ꕤblue waterꕤ

By Gromblesmcfombles

85 13 0

a small group of friends try and navigate through the struggles of deciding what to do on summer vacation, di... More

Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Chapter 2 - The Bakery
Chapter 3 - Cruel Summer
Chapter 4 - Where the Woof?
Chapter 7 - Heron Fucks Lauren
Chapter 8 - I Kissed A Girl
Chapter 9 - DILF
Chapter 10 - Pathetic dorks are the Hottest, Aren't They, Doggy?
Chapter 11 - Endless Summer Vacation
Chapter 12 - Summertime Sadness
Chapter 13 - The End of ꕤblue waterꕤ

Chapter 5 - Edward

4 1 0
By Gromblesmcfombles

The sleepover the other night went off without a hitch, everybody had a surprisingly good time despite what was revealed! And they even convinced Lauren to watch a horror movie! How delightful, dare I even say, lovely. But all good things must come to an end eventually, as a wise person once said. And as another wise person said, don't fall asleep when a vampire is nearby. Lauren yawned, stretching his arms up before noticing he had found himself in an unfamiliar place. “Hm?” He looked around, the decor reminiscent of an old gothic manor. Or a Victorian era mansion, Lauren couldn't remember. He was laying down on a large plush bed, where he noticed Jessica and Ripley were also sleeping. “… Hey, hey! Wake up!” Lauren sat up, shaking Jessica awake enough to where she realized… she had no fucking clue where she was.

“Lauren?? Where are we? Hey, blue head, get up,” Jessica shook Ripley awake before hopping off the large bed, the cold marble floor sending a chill up her spine. “This definitely isn't my dads house,” She murmured, looking up at the chandelier in the center of the room. “You're telling me your house doesn't morph into a giant emo mansion upon nightfall?” Ripley joked, flopping off the bed with a thud. “That's lame.” Jessica grinned. “If it DID, then I would've been famous a lot sooner,” Lauren creaked the large double doors of the bedroom open, peering out into a large hallway adorned with numerous strange paintings. “This place is creepy!! And where's Vincent?? And Heron?” He asked, only getting a shrug from the others.

“They fell asleep the same time as us, right? Maybe they got thrown in another room?” Ripley suggested. The three walked out into the halls, Jessica and Lauren regretted the fact that they weren't wearing socks. Marble floors are quite chilly, and they didn't have Ripley's foresight. Nor her fuzzy pink socks. “Right, we should find an exit, they have those, yeah?” Ripley said, looking at one of the paintings. “This is an old one, you can tell by the degradation of the paint.” She pointed out. “Oh? Really? That's cool! How'd you know that??” Jessica happily asked, looking up at the painting too. “I don't know for sure, to be honest. I just said that cause it looks similar to an old painting I saw.” She said, at least being truthful. Jessica's face drooped, sighing. “Let's just find an exit,”

The three continued on, reaching yet another corridor, though this one had statues instead of paintings. “Hm, this'll be hard!! All these damn hallways look the same!” Ripley said, kicking one of the stone statue's legs. “We gotta find someway out, i gotta call my parents!! I haven't even been out this late before, and they're probably worried sick!!!” Ripley giggled, turning to face Lauren. “Okay, well, that doesn't matter as much! Be rebellious! Remember what we talked about? Be a damn teenager!” Lauren frowned, giving a half-hearted nod. “We SHOULD still find that door, though, I mean for all we know a serial killer could've kidnapped us,” Jessica said, raising a good point. “Don't you think Vincent or Heron would've stopped them before they did anything?” Ripley asked, also raising a good point.

“That's true, actually, a vampire and a werewolf on their own are dangerous enough… two at the same time would be a death sentence!” Jessica said, putting a hand to her chin. “Maybe it was another werewolf? They could've been spying on us!” Lauren walked ahead while Ripley and Jessica discussed the possibility of what happened to the others, noticing an off looking statue after a moment. “… Weird!” The statue's eyes were moving around erratically, which wasn't your typical statue movement! In fact, Lauren was so distracted by the statue's eyes, he didn't see the person hiding between its legs.

Ripley and Jessica's heads snapped toward a loud screech, one that came directly from Lauren! You could tell by the pitch, and how loud it was. A larger guy had leapt out at Lauren, grabbing a hold of him and pinning him down on the ground. “Hey!! Let him go!” Jessica demanded, running over to their location with Ridley close behind. Though, they stopped when the man hissed at them, baring his fangs and revealing himself as a vampire. The pale white skin was also a pretty good giveaway, but he also could've just been a basement gamer, and they don't like to judge. “Come any closer, and I'll sink my fangs into your little friend here!” He cackled, Lauren helplessly failing in his grip. Vampire or not, though, he most likely would have needed help.

