De s4dgirlszn

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- Sequel to Only on camera - In which, They both question if they will ever find their way back to each other Mais



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De s4dgirlszn


"Oh god! I'm crying already!" Aaliyah sighs, blinking back her tears as best she can.

"You and me both, fuck." Chloe sniffles

"I haven't even shown you guys my hair and makeup yet. Or my dress." I laugh from the bathroom.

Booked the ensuit in the hotel to get ready. It's a very large room with an absolutely massive and beautiful bathroom. The lighting was better in here for my makeup artist and hairstylist to do their work.

"Hurry up and come out here then!" Iris says eagerly. There's murmurs of agreement in the room from my mum, Denise and my two best friends.

"Okay okay!" I laugh. Pulling my silk robe a little tighter before I walk out to reveal the first part of my look.

"Oh harms!" My mum sighs contently. Eyes glassy already. We're an emotional bunch as you can tell.

"You look...angelic!" Denise states, taking in my face and hair.

"So stunning! My best friend is so stunning!" Aaliyah sniffles, thanking Chlo as she passes her a tissue to wipe her eyes.

"I can only imagine how beautiful you're going to look in your dress!" Iris says, walking closer to give me the big sister hug I've been needing and will be needing a lot of today.

"I love you!" I say as I squeeze her gently.

"Okay, let's get out of your hair so you can get this dress on!" Mum says.

Everyone leaves including my makeup artist and hairstylist and now I'm in the room all alone. The wedding ceremony starts at twelve and it's about ten thirty now. Most of my personal preparations are done. Makeup and hairs done, jewellery's on. And I know what I'm saying for my speech.

Hopefully Jude has his speech prepared but I wouldn't have much faith in that knowing that without me he's the most unorganised man on the earth. And we haven't seen each other since yesterday afternoon.

Didn't let him sleep with me because I'm superstitious and I believe it's bad luck to be in the same bed the night of the wedding. I don't know, we've had so much bad luck during our relationship, I can't afford for more.

I check my phone, see a text message from my soon to be husband saying he loves me and can't wait to see me walk down the isle. It's all cute and sappy. I respond, biggest smile on my lips.

I still have some time and I'm not getting into my dress just yet, so I grab my clipboard and slip out of my hotel room, make my way down to the lobby and out to where my wedding is being set up.

I need to make sure everything is being set up correctly. It's my dream day. It has to be perfect.

"Hi Miss Simmons." The hotel manager greets me as I step onto the sand, looking at everything being constructed.

"Hi, how's everything going?" I smile, glancing around.

"Wonderful. We're on schedule." She assures.

I nod my head.

"The flowers, food, decor, chairs and everything else is all okay?" I question.

"Yes miss Simmons. I'm more than happy to show you?" She offers.

"That'll be great." I smile. Walking as she guides me back inside and towards the kitchen to speak to the chef.

He's a lovely man, the chef. Italian. Late fifties. Named Aldo.

"Ah Harmony Cara. Welcome!" He greets.

"Hi Aldo!" I beam, walking closer and peering down at the food he's making.

"Is everything in order?"

"Everything is perfect!"

I look at my food list on page one of my clipboard. I have a few pictures on there that were also included in my wedding book, just so I don't lose sight on what I envisioned for the big day.

"You have the food from group A and B. And then the sub options and the alternative options that have a mixture of A and B? And then the various starter, salad and dessert options along with the diet options, allergy options, Vegetarian, vegan options and lastly, the Harmony options?" I ask. Pretty simple if you ask me.

Aldo looks at the hotel manager and I look back at her and she looks absolutely dumbfounded. Not sure why though, pretty standard wedding stuff.

"Harmony my lovely, I've got it all." He picks up a small plate that has a small piece of salmon on it, hands me a fork.

"Taste this."

I take a bite and it's absolutely amazing. This is what I like to see from my wedding party. Demonstrations instead of words. Show me it's all in order.

I swear Aldo is the only person on this team that knows what he's doing and hasn't required much guidance.

"Absolutely amazing! Thank you Aldo!" Bring him into a hug.

