Terms of Love

By lalisakarma

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Chaelisa | Lisa G!P Lisa Manoban lives life the way she wants, no concern for the opinion of others. She care... More



435 36 4
By lalisakarma

I had trouble sleeping again, so I
tiptoed down the hall, pushing open Lisa's door. Tonight, she was on her stomach, one arm wrapped around her pillow, the other one hanging off the edge of her massive bed. She was still snoring— her low hum I needed to hear.

I studied her face in the dim light. I traced my lips with my finger, still shocked at the fact she had kissed me, held me in her arms, and we danced. I knew it was all part of his grand scheme, but there were moments, glimpses, of a different woman than I was used to seeing. The flash of a smile, a twinkle in her eye, even a kind word—they had all caught me off-guard tonight. I wished she allowed that part of herself out more, but she kept her emotions—the positive ones— locked away. I had already figured that out. I knew if I said anything, she would lock herself down even more. So, I remained silent—at least for now. I had to admit though, kissing her hadn’t been bad at all. Considering the venom her mouth could produce, her lips were warm, soft, and full, and her touch gentle.

She groaned and rolled over, taking the blankets with her, her long, lean torso now exposed. I swallowed, partially in guilt for staring at her, partially in wonder. She was a beautiful woman—at least on the outside. She muttered something incoherent, and I moved back, leaving the door ajar, scuttling back to my own room.

She might have been a little more pleasant at times this evening, but I doubted she would react well to me staring at her while she slept.

Still, her quiet rumbles helped me to drift off into a peaceful slumber.


I left the condo early and went to visit Penny. She was wideawake and in a good mood. She knew me today, tweaked my nose, and we talked and laughed until she fell asleep. I sipped my coffee while she napped, looking at some of her little pieces she’d been painting. I chose one I liked in particular of some wild flowers, and was admiring it when she stirred. She watched me, then rolled her chair over, holding out her hand for the painting.

“I like this one.” I smiled. “It reminds me of when we’d go and pick flowers in the summer.”

She nodded, looking distracted. “You’ll have to ask my daughter if it’s for sale. I’m not sure where she is.”

My breath caught in my throat. She was gone again. The moments of clarity were getting further and further apart, and I knew better than to upset her.

“Perhaps I can take it and go find her.”

She reached for her paintbrush, turning for her easel. “You can try. She may be at school. My Rosie is a busy girl.”

“Thank you for your time, Mrs. Johnson.”

She gestured toward the door, dismissing me. I left the room, clutching her painting, stifling the tears. She didn’t know me, yet deep in her heart, she still thought of me as her daughter. The same way I thought of her as my family.

It was a sobering reminder of why I was doing this with Lisa. Pretending to be something I wasn’t.

It was for her.

I wiped my eyes, and headed back to the condo.


When I opened the door, Lisa met me with a scowl on her face.

“Where were you? You have an appointment!”

I drew in a deep breath and counted to ten. “Good morning to you, too, Lisa. It’s only ten. My appointment is at eleven. I have plenty of time.”

She ignored my greeting.

“Why didn’t you answer your phone? I called. You didn’t take your car, either.”

“I visited Penny. The home she is in is close, so I walked.”

Reaching over, she tugged on the small canvas I had clutched to my torso. “What is this?”

My grasp was ineffectual, and she held the painting in her hands, studying it.

“You aren’t hanging this crap in here.”

I swallowed the bitterness in my throat. “I wouldn’t dream of it. I was going to put it in my room.”

She pushed the small canvas back at me. “Whatever.” She walked away, glancing over her shoulder. “Your clothes arrived. I put them in the closet in your room and left the bags on the bed. Burn whatever you’re wearing now. I don’t want to see it any longer.”

Then she disappeared.

Later that afternoon, when I returned to the condo, I felt like a different person. I had been buffed, scrubbed, and waxed within an inch of my life. My hair had been washed with some body infusing shampoo, conditioned, cut and layered, then blown dry so it hung in long, luxurious waves down my back. Once my makeup was done, I barely recognized myself. My eyes looked huge, my mouth full and pouty, my skin like porcelain. I hurried upstairs and slipped into the new lingerie and dress Nicha and I had picked out for the afternoon; she told me it was perfect. Off-white with a flowered overlay, it was pretty and floaty, and it looked like summer. The low-heeled sandals were comfortable, and I was sure I could stay upright.