“No, don't do that! He's too short!!” Ripley said, stopping so that Lauren didn't become a vampire's juice box. Jessica stopped in her tracks, too, wondering what she should do. Oh! Contemplate! Vampire's love that. “Let him go! And, uh, we'll give you anything you want!” Bargaining was Jessica's expertise, she knew she had this in the bag. “Hmm, okay! I want… his blood in my mouth,” He grinned. “… Fuck,” Jessica huffed, contemplating another skill. “Anywho, I'm real thirsty, so!” Lauren screamed as the vampire slowly went for his neck, Jessica screamed as she witnessed a vampire about to devour his short friend, and Ridley screamed as she didn't wanna be left out. And she was terrified too, but mostly didn't wanna be left out.

Lauren could feel the vampire's breath on his throat as he awaited his last moments, before… before the vampire stopped, snickering and giggling as he picked himself up, Lauren too. “HAH!!! I love scaring humans,” He said, holding Lauren by the collar of his jacket. “You shoulda seen yourself! It'd be cute if it wasn't so pathetic at the same time,” He said, the sudden shift in demeanor being quite confusing. “… Wait, so, uh, you're not gonna eat me in front of my friends??” Lauren asked, looking up at the vampire that still had a hold on him. “Pfft, nah, you gotta pay for that experience!” He laughed, Lauren giving him a concerned look. “Besides, you reek of holy water, and my skins already getting itchy just touching you! I don't need my insides being itchy, either.”

Jessica stayed silent for a few more seconds, before hesitantly walking up to him with Ripley. “Wait, so who ARE you, then?” Ripley asked. “Also, can we have him back?” Jessica added, reaching for Lauren before getting her hand swatted. “I'm Bittern, I'm Heron's older brother! Or at least one of them. Also, no, I like holding him. He's cute in a sad way.” How flattering. Jessica's eyes perked up at that. “Heron?? Did he bring us here?” She asked, getting a head shake from Bittern. “Nah, that was me and my sis, actually! He wouldn't shut up 'bout y'all so we wanted to pull a little prank,” He grinned, none of them seemed impressed though. “… So you kidnapped three teenagers? As a prank?” Ripley said, unable to tell if that's awesome or unreasonably sadistic.

“Besides, he'll realize soon! I bet on it,” Sure enough, Heron appears from a cloud of black smoke behind Bittern. Almost immediate smacking him on the back of the head, too. “OUCH!!!” Bittern shrieked, turning around. “The hell is wrong with you!? You STOLE THEM!?” Heron shouted, even more annoyed with his brother's smug face. “Maybe! Maybe it was Egret, you don't know!” He said, being coy on purpose. “Oh, don't put the pin on me,” A woman's voice said, coming from behind the other two girls. “At least take pride in the guilt!” She said with a smile. “Ugh, so it was you two, then?” Heron groaned. “Yeah, yeah, we did it,” Bittern said shamelessly, angering Heron further.

“You guys' are lucky they knew about vampires and stuff already! That would've been stupid otherwise!” Egret rolled her eyes. “We wouldn't have done it if YOU hadn't revealed our existence first, mister.” She said sternly, making Heron's face droop. “… Uh, well, I mean that wasn't TOTALLY my fault!” Heron said awkwardly, not being very convincing. “Right, right.” Bittern playfully sneered. “You guys haven't told mom or dad, did you?? I haven't prepared for that enough!!” Bittern shook his head, looking at his sharp nails. “Nah, we haven't blackmailed you yet!” He said, chuckling. “Seriously?” Heron growled. “Maybe you should think about your actions before you do them next time!” Egret shrugged. Heron grimaced, pausing.

“How'd you guys even know about that stuff, anyway?” He asked, looking at the two. “Oh, I put a spy-der in your pocket.” That bit of information pissed Heron off even more, enough to where he teleported off to go punch a tree or something. “… Spy-der??” Ripley repeated, making Egret turn around. “Yes! Spy spiders! I raise them and then throw them on people for blackmail,” She explained. “That's stupid,” Ripley said, before continuing. “I love it.” Heron came back after a few moments, pulling Lauren out of Bittern's grip and dragging the two girls downstairs. “Where are we going???” Jessica said, following Heron down the excessively large staircase. “I'm going to introduce all of you to my parents, I'm not getting blackmailed… for the 65th time,” He groaned.

“How the fuck have you gotten to that number!?” Ripley said, getting a halfhearted shrug from Heron. “I don't know, I do a lot of dumb shit and drugs, it's kinda easy.” They contemplate on whether they should feel bad or not, but they're already downstairs in the living room. Heron's parents were on the couch, reading some old dusty book while wearing clothes that died out about 4 centuries ago. “Hey mom, dad, Egret and Bittern kidnapped my friends and brought them here, so I figured I'd let you say hi,” He said, not hiding anything whatsoever. “You know, Heron, there is a lovely concept called LYING.” Jessica interjected. “Nah, it's fine, they aren't nearly as serious as those damned wolves.”