"You're welcome belleza." He hugs me back, kissing the top of my head.

Satisfied, the hotel manager guides me out of the kitchen back outside so I can look at the wedding decor. The arch and alter being set up, the chairs and the flowers.

I spot my wedding assistant Adriana.

Met her in London about two years ago. Styled her for this event years ago. Found out she was this top notch wedding planner. Saw she was when I went to her wedding, it looked like a royal wedding with how beautiful it was. So I hired her for this.

Obviously I'm the main planner. I don't need the help. But her intel is good so I hired her to help. Didn't want to be doing too much on my big day.

"Adriana!" I call out and she stops in her tracks.

"Hey Harms. You look so gorgeous!" She compliments.

"Aw, thanks." I touch her arm affectionately.

"Shouldn't you be getting your dress on though? The weddings starting in almost an hour." She peers down at her watch.

"Oh yes I will soon. I just need to check all of this out to ensure it's all going smoothly." I tell her.

"I've got you Harms don't worry."

"I know! Just want to ease my nerves a bit and see for myself."

She nods with a smile. Pulling her clipboard up a bit. Matches mine. I bought us a matching pair because I thought it was cute. We're a little team.

"Have you got my earpiece?" I ask

"Yes, I assumed you'd want it." She hands me my earpiece and I pop it in. This connects me to everyone working on the wedding. The design team are in all different parts of this hotel lugging things in. So this is easier.

"So what's going on?" I ask walking around to inspect the chairs. They've all got a mixture of pink and white bows at the back. Cute.

"We're just setting up the alter and the arch." Adriana reveals.

"You still want the circle arch right?" She asks and I nearly snap my neck with how fast I turn to look at her.

"Sorry WHAT!" I ask.

"The—the designers have brought in a circle arch as they said that's what you wanted..." Maybe Adriana has lot her touch as a wedding planner of maybe she's gone mad because who and I mean absolutely who in their right mind would want a circle arch on their wedding day. What even is that. Is that even a thing? Oval arches are the only thing to exist in my mind.

"Fucking hell!" I snap. Holding my head in my hands.

"Miss Simmons, if there's a problem I can happily go speak to the wedding designers." The hotel manager offers.

"No thank you, I'll handle this myself. Would you be able to just go check the guest list and bring it to me?" I ask politely. Holding back my anger.

"Of course." She smiles excusing herself.

I switch back to looking at Adriana.

"Harms I can—"

"No it's fine, I've got this Adi." I assure.

"Hello!" I shout holding onto my ear piece waiting for one of these idiots to answer.

"Miss Simmons?" A voice answers

"Yes. Hello. I want you to stop what you're doing which I believe is carrying in a hideous and ugly circle arch into this hotel, turn back around put it in the car and go down to Bud Flora—it's twenty minutes away. Go in there and you should see a blonde and very bitchy looking woman there. Her name is Camilla."

"Tell that troll you're here for Harmony Simmons' wedding arch. She should if she wants to live, direct you to the backup flower arch I had Bianca make in case one of you mucked up with the original one which I see you have. If she gives you any trouble at all. Attitude or withholding information or straight up refusal to give you the arch. Tell me. I will be down there and I will handle things. I have a lawyer for when things get ugly." I explain. A headache is due to come.

"Did you get all of that?" I ask impatiently.

"Yes miss Simmons." They answer back quickly.

"Good. Any more problems and you'll find yourself in hot water. Keep me updated, you all have my number. Also keep Adriana updated in case I'm unable to speak."

They agree and then the earpiece goes silent.

I let out the biggest exhale.

"Let me know what happens. I need to check out these flowers." I tell Adriana.

"Of course." She smiles, before walking away to check on the rest of the stuff.

I walk to one of the tables where all the flowers are.

Already I'm not happy.

I see the magnolias, I see the Carnations. I see the peonies. Where are the fucking tulips.

"Bianca!" I yell out and she comes scurrying over. Her face looks like she's seen a ghost as she peers at me.

"Harmony I can explain!" She says before I even speak.

"Go on." Cross my arms over my chest glaring at her. She had one fucking job.

"We have the tulips."

