After Death remake | DSaF | A...

By Just_a-rand0m_p3rson

765 36 273

It already passed 5 years since the events of DSaF 3, 5 years since they defeated Dr. Henry Miller and 5 year... More

Chapter 1 - It's time
Chapter 2 - How?
HEY!!!!! A/N
Chapter 3 - It's really you
Chapter 4 - So much time
Chapter 5 - Without a warning
Chapter 6 - New face.... or danger
Chapter 7 - An infallible plan
Chapter 8 - Something odd
Chapter 9 - Escape
Chapter 11 - I still love you

Chapter 10 - Discovery

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By Just_a-rand0m_p3rson

Jacktrap waked up a bit disoriented, he looked everywhere and watch some boxes with a Davetrap looking at him wide eyed, it still didn't understand why until a silhouette opened the door.

He knew it failed.

His breath became faster and he tried to move quietly in vain, its legs felt heavy, and this gave a few chuckles of the one in magenta, he thought he was tied but it seemed that the other was always to steps ahead.

"I love to see that face in my prays, don't worry, I haven't tie you because I didn't see it necessary, besides, I adore to see all of you twitch of pain and try to save yourself of a destiny you all can't escape" He seemed to know what he was doing and he wasn't going to get in the way since he knew it was useless.

But the bunny didn't think the same.

He didn't have it as difficult as the other since he could get up and hold it, the magenta turned around and got mad. "So naive as always Willy"

The other ran towards the only exit taking the chance the other left it free to get a button on a box, the bunny opened the door and felt a sharp pain in his leg.

He let out a moan of pain, but Davetrap was knew for his determination and got Legacy out of the room, the bear got up how he could and saw the other one on the floor.

"C'mon Sportsy... Let's get out o' here!" He extended his hand to the other who only watched him with a skeptical face and later chuckle uncontrollably "Oh please William, I won't save you of what you deserve"

He felt how his inexistent heart break in one hundred pieces, why would he do this? He just needed to help him get up.

"Dumb gets short to describe you" He smiled one last time grabbing the doorknob getting ready to close the door on his face. "I hope you have fun in hell"

And with this Legacy's face disappeared, lefting the bunny destroyed inside and outside.

Henry had the control-shock in hand, but knew it wasn't necessary. He would have a little talk with the other later, besides, psychology torture is better than the physical one.

Less work more efficient like others say.

"It's a shame it left you" Said the other without interest, seeing Davetrap's expression almost make him smirk. "You know this is the best, right? I just want the best for you." He tried to manipulate him, and he was going to believe it for a second, but Henry didn't count Davetrap's stubbornness.

A single movement gave him an answer: he scoffed.

He scoffed like it was an irony, and this didn't make Henry happy. "Very well, if you want it like that, then so be it" The bunny didn't understood what he was saying at first until he got out those two things he feared the most.

A remote control and a single wrench.

He looked at them with terror meanwhile the magenta looked at him indifferent, like those two things didn't mean something to him. But for the bunny it was a dead sentence.

"Let's see if you can last like the other time" He pressed the button and a scream of pain was heard, for the first time he cursed that the Saferoom's walls were soundproof.

Or maybe not, it would be useless, nobody could help him. Even like this, he had hope his orange in springlock suit would save him.

So naive.

"Let the game start"


Jack was startled when he heard his mate scream from the kitchen, he hurried up and saw Dave on the floor crying a little. He didn't asked if he was ok, it was obvious he wasn't.

"What hurts you?" He asked serious, the other muttered a "don't worry" trying not to cry. The orange man wasn't convinced with his answer so he decided to take the matter in his hand.

He revised what was hurting him, he noticed the purple man's hands were trembling and he hold his knees a bit with his eyes wide whispering apologies and begging it to stop.

Jack didn't knew what to do so he hugged him, he wasn't good demonstrating his emotions or giving comfort but he would try if that would make Dave feel better.

The other just clung strongly, he didn't knew exactly why he was crying, why he was saying apologies or why he felt so betrayed, it was a feeling he didn't quite understand.

But that was the less of his problems when he let out a moan of pain when he felt a stitch in his chest.

It was like the springlocks activated again.

