Today's Life, Don't Have Tomo...

By Ardini_Kuzayaki

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Nanase Tenn,or Kujou Tenn leaving reason because of he want to made sure his beloved younger twin brother,Nan... More

A little Spoiler
Chapter 1 :Secret!
Chapter 2 : Good News!!
CHAPTER 6 : Feelings
CHAPTER 11 : Feeling Past
CHAPTER 14 : Fever
CHAPTER 16 : what if
New Announcement..
The End
CHAPTER 21 - I won't let you go...
Chapter 22 : Lost In Everything
Chapter 23 - Unable


243 17 3
By Ardini_Kuzayaki

"Ah,where am I? Now I am lost. I should-" Riku is searching for his things, but nothing is with him. "Oh no, I forgot my phone!". Riku panicked as he realised he had no way to contact anyone for help. He frantically looked around, hoping to find some familiar landmark or sign that would point him in the right direction.

Riku looked around again, but no one was there. He tried his best not to panic himself further and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Determined to find his way back, Riku decided to retrace his steps and rely on his memory to guide him back to the studio. He just forgot how he got onto an unfamiliar street. Riku is trying to walk another path to find another way again. As he walked, Riku kept a close eye out for any potential clues or familiar sights that could help him find his way. Despite feeling lost and disoriented, he remained hopeful that he would eventually stumble upon a familiar landmark or someone who could assist him. Riku's heart raced as he tried to stay focused on his surroundings, hoping to spot something that would trigger his memory. The unfamiliar street seemed to stretch on endlessly, but Riku refused to give up hope of finding his way back. Once Riku saw someone standing there,he quickly approached them and asked for directions, hoping they could point him in the right direction, but unexpected things happened to Riku. He suddenly got surrounded by a few strangers. That face was so familiar to Riku.

"Glad to see you again; you look grown up so well." Riku's eyes opened wide, and his body was trembling. He still remembers those sounds and faces the one who killed Asuga. "You seem to miss me a lot, right? that man said as he slowly approached Riku, while Riku kept walking back.

"Don't get close." Riku's voice quivered as he tried to keep his composure, his heart pounding in his chest. The memories of that fateful day flooded back, and he knew he had to stay strong in the face of his worst nightmare.

"You look like you really miss me, right? Because you look so excited,Nanase Riku." The man's taunting words sent a chill down Riku's spine, his fear growing with each step the man took towards him. Riku knew he had to find a way to escape, to protect himself from the one who had taken everything from him.

"I don't!! HELP ME!!" Riku shouted, his voice trembling as he backed away slowly. The man's sinister smile only widened as he closed in, making Riku's heart race even faster.

"Poor little Riku,no one's going to hear you." Riku's mind raced, trying to come up with a plan to outsmart his captor and find a way out of this terrifying situation. With each passing moment, the reality of his worst nightmare seemed to be closing in on him. That man carried the bat and was about to hit Riku. Riku tried to think of a way to defend himself, but fear paralysed him. As the bat came down towards him, Riku closed his eyes and braced for impact. He is already at his limit. His feet won't move.

The sound of a bang made everyone stop and look at the police, who were already standing there pointing a gun. Riku opened his eyes and saw Nori. Riku is about to cry and run towards Nori.

"Nori!!" Riku shouted and hugged him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything." Riku was crying tears of relief as he clung to Nori, grateful for his timely intervention. Nori held him close, whispering words of comfort and reassurance in his ear.

Nori gives orders to capture all the gangs around here. Nori can feel how scared Riku is right now , but he knew he had to stay strong for both of them. As the chaos settled, Nori made sure Riku was safe before turning his attention to the task at hand. He vowed to protect Riku, no matter what.

"Riku,you should go back to the studio. Tanaka will escort you there." Riku nodded, wiping away his tears and mustering up the courage to leave Nori's side. With a final embrace, Riku followed Tanaka back to the studio, feeling grateful for Nori's protection and determined to stay safe.

"Nori-san!! Are you okay??" His assistance called out, and he rushed over to check on him. Nori gave a reassuring nod, grateful for the concern but focused on the mission ahead. He knew they had to act quickly to prevent any further danger.

