GAME of LOVE // ᴛᴋ //

By jeonbamie_kimtannie

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A beautiful and dangerous love story between a 36 y/o mafia king and a 20 y/o University student. Where the... More

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By jeonbamie_kimtannie


Taehyung has come far away from the farm House of jungkook and is walking alone in the road while embracing himself to warm his body in this chilly weather.

His body is trembling his teeth are clattering together but the song he's humming under his breath is not stopping..

He's enjoying his own company, his heart is feeling somewhat heavy but the smile on his face is not flattering even for a second.

Moon is the only one who's keeping him safe in the dark and is walking with him and telling him you're safe in my moon light.

The chilly wind is caressing his cheeks and giving him the endearing feeling his heart was craving.

Everything seem perfect the work his dad told him has already done and now it's his time to relive his life again.

"I'll go back to US" Taehyung whisper to himself with a smile but his smile falter when his mind recall the word which jungkook said a hour ago.

"Don't worry my soon to be wife will heal me"

Taehyung didn't take it to his heart and again smile while showing his all teeth to moon, but was the smile come naturally or was it forced?

"That's it this is where I close the book which was written by my dad" Taehyung says and spread his arm but shove his hand inside his pocket when his phone buzzed.

He take out his phone from the pocket and as his eyes fall over a caller id his smile turned into a gloomy one.

He clear his voice first and then slide the green button.

"Hello" From other side someone says immediately.

"Hmm" Taehyung whisper.

"Why your location shows you're in xyz"

Taehyung forget that there is a tracker device on his phone which is planted by his father.

"He knows" Taehyung mumble.


"He knows about me" Taehyung again says.

"Just stay there and don't move I'm coming" Other side person says hurriedly and hang up the phone. 

Like a bratty kid taehyung didn't listen and he didn't stop himself from walking and takes himself wherever his feet is dragging him.

jungkook farm house is far from the city area. So, it'll take the guy maximum two hours to reach where taehyung is.

And after walking for more than thirty minutes, taehyung couldn't feel his leg anymore, it's numb. He was just walking and admiring the beautiful night while enjoying the breeze night and humming some songs to blur someone memories from his mind and didn't think where he's going.

He takes the seat under a tree, when he felt he couldn't walk anymore and thought to wait for the guy who's coming to take him.

"By now he has already informed dad" Taehyung whisper to himself.

It's 3:26am in the morning and taehyung lashes get heavy, he didn't dare to close his eyes.

He tried to not drift off but he couldn't seize the weight of his worn out body, his worn out soul and the most importantly his heart which is extremely tired from acting and he finally drifted off to a deep slumber.


It's 5:13am, taehyung was in a deep sleep when he get startled when he hear.


Taehyung body jolt up when he hear the same voice which has the ability to make him go on his knees, has the ability to snatch the breath out of his lungs is running towards him with the same famous furrowed brows of him.

"I knew it you'll come" Taehyung whisper.

And with his heavy lashes taehyung tried to shake the sleepiness with blinking his eyes to see the guy properly but the mind is so tired that he couldn't expand his eyes fully.

He abruptly get up from the ground while taking the tree as his support pillar.

"I wasn't dreaming" He again says.

Taehyung broke into a wide smile and with his staggering steps he run towards the man whose face is blur in Taehyung eyes but he can sense the guy who he was waiting is finally here to take him..

Taehyung increase his speed and he finally reach the extend hand of the man.

And he jump on the man arm while circling his hands around his neck.

The man grasp Taehyung waist tightly and he pick Taehyung from the ground making his leg dangle in the air.

Both of their chest heave up and down with great ecstasy with a beautiful smile playing on their lips.

Taehyung clutch the man neck tightly like he's afraid to lose the grip and he broke the silence.

"I knew it you'll come to take me-" Taehyung whisper near his ear.

"I would never lea-" The guy didn't complete his word and he felt a push in his chest.

"Jungkook" Taehyung says.

And silence filled the air, the man whose eyes were close flung open, he never thought taehyung will not recognize him.

"Ta-taecyeon, I'm Taehyung's yeon" Taecyeon stutter.

And when the voice reach Taehyung ears his all illusion broke down, his body react differently when he realize it wasn't jungkook.