He didn't even notice when Jack brought him to the couch and whispered sweet nothing into his ears, or when Blackjack was in his lap hoping to make him feel a bit better.

"It hurts" was the only coherent word he got to say in all this time, it was progress. "Don't worry, this will pass, just concentrate in one point" Jack said, like he said he wasn't good with this.

Dave relax a little, at least it wouldn't hurt him.

Why did he thought he would hurt him?...

The two crayons and the dog passed the time in the purple one's couch until the mentioned could feel better.

The orange took the opportunity and thought a little, he wasn't even sure about coming back home because of the fight he had with Peter, since the incident in the pizzeria he went directly to Dave's home with him.

One of his eyes had a tic and put the purple man in a more comfortable position when he noticed his breath slowed down and he knew he fell asleep, even like that he won't even stop hugging him. This won't let him put the purple man in a more comfortable position. The dog understood the message and moved so he would facilitate the task.

He relaxed a bit and put Dave on him, laying down the two in the couch.

This was a sign for the dog to get on their lap again. The orange didn't wanted to let go of the purple man thinking if he did it, he would disappear. But in that he thought.

'What are we?' The doubt got him again, he didn't believe what they did was of 'homies', but he doesn't want things to change again. If they're alright, why should they change?

"You're scared" Suddenly, a voice that only he understands correctly answered, a voice that didn't needed any translation or code and that it was exactly like his: Blackjack has spoken.

"Oh please" Answered making it less important. "Me? Scared? I confronted Henry Miller and Fredbear and won in two different timelines, I even make two murderers look like a joke and I can make whatever I please as I please" He looked at the dog with superiority "I'm the one who rolls the nickels here."

The dog was holding back his laughter "Big talk for someone who was controlled twice to keep a legacy and ended burnt" The other looked at him with hatred. "I was burnt because I choose to be so, after all, I decided in the end to do what it was correct."

The negative one denied that, but again replied "Either way you're saying it like you controlled the future, you just affect it with your decisions. Not everything depends on you"

He chuckle "How hypocrite of your part" the two knew they were wrong, but they will never have the bravery to fix it. At least that. "But, that's not what worries you, is it?" The orange one stopped laughing and turned to look at the dog who was forming something similar to a smile.

It was difficult to tell, he wasn't a dog. Or well... At least not this form of him.

"C'mon Jack, I know you more than anybody. You can tell me" He rodded his eyes but knew he didn't have much of an option.

He looked at Dave again and sighted but he didn't have to say a thing, the dog understood "I see... So you fell in love with your sister's murderer?" That make him feel a bit guilty, a little bit, but it was something.

He felt like his head spend and wanted it to stop, he didn't liked to feel like this, or maybe he did. Dave make him many inexplicable things.

"Don't make it seem like that..." He sighted defeated, the guilty was coming and how he dared to fell in love with his and his sister murderer. Or at least the one who helped in their deads and much more deads.

He did even fell in love?

He frowned at the question, maybe he just felt attraction or friendship love, but again, he doubts friends kiss each other and likes to do so.

The purple dog noticed this and tilted his head "Great, do you know how you feel?" A simple question that had a strong answer.


He didn't even knew why he lied, he only felt it was the correct thing to do.

The other looked at him skeptical but only lay down in his lap "I don't believe you, but good luck trying to explain this to our siblings." He didn't even had time to think about what he said when the dog was fast asleep.

Jack felt confused and he didn't knew what to do, desperate he tried to search an answer and looked at Dave.

He was so relaxed he envied him.

But at the same time he felt, peace?

Again, he had a stomach ache and he knew what it was: guilt. Guilt of enjoying himself meanwhile his siblings are worried. Guilty of not realizing how he felt before.

Guilty of not knowing how to express himself.

He always feels guilty.

He sighted and lay down, he looked at the other's face with admiration and decided for once in his life wouldn't be attached to compromises. For once in his life he wanted to do what he really wants.

He closed his eyes and whispered "I love you Dave" it was hard to say it but at least he could get that out of his chest, he hoped the other wouldn't heard him but that was broken when he felt two arms hugging him "Little shi-"

He didn't end his sentence because the purple man laughed without letting him go.

