Their Story

By Killer_005

20.1K 528 9

"So what is your story?" Anna asked taking a sip off her wine. "I don't have one," he said staring deep into... More

Their Story
He Has A Younger Brother
Do You Want To Go To Jail Tarzan?
A Cup Of Wine, or Five
Sexy Lexi Whorehouse
Nothing Is Okay
When Was The Last Time You Got Laid?
To Many Roses
We're Cool
Her Story
An Old Friend
Don't Answer
Run Away Together
His Story
Epilogue Our Story
The End
New Story

A burger that cost $100

1.1K 38 3
By Killer_005

"He's Jack Davis brother?" Charlotte said gasping.

Anna has explained the story to her, even the kiss and once Charlotte asked how did they meet, Anna couldn't lie and just had to deal with her lecture.


"Oh hell nah. But what if he lied about not being involved with him. And you invited him to come with us tomorrow? What if he wants gets mad at a worker and kill them on the spot?" Anna rolled her eyes.

"He's not killing anyone, he's not part of the gang, trust me," Charlotte sigh and nodded.

"You're right, I shouldn't doubt you of all people," she nodded and smiled. "Okay I can't wait for this double date, I wish we could have gone to a restaurant or something, how do you think Will will react about this? Haha did you get that? Will will haha," Anna chuckled at her friend.

Charlotte and Anna met in kindergarten and have been attached by the hip sense, they raised money to buy this house for them and they were living the dream. It was amazing living with your best friend, all you had to was yell her name and she was there for you.

"So you admit this is a date between you and Will," Anna smirk making Charlotte blush.

"What? No. Its a date between me and Connor, I mean have you seen him," Charlotte pretend to faint as Anna laugh and they both decided it's time for bed an walked their separate ways to their room.

Anna sat on her bed for a while thinking about her decision about asking Connor to join them. She was right she didn't want to be a third wheel between Charlotte and Will constant flirting, but she felt there was more of a meaning towards it. She wondered if it was going to be awkward, or if they were going to mention the kiss. Or just simply ignore it and continue with their day, she was very happy Charlotte and Will were going to be there because Anna and Connor alone would end one way or another.


Connor wore a hoodie with jeans a little big with paint on them, it was the cheapest ones he could find. He didn't want to wear anything dirty or with holes on them and make Anna regret inviting him to the mall, where you know there's a lot of people. He couldn't do anything about the shoes but he hope not many people will stare. He was used to it and it never bothered him but this time he was going to be around people and he remembered the amount of bags Anna friend had with her, or the house Anna lived in, and Will. He was going to be out of placed and he knew it.

He walked outside deciding to wait for them there. "Well look at what we have here," a deep voice said. Connor turned around and faced a man a little older than him and was very strong, he was shirtless. Connor glared at the man a little annoyed.

"You should leave Dave, people who work for the police are about to show up," Connor said warning Dave.

"People who work with the police?" Dave asked confused. "How do you know this? Are you working with them? You're not rating out boss are you," Dave asked making a step closer out of his anger.

"No," Connor said putting his hand on Dave chest to give him a little push back. "I wouldn't do that and you know it," he turned around to face the other way not looking at Dave.

"Good because I wouldn't hesitate telling boss, and he wouldn't hesitate showing up, how long has it been sense you guys saw each other? A long time hasn't it I hope this isn't your way to bring him out now," Dave said making Connor mad. Dave notice a very nice looking car coming up. "That must be them," Dave walked up behind Connor and whispered in his ear. "All you have to do is ask boss to see you, so we better not find out you're telling the police anything about boss."

Connor felt Dave walk away as he saw a car park in front of him and he climb in the back seat and saw Will was driving with Charlotte in the passenger seat and Anna was in the back as well.

"Nice to see you again," Will said. Connor returned a hi still mad about seeing Dave.

"Is something wrong?" he heard Anna ask he turned to look at her and shook his head.

"I haven't been to the mall in a long time," he said making up something quick although it wasn't a lie. They all caught on that it was because he didn't have money.

"I was thinking," Anna said. "Why not apply to a job or two at the mall?"