His smile turned into a thin line and his grip instantly loose in the neck and he tried to get off from the arm of taecyeon but..

Taecyeon put one hand behind Taehyung neck and he push Taehyung face in his shoulder and whisper


Taehyung didn't said anything and hide his face on the crook of taecyeon, something is happening with him and he's fully aware of it what's happening but he has no courage to accept it.

By thigh taecyeon pick taehyung on his waist and whisper near his ear.

"Hold tight" Taehyung hands get firmed on taecyeon neck and he take taehyung to his car.

Taehyung shake his head as no when taecyeon tried to make him sit on the passenger seat and this action made taecyeon heart warm.

"He didn't hurt you, right". Taecyeon asked.

Taehyung again shake his head as no.

Taecyeon enter the driver seat with taehyung still hanging on his waist like his life is dependent on him.

And taecyeon take taehyung somewhere..


After a long three hour of drive taecyeon finally halts his car outside his residence and take sleepy taehyung with himself.

As taecyeon put taehyung on the bed taehyung clutch his shirt tightly and mumble "hug me"

Taecyeon felt goosebumps all over his body when taehyung says those word's, it been 1 year and half month since he hasn't touch taehyung and when taehyung himself give the chance he lovingly take the chance without thinking much.

Taecyeon slowly and gladly hook his muscular arm around taehyung waist and buried his face on taehyung neck.

Taehyung clench his eyes and fist and let taecyeon snuggle in his neck.

Taehyung hold his breath to felt something and even after 10-15 minutes Coocoing in each other arms, taehyung didn't felt the spark in his body like he used to felt, the warmness and comfort taecyeon body used to provide him is nowhere to be found.

And this frustrate taehyung to core, his frustration touch height and he push taecyeon on the bed and straddle his stomach..

"What happ~ uhmm"

Taehyung didn't give any second to taecyeon to be prepare and he attack taecyeon lips for a aggressively kiss.

Taecyeon was beyond shocked as why taehyung behaviour seem different today but nonetheless he gave into the kiss as he waited for taehyung day and night.

His hands moves behind taehyung back and while trying to match the aggressive kiss he slip his hand inside taehyung shirt.

He pull taehyung by jerking his body towards himself that made their chest to stick and a groan left taehyung mouth when he felt the bulge of taecyeon poking his ass.

Taecyeon was excited to go further but was taehyung doing this just because he wanted taecyeon Or there is something reason behind it?

Taehyung pull his head back and gasp for air. Taecyeon brush taehyung pink lips and whisper "Are you alright"

Taehyung ignore him and tear the button of taecyeon and this time he attack taecyeon neck, he suck, bite and left so many bruises on taecyeon neck like he wants to feel something inside him.

Taecyeon who was just letting taehyung do whatever with his body grab his neck and push his face on the crook of his neck.

Taehyung protest but taecyeon one sush made him stop struggling in his arm.

"You can use me as much as you want but can you tell me what happened" Taecyeon whispers softly.

"Just don't say like that I'm just using you, it's not true because-because i-i lo-" Taehyung couldn't complete his own sentence and he burst with tears.

"Why do i cause so much pain only to those who wouldn't think once before sacrificing their lives for me, first you and then" Taehyung says.

"You never-"

"And then him" Taehyung says and the way taecyeon lips get sealed when he realize who's him.

Taehyung seem so distant even though he's so close to him. The niddle pierce taecyeon heart.

"Were you thinking about him when you kissed me?" Taecyeon ask with a heavy heart.

And the silence punch the guts of taecyeon and he put taehyung beside him and roll down the bed.

"Yeon" Taehyung tried to stop him.

"I said I'll wait but will you let me enter into your life again?" Taecyeon ask while showing his back to taehyung.

Taehyung bite his lips, it's so difficult to even put all the emotions into words, everything is so messed up.

Taecyeon chuckle when he didn't get the answer and stride towards the door to let taehyung decide what he wants.

"Yeon" Taehyung called him.

Taecyeon stops in his track.

"Did you informed dad" Taehyung ask.

"He knows, he told me to drive you back to kim mansion, go and take shower we'll leave quickly, I've some other work too" Taecyeon says.

"Are you hurt?" Taehyung ask.