I took in a deep breath as my nerves began to tighten.

It was time to see if Lisa agreed.

Impatiently, I drummed my fingers on the counter. I heard the tapping of heels and turned my head, the glass I was about to drink from freezing part way to my mouth.

The Roseanne I was used to seeing wasn’t this woman. As I suspected, with the right clothes, a good haircut, and some makeup, she was quite pretty. Not like the flashy, confident women I was used to, but rather an understated beauty she carried well. Not my usual type— however, in this case, it would work.

I glanced down at her hand and frowned. “Where is your ring?”


She opened her small purse, took out the box, and slipped on the ring.

“You need to wear it all the time. Leave the box here.”

“I took it off for a manicure. I forgot to put it back on.” She smiled—a wide, almost teasing smile. “Thank you so much for reminding me, my darling.”

I raised my eyebrows. “My darling?”

“You didn’t like Dick, so I picked another endearment. You know, like lovers.”

I crossed my arms, glaring. “I think you’re laughing at me.”

“I would never.” She tossed her hair, the dark waves rippling down her back. “So, will I pass?”

“My money was well spent.”

She picked up her purse. “You have such a way with words, Lisa. So smooth and lyrical. I’m shocked women weren’t lined up pretending to love you.”

Her remark made me chuckle. She had a cutting sense of humor, which was something I liked.

I followed her to the door, opening it for her. She waited as I locked it, and with a smirk, I offered her my hand.

“Ready, sweetheart?”

She rolled her eyes, placing her hand in mine. “Anywhere with you, my darling.”

“Let’s do this.”


Roseanne accepted my extended hand, letting me help her from my car, her eyes huge in her face as she took in the extraordinary house and grounds. Even I was impressed. Graham Kim's estate home was lavish.

“Try to control your emotions,” I murmured, tugging her close, hoping it appeared natural. She didn’t fight me, leaning her body into mine as the valet drove off with my car. “You need to relax.”

She looked up at me with a frown. “Maybe you’re used to this sort of opulence, Lisa. But I’m not.” Her gaze moved around rapidly; panic beginning to show on her face. “I don’t belong here,” she whispered. “They’re going to see right through this sham.”

I bent low so I could meet her eyes. “No, they aren’t,” I hissed. “I’m going to stay beside you, and we’re going to act as if we’re in love. Everyone here will think I chose you and us over my career, and you, damn it, are going to act as though you fucking adore me. Got it?”

She tilted her head up, uncertainty written all over her face.

I softened my voice. “You can do this, Roseanne, I know you can. We both need this to work.”

She looked over my shoulder. “Graham Kim is coming over.”

“Then it’s show time, sweetheart. I’m going to kiss you and you’re going to act as though you like it. Pretend I just gave you a gift. In fact, I’ll give you one, if you pull off this first meeting.”

For a second nothing changed. Then her gaze became determined, and she beamed at me. The expression transformed her face from merely pretty to beautiful. The change caught me off guard, and I stared down at her, surprised at my thoughts.

“Lisa!” she exclaimed. “You’re too good to me!”

To say I was shocked when she reached up, threading her fingers through my hair and yanking my mouth to hers, would be an understatement. I recovered quickly, holding her tight and kissing her far too passionately for such a public place. When I heard the clearing of a throat behind me, I smiled against her mouth and drew back. She stared up at me, then as if it was the most natural thing in the world, touched my lips.

“Passion pink isn’t your color,” she teased, wiping at my mouth.

I dropped another kiss on her lips. “I told you to stop wearing the stuff. I’m only going to kiss it off anyway.” Keeping my arm around her, I turned to greet Graham.

“Sorry, Roseanne is easily excited.” I smirked. “And who am I to resist?”

He chuckled, extending his hand, introducing me to his wife, Irene. Almost as short as Roseanne, her golden hair swept into an elegant bun, she was grace personified.

I, in turn, introduced Roseanne as my fiancée, smiling as she blushed and greeted them both.

“You must tell me what excited you so much, Roseanne.” Irene smiled at her.

