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How will you feel when you get married to someone you never even saw just in order to protect him... what wil... More



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(Sehan...take towards hotel... we will leave tomorrow morning)Yoongi said and sehan nodded while jiminie was sleeping due to all cryings and tiredness she has got...

Finally,yoonmin got married....


Yoonmin along with sehan reached hotel...yoongi came out as guards opened door for him,guards were about to do same with jiminie but stopped as yoongi showed his palm to them...guards moved away as yoongi walked forward and opened door for jiminie ..jiminie who was lost came back to world as yoongi said while forwarding his hand(jiminie...we reached)...

Jiminie looked around herself and noticed they reached hotel so she holded yoongi's hand without hesitation...

yoongi smiled and lead her to his hotel room....

Yoongi's hotel room:

Yoonmin entered room and yoongi left jiminie hand who felt somewhat restless...(You freshnup and rest... I'll order some food)jiminie nodded without looking up... yoongi left towards galary of hotel room to make a call...Jiminie looked around room for a bit and took out her one dress from suit-case that mrs.agarwal and Kajal packed for her...she then went to freshnup...

Yoongi's pov:

I took phone away from my ear when my mom shouted(What?)...well she asked me about marriage photos that got viral as who ever from jiminie flat apartment knew who min yoongi is?posted their marriage photos...yoongi told everything to his mom honestly..(yoongi you know your grandma will be angry)I sighed as I knew very well my grandma will create a scene since she wanted me to marry her so-called rich friend grand-daughter who is spoiled girl and I don't even like her near me...(Mom.. I'll manage but for now tell everyone that I married her by own...she isn't like those girls in Korea but she is amazing desi-girl you wanted as daughter-in-law...)I added last sentence intentionally as I knew my mom wanted desi daughter-in-law as she saw in dramas..(okay, I'll try but you have to handle your grandma..she is stubborn like you)my mom taunted as I am more stubborn than any of my siblings...(Mom)I whinned but then said okay...(Well yoon,where is my daughter-in-law and what's are full name and how is her nature?)...I smiled and answered(she is getting freshnup and her full name is jiminine Oberoi...she is kind,smart, innocent and beauty with brain...it will be best if you call her"Angel"..)I unknowingly smiled and mrs.min smiled as she knew her son too well..(okay yoon..take rest and take care of yourself and jiminie... I'll tell everyone today itself)...I said yes and ended the call and turned only to see my newly wedded-wife coming out of bathroom wearing traditional-dress...and she was looking amazing...

I heard her voice after a long day...

(You should shower..)

Third person pov:

Yoongi came out of "jiminie world" and nodded as yes as he took a causal shirt and went to freshnup...jiminie sat on couch and waited for yoongi to come out...

Yoongi came out and placed towel on chair after he dried his hair...yoongi sat beside jiminie after asking(can I sit beside you if your are comfortable?)to which jiminie nodded...(Let's have some food and then let's have a talk)yoongi said and jiminie nodded again...it would be wrong to say that yoongi wasn't missing bubbly and smiling jiminie whom he met first but he knew what happend today was also like trauma to her which he will help her to come out...he will bring old jiminie back....

Yoonmin ate food and sat beside eachother...(Jiminie..)yoongi called as he holded jiminie both hands in his...(Hmm)jiminie hummed as she holded yoongi's hands back feeling warmth...(You need to know something about me but before answer my one question)yoongi said and jiminie nodded like go ahead...(Why you behaved yesterday like I was unknown to you in morning inspection?did I made you uncomfortable)jiminie looked up and shaked her head before answering(I wasn't uncomfortable...but you see,you are my saviour,you protected from those guys that day and y.. yesterday too...your status was the thing which made me feel little...yoon...sir you are rich and ceo of biggest company in whole world as well as Asia while me an o..orphan...we aren't even match..I thought of you as my friend at that time cuz I thought you are also middle class like me ..but see,what you are and what i am... we aren't a match sir...)jiminie ended making yoongi understand that jiminie is insecure of her being parent-less...she thinks of herself alone in this world...yoongi sighed and made jiminie look at him while cupping her face ...

(Jiminie you aren't orphan..you have Mr and mrs.agarwal, Kajal (your soul sister) and also you have me,your husband ...you aren't alone in this world...you aren't poor or orphan,you are rich more rich than me in heart and kindness while money doesn't mind...you are also rich in money since min yoongi trullionarie is your husband...and haven't you heard opposite attracts...)yoongi ended with smile while jiminie was shocked as whom people call heartless is heartiest,rude is kindest,cold is warmest,and anger-issues is the calmest...jiminie smiled lightly(thankyou...no one has ever made me feel this much warmth as you did... thankyou sir)...yoongi smiled at first but then poured,it would be news top trending update that"THE MIN YOONGI KNOWN KNOWN AS STRICT AND GROWN-UP MEN IS POUTING"

Jiminie cooed at yoongi but chuckled and blushed lightly when yoongi said(don't call me sir,it sounds like your are in loan and I'm helping you...call me by my name or even nickname I won't mind) yoongi flirted little...(I.. I'll call you ...y...yoongi ji...)yoongi was confuse at mention of "ji"... jiminie who seems to understand yoongi's confusion related Pakistani traditions explained(ji means like adding respect to your husband name)...yoongi nodded and said again(my family knows about us and my whole family except my old grandma will accept you...my grandma will too but it will take time so please don't become angel when someone hurt you words or actions,do reply back...rest I'll handle..you have all rights on me so being my wife make sure to take every right from me...and yes!tell me anything and everything that makes you uncomfortable or restless...I will try my best to find solution and help you...I will ways protect you like you said "I'm your saviour"...and i won't hesitate to act like one... now sleep,we have to travel tommorow... I'll tell about my family in plane)yoongi said all with gentle voice which made jiminie heart more warm than ever...(Thankyou...just thankyou for everything you have done for me..)jiminie said with teary eyes...yoongi softly wiped her eyes and peaked her forehead like a warm gesture of beside her forever...

