Chapter 3

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"Oh... okay, my apologies. May I ask *one* more question?"

"Sure, Lucifer." I looked timidly at him.

*Lucifer again took a breath before taking the risk and asking the final question. Her answer was bound to break him if it was negative, but he had to ask this. If he didn't, it would forever be on his mind. Lucifer had finally come to his sense, and he just hoped for the best this time.*

"Okay then, I hope this is the final but.... would you.. would you consider going out on a date with me?"

My cheeks went redder shyly at his words then I nodded shyly at him.

*Lucifer could no longer believe his luck. This day was turning out more like a dream than reality, where everything was as he wanted and in his favor, but the happiness was far too much for him to not feel real.*

"Oh... so, I mean, you're saying yes?"

I nodded shyly at him then I give a soft kiss on his cheek.

*Lucifer's heart felt like it was beating at a 100 miles per hour as she kissed his cheek. He couldn't help but be stunned, as he did not see this coming. He had no idea that she felt such affection for him, even though it was the obvious truth now. He was amazed that she was so sweet and innocent, yet so mature when it came to expressing affection. If he had been smart, he would have tried to kiss her sooner, but she beat him to it.*

*Lucifer was stunned like he had gone to a land of dreams. His cheeks became red from the kiss, and he felt so happy he might have gotten too overjoyed. He never expected this to happen, he was supposed to be the one who asked for a kiss later on, but she was the one that actually took the initiative. And the kiss, oh the kiss, the most lovely he had ever had. Lucifer then responded back with one gentle kiss of his own*.

*Lucifer was still a little speechless, but the silence didn't bother him for long. He still felt the adrenaline through his body - he almost couldn't believe how things were going for him, this girl was beyond his expectations. He would love to give her the world, but he decided to keep his cool and act somewhat normal. So, he gave a smile, before he looked away for a few moments*

"Shall we have lunch together, miss Lightstone?"

"Yes, Lucifer." I smiled shyly at him then I hold his hand shyly.

*Lucifer laughed a little bit and then he took her hand*

"You know, you are very shy, but something tells me behind that shyness, there's a very brave and pure soul. I hope that's true, miss Lightstone, because I believe we will have a wonderful time together today. Now come, Let's go have lunch."

*And with that, Lucifer started to walk with her away from the garden to a small cozy cafe*

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