Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystali...

By BlizzardPlays

2.8K 21 7

What if the overlord put a spell on Lloyd on his heart? In this story it's like the original but with musical... More

Farewell the sea
The call of home
The shape of wind and water
A mayor problem
Public enemies 1,2,3,4 and 5
A painful promise
Ninjago city vs Ninja
Kryptarium prison blues
Hounddog Mcbrag
The benefit of Grief
The fifth Villian
The Council of the Crystal King
A sinister shadow
The spider's design
The fall of the monastery
Darkness within
The Coming of the King
Return to Primeval's Eye
A Lesson in Anger and Love
Forbidden Crystal love
Quittin Time
Return of the ice emperor
Distress Calls
An issue of trust
Dragon Form
Love within the Roots

Safe Haven

66 0 0
By BlizzardPlays

Narrator: Skylor

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 25

Word count: 2,3k

Warning: nothing but singing

Song name: Mockingbird by fenekot (Christina version.)

(In the city, Kai and Cole race through the streets. A Dragonide picks up Kai's vehicle.)

Cole: I didn't know your vehicle could fly!

Kai: It can't! It can't!

(The two scream as they crash. Kai wakes up to find himself upside down.)

Kai: What? Where am I? Cole? Cole! Cole, can you hear me? (He frees himself but falls on his back.) Ouch! (He attempts to free Cole.)

Pythor: (To the Vengestone Guards) You six go that way! The rest of you, that way! Search the streets!

Kai: I know that voice. (He hears Vengestone Guards coming nearby and he hides.)

Pythor: Find the ninja! The Crystal King commands it! (Kai tries to free Cole again.)

Kai: Come on. Come on! Wake up, Cole, buddy. Not a good time for a beauty nap! (He lifts the cockpit and takes Cole's hood off for him.)

Cole: (dazed) What happened? Did we win?

Kai: Not exactly. (He picks Cole up and carries him.)

Pythor: Jackpot! Finally! (He approaches the wreckage, but the ninja are missing.) Where are they? (Kai was carrying Cole in the alley way but Cole was about to fall to the ground due to him being dazed by the crash.) Ah. They're close. I can taste them! (Kai was looking around and sees a hiding spot for him and Cole.) (In a singsong voice) Oh ninja! Where are you?

Cole: We're over here— (Kai pushes him down to keep him quiet.)

Kai: (shushes.) Are you nuts?!

Pythor: (He hears them and comes to the Alley way while Kai picks up Cole.) Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Kai: Cole. Cole, snap out of it! (He starts shaking Cole.) I could really use your help here!

Pythor: Found you. (He blocks Kai's attack with the Nunchucks of Destruction.) Oopsie. Didn't work! If only your friend were awake. Perhaps, together, the two of you might have had a fighting chance.

Skylor: Let's find out! (Skylor appears on top of a building and jumps down in front of Kai and Cole.)

Kai: Skylor? How did you...

Skylor: Hiya, hot shot. (She replicates both Kai's and Cole's powers.)

Pythor: Skylor? You're the one with the ability to...

Skylor: Yep. (She combines Fire and Earth to attack Pythor but he deflects them.)

Pythor: Impressive! But even your powers will be negated by my Vengestone soldiers! Warriors, advance!

(The Vengestone guards were about to attack them but Skylor seals the path with Earth.)

Kai: Not bad.

Skylor: It won't last for long. Come on! (They both carried Cole so they can get out of the Alley way.)

Pythor: They're getting away! Break these down! Smash them down! (To the ninja) You can run, but you can't hide! We will find you! The Crystal King sees all! He will bring devastation and ruin down upon all of — Are you still there? I've — Hello? I can't see you! Look, am I just talking to myself or what? (He sighs melodramatically.) Well, that's just rude!

Kai: Where are the others?

Skylor: In the Bounty. It was destroyed. It went down somewhere in the city.

Cole: (He wakes up.) What?

Skylor: Welcome back. Yeah, we lost contact with them. I came after you guys, P.I.X.A.L. went after Zane, Jay is looking for Nya, and Morro went after Lloyd, Garmadon and Christina. But the GPS transponder on the Bounty was destroyed, so we have no way of... (She hears Dragonides near by.) look out! (They take cover as Harumi flies overhead on a Dragonide.)

Kai: Harumi.

Skylor: They've been searching the city for you ninja.

Kai: If they haven't found us, maybe they haven't found the others either.

Skylor: Maybe. But I don't like our chances out in the open. We need to find shelter, fast.

Kai: Hey, I know where we are. Follow me!

(He takes them to the arcade.)

Skylor: An arcade?

Kai: I figure if you're gonna be trapped, might as well be trapped somewhere awesome.

