Souls & Spirits | ONC 2024

By Anunimouse96

104 21 7

The 20s are back and the Prohibition is in full effect. Only this time the only spirits that are being outlaw... More

Aster Rhodes
Beneath The Surface
Dandy Cafe
Eyes to see
Kill The Bookkeeper
Look What You Made Me Do
Now What?
One Fateful Day
Cover Art
Characters II
Locations and Additional Art

Music & Mind Control

2 1 0
By Anunimouse96

The class got properly equipped to shoot their targets. Each student took a turn to shoot the test dummies while the professor of the course evaluated them based on the speed, ammunition and accuracy. When it was Allen's turn to shoot, he began doing well until he got carried away with the adrenaline he felt upon shooting and wasted the ammo. The professor gave a stoic stare and clicked his tongue in disapproval, some of the students exchanged concerned looks.

One of the plexi glass windows got cracked.

Allen got sent to the principal's office. When he looked through the glass door he saw the principal attending a business call before he casted a glare at the student before turned his desk chair from the side, his back facing the student while Allen hesitated to enter the principal's office.

The principal sent a virtual document from his computer before closing the window of the website as he signalled the student to enter. Allen took his seat while the principal eyed the student intently without the intention to intimidate though his sour countenance was misleading to say the least.

“I just received a report.” The principal commented, “You have two strikes; the first one was for the misuse of a firearm, the second strike was for property damage.”

“Yes sir.” Allen murmured a reply, looking at the furnished desk, the resin giving the wooden surface a seemingly immaculate finish.

“I assume that you are struggling with,” the principal paused for a second, noticing a saddened countenance upon the redhead, “anger issues.”

Repressed anger, lack of self-esteem and religious guilt among of the few facets that reflected upon his mental health not to mention that one of his medical records had mentioned that he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at one point which explained in part the aversion of eye contact and the dismissal of some social cues.

“Listen Murray, it's understandable to feel impotence at times given how difficult some of the recent events have been.” The principal referred to Reynold's case and the recent school shootings that had taken place in other schools, “But you need to have better control over your impulses.”

“Yes, sir.” Allen looked at the principal and took in his physical features, moreover the shape of his head and jawline. Allen fiddled with the strap of his backpack to feel the texture as a way to alleviate stress.

“This is your last warning, one more strike and you will get expelled from the academy.” The principal stated, Allen clenched his hand around the strap. The bell rang before the principal had allowed him to leave the office.
Allen empathized with Richard in part about losing his dad. Although in Allen's personal experience, he had witnessed his father pass away from a stroke and his only cousin get kicked out of the house in a blink of an eye.

Aster was like an older brother that he grew up with.

Aster was Allen's polar opposite: extroverted, expressive, lackadaisical, upbeat, and courageous. Aster had always called him Dimple despite that he rarely smiled. Aster was usually the one who could carry a conversation for the both of them when they were children. Allen followed Aster around the house and played with him, it had been a routine.

Aster would come to Allen's room to join him when it came to building blocks, playing puzzles or board games. Aster and Allen teamed up to do the chores and clean up the mess, leaving Allen to clean most of it in the end. Allen would then follow Aster outside to play whatever outdoor activity his cousin had in mind and so on. There had been occasions when Aster annoyed him with his questions, the cuddling and idle talk. Even though Allen didn't like physical affection that much, he allowed Aster to hug him because that was his way of showing how much he cared.

Both of them had been bullied at some point; Aster was ridiculed for his clumsy class clown persona and vocabulary, give or take a few lisps while Allen had been bullied for his avoidant personality and lack of social etiquette. Allen took every word in a literal sense since he had no notion of what sarcasm meant schaudenfrade. Aster had defended Allen from bullies, even if he was the one who wound up becoming the punching bag.

Aster had been there for him throughout his childhood and he took the fall because of an accident Allen caused. It was one of his impulses that got Aster kicked out of the house. Aster might've been a 16-year-old back then but he was still a minor. Allen still kept the letters Aster sent despite that there were other alternatives available like texting or social media.

At least the correspondence letters were tangible and he could tell what kind of person Aster was based on his handwriting. Allen preferred to have something tangible than to search through applications to read a text and he didn't like social media, he still doesn't. He only had those applications in order to finish his courses.

He found Duncan and Richard exchanging notes as they worked on a side project of their own. Most likely related to the investigation of the Bookkeeper. The only clues they had was the suspect's physical description: dark raven hair, green eyes, light skin, approximately weighing around 122 pounds and the estimated stature of 176 centimeters.

The bookkeeper had to keep a low profile, which he had no problem in doing so as long as their wasn't much noise. Unfortunately, he could hear the band's acoustics echoing all the way to the speakeasy. He preferred to stay isolated in his office but he had the obligation to chaperone the birthday girl in Ender's stead. After the Dandy Cafe was closed for the evening, Ivy chose to spend the night dancing with the flapper dress Daisy gave her as a birthday gift.

It wasn't exactly a quinceañera dress that Ivy wanted though it certainly compensated for her first day on the job given that she had an odious chaperone who refused to give her a dance.