“Lisa just told me about an unexpected gift. She’s constantly surprising me. Please call me Rosie. Lisa insists on my full name, but I prefer Rosie.”

I shook my head. “It’s a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

She rolled her eyes, and Irene chuckled.

“You’ll never convince her otherwise, Rosie. Our partners are always such stubborn creatures.” Reaching out, she hooked arms with Roseanne, tugging her away. “Come; let me introduce you to my family. Jennie is dying to meet you. Now, what is this gift she gave  you?”

Following behind, I listened carefully, wondering what she would decide I had given her. Jewelry? A trip? Those were the extravagant gifts the women I dated liked to receive.

Once again, she surprised me.

“Lisa made a generous donation to the ‘no-kill shelter’ where I volunteer. I had told her I was afraid they may close up due to lack of funds.”

Irene glanced over her shoulder with a wide grin. “What a lovely gesture, Lisa. Graham and I will match your donation. We both have a soft spot for animals.”

Roseanne gasped. “Oh, Irene, you don’t have to do that!”

Irene hugged her arm. “Of course, we do. How long have you been volunteering there?”

I spoke up; thankful for the lists we’d made and the fact I had a good memory. “Three years. She’s been named Volunteer of the Year twice.”

“How wonderful! Graham, make sure you write out a check for Rosie when you’re talking to Lisa later.”

Those words encouraged me. If he was going to talk to me in private, I hoped it meant what I thought it did.

Graham smiled at Irene. “I will, my love.”


I had planned to stay close, but it seemed my plans were thwarted at every turn. Once introduced to Jennie, her wife Jisoo, as well as their older son Adam, his wife Julia, and their two children, Roseanne and I were separated. Jennie was eager to meet Roseanne, her brown eyes much like her father’s, wide and excited. She was average height, attractive, with black hair and a friendly smile. Her wife resembled a model, she was a little taller than Jnnie, with dark hair and eyes. Their mutual adoration was obvious—if not a little nauseating.

Jennie grabbed onto Roseanne, dragging her around to meet some other women, while Graham introduced me to several key members of his staff. It was obvious Graham’s intention wasn’t a secret. He was letting the rest of his valued staff meet me, and I knew their opinions would matter, so I was on my best behavior, putting on the charm. For the first while, I kept glancing over to Roseanne, wondering if she was saying or doing anything to jeopardize our situation, but she looked surprisingly calm, and seemed to be holding her own. Graham noticed my preoccupation and ribbed me goodnaturedly.

“Relax, Lisa. No one will kidnap her. I promise.”

I forced a chuckle. “Of course not. She, ah, she’s rather shy, that’s all,” I stated lamely. I couldn’t tell him why I needed to stay close.

“You’re protective of her.”

I was? That was what he thought?

“It’s been a rough few days, for both of us.”

He nodded, looking serious. “I heard what happened.”


“I couldn’t let him berate her that way, or allow him to belittle our relationship. It was time to leave, regardless of how it affected my career,” I stated with conviction. “I wanted our relationship—our real relationship— out in the open. I wanted the world to know we were engaged.”

“You put her first.”


He clapped my shoulder. “Come meet some people, Lisa.”


A while later, I walked toward the small group of people with Roseanne. I had observed the Kim's and how they interacted, and I was correct in my assumption. They were a very demonstrative group. When they were close to each other, the couples were constantly touching. Both Irene and Graham were also affectionate with their children and grandchildren. I knew I needed to show the same sort of affinity with Roseanne. I hoped she could respond in kind.

The women were laughing, shaking their heads. Roseanne spoke up. “I know, for someone usually so health conscious, Lisa is terrible. She eats far too much red meat. Every chance she gets, especially at Finlay’s. The twenty-four ounce rib-eye every time.” She chuckled. “I’ve given up trying to stop her because there’s no point. At least she eats better now that I cook for her. The number of take-out menus I found in the drawer when I moved in was frightening.”

Stepping up behind her, I wrapped my arm around her waist, drawing her back to my chest and dropping a quick kiss to her neck, noticing her small shiver. “What about you, Roseanne?”