"Don't worry, I'm really fine. Just make sure to protect Riku." Nori's assistant nodded in understanding, promising to keep a close eye on Riku. With a sense of relief, Nori turned his attention back to the task at hand, determined to ensure Riku's safety above all else.


In the dressing room, they were still worried about Riku. Their show will start soon.

"How can he be an idol when he is burdening everyone here? He doesn't deserve a job like this. He was even late for this." Tenn said Tenn's frustration was palpable as he expressed his concerns about Riku's reliability. Despite the mounting pressure, they knew they had to pull together and make the show a success.

"Hey Tenn. Don't be out of line! You should stay shut up!" Gaku interjected, trying to diffuse the tension in the room. It was clear that emotions were running high, but they needed to focus on the task at hand and support each other.

"You all only look at his fake kindness. He is the real murderer. If-"

"Kujou-san,stop saying something that might hurt Riku-kun's pride! He is your younger brother! How can you say that?" Sougo scolded, trying to calm the situation down. The group knew that they had to set aside their personal issues and work together for the success of the show.

"I told you! I saw everything with my own eyes!! He killed my parents!" Tenn is still saying nonsense. Then the door got knocked.

"Riku-san!! Are you okay?" Tsumugi asks as he notices that Riku's face is pale, and at the same time, his hand is still trembling from the confrontation. Riku took a deep breath, trying to compose himself before responding to Tsumugi's concern.

"I'm fine,Manager, Let's focus on the show," he replied with a forced smile, hoping to reassure his worried friend.

"What actually happened?" Who are you?" Yamato asks.

"Sorry, I just sent Riku-san here as Nori-san's order. Nori-san found Riku-san outside the studio and almost got hurt by the one who killed Asuga-san a few years ago." Tanaka explained, looking at Riku with concern.

"I'm glad you're safe now," Yamato said, relieved to hear the explanation.

"So, Riku,are you really okay now?" Mitsuki asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. Riku nodded, grateful for his friends' support during such a difficult situation. Tenn walks towards Riku and slaps him without hesitation or warning.

Riku stumbled back in shock, holding his cheek in disbelief. Gaku quickly grabbed Tenn's hand with harshness.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU CRAZY?" Gaku was very angry. Riku was about to lose his balance because of shock, but Iori caught his shoulder.

"Nanase-san.." Iori looked at Riku worriedly.

"I will bring Tenn out," Gaku said while dragging Tenn with force.

Riku didn't say anything. Iori helped Riku regain his balance before looking at him with concern. Riku remained silent, processing what had just happened. He also didn't cry or show any sign of pain, but his eyes betrayed the hurt he felt. Iori stayed by his side, offering silent support as Riku tried to make sense of Tenn's unexpected actions.

"Riku-kun, don't forget about something important in your life," Sougo said. Riku looks at Sougo and gives a smile of gratitude. "Thank you, Sougo-san," Riku replied softly. "I won't forget."

"Let's get ready,Yamato said.

All the idols-Revale, Zool, Trigger, and Idolish 7-take their positions on the stage. Tsumugi still had her worries about Riku and was afraid that Riku would get distracted by something bothering him. The show will start with an introduction to each other on the stage with their fans, while the other staff will confirm their stage.

"Wahhh, thank you for coming today!!" Momose said while waving at everyone.

"That's right,our fans are always this full of spirit. They are really looking forward to this event. Then,as you guys already know, we're all going to give you each group's new song. And don't forget to vote for your favourite group too." Yukito said it with calm.

"Before we start the performance, Momose said, pointing to Mitsuki.

"Welcome to Ainana with you!!" Mitsuki continue. The fans give their reactions.

"Our topic right now is: how much do you know about your member? Yamato said it with a smile.

"Oho? Is it that fans will write the question for that?" Tamaki ask.

"Of course it's different! This time,fans will vote for us! They will post their question on our SNS. Don't worry,Mitsu will be the MC and the one who reads the question." said Yamato.

"Oh, don't forget we had to vote for solo members too. We will have the best solo idol too!!" Momose said.

