehead and he wobbled for balance, just to fall on his ass. "Ow! Whyyyy?" You're about to hop off the window sill, if she didn't worm one last question.

"Have you noticed anything strange? And get down from there."

"No." She didn't look convinced. "Just anxious." That didn't convince her or yourself one bit. '..."anxious". Nice one.'

"I need to tell you one last thing." She sighed, closing the window. "That tea. Drink it. To dispel what remains of the sorcery of the Oni's deception."

"...cool, cool." Except for– "I threw out the bag."

"What?!" She squawked, rushing into her shelves. "No, no, those dragon scales–"

"It was scales?!"

"Dragon scales." She tutted. "Oni and Dragon. They balance themselves. I believe the masks may be resurfacing the darker corners of your mind. Until those masks are destroyed, you'll drink this."

"...still nasty."

"Would you rather it be blood? Toe clippings–?"

"Nope, I'm good!"

"Exactly." You took the bag, along with a to-go cup.

"Is that–"

"Yes." She led you out, and gently left the last few words, "Remember what I said. Any problems, come find me."

"...thanks." It's your standoffish tone that had her exasperated right to opening the door.

"The journey will be perilous, you need to trust each other! Be on guard."

"When isn't it dangerous?!" Jay called out, hanging haphazardly off the street light pole.

"Don't worry, Mystake, we got it here!" Lloyd shouted, waiting for you to catch up. "Oh, she gave you some tea. How is it? You don't seem to be enjoying it."

"Eh, I can't either, tea is nasty."

'I think she put sugar last time.' It's bitter. More potent.

"...from Cole, and the Sons of Garmadon will enter Laughy's at sunset. We're hoping we can catch a glimpse of who is sending out all their intel." You caught his stare.


"I think sending you in, before Cole and Zane, will peak their interest."

"Oh." You frown. "You're gonna use me–?!"


As bait, no one made a move in hours. Your boba drink has run empty, your teeth abusing the flattened, punctured straw. "...you-you sure those soggy guys are comin'?" Dareth again, quivered that question. "I– I would've thought ma-maybe Ronin would be with you so- so he could beat back the gang like he has these couple months."

"They were low tier then. These are supposed to be the ones higher up." You clicked your tongue against its roof for an irritable click.

"Why isn't Ronin with you?" You shrugged off the question, along with Cole's jacket, getting too hot. "Weren't you guys hitting it off?" You lay on the buddled polyester. Your headache's gone miserable in the blaring, upbeat music with the flashing lights. Taken in by it, you're trying to hide from into your arms with your neck all stiff and sore. "I guess not..."

He slid you a free appetizer.

"...thanks, again, Dareth." You finally have something to feed your starving gut. He sheepishly scratched his head.

"Hehe, on the house, bud."

"Wooooo!!! Party rock in the house tonight!!!" A woman screamed, banging the doors open with a fist and kick. Dareth went stock still. "Bartender! A drink! Now!"

"Y-yes, ma'am!" She instantly skipped over to you, Mr. E trailing after. Dareth gave her a beer and she uncapped it with teeth, your own aching from seeing it.

"Sssswwwhooot, it really is you!" She spat out the bottle cap, ripping you from your swiveling chair by the scruff to a table in a corner. "Sit!" A shove, and you almost fall over the damn chair. She tipped back on hers, letting her boots hang off the table. "Huge, huge stan. You were such an inspiration to all us out here."

"Um. Thanks?" Her excitement got chewed up with her scowl. You cleared your sore throat.

"But a year ago, you did something... questionable. And you haven't done anything since." The android sat by you. You still couldn't tell his expression with that dumb visor. "So far, we're not impressed."

"Okay, what do you want me to do?"

"Infiltrate the Ninja. And bring one of them to our headquarters."

"...Wow." You humored them, "Would've expected something more... deadly?" That red visor sharpened on you. Weighing it pound for pound. "Feels a little small for an organization this size."

"For now, this will do."