Jake: The ninja? (Kai and Cole stepped back frightened.) Oh, wow!

Cole: Oh, jeez, kid. You scared my butt off!

Kai: Hey, I know you. You're, uh ...

Jake: Jake!

Kai: Jake! Right. What are you doing here, Jake?

Jake: I was on my way home when the attack started. So I ran in here! 'Cause I figured, if you're gonna be trapped somewhere, might as well be trapped somewhere awesome. (He walks to an arcade game and tries to play on it.)

Kai: Heh, good thinking.

Skylor: No, not good thinking. We're not safe here. We have to get him somewhere actually safe.

Cole: What about the Sam X Cave?

Skylor: Too far. I was lucky to get into the city alone, but with all of us? We'd never make it.

Kai: (he sighs.) What about Borg Tower?

Skylor: That's on the other side of town, and we have no way of knowing if it's been overrun. (They all hear a radio and Skylor takes out her walkie talkie to the others.)

Wu: (On the radio) If you can hear me, if there is anyone out there listening—

Cole: That's Master Wu!

Kai: He's alive!

Skylor: Shh. Listen!

Wu: (On the radio) Our home — under attack. Enemies — our streets — They hope to destroy all that is good — drive us into darkness — I am here to tell you: They will fail! We are not fearful. We are stronger than they know, and we will retake our city! The news never sleeps! Ninja never quit!

Skylor: "The news never sleeps?" That's the paperkid motto.

Kai: It's a clue. He's telling us where he is!

Cole: The newspaper warehouse!

(The four make their way through the city, until Kai, Cole and Jake saw some Crystalized citizens nearby.)

Kai: Crystal creeps ahead. Follow my lead. When I say run, run. (He throws a can, distracting the crystalized citizens.) Now. Run!

(In the sewers, Garmadon, Morro, Christina and Lloyd arrive at a library.)

Garmadon: What's this?

Lloyd: A library.

Morro: Why would anyone build a library in the sewer?

Christina: The Serpentine! We've reached the home of the Serpentine! Look!

Garmadon: Blech. Amazing anyone can concentrate with this stench.

Morro: I know. (they walked near a desk.)

Lloyd: Hello? Skales? (He finds a note and Christina picks it up and reads it out loud.)

Christina: "Sorry. Closed due to Overlord attack. Will re-open soon."

Garmadon: Hmm. I wouldn't bet on it.

Lloyd: We needed their help.

Garmadon: The Serpentine wouldn't have made any difference. The only thing that can destroy the Overlord is the power of the Oni. The Oni Form.

Lloyd: There has to be another way.

Garmadon: There isn't. Why do you persist in denying your heritage? Embrace your Oni side! Let your anger loose! Let it make you stronger!

Lloyd: I... I can't!

Garmadon: Why not?

Lloyd: Because... because...

Garmadon: Because what?

Lloyd: Because I don't want to be like you! That's my greatest fear, That I'll end up like you! Because you don't care about anything or anyone!

Garmadon: That is not true!

Lloyd: Tell me one thing you care about. One thing!

(Garmadon shows Lloyd Christofern and Lloyd gets angry at it.)

Lloyd: Plants don't count! Plants aren't people! They don't have feelings! It doesn't care that you abandoned it, or that you never sent it a birthday card, or, or... what's the point? You'll never understand. (He walks away and puts his hand on his heart again due to the curse on him, Garmadon looks at Christofern and Morro and Christina started to feel worried about Lloyd.)

Morro: (To Christina.) You should talk to him, I'll reason with Garmadon. (Christina nods and walks over to Lloyd and sees him sitting alone mad and sad at the same time while Morro walks to Garmadon.) (To Garmadon.) You know I was like you once.

Garmadon: What do you mean, your that ghost in the departed realm that escaped.

Morro: Well I'm not a ghost anymore, but what is that plant supposed to represent?

Garmadon: (He sighs) The one thing that I care for deeply, the one I love.

Morro: You know what I think it represents? (Garmadon looks at him and shrugs.) I think it's represents as someone I once wanted to be. (Morro looks at Christofern and thinks about it represents Lloyd.)

Garmadon: (He chuckles.) You're a friend of Christina right?

Morro: I'm more than that, she's my...

Garmadon: Your girlfriend? (Morro starts to blush.)

Morro: Mostly, because we knew each other since the "Final battle". I was in her head and told her about myself and the history about her and Jay's mother.

Garmadon: Hmm, well we should get going. (Garmadon and Morro were about to leave until Morro sees a book fall from the book shelve and he picks it up and reads it.)

Morro: (He gasps.) Garmadon! Come here! (Garmadon stops walking and turns to Morro.)