"While the fans are voting for us and our group,how about we start with Nanase Riku-kun."Yukito said.

"Eh? Why me?" Riku, look at Revale. .

"Because,the member said,you are the one who always brings a positive vibe to your dorm, plus Yamato-kun keeps spoiling you a lot when you work together." Yukito said.

"Eh,erm..actually yes. Not only Yamato-san,but everyone too. They always make sure I am around them." Riku said.

"Make sure you are around them," Momose asks.

"Riku is bad at remembering the way back to where he should be," Yamato said.

"Yes,he can't go alone without anyone with him or his guide." Mitsuki said.

"Really? That was really unexpected from you, Riku-kun," Yukito said while smirking at Riku.

"Well, they're really right; it's easy to get lost once I leave the room. But this always happens to me, hahahah." . Riku said this while the other member was laughing at him too.

"Oh, I got the result for the solo vote. Okay,let's see the name first." Momose opened the paper and saw the name. Yukito and Momose both smile together.

"Before we announce the winner, let's hear what all of them are expecting. Let's start with Zool!" Yukito said.

"I think Nanase Riku." Isumi Haruka said it without hesitation.

"Eh? Why do you say that? I thought you were going to say something about yourself." Mido Toura said.

"Well, I just got the feeling that Nanase Riku deserves this award since he has been through a lot. Right?" Haruka asks the fans. The fans start shouting Riku's name.

"I think this time I agree with Haru too. Riku will get the award." Inamaru Touma said:.

"Why do you guys think it was me? You guys are good and cool too!!" Riku said it with a smile.

"Nanase-kun,you have something that we don't have. I'm with them too." Natsume Minami said so too.

"How about Trigger?" Momose ask.

"It's hard to say, but I think Kujou Tenn, but at the same time,Nanase Riku's popularity is higher than his. But what can I say? Both of them are amazing, Gaku said.

"Sorry to say this, but Riku-kun's charming and positive vibe are rare. When I work with him on collaboration shoots,he always makes me feel better." Ryunosuke said.

"Yaotome-san? Tsunashi-san?.." Riku is still confused about why they chose him over themselves.

"I think I already do my best in my professional job." Tenn said that he couldn't accept Gaku and Ryunosuke choosing Riku over him.

"Let's hear how about Idolish 7?"

"I don't know... I think everyone is cool too." Riku said.

"My answer will be Rikkun too!! He is the best!" Tamaki said.

"Why me? Tamaki is also good at dancing and good looking too.You even won the best man, right?" Riku said as he smiled.

"Everyone thinks you are better than anyone else here." Yamato said this while ruffling Riku's hair.

All of them were having fun with their talk and teasing each other, except for Tenn, who did not enjoy the play. After a few talks and introductions, the main room told Yukito and Momose to get ready to announce the award. The crew walks towards them and gives the result.

"Oh, look, I got the card!" Momose said this while showing the card to everyone.

"It seems like the result is finally out." Yukito said. The fans are always cheering them louder than before. "Actually,this result already started four days ago to vote for the best idol, so we're going to announce seven awards today. All the idols can take your seat there." Yukito said, while pointing to the seat on the stage, Prepare just for them to listen to the award.

"Let's see, for Best Vocal Performance Award." Momose opened the card, smiling at Yukito. "I think fans already know this. It's...""

"Kujou Tenn from Trigger!!" said Yukito.

Tenn stood up and waved at his fans. Riku was smiling and clapping his hand at Tenn. He was proud of his twin brother. The fans keep cheering on Tenn and shouting congratulations to him.

"Congratulation, Tenn-kun,then let's continue our first performance from Zool!!" said Momose.

So the zoo steps onto the main stage and performs their new song. The other idol will be waiting backstage. Tenn looks at Riku's unsatisfied face as he wants to beat Riku.

"How can they keep mentioning your name? Are you that good, like they said? I don't see it that way." Tenn said it with his sharp tongue. Iori heard that and quickly let Tsumugi know.

"Tenn, why do you keep being mean towards Nanase? You keep finding the chance to lashing everything at him!" Gaku said he wanted to hit Tenn too.