"Okay..." usher for her to continue and quick because my patience is waring out.

"They're—it's...okay they're pink but—" God I'm going to have the murder three people today.

"We're having issues getting them to stand up in the sand so they can run down the sides of the aisle like you wanted." Honestly do I have to do everything?

Just as I'm about to answer a pair of strong hands grab me from behind. I spin around to see my favourite person smiling down at me.

His presence brings me momentary calm before I snap out of it and turn back to Bianca.

"Bianca. I love you, really do. But if you don't get those flowers to stand up in the sand, you won't be able to stand—"

"Okay! Thank you so much Bianca, you can go try and do that I'll sort this one out." Jude cuts me off ushering Bianca to leave.

She shoots me a nervous smile before giving Jude a grateful one. I hear him apologise to her, saying I'm crazy and he'll up her pay as she passes by.

"We are not paying her more." I turn to glare at the man that will be my husband in about an hour.

"We are for the hell you've put her through. Little bridezilla." He taps my nose.

"I am not a bridezilla! I'm just particular and clearly I have to be because no one's getting anything right!" Cross my arms over my chest annoyed.

"What are you even doing out here with your little ear piece and clipboard?" He laughs

I roll my eyes because he's annoying.

"Ensuring my wedding is perfect. That's what!" I sass back.

He laughs again.

"Alright let's get you back. You need to be getting your wedding dress on."

"No! I need to make sure this is all done!" I demand, I'm about to walk away to find Bianca but I get stopped in my tracks by Jude, he picks me up and effortlessly throws me over his shoulder.

"Jude!" I yell

"Miss Simmons—" The hotel manager stops mid sentence looking at our arrangement. Me upside down over Jude's shoulder.

"Oh—sorry I just...Miss Simmons asked for the guest list." She holds it out. I try my best to go to take it but Jude takes it first, thanking the lady.

"Jude! Put me down!" I scream as he begins to walk away with me in his arms.

"Relax." He laughs

"I hate you!"

"Yeah and that's why we're going to be married in an hour." He scoffs.

I give up a few seconds later because it's not the first time he's done this and I know there's no escaping his clutches.

He walks us all the way to my hotel room. Only puts me down once he's closed the door behind us.

"Returning back trouble." He laughs placing me down on the ground gently. Cheekily grabs my ass as he does so I playfully swat his hands away.

"Gosh we left you for like five minutes. Where did you go?" Chloe asks

"She was harassing the wedding party. Found her with her little clipboard and earpiece in."

"Maniac." Aaliyah laughs

"No! I had to be there. The weddings a mess. The arch is messed up and so are the flowers!" I sigh. No one gets it.

"Babe—" Jude grabs my hand and pulls me to him. Cups my face with his hands. Always can calm me down this one.

"Everything is going to be fine. In an hour we're going to be down there saying yes to forever. And I'll finally get to call you Mrs Bellingham."

"Okay?" He looks into my eyes with his beautiful ones.

I feel calm immediately. My whole exterior melting in his touch. The way it will forever.

"Okay." I beam.

He kisses my forehead and then pulls me into a hug.

"You lot got to keep a better eye on her. Make sure she doesn't escape again." He jokes, arm around my waist as he stares at my two best friends.

"That's your job now. She's going to be your wife." Aaliyah grins.

Jude looks to me with a little knowing smile.

"The greatest job in the world." Impossible to not love this man.

"Glad to hear you say that because that means you're happy to start right now. Watch your wife while Chloe checks in with everyone and I go make sure everything's going to plan downstairs so she can stop worrying." Aaliyah instructs.

Jude salutes playfully and watches them leave the room.

"Are you ready?" I ask him. Walking to sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, just need to put my suit on." He tells me. Walking to the wardrobe where my dress is hanging up.

"Are you ready to marry me?" Don't know why I ask. Maybe a deep and very old insecurity has reared its head and I'm looking for that final bit of assurance even though him proposing and our wedding happening in an hour is enough.

"Have been for two years." He says instantly and my heart beats that extra bit faster.

"Are you ready to marry me?" He questions coyly.

"Never been more ready for anything."

