Ben 10: What If Carnage Get C...

By Huyhuynh4061

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(Y/N)/Carnage: "Let there be...CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A young boy name is (Y/N) (L/N) and he... More

Harem Part 1
Harem Part 2
Friends & Supervillains
Prologue 01: Hello, Rick
Prologue 02: The Red Slayer
Chapter 1: The Summer Time
Chapter 2: The Omnitrix & Chaquetrix
Chapter 3: Powers Of Omnitrix & Chaquetrix
Chapter 4: Hunter Drones & Diamondhead
Chapter 5: Washington B.C
Chapter 6: The Krakken
Chapter 7: Permanent Retirement
Chapter 8: The Hunted
Chapter 9: Tourist Trap
Chapter 10: Willis & Reina & Felicia (Lemon)
Chapter 11: Carnage's Awakened
Chapter 12: The Alliance
Chapter 13: The Last Laugh/Insanity
Chapter 14: The Family Grave
Chapter 15: Lodes Lwcus
Chapter 16: Xena & Helen (Lemon)
Chapter 17: Frightwig & Charmcaster (Lemon)
Chapter 19: Forever Knight & King's Death
Chapter 20: Ghostfreaked Out
Chapter 21: Gory (Lemon)
Chapter 22: Absolute Carnage!!!
Chapter 23: Carnage V.S Zaskar
Chapter 24: Carnage V.S Kevin 11
Chapter 25: Rick Summon Carnage
Chapter 26: New Family
Chapter 27: King In Red
Chapter 28: Mating The Girls (Lemon)
Chapter 29: The Queen & The King
Chapter 30: Ending Epilogue

Chapter 18: A Small Problem/Massacre

430 13 1
By Huyhuynh4061

3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

(Y/N): "*GROANING*" He was groaning and make him is sleeping on the bed and then he just sleeping for while and until he was start to wake up from the bed and make him just got up from the bed and he turn his head to look at the time and he saw the time is...9:00 AM in the morning.

(Y/N): "Shit...Damn, how long I've been out like this." He said to himself.

(Y/N): "*Sigh* What a night..." He said to himself and make him was slowly got up from the bed by himself and he was stretching his bones like arms, and legs too.

(Y/N): "*Chuckle*" He said to himself and make him was put the paper to the trash can by himself and (Y/N) look at outside from the window of the building and he said to himself.

(Y/N): "Time to go." He said to himself.

When (Y/N) was sigh out little bit and then he just heading out to the bathroom right away and make him was got in there and he is took a long shower in the bathroom by himself and then (Y/N) just going to take a relax in the bathroom when he was take a shower by himself. 

When (Y/N) was got out of the bathroom by himself and make him just got his clothes to dressing on by himself and he looks like normal to him when he just dressing up like this at all.

(Y/N)'s Outfit.

When (Y/N) was dressing regular normal outfit by himself and make him was turn his head to look at the watch for himself and it is already activating it on and make (Y/N) sigh little bit and then (Y/N) was going to take a step out of his house by himself and then he was walk off to somewhere else in this world by himself. Then (Y/N) went to take a walk toward to the vehicle car right away and make him was hop in the vehicle car and then he start the engine of the vehicle car and driving away from here by himself and he was going out for the restaurant breakfast.

Then (Y/N) was in the restaurant by himself and he was chilling little bit when he was eat the breakfast and also other hand that he was holding the newspaper by himself and he just reading the news about killing also the picture of himself with his Carnage form and (Y/N) was probably don't care about it. When (Y/N) just shook his head and make him drop the newspaper down on the table and he holding the cup of coffee by himself and he just drinking it little bit and he said to himself.

(Y/N): "Best summer ever." He said to himself.



When (Y/N) heard the phone was ringing and make him got it in his hand and he was holding it in his hand and then (Y/N) was take a look at the phone who was Max and he answer to Max about what happened and then he was complaining to (Y/N) about Ben was been kidnapped by the man and take him to the Forever Knight location and turns out that (Y/N) really need to get there fast as he could...but first he need to called out to his girlfriends first and they need to be prepare to fight.

(Y/N): "Hope and Freya...I need your two helps." He said to them.

Time Skip Later.

In Somewhere Else.

Forever Knight: "Now, you have nowhere else to go right now! Surrender right now before-" He tries to said and out of nowhere a rumbling sound of footsteps was running came here right here.

???: "What the?!? An Earthquake?!?" He said to the others.

Max: "No, I don't think so." He said to them and then out of nowhere something just rammed through the wall of the building and make the humongous creature appeared here and that is a female dinosaur and she was 14 foot tall very big with muscles all over by herself and her eyes was green glowing up by herself.


Henrietta: "Humongousaur!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She shout out to them and make the other forever knight guards were taken surprises for what they saw the female dinosaur is here and then out of nowhere something was burst through the wall by himself.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "KNOCK! KNOCK!!!!! MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and make the others were screaming out in fear and (Y/N) use his left arm shapeshift as claws and he was slashing those motherfucking guards apart off by himself. Then Freya and Hope were came here by themselves that the two of them were fighting at those guards and blasts those motherfuckers by themselves.

(Y/N) was slowly transform back to his own human form and then he turn his head to look at Max, Ben in his Grey Matter form, and Gwen was alright...but he doesn't know who was the other guy and (Y/N) asked the three of them.