Yamato and Yukito notice that Gaku and Tenn are about to make a scene. So they make a sign to their manager through the walkie talkie. Rinto and Anesagi quickly come and immediately go get them before it's too late. Iori and Tsumugi try to comfort Riku. Once Zool finishes their performance,Mitsuki and Momose quickly take their positions to cover.

"Okay! Momo-san,let's continue with our next announcement of the Best Lyricist Award: Mitsuki's turn to open the card. He showed Momose and smiled together.

"Should we say this name together, Mitsuki-kun!?" Momose ask.


"Osaka Sougo-san!!". The fans give a handclap. The other idol gives a clap, and congratulations, Sougo.

"Now,Trigger will take the lead,said Momose. Gaku, Ryunosuke, and Tenn get to the stage and give a little speech before they start to sing.

"Thank you very much for coming tonight!" Gaku said.

"We really appreciate it so much,Ryunosuke said.

"We will reward you with our new song!!" Tenn said. The music starts to play, and the fans start screaming for support.


At the backstage,Riku still looked down. Iori started to worry that there might be trouble on the stage. He doesn't want Riku to have an attack this time. Iori tries his best to comfort Riku and give him a little support. Riku finally smiled at Iori. I'm glad it was a success. He got the Riku that he knew.

"Thank you, Iori, Riku said with a smile.

Trigger, just finish their song and take a turn to announce the next award. "Let's see. This time we will announce the most popular idol,said Gaku. The crew just handed the next result to Ryunosuke. Ryunosuke opens the card and shows it to Gaku and Tenn.

It seems like his reaction changed all of a sudden. Ryunosuke and Gaku are about to say it together, but Tenn doesn't want to join them. Gaku hold himself not to let out there.

"The most popular idol this year is..."

"Nanase Riku!!" Ryunosuke and Gaku said it in sync.

The other was shocked and told Riku to get on the stage. Riku smiles and takes the trophy from Ryunosuke. Tenn didn't even look at Riku as he walked past him to accept the award. Riku's fans erupted in cheers and applause, filling the room with excitement and energy. Once they get back to the backstage,Gaku gives a sign not to get Riku around Tenn now. Yamato nodded and grabbed Riku to another place. Riku didn't notice anything, so he only followed Yamato's lead. Tsumugi follows Riku and Yamato from the back. Revale started to perform their part.

"You said that again!!" Gaku yells at Tenn.

"Why would he get the best award when he doesn't have any special talent?" Tenn said it with a cold.

"Kujou-san,Riku-kun has natural talent; you shouldn't say something like that to Riku-kun..."Sougo said.

"What? Natural talent?? He's just another bastardn wh-." Tenn got punched by Mitsuki without hesitation or feeling guilty.Everyone didn't expect Mitsuki to do that.


Tsumugi and Yamato accompany Riku to the main room. They make sure that Riku gets distracted and doesn't know anything about what happens to other members. Iori just joined them and called Yamato. Yamato excuses himself and talks to Iori.

"What happen? I heard someone fighting," Yamato asked.

"Nii-san, give a big punch to Kujou-san..." Iori said. "Now,Yaotome-san is having a fight with Kujou-san."

"What really happened? Why did Mitsu give him a punch?" Yamato ask.

"I don't really know, but Kujou-san said something nonsense about Nanase-san. Thanks to Yaotome-san too for giving us the sign to avoid between Nanase-san and Kujou-san," Iori said. The staff came to inform them.

"Sorry, but Revale is about to finish their performance too. Should we call Trigger or Zool to the next show?" The staff asked.

"Don't worry,Zool can go. Momo-san, give me a message that we should take the stage, while Trigger needs to prepare themselves before they perform." Said Touma. The staff nodded and told the other crew.

"How Riku? Did he know about the fight?" Touma ask.

"No,he can't find out that."

"As long as he doesn't meet Kujou Tenn,Riku will be fine. Anyway,you should be ready for your next stage,Yamato said. Touma nodded.