"Hurt is just a fade word tae i'm beyond broken" Taecyeon says and walk out of the room.

Leaving taehyung to swim on his own confusion in the dark room.



The huge gate of Kim's mansion swing open and a beautiful mansion comes in the sight of taehyung.

It's feeling like a dream when he enter the fence of his own mansions, which he left when he was only five.

Taehyung roam his eyes everywhere to look at the details of huge front yard.

"I missed everything" Taehyung says under his breath.

And when taecyeon halt the car a servant run towards the car and open the door for taehyung.

Taehyung bowed and says "thank you"

Taehyung and taecyeon step down from the car and again taehyung looks everywhere to see if he's missing something as he never visited here.

"Let's go" Taecyeon says.

Taehyung looks at him and he can tell taecyeon isn't in a good mood and he even know why.

Some servants run towards taehyung And this made taehyung startled he run behind taecyeon and clutch his hands.

Every servants bow down to taehyung why? Because he's the youngest son of the kim Namjoon.

Taehyung bow his head in respect too.

"Please this way" Servants says.

Taehyung nodded his head and walk behind taecyeon.

And as soon as he enter the mansion he was greeted by a engulf  of warm hug, his eyes swim up when he felt the motherly hug after so many months.

"He didn't hurt, you are fine my baby is fine, yes?" Hwasa immediately check taehyung body.


"That man didn't touched you, let me check properly" Hwasa says and twirl taehyung body left and right to see any injury in his body.

Taehyung heart swell with warmness when he felt the concern in her voice, it's so amazing to feel the motherly love.

Taehyung's eyes swim up and he whisper "mom i missed you so much"

Hwasa stop checking him and she looks at taehyung eyes which is swimming up with hot tears.

"I missed you too" Hwasa says and again take taehyung for a hug.

The excitement in her voice after seeing him is enough for taehyung to stop asking the question which is crawling in his mind since the time he left jungkook farm house.

"Let's go inside" Hwasa says and take taehyung hand in her hand and drag him behind her.

Taecyeon who was just looking at taehyung expression felt tighten around his chest but he shrugg the tightness because he don't want to snatch the happiness of taehyung right now.

No matter what the future hold for taehyung he knows taehyung deserve to know the biggest truth of his life but not by him by his father.

"Where is dad" Taehyung ask his mother.

"He's in meeting" Hwasa says.

"I'm sorry for being late today Mrs kim" Taecyeon bow down for apologize.

"No Taecyeon it's fine but i don't know it would be fine for him or not" Hwasa says.

Taecyeon is namjoon's right hand man and it is necessary for him to attend the meeting but because of the last night call he's late for today's meeting.

Taehyung looks at him and assure him he'll talk with his father, Taecyeon nodded his head.

"I'm going to meet him, on the third floor right mom" Taehyung says excitedly.

"Take rest baby your work has done and i don't want you to involve in this case anymore, I begged namjoon to not involve you in the matter but you knows he don't listen to me and from now on let them take care of everything. I don't want danger revolving around you" Hwasa says with her tensed voice.

"Mom chill!" Taehyung relax his mom by  caressing her cheeks.

"Tae you're going back to US i don't want to hear anything" Hwasa says desperately.

"Mom first let me meet dad" Taehyung says and with taecyeon he left for third floor.

Taecyeon and taehyung takes the stairs and when they reach the second floor.

One door which is slight open caught his attention and there a guy is sleeping while showing his back towards the door and because of his back taehyung couldn't able to see the face of the guy..

"Who's room is this" Taehyung ask from taecyeon.

Taecyeon hesitate, taehyung looks at him and again "and who's sleeping inside"

Taecyeon grab his hand and tried to pull taehyung away from the door.

"Let's go we've to meet your father" Taecyeon says.

Taehyung yank his hands back and whisper "He's not jin, no?"

"Okay listen" Taecyeon says and cup taehyung cheeks.

"How can dad" Taehyung lips wobble.

"Ta-" Taehyung forcefully come out from taecyeon hand and he barge inside the room where jin is sleeping.

"The fuck are you doing in my mansion" Taehyung roar in his deep voice.

Jin who was sleeping because of the rough night yesterday flinch and his breath became heavey when he hear who's voice this belongs to.