(Jiminie...do you wanna cry your heart out?)Yoongi asked knowing behind jiminie emotionless face was pain which needs to be out...jiminie shaked her head telling no but her eyes betrayed her as tears already made way down her eyes...(It's okay...you need to cry out so that you will be able to start your new life as "Min jiminie"....


iminie cried her heart out on her husband shoulder while her husband just simply patted her back and caressed her hairs which was warm gesture... jiminie back away and said(sorry,I made your shirt wet)...yoongi chuckled and said dramatically(it's okay,afterall thousands of shirts are sacrificed for my wife tears)...jiminie and little and said(you sleep on bed, I'll take couch)... yoongi shaked his head and layed on couch(I'll sleep here...you can take bed for today)... jiminie wanted to argue back but seeing yoongi's stubbornness she let it be and layed on bed...(Good night wifey)yoongi yelled little making jiminie blush(good night yoongi ji)

Yoonmin slept with smile on their face ready to face whatever challenges life have for them....


(You have taken all your things ..)Jiminie asked as yoongi placed his phone in his pocket...(Yes,I have...now let's go)yoongi said confidently but that confidence vanished as jiminie waved his wallet in air(ahm...I saw you took it so it's your wife right to take care of your husband belongings)yoongi tried to excuse while jiminie shaked her head and placed wallet in yoongi's hand(tell better excuse next time...now let's go) jiminie left with laguage while yoongi smiled as jiminie was better than yesterday...he also walked out with his laguage...

(Take care Nd happy journey jiminie and jiju)Kajal yelled as yoonmin salted towards platform side after check-in...Kajal came to meet jiminie last time...she almost cried too but controlled herself but she was happy that jiminie was much better than yesterday...

(We are ready to take-off..please tie your seatbelt..)Pilot of yoongi's private jet announced making jiminie already crazy heartbeat run at 320m/s speed...yoongi who knew it was jiminie first time travelling in plane holded her hands after tying his and jiminie seatbelt...(Jiminie...listen to me ..focus on my lips ...try to read what I'm saying)yoongi gave instructions as he knew jiminie was hearing only loud scratching sound of plane tires. ...jiminie who heard it tried to focus on yoongi's lips to understand what he is saying,yoongi could feel sharp nails on his hand skin scratching ignored it and focused on his wife...

(You can open your seatbelts now)Pilot announced and jiminie finally let go of yoongi's hands and now she could read his lips..(I'm here with you ..calm down...I'm here with you... take a deep breath...focus on me)...jiminie saw the blood her nails caused looked at yoongi and said(sorry yoongi ji...I was scared...and thankyou)... yoongi immediately smiled making jiminie smile back ...

(So they all are my family members)Yoongi closed his mobile while he saw jiminie sleeping on his shoulder....he smiled and let her rest looking out of window...

(We are ready to take-off)Pilot announced and yoongi holded jiminie hand this time while jiminie just closed her eyes holding yoongi's hands back ....yoonmin came out of plane and sat in car....

Car entered "MIN MANSION"...yoongi holded jiminie hands tightly being protective... jiminie smiled as she always wanted a husband who will hold her hands even if their isn't crowd....guards who saw their young-master holding his wife hand while he generally hates skin-ship were shocked but bowed to them...Yoongi nodded while jiminie gave polite smile making them smile back little.....

(Wait,let me perform ritual...)Yoongi's mom inshort mrs.min stopped yoonmin who were about to enter mansion...jiminie undestood that mrs.min aka her mother-in-law was performing pakistani welcoming ritual smiled little while yoongi stood confuse...mrs.min did their arti and after throwing flowers petals on them pointed her hand to put tikka was stopped as yoongi asked (what is this?)...(It's Pakistani bride welcoming ritual now shut up)mrs.min said and put Tilak on both of them ...(Jiminie child,push kalesh slightly and then put your feets in red paint and walk inside your new home)jiminie nodded and did as mrs.min explained .. yoongi walked together will jiminie making his brother's(namkook)chuckle...(Now,put your hands in red paint and placed your hands together on wall...painting our home with your blessed hands)jiminie tears but nodded and did all ritual...

After ritual:

(Jiminie,you know all of them but still let me introduce you)...jiminie looked at yoongi and nodded..(they are my mom and dad"pointed at mr and mrs.min who smiled at her while she joined her hands and touched their feet...Mr and Mrs.min placed their hands on jiminie head and blessed her"they are my brothers and sister-in-laws...my elder brother namjoon and sister-in-law Jin"jiminie touched their feet as well but both backed away..."jiminie why elder brother and sister-in-law feet"they are also elder than us...they are like our second parents after mom and dad"yoongi and others smiled brightly at this kind hearted girl...namjin blessed her...he is my younger brother jungkook and sister-in-law Tae"jiminie waved at them and bowed little making them bow back while tae hugged her and Tae retracted hug"...and then is my grandma who is busy right now...they all are our maids and guards and like family..."jiminie bowed to all of them and gave polite smile while guards also bow back and give smile back"...that's it) yoongi said as he sat down...(Will grandma accept your marriage,hyung?) jungkook asked and before yoongi could reply they all heard...

(I'll never accept this middle-class orphan girl...)

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