Once Revale finishes their performance,Zool gets into the stage to kill sometime before Idolish7's turn. Yamato and Iori try their best to distract Riku from meeting Tenn again. After Zool finishes their song, it's Idolish7's turn to perform their new song, Wonder Light. The fans in the studio focus on Riku's adorable dance. Trigger, Revale, and Zool's fans start cheering on Riku too. They give more of their screaming to Riku.

"Wow,Riku's voice is reaching everyone's heart." Touma said.

"You were right. Nanase Riku was always this amazing before." Isumi Haruka said this while amazed by how Riku led the group very well.

"Their new songs are pretty good, and Nanase's spirit is another level from ours." Gaku said.

"It looks like only Riku-kun is working hard in this world. He looks so despised with something," Ryunosuke said.

"What's wrong with their head? Why do they keep saying, "Suddenly, Tenn had a slight flashback.

"Tenn-nii is Riku's idol!! Please, one more time!" was a memory that flashed inside Tenn's head.

"Thank you for always supporting us, everyone!! Now we will give the MC to Trigger." Riku said as he handed the mic to Gaku. The fans are still screaming and cheering for Riku. Tenn is still confused by his memory about him and Riku.

Idolish7 quickly went to their room to get ready for their next song. Riku seems like he is having a hard time to breathe.Tsumugi called other staff to check on Riku's condition. Suddenly, other staff come to inform Tsumugi about their stage arrangement.

"What!? Is there something wrong with the sound room?? So they can't play the song??" Tsumugi was not expecting this to happen on their important event day. The other idol just knows that information too. No one can do anything until the system is fixed. Even the most professional idol, Tenn, couldn't do anything.

"The mic can still be used, right?" Riku ask. That staff nodded after checking a second time. Riku smiled and turned to everyone. "Everyone,will you let me sing that song?" Riku asked his teammate first. The other group also looks at Riku.

"But Riku-san,if you sing that song,they will have a hard time promoting your song on the day that is already scheduled already.It will be cancelled by your official. It will risk your reputation," Tsumugi said.

"But my song didn't have to use the sound background. I mean, I just need to sing it to promote my new single that I made on my own. While killing sometime until the system returns to normal," Riku said.

"Maybe this time, I agree with Nanase-san's mean. He doesn't have to use the sound background to sing his new song. That was called a pre-sale limit that fans wouldn't get it on around the time before it got released." Iori explained everything to them. Tsumugi doesn't want Riku to take on that responsibility. She still wants to know if she had another way.

"Manager, I know you are worried about me, but please believe me, everything will be fine. Ioori can control me." Riku said. Tsumugi hesitated first, but she didn't have any choice and let Riku do it.

Tsumugi tells the staff to fix that problem as fast as possible, while Anesagu and Rinto are managing their idols to prepare things while Riku kills some time. All the crew and staff quickly do their work. Riku got his last touch of make-up before he went to the stage. Revale still does its best to take time for Riku to get ready.

"Is he crazy to reveal his new song very soon? Isn't it violently damaging their reputation? He really has no shame." Before Tenn could finish his word,Gaku gave another punch.

"At least he is more professional than you. Kujou Tenn,listen up! No matter how bad you say about Nanase,he is better than you! Thank you." Gaku yells at Tenn.

Ryunosuke stopped Gaku from throwing another punch towards Tenn. Tenn was speechless until he heard Riku's voice singing his new song just now.

"Aishiteta,sayonara... nante uketomerarenai,dakara mou ichido...Aishite yo..wasurenai..i can't forget, I still love you."

"Tenn-nii!! Thank you for teaching me about the outside world!! I can't wait to get out of here."

"Stop!! I don't hate you!!"

"Tenn-nii!! look! Mom and dad are saying that I'm a good boy for taking the medicine."


"Tenn-nii is so cool!! I want to be like Tenn-nii too!!"

"I'm not cool Riku..."

"Tenn-nii promise me that you won't leave me forever?"

"Thank you for your service, Gaku." Tenn said as he was back to who he is. Ryunosuke and Gaku saw that Tenn really was the person they knew.

"Like my punch are magic.You really got yourself back." Gaku said while smirking at Tenn.