Garmadon: What is it?

Morro: I think I know what curse Lloyd has. (Meanwhile with Christina she was walking to Lloyd and sees that his heart was still hurting from before.)

Christina: Lloyd, are you feeling okay?

Lloyd: Yeah, I'm fine.

Christina: You don't sound like you're fine. (She sits down next to him.) Now tell me, what's wrong? (Lloyd started to cry a bit and looks at Christina.)

Lloyd: I feel like it's my fault with everything, the Overlord Crystalizing everything, Harumi joining him, all the villains working together, and that... my father doesn't care about me.

Christina: You know he'll always care about you Lloyd.

Lloyd: How could you know? He cares more about that silly plant and Harumi more than me! And, And... he's not the father I used to love.

Christina: I think I know what you're feeling right now.

Lloyd: Huh? What do you mean?

Christina: I hate to say it you but, I think you're jealous.

Lloyd: Jealous? me? No, no of course not! (He feels his heart in pain and puts his hands on his chest again and falls on Christina's lap.)

Christina: Oh my, I think the curse is getting worse! You can tell me, it's okay.

Lloyd: (He sighs.) Okay, I have to admit, I am Jealous, because I think that my father doesn't love me the same way I love him. (He starts to cry again and Christina hugs him and remembers something that she did before she knew he was the green ninja.)

Christina: Hey Lloyd, remember that little song I sang to you when you were a kid.

Lloyd: What? Which one is it again?

Christina: I'll just sing it to you so you can remember and maybe you can sing it with me if you get it.

Here's the original song for this chapter.

Now hush little baby, don't you cry
Everything's gonna be alright
Stiffen that upper-lip up, little lady, I told ya
Daddy's here to hold ya through the night
I know mommy's not here right now, and we don't know why
We fear how we feel inside
It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby
But I promise momma's gon' be alright. (Lloyd starts to hum the song as Morro and Garmadon were walking next to them.)

Morro: (chuckles) I see that he's starting to feel a bit better.

Christina: He is, did you guys find some help?

Garmadon: No, but we did found something. (Morro takes out a book and opens it as Lloyd stops humming and sits up.)

Lloyd: What does it say?

Morro: It says that one day if the overlord gets enough power, He'll soon use a curse on one person.

Christina: What kind of curse is it?

Morro: This. (He turns the book around to show Christina and Lloyd.) It's called the Crystalized heart, if it's used on someone they'll get cursed and here are the stages right here. (He turns the page to show the stages gives Christina the book.)

Christina: (Reads it out loud.) if the crystallization starts on the victim's heart, there are side effects on the percentage.
10%: They're eyes will flash purple.
15%: Anger, Jealousy and Sadness will make the curse worse while being with loved ones will slow it down by 3%.
20%: They're eyes will glow purple again and their heart will start hurt. (She turns the page but realizes there was a page missing.) (She gasps.) Oh no.

Morro: What's wrong?

Christina: Look. (She shows the Book to the others.)

Lloyd: There's a page missing!

Garmadon: Well this is unfortunate.

Lloyd: What do we do now?

Morro: We have to tell the others about this.

Christina: (She closes the book.) But we don't know what happens next from that curse.

Lloyd: Maybe Master Wu will know?

Garmadon: Let's get going, the more we stay the more we waste time. (They all walked back to the library.)

(Aboveground, Kai and the others make their way through the streets.)

Kai: We're almost there!

(They run into crystalized citizens.)

Cole: Back. Back the other way!

Jake: What do we do?

Kai: Get behind me.

Cole: Don't let them touch you!

(Just then, the paperkids appear and defeat the citizens.)

Cole: Lemme guess. You must be the paperboys.

Antonia: I prefer paper delivery professional.

(In the warehouse, Wu serves noodles to the citizens.)

Wu: Here. This will warm you up.

Jake's dad: We have to try and find our son.

Wu: There is nothing you can do. If you go outside, you will only be infected like the others. Please, stay here.

Paperkid: When does the news sleep?

Antonia: Never!

Jake: Mom! Dad!

Jake's mom: Oh, Jake!

Wu: Cole! Kai! Skylor!

Cole: Master Wu!

Kai: Boy, is it good to see you!

Wu: Now, let's get to work. There is much to be done.

Cole: I was hoping you'd say that.

Kai: Let's do it.

Differences from the original.
• Christina and Lloyd are having their Sibling-like talk pretty much like Nya and Lloyd.
• Morro and Garmadon have a talk about Christofern
• Lloyd's Crystalized heart curse percentage used to be 10% but now its about 15%

Man this toke a while to do this, but later on stay tuned for the next chapter.

If there's any mistakes please tell me and I'll fix them.

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