Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystali...

By BlizzardPlays

2.8K 21 7

What if the overlord put a spell on Lloyd on his heart? In this story it's like the original but with musical... More

Farewell the sea
The call of home
The shape of wind and water
A mayor problem
Public enemies 1,2,3,4 and 5
A painful promise
Ninjago city vs Ninja
Kryptarium prison blues
Hounddog Mcbrag
The benefit of Grief
The fifth Villian
The Council of the Crystal King
A sinister shadow
The spider's design
The fall of the monastery
Darkness within
The Coming of the King
Return to Primeval's Eye
A Lesson in Anger and Love
Forbidden Crystal love
Quittin Time
Safe Haven
Distress Calls
An issue of trust
Dragon Form
Love within the Roots

Return of the ice emperor

69 0 0
By BlizzardPlays

Narrator: Zane

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 24

Word count: 1,8k

Warning: nothing I guess

(In the city, Garmadon emerges from the wreckage of the Destiny's Bounty, he then hears Lloyd waking up.)

Garmadon: Lloyd? Are you injured?

Lloyd: I don't ... think so.

Garmadon: Here, let me help.

Lloyd: I don't need your help.

Garmadon: You both appear to be stuck.

Lloyd: Well, I'm not! When I needed your help was when I was fighting the Overlord!

Garmadon: I told you repeatedly we had no chance of defeating him. Not until you master your Oni Form.

Lloyd: You know what? I don't want your help! Every single time I have ever relied on you, ever, you have let me down. So a big no thanks! (He does Spinjitzu and frees himself.)

Garmadon: Well, (A news paper flew on his face but he quickly took it off.) I'd have to see an itemized list of the times you're referring to, to know if that's true.

Lloyd: I don't have time for this. I have to find the others. (He then hears Christina waking up and runs over to her seeing that she's trapped underneath the wreckage.) Christina, are you okay?

Christina: I think so, help me out. (She and Lloyd tries to move all the stuff off her but it was too heavy.)

Lloyd: No use, I need more help. (He hears a bike near him and reveals to be Morro.) Morro! What are you doing here?

Morro: We heard about Ninjago city being in danger.

Garmadon: We?

Morro: By "we", I mean Me, P.I.X.A.L. and Skylor. (He sees Christina stuck under the rubble.) Christina, are you okay?

Christina: Yeah, don't worry. (She tries to lift up the rubble off her.) But can you all help me out here?

Garmadon: Alright then, on three lift it up. (Morro and Lloyd comes up next to Garmadon.) ready? One...

Morro: Two...

Lloyd: Three! (They all lift up the wreckage off of Christina and she gets up.)

Christina: Thanks guys, now what?

Lloyd: Now what, Now what? Ooh, what are we going to do!? The Overlord crystalized everything. We can't let Ninjago look like this and Our powers are still weak against the army- (Christina touched his arm to calm him down.)

Christina: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, don't worry about our powers. (She looks at Lloyd worried.) Worry about your eyes.

Lloyd: What? We just fell off the bounty, you should see your eyes. (Morro and Garmadon sees it too.)

Morro: No, she means that yours are turning purple.

Lloyd: Purple? What are you guys talking about? (He walks near a window and sees his reflection that his eyes are flashing purple.) What?

Christina: It's because the overlord hit you on the heart, right?

Lloyd: Does it look bad? (He walks back to the others and they looked at each other not knowing what to say to him as his eyes stopped flashing purple.)

Morro: No.

Garmadon: He hesitated.

Morro: No, I didn't.

Christina: (To Lloyd) We have to find the others to find out what's happening with you.

Garmadon: Don't be a fool! Searching for your friends will only get you all caught. We have to flee!

Lloyd: That's the problem with you! You only think about yourself!

Garmadon: And you don't think at all!

(A police car stops before them.)

Lloyd: Thanks for stopping, sir. We sure could use — Hounddog McBrag?!

Morro: Ugh, not him again.