"Yes,let's go!!" Tenn said."Riku, I remember everything now. You must be scared to see me right now, too. I don't know how to face you after what I have done to you."


All the fans really can't take Riku's eyes off of them. They can really see Riku's heart very deeply with his new song. Iori was right,they don't have chance to see it and hear it agian.While on the stage,Riku's vision start to feel weird.He almost lost his balance for moment and look at his fans.He holding back himself and try to act as nothing happen.

"No,i have too..i still can do it..i need to reach that.."Riku said in his mind.Riku get off from the stage.Idolish7's member quickly go get Riku to make sure he's fine.

When his eyes meet Tenn,Riku quickly looks away and wants to avoid him that much. Yamato noticed that and immediately brought Riku to the green room. Tsumugi, come and praise Riku for doing a great job on stage. Again,his vision gets blurry, and it is worse than before. Tsumugi looked at Riku worriedly and asked him if he really was fine. Riku only gave a big smile and nod. He really needs to tell them about his last concert. He needs to do the surgery and focus on recovering, even though he's risking himself. But as he sees it,the other member seems so happy right now and looks towards this concert, so he decides he will tell them another time.

"Riku-kun? Are you okay? You seems like you spacing out.You must be tired." Sougo said.He hand the drink.Yukito help Riku wipe his sweat too.

"Thank you very much but I am fine."Riku said while drink his water.

Meanwhile at the other room,all their manager gather together with other staff and crew.They seems like they had another problem again.

"You guys didn't chech the stage properly before?How can you say that when they still perform!what if they get injured!!?" Anesagi said as she was angry.

"We are very sorry!! We will fix it as fast as we can, but please don't let them sing the song with dancing because it will be more dangerous for them," said the crew.

"My boys can do it but it impossible for them because their song really need to do with dance."

"Revale too..."

"Riku-san and Iori-san had their duet song.They very familiar without background too." Tsumugi said.

"Maybe we can use them for while until we finish fix the system" That crew said.

"Aren't Nanase Riku-kun isn't in good condition right now?" Anesagi said.

"...yes,Riku-san did more than his own limit already.Riku-san support each other from behind since the first performance.I'm afraid Riku-san can't handle it after doing his pre solo song." Tsumugi said.

"Then how about let Iori-san and Riku-san sing while sit?"Crew said.Maybe they don't have choice too.

Once Zool finish their performance,they use Re:vale again for being mc for while.

"Riku and Iori will sing their song? Honestly, Iori will be fine, but how about Riku? From the start, Riku has kept playing a new role in unexpected tragedies today. Don't you have other choices?"Mitsuki said.

"But if we stop,they will disappointed at us..." Ryunosuke said.

"Don't worry,i still can do it!!" Riku said with high spirit.

"Riku-kun,you look like you reach your limit already.."Sougo said.

"I still can do it.Manager said we don't have to sing with dance.It will be okay to do that while sit.."Riku said.

"But the song will have no meaning if we didn't sing with the dance."Gaku said.

"It will be more meaning if you sing with your own feeling and heart." Riku said."Just imagine thinhgs you dreamed for..i'm sure fans can feel it." Riku said while smile.

"Are you sure with this Nanase-san?" Iori ask.

"Yess! I don't want to see our fans disappointed at us after doing everything they can to come here." Riku said with his eyes shining.

"Then, I will agree if Nanase-san says that." Iori said he couldn't refuse anything from Riku's request..

Tenn didn't dare to say anything because Riku didn't even look at Tenn.He knew that he being so harsh toward Riku before and say something terrible toward Riku.He want to apologies everything.Tsumugi actually found out this very weird.Before this,they never had any problem with the concert.Why this time,this concert having so much trouble? She still hesitate but already prepare herself.Riku and Iori start to get on the stage and take their position.

"Hey Riku,if you heard me, just nod.", Riku looks around and nods."I just want to tell you that one can't be stepped on. One of that crew is trying to kill you and Tenn."Riku kept looking down and carefully stepping on it, following unhuman's help. Riku also gave Iori a hint not to step on the floor too."I think they will target your friend ...". Riku is sure in panic but still aware of the floor. Riku pulled Iori away from that position while singing. No one noticed Riku's gesture towards Iori. Iori struggled to understand Riku's behaviour.

