"Let Me Kiss You" (A Harry St...

By kbradley_

5.9K 130 56

Spending 18 long years in the small town of Greenwood, Indiana Drew Harper came to the realization she didn't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Not An Update!

Chapter 14

130 11 6
By kbradley_


For the rest of the night following the fire scare Drew and I ate the pizza I had ordered and talked. Occasionally I would smell the overwellming scent of smoke and was forced to open every window of my house. The breeze from outside would blow through the living room occasionaly spreading the sweet smell of Drew's perfume around, and causing her long brown hair to almost float through mid air. I found myself watching her lips as she spoke every word. There was something about the way when she smiled causing small dimpled impressions on her cheeks that made me want to stare for hours.

"Hey Drew, can I show you something?" I asked randomly in the midst of our conversation.

"Uh, yeah sure." She said smiling

I took her hand in mine leading her to the back door of my house into the small backyard. The confusion on her face was priceless and I could see questioning in her brown eyes.

"What are we doing Harry?" She asked as I pulled her outside into the cooled night air.

"What is it you wanted to show me?" She asked again as I turned to look back at her.

"This." I said lifting her chin up with my index finger to face the night sky.


Harry had drug me outside into the cool summer air to see god knows what..

"What are we doing Harry?" I asked giving a sweet smile.

Harry turned to me and I could see the bright green in his eyes glowing against the moon. His pink lips were pursed ever so lightly and the coolness from the air left his breath lingering. He stepped towards me and in almost a hushed tone he said "This."

His cold finger was raised to my chin and lifted it up to the sky to only see thousands of stars glistening in the blanket of black. I was taken back. Ever since I had left Indiana I had never seen the proper night sky I was so used to back home due to all the city lights continually on. In that moment it was just me and the sky I felt like I was home and for the first time in a long time I actaully missed home.

"Harry this is beautiful!" I said pulling my attention away from the stars and back to Harry.

He smiled "Ah, its nothing. I usually come out here for peace and quiet to get away from the hectic life of being "Harry Styles". Sometimes I come out and sit under the stars and write songs."

I kept thinking in my head why he was put air quotes around the words  Harry Styles.

"Why did you say it like that?" I asked looking into his eyes.

" I don't know sometimes I think why am I still going through all this drama and what if I hadn't tried out for the X Factor. It seems  that just because I'm famous everyone wants something from me and no one really cares what I want." He said looking at the ground and running his hand through his loosened curly hair.

I took a shaky breath and took Harry's loose hand in mine and whispered. "And sometimes I think what if I would've stayed in Indiana. What if I  never applied to college here, what if my plane had been delayed, or what if you wouldn't been at the train station that day. Harry, I think about stuff like that all the time and now I know that if none of that stuff would've happened or the pain I went through I never would've met you. This whole experience led me to you and for that I'm glad. Just remember I care and your not "Harry Styles" the world famous singer; your just "Harry" the sweet lovable guy I met on that Sunday afternoon in a train station.

Harry looked up into my eyes and at that time I saw an emotion I had never seen. I saw vulnerability , but I saw tears beginning to form in the ducts of his eyes.

"Drew.." I only heard as a hushed whisper as he began to lean in for a kiss.

Kissing Harry was now something I was beginning to get used to. I was beginning to love the way our lips seems to be magnetic when we kissed, the way his hand would caress my face ever so gently and how it always seemed my fingers always found their way into his curly hair. The texture to his lips was almost compared to soft satin and how within the kiss I felt I was actually special and loved.

After our soft shortened kiss Harry and I decided to stay out a little longer to ogle the view of the stars in the sky. The mood had lifted from what it was before and we were conversing as if the previous topic had never been brought up.

"Drew..?" Harry asked breaking the minimal silence.

"Yeah." I said turning to face him from the position I was laying in the grass.

His eyes turned to meet mine "Um, this is kind of a random question and you don't have to answer it, but um, I was wondering back to when I was at Liam's house a couple weeks ago and I found your purse.."

My eyes widened. "Yeah.. and?"

"Well.. I found birth control. It's none of my business but why?" He explained with worried eyes.

.....and the thought occurred to me, well damn! This is embarrassing. I could feel my cheeks burning like embers in fire as the multiple answers I could say swirled around my mind.

"Well, the doctor prescribed me The Pill because I ..Um suffer from really bad periods and it helps to regulate them." I said pushing myself off the grass into a sitting position looking straight ahead.

"Oh." He said almost bin a hushed tone.

I didn't know what else to say. The conversation had taken an almost uncomfortable turn, and what else was I supposed to say to him. I pretty much had just told him that I had a heavy period... Great.

"I thought it was for something else.." Harry said trailing off and now looking into my eyes.

"Oh.. No. As embarrassing and humiliating as it sounds I'm 18 and still a virgin." I explained quietly.  

Harry sat quiet for a second not saying a word just fiddling with the blanket of jaded grass around him.

He finally broke the silence "I don't think it's embarrassing."

My head shot up immediately to find Harry's eyes locked on mine. Telling him I was still a virgin was something I wasn't looking forward to at all, and I thought in the moment he would think I was a freaking saint of something.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I don't want a one night stand kind of girl, I think you still being a virgin shows you have morals unlike some girls." Harry said taking my hand in his and tracing the goosebumps on my arm.

I thought about my answer. "It's not that I don't wanna have sex... It's just the guys back home were dicks, and I'm looking for the right guy. Someone one day who will love me after..."

My eyes diverted and I began to look at the grass surrounding us. As the seconds ticked by I only heard the soft breathing coming from Harry until his hand made it's way up to my face pulling it back up to face him.

"And I hope to be that guy someday." He said giving a half smile showing off his predominate dimple.

My breathing faltered and my heart seemed to skip. In my own mind it seemed I couldn't fathom the words that Harry had just said, and I didn't know how to react to the situation.

I smiled back and scooted closer leaning my head on his shoulder feeling the warmth radiating from his skin.

"Me to." I stuttered through the silence.


I was home alone. I was home alone to drown in my own guilt and mistakes. This was all my fault and because of my dumb ass mistakes I was going home tomorrow. Because of my dumb ass mistakes I made I was going home back to Indiana, but I was leaving my best friend behind. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I hadn't noticed my phone vibrating on the couch.

Text Message: Drew :)

I'm home I forgot my key, open the door.

I hurried off the couch and jogged to the door. I opened the door only to find Drew standing there looking as pissed as she when she left. My eyes caught sight of a sudden flash of Harry's car taillights driving back down the street. When my attention was focused on Harry's car Drew pushed past me knocking me into the door frame.

She threw her purse on the couch and began to walk down the hallway back to her room.

"Drew." I said trying to catch her attention.

My attempt to talk to her failed as she continued to walk.

"Drew!" I yelled stopping her in her tracks.

Angrily she replied without turning to me, "What?"

I took in a shaky breath not wanting to say what I had to, " I talked to my mom while you were gone, and she's as pissed at you. So.... she's sending me home. She decided she's not going to pay for my school anymore. Drew. I'm leaving for Indiana tomorrow night."

She stood silent not saying anything. I was waiting for her to beg me to stay or give me some sort of  comfort, just something I could hold onto but that's not what I got.

"Good." She whispered.


Sorry it's kind of short, but I'm so busy with school and graduation I can't seem to keep up. Let me know what you think about it and let me know. I promise next chapter will be much better and more things are in store for , Drew,  Harry, and Harley.

Follow me on Twitter. @kristen_leanne8

LOVE, Kristen

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