I glanced around at the small group of women she was talking to with a wide smile. “She worries constantly about that, yet every day, I find her eating a peanut butter and jam sandwich.” I shook my head, looking back down at her. “I keep telling you, sweetheart, you need to eat more protein. You are far too tiny. I could put you in my pocket, I swear.”

There was a collective sigh among the women in the group. I had obviously said something right.

“Don’t hate the PB&J, my darling,” Roseanne insisted. “Being your assistant, I was lucky to have time to eat a sandwich.”

I kissed her again. “My bad, baby. You shouldn’t be so invaluable to me.”

As the women around her all laughed, Jennie patted one on the shoulder with a smile.

“Look out, Amy, you’ve been warned. If Lisa comes on board, no more lunch hours.”

Ah, Amy Tanner, Bambam’s girlfriend, and the way things seemed to be going, my next assistant. I smiled at her—she was exactly his type: tall, pretty, and polished.

“Hello, Amy. Bambam away this weekend?”

She nodded. “Another trip. He said to remind you about golf next week when he gets back.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“I hope I’m not a disappointment as an assistant after having your fiancée at your side. If, of course, you come on board.”

I stiffened a little, but Roseanne laughed, patting my arm. “Lisa is brilliant,” she enthused. “She is amazing to work with. I’m sure the two of you will get along famously.”

Jennie winked at Roseanne. “Spoken like a woman in love.”

Roseanme relaxed back into me with a small sigh. She glanced up, a gentle smile playing on her lips. Her hand traced my jaw, her voice low and husky. “Because I am.”

It was an Oscar-worthy performance.


The afternoon waned away. We ate, talked, and met many people. Often when we were with other people, I would look up to find Roseanne's eyes on me. Because it amused me to watch her reaction, I would blow her a kiss or send her a wink, simply to see her cheeks flush. She did it every single time. She did the same thing when I would walk up to her, wrapping an arm around her waist, dropping a kiss to her shoulder or cheek. She played her part well, never reacting in any way except welcoming. In fact, a couple times she sought me out, leaning up on her toes to whisper in my ear. It was easy to imitate the way Jisoo bent his head low to hear whatever Jennie was murmuring, with an indulgent look on her face. I had no doubt the words Jennie whispered were far more intimate than what Roseanne had to tell me, but no one else knew that.

At one point, Graham drew me to the side and asked if I was available for another discussion on Monday. It was all I could do not to fist pump the air, knowing we had done it. Instead, I told him Roseanne and I had an errand on Monday morning, however, I was available after lunch. I didn’t want to appear too eager, but as soon as he nodded knowingly and informed me the license office was always busy on Monday so we should hold off until two o’clock to meet, I realized my mistake.

He thought we were going to apply for our marriage license.

Rather than correct him, I agreed two o’clock would be a good time and shook his hand. I noticed a few other people had left, so I thanked him for his hospitality. When he reminded me of the donation, I told him we could take care of it Monday—in actuality, I didn’t have a clue the name of the shelter.

Irene was talking to Roseannd, when I approached. “Ready to go, sweetheart?” I asked. “I know you want to go see your aunt this afternoon, as well.”

“Yes, I do.” Roseanne turned to our hostess. “Thank you for the lovely afternoon.”

Irene beamed, and pulled her in for a hug.

“Your aunt is very lucky to have you. It was good to meet you, my dear girl. I look forward to seeing more of you. Remember what I said about your wedding!”

Roseanne nodded, taking my outstretched hand. It wasn’t unpleasant when Irene stretched up and pressed a kiss on my cheek. “So happy to meet you, Lisa. I look forward to seeing more of you, too.” She winked. “Both here and at the office.”

I grinned at her. “Likewise.”

“Did Graham give you a check for the five thousand?”

Five thousand?

Apparently, I had been generous. I smirked, deciding it was well worth it.

“He’s giving it to me on Monday.”

“Excellent. Now you two lovebirds, enjoy the rest of your day.”

I gave a low laugh, making Roseanne's cheek darken and Irene’s smile wider. “I plan to,” I assured her with a wink as I tugged my fiancée away.

I chuckled all the way to the car.

Inside, I was celebrating. It had worked.


A/N: Thank you all for the 1k of reading ♡

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