Connor wanted to say he has to all of them and they all said no. "No one wants Jack Davis brother working for them," Connor said not wanting to see the pity in her eyes and looked out the window.

"Will and I can put in a word for you," Anna said smiling at her plan. Connor had to admit she was pretty cute how she was excited for helping him.

"You guys don't know me," he said making her smile fade.

"We will just say some nice words if they hire you then it we won't be responsible if you end up robing or something, we will just arrest you," Anna smirk making Connor chuckle but nodded not wanting to say he had no hope that they will hire him.

Connor felt uncomfortable when they parked in the parking lot and saw many people going inside and out with bags, teenagers laughing, couples holding hands, mothers after their children, security walking around. So many people. They all got out and started walking Connor notice Charlotte and Will talking and realize Anna was right, they were flirting and leaving Anna out of it not that she would want to be flirting with them at least.

"How about we get some food first?" Anna suggested. Charlotte groan.

"No Anna, I know you hate shopping but you are not going to hide out in the food court as always," Charlotte said.

"I'm hungry!" Anna argued.

"They're total opposites," Will said to Connor. "You know Anna is right, I wouldn't mind putting in a few words for you, the amount of times Charlotte drags us to the mall I pretty much know every worker in every store in this mall," Connor chuckled at his joke.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," Will nodded as he walked to Charlotte and told her to leave Anna alone and if she wants to spend money on food then that is on her.

Anna walked up to Connor and smiled. "Want to go get a burger? I'll pay," Connor felt a little weird letting a girl pay for their when he was the one who was supposed to pay. He was going to say no but his stomach growl and Anna chuckled and walked to the food court with Connor on her tail.

"You shouldn't pay," Connor said still not liking the idea of Anna paying for them. Anna ignored him and stopped at the entrance of the food court to see what she wanted to eat.

"What are you going to want?" Anna asked Connor making him roll his eyes. He didn't respond hoping she wouldn't force him to get something. "Fine, hopefully you like Five Guys," she said starting to walk to Five Guys.

"Anna I don't want you wasting money on me," Connor kept on complaining.

"I'm now," Connor felt confused, was she not going to buy him something. "I'm spending money on you, food for you. Now will you shut up and accept it." Connor couldn't help but chuckle and walk next to Anna until they stood in line. "Here, sense you probably don't want people to think it's rude that the guy isn't paying." Anna said handing money to Connor. Connor took the money and waited in line smiling for the rest of the time.

"Welcome to Five Guys how may I help you?" A guy who looked like he was 16 asked them both.

Anna noticed the kid was checking her out making her feel a little uncomfortable. "I'll take cheeseburger with large fries and a regular size sprite," Anna said. He nodded while taking her order and looked over to Connor.

"Make that two," Connor said.

"That will be $29.02," the guy said. Connor felt a little weird on how much it was but Anna didn't look puzzled at all. He didn't say anything and handed the guy a 20 dollar bill and a 10 dollar bill. "You're change is 98 cents have a great day," he said before winking at Anna. A

Anna walked to wait for their order while she felt Connor stare at her. "Yes?" Connor didn't say anything just wink at Anna mocking the guy. Anna rolled her eyes and slap his chest making him laugh. Another lady who was also working handed them their bags and after a thank you they went to go sit down.

"You're change my lady," Connor said handing Anna her extra money back. Anna tried hard not to tell him to keep it, she always does this when she lets someone else pay for her but she didn't want Connor to think she pity him so she took it.

"So where do you want to go after this?" Anna asked him. "I mean I don't think we will have much luck looking for Charlotte and Will, they are probably already at the other side of the mall holding a million bags."

"I don't mind anywhere," Connor said enjoying his food.

"How about we get you new clothes? I'll pay," Anna said smiling.

"Um no," Connor said. Anna smiled faded.

"Please Connor, I mean are those clothes even comfortable?" She said looking at his outfit.

"If I don't let you spend money on me for food, what makes you think I will let you do this."

"Please Connor, please. It'll be fun. Plus if you are going to apply for jobs you are most likely going to get them while wearing some of their clothes," Connor shook his head not giving in. "Please," Anna said making puppy eyes and pouting.

"You are worst than a child," Connor chuckled.