After the Daisy Dukes have performed a couple of songs, Aster had decided to make his own violin solo to dedicate a poem for the birthday girl.

These flowers are for you, my dear

Don't be so blue, be of good cheer

If your heart breaks,

I'll give you a mandrake

Who would make such a foolish mistake?

What I would give to have you for goodness sake

To heal the heart of a maiden

In return I'll give you a snapdragon

If you feel so glum,

I'll give you a chrysanthemum

If you felt silly,

I'll give you a tiger lily

If you feel happy,

I'll give you a poppy

For a touch of your lips,

I'll give you a tulip

Blow a dandelion to grant wishes

An edelweiss in exchange for a kiss

There are so many flowers

Of different kinds and colors

Roses are red and violets are blue

Each one is unique just like you

I could admire you for hours

Your beauty in all its splendor

I want this to be faithful and true

So these flowers are for you

I can see in your beautiful eyes

That your heart soars like butterflies

It's a pleasure to meet someone so lovely

A pretty lady by the name of Ivy.


vy couldn't help but to fall for Aster's azure orbs while Mishaal rolled his eyes at the romantic serenade. “It's not surprising for sentimental types like her to fall for this flimflam.” Mishaal thought coldly as before he heard a rhythmic sound.

It was sudden yet oddly familiar.

He couldn't exactly recall when it had happened but Mishaal was certain that he hadn't heard since his initiation when he began working for Blaise. He heard a rhythmic sound and then, nothing happened. At least that was what he could remember about that evening.

When he turned around he saw Ivy dancing with Aster while she was entranced by him. No, wait!

Aster's eyes were glowing.

“Why are you glowing blue?” Mishaal questioned, narrowing his eyes at the violinist before Aster turned around. The blue light had hurt his vision as such, Mishaal removed his pince-nez from his nose.

“I don't know but I like the feeling.” Aster admitted as he played another note, Ivy twirled then put her leg around Aster's hip.

“Stop that this instant!” Mishaal closed his eyes, then blinked as he tried to regain his vision even if it was all blurry with his myopia.

“Or what?” Darrell's question was answered when Mishaal pulled his M1918 pistol from his holster and raised it.

“I can still shoot you even with my myopia, you imbecile.” It took a strum of a chord for Mishaal to drop the gun. “What the--”

“Calm down, ol' serious face. We're just having fun.” Aster replied. The Daisy Dukes have discovered this newfound ability after Aster's initiation. Darrell had used one of the illicit spirits from the cellar that a bioluminescent liquid inside of it and smashed the glass bottle against Aster's skull, making him an official member of the Daisy Dukes.

Unbeknownst to them that they used one of the spirits that were supposed to be confined inside the vessel. That bottle was consecrated for sacrifices, not for inducting a vagrant into the band.

It was at Ivy's birthday party that they discovered that their songs have the power to control minds, and they are determined to figure out how this power works... and how to use it.

After the inciting incident; the band risk misusing their talents to captivate an audience and to attract unwanted attention from the criminal underworld who want to get their hands on them, specifically for their newfound power to control minds.

After their 90 minute slot the five band members leave the stage satisfied with their performance for the night. Aster made his way to his violin case, putting his violin and bow inside and closed the lid.

Aster bowed slightly. “Gentlemen.” The men frowned but open one of the doors, letting Aster enter the full banquet before closing it again. The hall was definitely fuller, more people around and squeezing into the place. Slowly but surely, his hunger only grew as he made his way to the bar, hoping to buy something of substance. He found an empty bar stool and went onto it, waiting for a bartender to talk to him.

Suddenly he felt a soft hand on his left shoulder as a light voice spoke up. “Aster nice seein’ you still around,” Daisy said as she sat down next to him on a stool, her cigarette holder flying about, “How’s your night been?”

Aster looked down at the wooden counter before looking into her green eyes. “Oh It’s been… delightful!”

“How nice.” she said before their conversation suddenly died, both unsure what to say next.

“Why are you alone, Mrs. R?” He asked bluntly before the silence could get any more awkward, the lack of her husband suddenly apparent.

“Blaise still has business to do, so I decided to have a little fun in the meantime. Wanna join me for a drink, honey?” She proposed to the young man, her dark blonde hair made into beautiful marcel waves, light purple eyeshadow along with her subtle eyelashes, bold lush red lipstick and the lightest pink blush, smiling softly.

“I…I’d love to but mustn’t I be over 21 years old to drink alcohol?” Aster asked worriedly, making Daisy chuckle a little as she held a hand out for a bartender.

“Oh honey, no one cares if you’re a year or two too young for alcohol,” she said and turned to the waiting bartender, her gaze still on Aster. “What do you want?”

“Mmh… I don't really know what's good Mrs. Ray” Aster chuckled and rubbed his neck a little embarrassed.

“Well then… we’ll take two Lafite Rothschilds.” Daisy pronounces the Lafite as Lafeete. Suddenly Aster stomach growls loudly, catching Daisy's attention. “And two servings of wings.” She added before the bartender runs off into the backroom of the bar.

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