(Y/N): "Is anyone alright?" He asked them.

Max: "We are fine...but Ben isn't..." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yep, definitely not good...anyway is there other way to bring Ben back to his own form?" He asked Max and make the man goes up here and he said.

???: "Maybe, I do...listen I know you four don't trust me because I...I am poor and I did something bad for what I just kidnapped your grandson." He said to Max.

???: "Listen, kid...I'm sorry for kidnapped you alright? I just do my own job...but by the way I will find the other way to bring you back to normal." He said to Ben.

Ben: "Thanks..." He said to him.

Gwen: "What about those guards! I mean-" She tries to said but (Y/N) interrupted her.

(Y/N): "You four should go on ahead...We'll take care of them." He said to the four of them and then (Y/N) was going to transform back into Carnage right away cause he know what is he going to do become a monster by himself.

After (Y/N) was transform done and he was change into something terrifying creature with his height is 9 foot tall very big red skinny all over at him. Then he had a tendrils come out of his back behind and make him was growing to be big and tall with scariest as hell and he was looking like a real monster....then he had a smiley face with his white jagged eyes...and the smile has a shark sharp-tooth like multiple of them. Then Carnage turn his head to look down at the others for what they saw (Y/N)'s dark demonic transformation.

After the transformation was done and make the man was taken surprise for what he saw (Y/N) with his Carnage form and turns out that (Y/N) turn into a monster by himself and then he didn't seen this before and it is frightened him for what he saw (Y/N) with his dark demonic monster form by himself.

???: "Holy shit..." He said to himself.

Frightwig: "(Y/N), are you ready to move in?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Carnage: "We are going to take them down by ourselves.~" He said to her.

Charmcaster: "Right." She said.

Ben: "W-Wait, what about you? (Y/N)?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Carnage: "We'll meet the other way later, Ben...You two will get Ben to something else right now before something else just happened and prepare for it." He said to them and they nod their heads.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Henrietta....You know what to do, my dear.~" He said to her and the female dinosaur was look at (Y/N) and she asked him.

Henrietta: "Yes?~" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Carnage: "SMASH THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to her and make her was chuckling out and she let out a thunderous roar toward to the guards and then she is going to take them down and (Y/N) who was turn his head to look at the forever knights are here also...Charmcaster with Frightwig are helping (Y/N) out to fight these guards.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "*ROAR*"

More guards of Forever Knight were showing up right away and they have their pistol laser guns and spears too begin to shooting at him.

Oh Boy.

What a dumbasses.

But the real thing is...their weapons are useless against at the red creature when he was begin to walking through by himself.

???: "Holy shit....He just can't been killed when he opened a hole from his chest and bullets are fucking shoot through at him?!?" He said in surprise and the three of them were take cover their heads and they don't want to get shots.

The red creature was still keep going and more going toward at them and then the beast use his two arms change as blades and he stabbed the two guards in the chests and make him was lift the two of them up and throw the two of them to the cells.

Knight: "DON'T MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out at the red creature and make him was use his right arm shapeshift as tendrils wrapped around the guard and make the creature was swung the knight guard to the other walls and make Enoch saw this and he just jump with dodge out of the way by himself.

Enoch: "AAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!" He scream out and make him just lucky to be alive and dodge out of the way and he was fall down on the ground and he was lucky to duck away from it and then Enoch was got up from the ground again and make him was look at the red monster was let out a terrifying roar up to the sky by himself.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "*ROAR*"

The red creature begin to slaughtering all every prisoners and inmates in this government base and killing many of them all by himself like a wild animal and then the red creature just ate them all alive by himself and nothing else tries to stopped him. The red creature was hissing out and he use his tendrils out of his back and make him got many more tendrils to wrapped around these armed knights and scientists too...then he just use his tendrils stabbed these scientists and torn many of them all apart off by himself.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "*GROWLING*" He was growling out little bit and make him was ripping these guards apart off by themselves and then (Y/N) turn his head to look over there and he saw more of these Knights appeared here by themselves. Then out of nowhere Henrietta who was rammed through the wall of the building and she was jump up with her arms as muscle and she smash her arms down on those guards kill them like crushing.

Then (Y/N) was chuckling out and make him turn his head to look over there and he can see there were more armed Knights are here by themselves and they got their laser spears out and shooting at (Y/N) and Henrietta. When (Y/N) is growling out toward to them and he use his both arms shapeshift as an scythes and he saw the armed knights were here right away and they are closer and more closer that (Y/N) prepare to slashes at these motherfuckers apart off.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "*LAUGHING*" He was laughing out and make him swung his scythes together like one hit killing all every armed Knights and ripped them all apart off like nothing and then (Y/N) just torn them all out by himself and when Henrietta who was goes beside with (Y/N). The two of them were looking at each others and they lean their foreheads and kissing each others again and then (Y/N) was with Henrietta let go.

Henrietta: "I love you, my mate. I want you impregnate me so badly.~" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Right.~" He said to her and here more of those knight guards are here right away.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "COME AND GET SOME, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to those motherfucking knight guards and then (Y/N) with Henrietta were slaughtering the rest of those knights by themselves.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "LET THERE BE....CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

To Be Continued.

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