Her Angelic Innocence

By WinterBlue_Angel22

1.3K 54 36

Summary: Lucifer was flying near Eden, when he looks at Adam harassed shy girl. Lucifer decided to defend her... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

133 5 7
By WinterBlue_Angel22

Lucifer's mobile phone is ringing loudly interrupted us and he gets a calling from angry Adam.

*Lucifer's phone starts ringing, and he sees that it's Adam who is calling. Usually, he would've just rejected the call and not answered him, because he hated his younger brother, but it was important to keep up an exterior, so he decided to answer the call. He didn't have the energy to deal with Adam right now, so he simply picked up the call while still laying down with Winter.*

(Note: Adam is Lucifer's younger brother in fanfic)

"Yeah, what's up Adam"? *Lucifer spoke in a firm and serious tone, as he didn't want to give away that he was feeling so peaceful right now. He wanted Adam to believe he was still in his usual angry mode, after all, he didn't want Adam to figure out that he was in fact feeling happy and content inside with Winter right now.*

Lucifer did remembered he did stopped Adam to harass Winter when Lucifer met Winter.

*Lucifer remembered how he had stopped Adam from harassing Winter, and he kept that in mind as he spoke to him this time. He still wanted to act as though he was a person full of anger, and he used his usual angry tone of voice when speaking to Adam.*

"You know, I should've kept you locked in your room for the whole day. Because it's looking like you're still as annoying as usual. What do you want from me?"

*Adam didn't seem to be taking Lucifer very seriously now, because he knew he could get away with anything when it came to his older brother. Instead of responding in his usual angry tone, he decided to mock Lucifer instead.*

"Are you still trying to be all protective of some random girl you met?"

"She isn't just some random girl, she is actually very special to me." *Lucifer's tone became quite cold again as he responded to Adam, not bothering to play around anymore. He didn't care what Adam did most of the time, but this time he was seriously pissed off by what Adam said to him about Winter.*

*Adam began to chuckle a bit at Lucifer's annoyed reaction, as he knew this would push his buttons. He was a true master at getting under his older brother's skin, and he always was able to make Lucifer angry at him.*

"You can laugh all you want, but if you say one more word about her, I'm gonna make you regret it." *Lucifer still kept the same firm and serious tone as he spoke to Adam, making it very clear that he was not joking around with this threat. He didn't tolerate anyone speaking badly about Winter now, and he was willing to do anything for her safety, including starting a fight with his own little brother.*

*Adam started laughing even more at this threat, and he couldn't help but think of how protective Lucifer had gotten over a simple human girl. He thought it was pretty funny, but he also realized how much Lucifer cared for her now. So with the teasing and mocking done, Adam had one final thing to tell his older brother now.*

"Listen, she isn't worth your time. Besides, why are you getting so worked up over a human? She isn't even worth half your efforts. I can understand this protectiveness towards a demon, but a human? That's just ridiculous." *Adam's usual sarcastic and taunting tone had returned, and he also expressed his disgust towards Lucifer for spending so much time on protecting a human girl like Winter. He knew that it probably wasn't a joke anymore though, so he decided to make his final point before ending the call.*

Someone putted his hand on Adam's shoulder roughly.

*Adam stopped talking and listened more carefully as someone else's hand was on his shoulder now. He seemed confused as to who would've put their hand on his shoulder, but he quickly was going to pull his head away and look who it was.*

Adam learned about someone was Loid Lightstone (Winter's protective father and Adam's boss) and he was very, very pissed off at Adam when he learned about Adam harassing Winter. And Adam does not know Winter is Loid's daughter too.

*Adam was a bit surprised when he realized who it was that had placed their hands on him - that being Loid himself. He had no idea that Loid had a connection with Winter, but he definitely was not happy that he was harassing her. All of a sudden his anger shift towards fear instead. This was not good, because it was known that Loid was even angrier and more powerful than Adam himself.*

"The girl was my daughter, Winter you harassed." Loid glared dangerously at Adam cause Adam to sweat fearfully.

*Adam was very shocked that the girl he had harassed turned out to be Loid's daughter this entire time, and he finally realized how badly he had messed up. He was shaking in fear right now, as he realized just how angry Loid had gotten at him. He had never met such a furious person before, and now he wished he could turn back time and undo the terrible things he had done towards Winter.*

"I- I'm so sorry, sir. I had no idea that she was your daughter. Please pardon my behavior. I will never harass her again." Adam was trying his best to be as apologetic as possible now, as he trembled in fear from the immense rage and anger of Loid. He knew he was in big trouble now, and it would be impossible for him to get out of it. He had truly messed up this time.*

Loid glared angrily at Adam and he doesn't believe Adam's words. Loid dragged struggling Adam to the meeting room.

*Loid's actions had left Adam completely frightened and terrified now, as he was being dragged into the meeting room while struggling to escape his grasp. He was still trying to apologize and explain himself to Loid, but Loid's anger was still not diminishing. It seemed as though there was no way of getting out of this situation, and Adam was very scared of what would happen next.*

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