Meanwhile at the lobby stadium,Nori give another order to his people.He got message from Tsumugi about the situation right now.Nori got uneasy feeling so he,Hatsu and Asuga come together.

"Asuga,if you find anyone you know,please let me know." Nori said.Asuga nodded.She can use the ability that similar with Riku too.

They keep searching for the suspicious person or anything.Riku and Iori do it very well and enjoy with the fans too.Asuga saw that Riku was very happy performing on the stgae.In the same time,Asuga saw a person with Riku.Asuga try to fix his vision to see what that person trying to tell Riku.

On the stage,"Riku,they try to target your friend right now!."Riku looked at Iori and oush him away all of a sudden. The stage fell down, and Riku fell into that too. Tsumugi shouted Riku's name, and the people in the stadium were panicked after hearing a shooting sound. Iori was shocked and grabbed by Mitsuki. Nori quickly went to the understage to save Riku quickly.Momose and Yukito led the way through the emergency route. A few doors got blocked from outside, and some of them got bombed. Zool tries to make sure none of their fans are here. Gaku and Ryunosuke are helping Tenn look for Riku.

"Who are they?? We need to find Riku!" Yamato said. Suddenly, another gun shot sound.

"Damn!! They had a gun!!??"Mitsuki said.

Mitsuki,Iori and Yamato were hiding at the greenroom.They heard that shot and stay there.Nagi and Tamaki at the hallway.They don;t know what happen right now.Sougo and Ryunosuke were meet at the dressing room.

"i haven't found Riku-kun.I'm afraid if something happen with him.." Sougo said.

"We should find him, but with our situation too, it's really dangerous," Ryunosuke said.

Meanwhile, Gaku and Tenn are hiding somewhere. "I'm worried about Riku," Tenn said.

"I know,we should find him," Gaku said. Tenn can't think straight after seeing the tragedies on stage.

Their phone can't be use.Nori slowly trying to find Riku too.Everyone think the same things to save Riku.They was worried after saw Riku fell under the stage.Then suddenly,

"I know you guys are trying to save him! Don't worry, he's with me right now! If you guys want him to be safe,come here to the stage in 20 minutes!" that man said. Everyone looks so depressed, as they didn't have any other choice inorder to save Riku's life.

Hey!! I know you can see me right?", Asuga look at him.

"Yes I can see you!" Asuga said.Hatsu only look at Asuga hwo was talking with someone that other people can't see.

"Good! So you can help me"

"What can I help you?" Asuga ask.

"Riku is really with him. There's three of them. Riku didn't wake up yet. Only one person had gun." Asuga nodded as she noted everything he told her. Hatsu is about to ask what Asuga and those things talk about.

Once all of them meet, except for Zool and Revale, Their manager wasn't with them. They were shocked after seeing how he was pulling Riku's hair like an animal. They treat Riku harshly and even bruise Riku's face because of the punch and hit.

"Awww,Nanase Riku,look at your friend.They rather choose you than their safety." he said.


"oH IT'S nANASE tENN,UPSS SORRY,MY BAD,IT'S kUJOU tENN."He said this while laughing. "To be honest, I really plan to kill you first, Kujou Tenn, but these brats always ruin my plan!! Every time my plan almost reaches the goal,you keep ruining it!!" he said while slapping Riku.

Yamato was about to move, but he suddenly pointed a gun towards Riku's head. "Don't you dare to move from your place," he said.

"What do you want!!" Gaku shout.

"Ofcourse revenge." he said.

"Revenge? What kind of revenge on Riku??" Tenn ask.

"You!! You take everything what mine!!It's your fault for making my life like this!!It's your fault Kujou Tenn!! Nanase Riku!!" he shout like a crazy man.

"I still don't get it..."Tenn still confuse.

"I'm the one who had a twin too and is a is a very close friend with your parents and Riku!!"He said with angry and show his face properly toward Tenn.Tenn remember those face and everything from the past.

"It was...Noema Iruki.."

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