Patience- a beautiful journey

By priceless987

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**๐“๐ก๐ž ๐›๐จ๐จ๐ค ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฆ๐ฒ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ* '๐•ด ๐–œ๐–Ž๐–‘๐–‘ ๐–๐–Ž๐–‘๐–‘ ๐–†๐–‘๐–‘ ๐–”๐–‹ ๐–™๐–๐–Š๐–’ ๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐–‰๐–”๐–Š๐–˜ ๐–๐–Š ๐–œ๐–†... More

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By priceless987


siting alone in the dimly lit room, memories of the past flood my mind like a relentless torrent, each one carrying the weight of unspoken words and unfulfilled promises. I can still feel the sting of his indifference, the emptiness of his neglect echoing in the corners of her heart.

The moments we shared, once filled with laughter and warmth, now seem like distant echoes of a love that was never truly reciprocated. Every ignored plea for attention, every overlooked gesture of affection, serves as a painful reminder of her diminished worth in his eyes.

I wonders how i could have been so blind, so naive to believe that love alone could sustain them through the storms of indifference. The tears that once flowed freely now linger behind closed doors, silent witnesses to the ache that resides within my soul. I longs for the comfort of understanding, for someone to hold me close and tell me that i am worthy of love, of attention, of being seen. But the echoes of his silence drown out my cries, leaving me to navigate the depths of my sorrow alone, longing for a glimmer of hope to light my way forward...

I can't cry in front of anyone just because my children I don't want to make them sad but what about me, can't I deserve a better life, I accepted his neglence, ignorance rude behaviour but now a step son i couldn't bear this...

In the midst of my own pain, i receives news that adds another layer of complexity to my already fractured world: my estranged husband, the man who walked away without a second glance, has a stepson who seeks solace in her arms.

The revelation leaves me reeling, torn between the desire to offer comfort to a child who knows nothing of the wounds inflicted by his father and the fear of reopening old wounds that have yet to heal.

I wrestles with conflicting emotions, grappling with the weight of responsibility thrust upon my shoulders by a past i thought i had left behind. Despite the uncertainty that clouds my mind, a glimmer of compassion flickers within my heart, a beacon of light amidst the darkness of betrayal and abandonment.

I knows the road ahead will be fraught with challenges, but i also knows that i cannot turn my back on a child in need, for in him, i sees echoes of my own longing for love and acceptance.

Yunus already informed me about arsh but today when I saw him with my eyes, I can't beleive that he is totally like Faris, I felt a sudden urge to tell him that now he is my child and that's why I stopped him and informed everyone that he is now living with us

I don't want to make him like his father and that's why I stopped him, but still a fera is in my heart what if I couldn't become a good mother for him, what if I wouldn't give the love which heis craving from last year's and the most important questions who is his mother?


My anger simmers beneath the surface like a dormant volcano, its fiery intensity threatening to erupt at any moment. Every word spoken, every action taken by phuppo feels like a personal attack, a deliberate attempt to undermine the pain and struggle of life. But beneath the anger lies a deep sense of hurt and vulnerability, a wounded heart yearning for understanding and validation.

I look at ahaan who just sleep now crying for hours, i can't handle him at that moment when that stupid, nonsense arsh revealed that he is step brother of ahaan and Faris, I'm also feeling sad for Faris, he went out for somewhere when he come to know that arsh is his step brother and now he is going to live under the same roof..

Noor was so much scared for Farsi because he didn't inform anybody where he is going. I came into Noor's room and I watches her navigate the tumultuous waters of life, a heavy sadness settles in my heart like a leaden weight, pulling me down into a sea of sorrow.

I sees the pain etched into my sister's eyes, the weariness that lines her face like a map of unspoken burdens carried in silence. My heart longs to reach out and ease her every pain, to wrap her in a cocoon of comfort and shield her from the harsh realities of the world.

Yet,i knows that some wounds run too deep to be healed with mere words or gestures. And so, i stands by her side, a silent sentinel of support, offering a shoulder to lean on and a hand to hold in moments of despair. Though I may not be able to erase the pain that she bears, i vows to walk alongside her through the darkest of days, a beacon of hope in the midst of despair...