"I understood now, you want me to go" The orange said putting a winning smile in his face trying to leave but Dave didn't allow him and shut up.

"Exactly what I thought" It was the orange's turn to laugh, the purple man frowned a little. The two stayed like that and the noise that they make waked up the dog in their laps which started barking angrily.

"Use words, y'know ya' can talk" Said Dave chuckling towards the dog's attitude which only barked more and make the two man in the room laugh uncontrollably.


Davetrap walked like he could to what was supposed to be his room, it was the old Fredbear's backstage, he had to admit he would have liked it to be the Saferoom like how it was in his "gold epoch" if you could call that the time he could be considered "alive".

At least he had more space there.

Sadly, now that is Henry's laboratory, or how he likes to call it, specialized torture room. It was supposed to be a joke between Jacktrap and him because of what happens there.

And he would like it to be only a joke.

For being distracted on his own thoughts, he almost fell with a table of the Dinning Room, he chuckle for holding back tears. It was better than complain about something he couldn't fix, he noticed the exit doors where just some meters of him.

If he ran enough -

He shaked his head, he would never left his loyalty to the magenta and his beloved tangerine, he doesn't care, the magenta has done so much for him like bringing him back to life, giving him a home when nobody else would, he always gave him a second opportunity. The wounds were a little prize to pay like the surgeries of a long time ago, he didn't care. Meanwhile he keep being useful, it was alright.

And oh... What haven't done the orange for him...

Yes, he burnt him to dead twice, he also betrayed him for his so-called brother. But now he has changed and has seen the light, he was with them like he always wanted. And he saved his back many times when they worked together in Colorado.

He keep walking but couldn't avoid seeing that the doors of Henry's office were open. He had curiosity and the magenta man for sure wouldn't care.

He saw that there was nobody and entered. He search something that interested him, he was about to go until he found some cassette tapes with a cassette player.

'Maybe this could help in something' He thought, he prepared the player and disposed to heard all of them.


Peter was about to kill someone, he didn't knew how a man of more than 40 years old and orange can be lost so easily.

He decided not to worry anymore, anyways Jack was already an older man and he knew what to do. He had enough trust on him to know he wouldn't commit a big stupidity.

That was what he wanted to say to himself, but he wouldn't call himself the brother of the mentioned if he didn't knew him better to say that for sure his little brother would commit a stupidity if left alone.

More with Dave at his side.

But, that was what characterized his little brother more than anything: being unpredictable.

It was so unpredictable what he was doing that he didn't knew where to search first.

Not like he was going to do it now, what he did was his own responsibility. "He is never grateful for what I do for him" Whispered to himself the phone that was walking through the park.

His wife told him a walk wouldn't hurt him, he wasn't sure what she was doing but she was busy. So he left Dee with Steven.

He didn't knew if it was a good idea but he didn't have another option, Harry was meeting an old friend and didn't wanted to ruin his day.

He believes he is called Joe.

"I don't know what to do" Peter sighted sitting in a branch, walking so much is tiring.

He heard some giggles and looked at the source of the sound, he got his phone head up and saw two kids playing. One was blonde with blue eyes and the other also had blond hair but was green-eyed. For his appearance Peter thought they were brothers.

The older brother hold the youngest and spin meanwhile the young one imagined to be an airplane, they fell and roll through the grass but they seemed to be ok.

The two giggle and the older took the opportunity to tickle him.

He remembered when Jack and him played, Jack used to ask him the doubts of any younger kid when he tried to answer them the best he could.

He chuckle, he didn't knew how he remembers that when his memory is supposed to fail, better for him.

"I think I know what to do now"  The telephone said to get out a sight and go to Steven's house. Or that was what he would have done if it wasn't for a call of the mentioned. "Hello Steven, actually, I was going to your house, everything good?" Peter said but he didn't expected the other on the line to chuckle nervously and tell him.

"There was a change of plans, Dee maybe is missing"

That was enough for the red phone to stood up and ran the most quick he could to destroy what it was left of Steven's body.


Haha I feel all of you will burnt me for the Davetrap part... Don't worry guys, it's worse from here <3

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