He cracks the biggest smile. Looks down at the floor all cute and shy. I hope I can make him go that way forever.

"Is this your dress?" He points to it.

"Yeah." I smile.

"Can I get a sneak peak?" He questions.

"Absolutely not!"

"Oh come on Harms." He looks at it.

I get off the bed.

"No Jude! It's bad luck!"

"It's not. It's fine." He laughs. His hand hovering over the zip.

I don't waste any time. I run with speed and jump on his back. The way I've done many times when I want him to stop something. The way I'll forever continue to stop him.

"Harmony get off!"

"No! Not until you back away from the dress!" I tell grabbing onto his head. Hand accidentally covering his eyes as I grip onto him.

"I can't fucking see to do that!"

"Move away!" I yell out removing my hands from his eyes.

"Get off of me first!"


"Harmony! You're so fucking insane. Get off of me I'm not even touching your dress anymore!"

It isn't just about that now. It's the fact that he had the audacity to go against my orders. He knows who runs things in this. Me.

"Apologise for trying to go against my wishes."

"Fucking hell. No!"

"Apologise Jude!" I grab his ear pinching it hard.

"Ow! Harms let go—what the fuck is wrong with you!" He tries to shake me off but I won't budge. I'm gripping his ear hard.

"No! Apologise!"

"Who the fuck am I marrying?" He says distressed which is rude so I pinch his ear harder.

The door then opens and in walks Aaliyah and chloe again.

"The fuck is going on?" Aaliyah asks

"You two are doing this when you're meant to be getting married in an hour?" Chloe asks

"Get her off me!" Jude yells out.

Aaliyah manages to pull me off Jude. Who looks frazzled once I am off.

"Two kids. Literally." Aaliyah shakes her.

"That hurt!" Jude rubs his ear and I flip him off.

"Alright you go get in your suit. Now!" Chloe grabs Jude's arm and ushers him out.

As he passes by me he kisses the side of my head.

"See you at the alter beautiful." He smiles.

I shoot him a small wave as he leaves the room.

"Okay. Now you, dress time." Aaliyah announces.

I walk to the wardrobe, grab my dress and then go into the bathroom.

I look myself in the mirror now with the dress on. Immediately start to tear up. I've imagined this day since I was young. Me and the man of my dreams. Grew up not knowing who I wanted on the other end of that aisle only to meet that person at nineteen. The man of my dreams who I envisioned all of this with.

Finally, our day has come. We wadded through all the shit that was thrown our way, and finally made it out the other end. Ready to promise each other forever. I can't wait.

I'm about to be married to the man who makes my world spin. The man who makes me smile bright, laugh hard, dream big and love easily.

He's all I've ever wanted from the minute I fell for him. And he finally gets to be mine forever how I'll be his.

I smooth over my dress, taking a deep breath. Try not to cry too much and ruin my makeup as I look my reflection over in the mirror. It's perfect. The dress, the hair the makeup. Everything. It's all perfect so I can marry the most perfect man to exist. The angel that snuck onto earth.

"Okay, you guys ready?" I call out. Voice a little shaky due to all of the emotions.

"Yeah get out here!" Aaliyah calls out eagerly.

I take a massive deep breath and then open the door, slowly walking out to my friends.

"Oh my god!" Chloe's tearful

"Harms you...fuck you look so beautiful!" Aaliyah sniffles.

"Yeah?" I ask both of them

They nod in unison. Stand and walk to me.

"My best friend's getting married." Aaliyah cries. Holding my hand.

"Thank you so much for being my made of honour." I'm crying a bit myself now. Trying not to so my makeup isn't ruined.

"Always." She smiles

"And you Chlo. Thank you for being a bridesmaid." I turn to the brunette.

"Of course!" She squeezes my hand.

"I love you guys!" I sniffle

"We love you more, Mrs Bellingham." Aaliyah grins. Still teary.

I pull them into a group hug, the three of us sniffling away. Trying not to sob.

"Alright, let's go get you hitched!" Chloe beams rushing towards the door.

I nod, following her out along with Aaliyah.

— Jude and harms are
so unserious 🤣

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