I know she won't share her pain with me and these years, i know these all are for Faris but can anybody do

"Don't worry didi, everything will be get fine" i comfort her with a sad smile

"I am afraid for Faris he still didn't come" noor said and we both heard that the door is unlocked a sense of happiness run through our nerves and we looked at the door hopefully thinking about Faris but our smile change into sadness and shock

There he was standing who is the sole reason of the all problems...the great arsh haris sikander

"Why are you crying noor" he came in front and asked noor with concern

"Don't you see her husband is not at home and what do you think what she will do" I said with angry yet annoyed tone

"I asked to noor, and you are not noor so don't answer me" he said with serious tone and I am like 'seriously'

"Noor please drink this water, you'll feel better" he took the glass of water and took it near her mouth but somebody stopped him when we turn out head backward....there was he standing like a mad and angry bull

It is true that I have never been so happy to see him before today, as I was for the first time today. I also don't know why, but I was very happy to see him infront of us...

"DONT YOU DARE TO COME NEAR MY WIFE" he said with read blood shot eye and angry tone while that stupid aarsh sparsh just smirk

"And may I know why" that arsh parsh ask

"BECAUSE SHE IS MINE" Faris said in possessive tone and now that smirk from that arsh parsh face erased and he also became angry

"How can she be yours, she is only your wife, so don't behave like she is a doll which can dance on your instructions" arsh said and left the room and I also became numb like how can he say that

"You guys take rest, i should go now" I said and left the room


"but how is this possible" huda asked this 100 times and now she is again asking I told her about everything and now she I like this is a film and she is the main lead who can protect everyone like seriously she can't even handle herself

I again took a sigh and this time I speak

"Listen I know it's a big matter and that is why we all are going to live with them so that we can observe that arsh clearly

"But what he do something wrong, i mean suhana aunty and all that people of that house are so cool, i don't want anything bad happen to them, but arsh is also good looking what if he is also good from inside" she again stated her mouth but this time I became angry how could she speak about other man when her man is also hot and sexy

"Listen, I'm clearly giving warning you, you can talk everyone but not that arsh, i don't want you near any man" I said in possessive tone and she flinched on my tone

"And you Mr umar, don't you become my parent, i know what is good for me and what is bad so don't give me lectures, and I'll do whatever I want, if you can stop then stop me" she said in attitude tone and this only work as a fuel in my anger

"Really" I said coming dangerously near to her

"Hudaaaa comeeee" suneha come and called huda but stopped in her track when she saw both of us close

"This is not good umar, if you want to go close then do nikah" suneha spoke while smirking

"She is already in my nikah" I said with same attitude and both that huda and suneha went away God knows where

I feel bad for Auntie because she has faced a lot of struggles in her life and she is a very strong woman, but today she made a decision that no other woman could have made. She has so much courage, but I won't let her break, no matter what happens. She has helped us a lot, and I will help her in the same way. I will protect her no matter what, even if it means I have to do anything for her...

And about Faris and ahaan I know that Faris won't cry hai heart out, I also don't know still this time where he was,

"Ya Allah why this man, arsh came in our life" i asked to allah

"Because I'm also a part of this family and you all" I heard this voice when allah started to talk me, I turn my head and there he is standing half naked... Although he is handsome

"What are you doing here" i asked him

"Well I saw that your wife and ahaan's wife are talking so I planned to meet you" he said while smiling.. okay this is not normal why this man is smiling

"I don't have anything to talk with you" I said

"But I want" he said

"And what it is" i asked

"Well don't you guys think that I'm here because of some bloody revenge" he said and I raised my one eyebrow

"Ofcourse you are here for that, there is no confusion in this" I said and turn my head in opposite direction to indicate that I'm not interested in his useless talk but this man, is not going to understand this simple thing

"Well, actually I don't want any revenge just because of my father" he said and I snapped at him

"Why" I ask

"Because like Faris and ahaan I also don't love him, I used to hate him because he used my mother and then killed her when she demand him her rights and he send me in the boarding school so that I won't came in his path but still we both was in contact he never get to know that how much hate I have for him" he said and I was shocked....okay I never thought this I feel bad for his mother because this same is happened to my mother also

"Then after I get to know that I have a stepbrother who filed a case against our dad and now he is in the jail,, literally if I say that I don't love him, then this is true, because I won't love him, if you guys didn't sent him in the prison then i will kill him" he said and I was in the state that I should believe him or not