"Is that yes?" she said sitting up smiling. Connor looked at her and sigh he couldn't say no to her. She looked like she was ready to start jumping and clapping.

"Shut up and eat."

They ate for another twenty minutes and Connor let Anna take over from now, she was walking around the store looking at them although she already knew where her first stop was going to be.

She saw a big store that had big red letters that said Vans on them. Once they got inside they saw a huge poster that said Buy a pair get another 50% off which made Anna super happy.

"What size are you?" Anna asked.

"9.5," Connor said.

"Okay go sit down, I'll look for your size," Connor wanted to argue but Anna already walked away so he did as told and sat down feeling out of place with his worn out rip shoes. Anna came back later on holding two boxes of shoes and put them on the floor. "Okay so first, I got these black classics so try them on," she said handing a shoe to Connor. Connor took of his shoe and Anna noticed his socks had holes too. "Do they feel comfortable?" Anna ask. Connor nodded and she smiled and handed him another pair, these looked more fancy than the classic ones. Connor tired them on too and said they fit nicely. "Yay, let's go pay," Anna smiled handing the boxes to Connor.

"Wait you're getting both?" Connor asked but Anna ignored him and walked to the cashiers and saw that they were selling simple black socks packets and got one. "Anna," Connor groan but Anna just kept on ignoring him.

"I hope you found everything okay," the cashier said scanning the boxes. Anna replied with a we did and took out her credit card. "That will be $70," the girl put the boxes and socks in a bag as Anna scan her credit card. "You're paying?" the cashier asked confused at Anna.

Connor tense for a while but Anna just smiled and nodded. "Birthday present," she lied. The cashier said that was very sweet and handed her the bag with the receipt and told Connor happy birthday.

Connor said thank you and took the bag from Anna's hand as she put her credit card back in her wallet. "Anna you didn't really have to," Connor said feeling a little guilty Anna spent so much on him already on just shoes.

"Connor will you shut up," Anna said.

"You just met me yesterday."

"And we are already best friends, now we could get maybe 3 pairs of jeans sense I mean you can you don't need many. And maybe five shirts, maybe a hoodie sense I mean you don't need a jacket we are in Las Angeles." Anna said. She felt Connor staring at her wanting to say 'don't spend money on me anymore'. "We don't have to go anywhere expensive," she said. "Now lets go get the jeans first."


"Sense when do you shop."

Anna glared at Charlotte who was staring at the bags she was holding. "Anna decided to spend money on me instead," Connor said.

3"Awe that's so sweet Anna," Charlotte said.

"These are all hers," Will said as he hold about five bags on each arm and Charlotte was still holding three more on hers.

"Connor also applied to at least 3 jobs and they all said they see he has a really high chance on getting them," Anna smiled looking at Connor who looked at the floor.

"Good job man, which one do you want most?" Will asked.

"H&M," Connor said, he knew if he had a job there then they can give him a discount on clothes that he could buy with his paycheck.

They all walked to the car and sat the same way they did before. The car ride was silent other than the radio and sometime Charlotte and Will talking. Connor couldn't help but smile and how nice he felt that he actually might get a job, even if it was at the mall, how he got new clothes, and had the best meal of his life. All because he met a girl 24 hours ago. Once they park in front of his apartment Anna offered to walk him to his door.

"You said you were getting me a burger," Connor said laughing.

"Think of it as a burger that cost $100," Anna replied.

"Seriously Anna thank you," he said and gave her a hug which surprised Anna but hug him back.

"Don't expect anything for Christmas," Anna said joking. Once they pulled back they said bye to each other and Anna felt weird as she walked back to the car. She had so much fun with Connor today and now she didn't know an excuse to see him again, she just hope this wasn't their last bye.


Showty's Note: Charlotte on the top there played as Selena Gomez. (You probably can't see her but I'm sure you know how Selena Gomez looks like) As I said before I am writing this story way ahead and well I just need to write five more chapters until I finish it, when I do finish it there will be two updates a week most likely and it will give me time to plan another spin off if there will be one. I usually don't like story's that go by fast and I am writing one that is but this is a short story. 

I hope you like this chapter, thank you so much for reading love all. 


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