Taecyeon run behind taehyung and tried to make him calm.


"Shut up" Taehyung says.

Jin who has fever since morning tried to get up, his body has no strength he tried to get up with the support of his elbow.

"Are you happy to destroy someone's home" Taehyung spit another venom on Jin.

Jin gets up and face taehyung he's looking disheveled.


And as soon as taehyung comes out of Jin mouth, taehyung grab the book from the side and throw it on Jin.

And before taecyeon can even stop taehyung, he threw the book on Jin which lead a cut on Jin face by the sharpness of the book cover.

"Taehyung" Taecyeon grab taehyung and pulled back.

Jin with his tip of finger felt the liquid which is oozing out from his cut and hiss.

He looks down at the tip of his finger which has blood and says more like whisper "why do you hate me so-so much"

"Because you're a disgusting man who'll not think before destroying a happy family"

Taehyung push taecyeon and this time he grab the glass of candle and throw towards Jin but before it can touch Jin someone enter the room and hug Jin and this defence make the glass of candle hit the man's back.

"Are you alright" Namjoon ask to Jin who's shivering badly in his arm.

"Dad" Taehyung again scream.

"How-how can you bring your Mi-mistress when you've a beautiful wife beside you" Taehyung says in disbelief.

"Didn't I warn you already Jin" Taehyung comes near the bed.

"You're a homewrecker you bloody prostit-"  Taehyung clench his fist and scream.

Namjoon anger cross all limits and he turn around and before taehyung could even go further with his degrading words Namjoon lift his hand and a hard hand met taehyung cheeks.

"" Namjoon shows his hand to taecyeon.

"Enough just enough" Namjoon says with pointing his finger to taehyung.

Hwasa enter the room when one servant of her inform what's going inside the room of Jin.

"Namjoon" Hwasa pull taehyung in her embrace.

"Get the fuck out of this room" Namjoon gritted his teeth.

"How can you raise your-"

"You stay out of it" Namjoon with his pointing finger says to Hwasa.

Hwasa take taehyung with herself and worried taecyeon walk behind them.

Namjoon tossed his coat somewhere in room and ran his finger through his hair, he turn back and see a crying Jin.

Namjoon takes the seat next to Jin.

"Jin are-"

"Namjoon please" Jin lift his teary eyes to look at Namjoon.

"He's right I did wreck your home" Jin says between his sob.

Namjoon tried to touch the fresh cut but Jin immediately moves back and this rose Namjoon anger..

"I met you before I marry hwasa so just keep your mouth shut" Namjoon with his anger filled tone said.

"Don't justify your wrong doing Namjoon" Jin says.

"Can you shut your mouth for a second my mind is already heating up by thinking how tae knows about you" Namjoon says.

"Hwasa told her and taehyung even warned me to leave you" Jin says and again wipe his tears.


"Just think what would she felt when she come to know that her husband is cheating on her it's obvious to have that reaction at that time and I won't Blame her because I know she was not wrong" Jin says and lean back on the headrest.

"Take your medicine and sleep" Namjoon says and get up from the bed to leave but one hand grip from Jin made him stop in his step.

Namjoon knows what jin is going to say. So before Jin can even utter a single word Namjoon turn back and.

"Do not ask me to leave you" Namjoon says.

"Namjoon" Jin says pathetically.

"Since how long you'll keep me here, it's high time now think about your children's too" Jin says.

"I'll go back to where I belo- uhmm~"

Namjoon grasp jin's hair and takes his lower lip between his teeth and whisper near his lips

"The thought of someone touching you in the deepest corner of you is enough to burn me alive"

Jin looks straight in the eyes of Namjoon and thought what deed he did in his past life that he fell for a person like Namjoon who doesn't consider someone's emotions and only knows how to own them.

"Can you grant my one wish" Jin ask.

"Depends on what would you wish" Namjoon says.

"Let's have a baby I don't want to live alone anymore" Jin says and felt the grip of Namjoon finger in his hair lossen.

"Why are you so afraid of having a second baby with me Namjoon" Jin push Namjoon from bed and scream the lungs out of him.

"You told me my baby was born dead, do you even realise how traumatic that word was for me"


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