"How you get to know about all of us" i asked being curiously and he smiled

"He told my mother about everything that he already had a wife but he won't love her because he love noor's mother, and from there I got to know each and every thing" he said and I was like whyyy, why this man can't love his wife for once

"Why are you here now, what do you want now" i came back to straight to the point now

"Well, if you want to know that why I am here, is just because I also want a family who love me cherish me and adore me, I don't want this loneliness anymore" he said

"So it means you won't harm any of us" i asked

"Ofcourse not" he said and moved towards the door and I don't know what to beleive or what to not so I laid on my bed and soon went into deep slumber


Learning that you have a step-brother who is likely your age can be a profoundly complex and emotional experience. Initially, there may be a sense of disbelief, as the revelation challenges your understanding of your family dynamics and personal history.

As the reality sinks in, sadness may wash over you, stemming from the realization that there has been a significant gap in your life where this relationship could have existed.

Alongside sadness, anger may simmer, directed towards the circumstances or individuals that contributed to the situation. Questions may arise about why this information was kept from you, or why the family dynamic was structured in a way that prevented you from knowing each other earlier.

These feelings of anger can be intensified by a sense of betrayal or a feeling of being deprived of a meaningful connection. Amidst these emotions, there may also be curiosity and hope, as you contemplate the possibility of forging a relationship with your step-brother now that you are aware of each other's existence.

These are the emotions which are running in my nerves I don't know how to say, when my mother announce that he is going to live with us, i mean how can my mother is so strong

I took my car keys or stated driving like a mad man on the door soon I reached in the gym and stated work out continuously...

My anger was in peak, why why why this is all my mind is in taking

In night I got It's true that accepting a step-brother isn't always easy; it takes time. I'm feeling like I'm in that situation now. I'm unsure about what to do or not, but for the sake of my mother, I'm willing to embrace every decision. I don't what is his intention but if he is there for harming anyone then I swear I'll kill him without any second thought soon I reached my room and I saw that man is giving water to my noor

Sense of possession run throught my nerves and I got hold of his hand and how dare he to tell me that how should I treat my wife..
Soon everybody left the room and noor hugged me tightly and so i, because I need this warmth

"Where were you" she asked while sobbing

"Oh my baby, don't worry I was okay and see now I'm standing in front of you, I was just taking my time out" I said and took my night cloth

"Will I bring food for you" noor asked

"Yeah and bring it for you too, i know you didn't ate anything"I said and she just smiled and went out

I was still fuming in anger that how that arsh came in my room and talk to my wife... I took a cold shower and come out but noor was still not there

"Why she is taking so much time" i thought and went away from the room to find her but what I saw next was enough to make my blood boil

There she is standing with arsh and laughing with him God knows on what

"Why you took so much time noor" I asked and her eyes tuned to meet my cold one

"I was making something for you, because everything is finished" she said and took every dish neatly in the big plate she also left some food in the bowl and handed it to that arsh

"You was hungry na, take it" she said and that arsh took it happily

"I'm not a jealous type person but this man is getting on my nerves, why he is after my wife"

"Noor come let's go" I said and took her hand in mine and start walking towards my room


I am Happy that now Faris is at home I came in the kitchen and find nothing so I started making paneer for him and suddenly I heard a throat clearing voice and I look at the source and just smiled because I don't know how to react in this...

"Do you want anything" i asked him, suhana mamma already cleared us all that we guys are not going to behave badly with him as he already suffer a lot

"Yeah I was just hungry" he said and I nodded and make extra paneer

"Ek question puchu," he said ("Shall I aks you a question?")

"Ofcourse" I said with smile

"Why do cows wear bell" he asked

"Why" I asked him

"Because their horns doesn't work" he said and I stated laughing..he is quite funny

And in meantime Faris also came I served mine and Faris's dinner along with arsh's bowl of paneer and handed it to him and moved in my room


"soon you are going to be mine noor" arsh said with a smirk he was looking at the disappearing figure of noor and smiled

"I will snatch every single thing from you Faris, you already enjoyed a lot and now this is my time" he said and took a morsel of paneer and appreciate the chef who cooked it










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