Hounddog: Lloyd Garmadon. You are under arrest.

Christina: You can't be serious right now!

Hounddog: Oh, I'm serious as a rattlesnake with a headache. You gonna come quietly or not?

Garmadon: He never does anything quietly. Everything's an argument.

Lloyd: Don't you see what's happening? We're under attack by the Overlord! People are being infected by evil crystals! (Lightning strikes in the sky.)

Hounddog: Doesn't change my orders.

Lloyd: With all due respect, your orders might not have changed, but circumstances have! We should be working together, not —

Hounddog: I can take you in the easy way ... (He points his megaphone at Lloyd, Christina and Morro.) Or the hard way.

Garmadon: Allow me to answer this. (He powers up.)

Lloyd: No! (He, Morro and Christina all pushes Garmadon to the ground just as he fires a blast.)

Hounddog: Halt in the name of the law! (He looks down to see the manhole cover spinning and climbs down to the sewers. In the sewers, Hounddog searches for Lloyd, Morro and Christina.)

Hounddog: You're under arrest, Lloy— (Lloyd and Morro saves him from crystalized Hypnobrai.) You guys saved me?

Lloyd: Orders aren't everything. Hopefully one day, you'll see that. So long, Marshal. (They both leave but when they get to Christina and Garmadon, Lloyd puts his hands on his heart and falls on the wall.)

Morro: Lloyd, are you okay?

Christina: He's not, He got struck by the Overlord. Lloyd, why did you even go to that island?

Garmadon: He was foolish enough to get to Harumi and tried to reason with her.

Lloyd: I wasn't being foolish! I was just telling her that she can change, but when she tried to warn me about the Overlord, I just didn't listen to her.

Christina: (She sighs.) Well, let's go look around here to get some help. (They all left.)

(In the city, Antonia leads Misako and some citizens to the newspaper warehouse.)

Nelson: When does the news sleep?

Antonia: Hopefully soon, because I'm gettin' pretty tired. (She enters the warehouse.) Make yourselves comfortable, Bathroom's in the back.

Misako: I must speak with Wu.

Antonia: He's a little busy at the moment.

Misako: (She takes off her straw hat.) Too busy for an old friend?

Wu: Misako? (They embrace.) Tell me you found something.

Misako: I found something, but I don't know how to decode it. (She takes out a scroll.) I found it in the Library of Domu. It's the final prophecy of Quanish the Elder.

Wu: Quanish? (He sighs.) Quanish was a fool.

Misako: A fool gifted with the ability to see the future. He foresaw a time when darkness would rise and corrupt the land and destroy all. But he also foresaw a possible victory.

Wu: How?

Misako: He speaks of a moment in the final battle, in which the acolytes of the First Spinjitzu Master will face a terrible choice. If they remember their courage and do what must be done for the good of all, they will be given a new form. A Dragon Form.

Wu: You're asking me to believe in the ramblings of a delusional old fool?

Misako: For all our sakes, yes. Because this is the only reference I found to any "Dragon Form."

Wu: How does he say this Dragon Form is achieved?

Misako: That's the tricky part. The images are simple enough, but the text is unlike any writing I've ever encountered. I can't read it.

Wu: Then we must rely on the images, and pray that I am wrong about Quanish.

(In the city, P.I.X.A.L. makes her way through the streets while evading Vengestone Guards. She defeats some and continues her search.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Now, where was I? (She finds the wreckage of the Zane's jet and gasps.) Zane! Zane, are you— Clutch Powers? How?

(Zane switches through several holographic forms.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Oh, Zane. The crash must have damaged your cloaking technology. (She opens Zane's plane but his parts falls off.) Oh no! Zane!

Zane: (As the Ice Emperor) There is no Zane! There is only the Ice Emperor!

P.I.X.A.L.: I need to get you help, Zane. And I think I know where.

(She walks towards Borg Tower, carrying Zane on her back.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Stealth is required at this juncture. Please remain quiet.