"I see..." See two idiots strut right into the bar with the most ridiculous get-up. Cole most of all. As the two DJs climb on the stage, those two come across Dareth, dividing your attention. "Um, before I commit, what's your plan?"

"Take a lucky guess with our gang's name." Ultra Violet winked.

"Pretty on the nose, isn't it?" She giggled.

"Of course!" A hollered, "Bartender, another glass! Poor one out for the Overseer!!!"

The music screeched to a halt. Then a roar from the rowdy Sons of Garmadon, their hands violent beating your back, raising a gritted, forceful smile of yours. 'That's another stitch.' You want to itch at your shoulder blade because it was like damn fire ants were crawling out of it.

A drink's shoved into your metal hand, shattering glass everywhere, Ultra Violet cackling, "We'll be unstoppable!" The music started on something not her vibes, the woman making it known, "Ugh, who is in control right now?" She stormed off to the stage as you're shaking the alcoholic glass off.

"...You're a fan. And I'll sing it cuz I can...!" The two musicians are thrown out. You lay your arms back across the bartending table, groaning into it.

'I just got this fixed.' You closed your eyes for a lengthy exhale.

"It takes two," Zane suddenly muttered close, raising a jumpy swear from your mouth. "Did I startle you?"

"What do you think, Zane–?

"No, Snake Jaguar."

"Snake Jaguar... what are you even saying? Did your processors overload?"

"You'll know when it occurs." He snatched his drink, leading you to the jukebox and closer to the stage. Where they were gathering around...


"No. Rocky Dangerbuff."

"Pttffff, do I get a name? And what's... Dangerbuff doing on stage?" You're soon answered.

"I'm Rocky Dangerbuff, and here's something mean to sing." He tossed a coin to the jukebox. "Song number 159, pronto!" Zane pressed the wrong one. "What? No, no, no! No! Not this. I wanted 159: Creeping Death!"

'Oh. Metal? Or rock?' You wouldn't find out at that moment. Cole had no choice, but to sing something else.

And was this guy singing, "Shine little glow worm, glimmer glimmer. Hey there don't get dimmer dimmer." Got the whole gang hooting at him. "Glow little glow worm. Glow and glimmer. Swim through the sea of night, little swimmer. Shine!"

He poured his cringing, dying soul into this, and damn you if you don't support it; "GO GET IT KING!!!!!"

"L-light up you little 'ol bug of lightning. When you gotta glow you glimmer–" The crowd only got more annoyed.



"How long is this song– OW!!!" A can of beer hit his noggin. "Time for the Triple Tiger Sashay." It was not time for that. He slipped, and his clumsily put-together disguise slipped off his lips.

"Hey! He's one of those ninja!"

"Grab him!" Zane dives up to the stage, ringing to those words moments ago.

"Help me, Zane! Where are you?" Cole didn't get it, peering at you both in confusion.

It takes two, and you called out, "I saw him– he ran out!"

"Find this Zane and grab him too!" Zane shouted.

'I just hope Zane has the others on the same page.'

"The ninja's got backup! Get the bosses out of here!" Like a trigger, Mr. E snatched your wrist, escorting you to his bike. With a few revs of it, he started the engine and zoomed into the alleyway. Right where clothes lines zipped along with other colors.

'Ah. Here we go.'

"What are you doing?!" Nya yelled your name, water splattering to the ground. It could have been deadly if it wasn't sloppy. She made a show of her anger, stomping her foot on the ground. "Damn you!!!"

"This better not be what I think it is, you oni!" Jay shouted after you, lightning barely even getting ten feet within.

'They...' Jay tripped, falling off the side of the building in Nya's arms. Their attention goes to Zane, and it clicks.

"The actual freakin' oni is beating Kai–they're taking Cole!"

"Guys, stop, focus on the guy with the swords using the mask, we need to save Cole!" Lloyd feigned desperation, your frown a disbelieving smirk.

'They got it.'


Didn't like the changed pov of ch. 68. My bad. It fixed now. :v Next chapter in 2 weeks.

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