The mention of wolves caught his parent's attention even more, causing his father to set the book down. “Ugh, werewolves, wretched fleabags, that's all they are.” His father grimaced, not a fan, evidently. “Wait, was that one movie actually right? Do vampires and werewolves actually hate each other??” Heron's mother shook her head, standing up. “No, no, no, barely anything in that damned movie is accurate! He just had a terrible relation with a werewolf once, and he's still not over it,” His father stood up. “HE RATTED ME OUT TO A GROUP OF HUNTERS!!!” He shouted. “See it would've been fine, but he also ousted me for being gay at the same time, and that got the priests on me too!” He grumbled, adjusting the collar of his tux. “You guys are centuries old, then!?” Lauren gasped, getting two nods in response. “Of course, darling! We are vampires, what'd you expect?” Lauren turned to Heron. “Does that mean you're way older than we thought??” Heron shook his head, putting a hand on his hip. “No, actually, you age normally until you reach 25 as a vampire, THAT'S when your age gets stunted and all 'Twilight' and stuff,” He explained.

Heron's mother groaned, shaking her head. “Heron, dear, I would pay you to stop saying that to explain vampire things. We do not mention Twilight in this house!” Heron gave her a thumbs up, turning back to his friends. “This is Jessica, Lauren, and… uh, Ripley.” He said. “I don't actually know Ripley that much, I met her like literally the other night, but she has blue hair, so that's cool.” His parents smiled, more welcoming than you'd expect from two vampires. “It's lovely to meet you three! We don't get many visitors often, let alone ones that aren't actively trying to stake us,” His mother said. “Unfortunately, there are VERY many misconceptions regarding vampires and our species, thanks to one white woman, so if you have ANY questions… do ask!” His father said, getting pelted with a load of questions from Ripley not even a second after. “Do you eat humans? Can you turn people into vampires just by biting them?? Do you shimmer in the sun!? Oh, oh, oh! And do you like steak dinners?”

The two vampires stood there for a few seconds, processing that before answering. “No, in modern times, you'd be challenged to find a vampire that still eats humans! Though in the olden days, it was more common. We stick to animal blood! If I'm being honest, it tastes better.” His mother said. “As for the biting, it's more intentional than you'd be led to believe! We don't bite humans, even in defense, and you won't turn into a vampire if we don't want you to.” He said, before continuing. “And NO we do NOT shimmer in the sun, I don't even know how she came up with that one, honestly…” He sighed. “The last answer to your question, yes! We do! Another misconception is that we only drink blood! But it's more akin to how a human needs water to survive, we still eat like most humans.” He finished.

“I'd probably go insane if I had to consume nothing but blood,” Bittern said, appearing from nowhere on one of the couches. As did Egret. “It gets too metallic sometimes, tastes like I'm drinking a steel beam!” He laughed, Heron nodding in agreement. “He isn't wrong, i usually just eat my blood in foods, so I can mask the taste,” Heron added, making his father snicker a little. “Pussies,” His father whispered, swiftly getting elbowed in the side by his wife. “Oh, not everyone can get used to the taste of it, especially considering you've had the most time too!” His father smiled at that, shrugging. “Never said it was a bad thing! It just means more for me, really,” Bittern laughed. “I'm surprised, dad! If you can stomach it better than the rest of us, then how come I always beat ya at our blood drinking games?” Bittern teased. “OH, YOU WANNA FUCKING GO, LITTLE MAN!?”

Heron glanced over at his friends, quickly ushering them back upstairs. “We're gonna go to my room before they start brawling again,” He said awkwardly, slamming the door shut once inside. His room was as expected, quite messy with laundry tossed every which way, smelled like weed, but hey he also had a Nintendo 64 so that's cool! Lauren flopped down on Heron's bed, a little bothered by something. “Is something wrong, Red? Still a little shaken up?” Heron asked, sitting next to him. “Heh, yeah, meeting a whole load of vampires isn't the most chill situation! Even more considering you thought that one guy was gonna eat you!” Ripley spoke up, chuckling a little as she looked through a bookshelf of games. “Oh, did he really do that? Tsk, yeah sorry that's like his FAVORITE thing to do when he can,” Heron laughed a little too, turning to Jessica. “Your families cool, at least! You'll have to invite me over next time, I would rather NOT be kidnapped again,” Jessica smiled, mostly happy to learn more about her best friend's life.

Lauren sighed, finally looking up and confessing as to what was bothering him. “… Uhm, this entire day and stuff, and… last night! It kinda made me realize…” He paused, crossing his arms, before speaking up again. “… I'm in love with Vincent and i wanna see him with his clothes off his hot body.” He revealed. “… WHAT!?!” 

chapter 6 - I'm so confused and scared all the time, but all I know is that my mind really wants you, and my body does too, and I don't even know if that's a sin or not anymore, coming soon

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