Zane: (screaming) How dare you tell me what to do, you non-frozen fool?!

(Zane's voice attracts the Vengestone Guards, who surround them.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Zane, if these are our last functional moments, I want to express that my love for you is ingrained deeply in my circuits.

Zane: Ha! Love is for the weak!

(They are surrounded, but a prison bus knocks away all the guards.)

Ronin: Need a lift?

P.I.X.A.L.: Ronin? You are supposed to be incarcerated in Kryptarium Prison!

Ronin: Lucky for you, we got out.

P.I.X.A.L.: Killow? Ultra Violet?

Ronin: Some guy in a bird suit.

Fugi-Dove: Fugi-Dove! How hard is it to remember? Fugi-Dove!

Ronin: Where you headed?

P.I.X.A.L.: Borg Tower. (Ronin starts the bus.) You are offering to help me? Why?

Fugi-Dove: Oh, I'll tell! Let me tell!

(In a flashback, the inmates are watching TV when the Overlord's shockwave cuts off the power.)

Past Killow: No way!

Past Ultra Violet: What gives?

Past Ronin: Whatever that Crystal Temple is doing to the city, it must be messing with the power grid.

(The prison doors open.)

Past Ronin: Booyah, fellas, let's make a move!

(The inmates cheer and leave.)

Past Inmate #1: Who's going to the mall?

Past Ultra Violet: I don't get why this happened, but I'm good with it! Let's go, boys!

Past Fugi-Dove: No! We're not doing that, because ... inspirational speech like you wouldn't believe! That's right! You get inspired. And you get inspired. And you get inspired! Everybody gets inspired!

Ultra Violet: What?! That's not how it happened! The power did shut down and all the doors sprang open, but you weren't the one stopping everyone!

Fugi-Dove: Well, maybe I'm not getting every single little detail right, but that's basically it!

Ultra Violet: Basically baloney! It happened like this.

Past Fugi-Dove: Time to fly!

Past Ronin: Fine. Run away. Prove you're the spineless, worthless, no-good criminals everyone thinks you are. Or, stay, and fight to get our city back! And maybe, just for once, make your mommas proud.

Past Fugi-Dove: (He bursts into tears.) Ma!

Ronin: So, we found this jalopy in the prison yard, hot-wired it, and presto. Here we are.

P.I.X.A.L.: Most impressive. I ... thank you.

Zane: I, too! For this boon, I shall grant you continued life ... for now!

P.I.X.A.L.: Ignore him. He requires repair.

Zane: Boon retracted! Vex! Vex, cast them in the dungeon!

Fugi-Dove: Hey, look! There's Borg Tower!

(They enter Borg's office.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Dr. Borg!

Cyrus Borg: P.I.X.A.L.! And ... friends? What are you doing here?

P.I.X.A.L.: We require your assistance.

Cyrus Borg: Oh, well, you're in luck! I've been up all night, working on a new line of mechs and ... eh, wait. Help with what?

(P.I.X.A.L. picks up a remote and opens the blinds, showing Borg the invasion outside.)

Cyrus Borg: Perhaps I need to take more frequent breaks.

P.I.X.A.L.: It's a full scale invasion by the Overlord.

Cyrus Borg: The Overlord?! No, no, no. How could I possibly help against —

P.I.X.A.L.: With some repair work.

Cyrus Borg: Zane?!

Zane: There is no Zane!

P.I.X.A.L.: Don't ask.

Cyrus Borg: I don't know if repairs this extensive are possible. But, maybe, with enough time ...

P.I.X.A.L.: I'm afraid, Dr. Borg, that is the one thing we are quickly running out of. Time.

Differences from the original.
• Morro comes over with Lloyd, Christina and Garmadon
• The curse started to happen on Lloyd when his eyes were flashing purple.

Well looks like this chapter is done and the curse is starting to come but stay tuned for what's happens next.

If there's any mistakes please tell me and I'll fix them.

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